Dynamic File Outbound Gateway based on header - spring

I'd like to archive files that come in on a directory based on \name\date structure - so even every day the directory will change. Any suggestions appreciate.
I'm was on track to create a file outbound-gateway where the directory is dynamic, where the header is enriched with a method that generates the path of the directory.
I was thinking of something like this
<file:outbound-gateway id="archive" request-channel="input"
reply-channel="channel" directory="#Header[archiveLocation]}"
mode="REPLACE" delete-source-files="true">
But it doesn't seem to be the way to do it.
Based on previous related answers, I'm familiar with the samples at
My concern of doing it this way is, would there be any resource issues if I need to create tens, or hundreds of different outbound-gateway?
Since I can put the data in the header, is there an easier way to do it. Or is the directory field set at context initialization, and cannot be dynamic?

After finally creating an account on Stack Overflow all these years to post a question, found the answer later. I can use directory-expression.
<file:outbound-gateway id="archive" request-channel="input"
reply-channel="channel" directory-expression="headers.archiveLocation"
mode="REPLACE" delete-source-files="true">


Is there a Go implementation of fs.ReadDir for Google Cloud Storage?

I am creating a web application in Go.
I have modified my working code so that it can read and write files on both a local filesystem and a bucket of Google Cloud Storage based on a flag.
Basically I included a small package in the middle, and I implemented my-own-pkg.readFile or my-own-pkg.WriteFile and so on...
I have replaced all calls in my code where I read or save files from the local filesystem with calls to my methods.
Finally these methods include a simple switch case that runs the standard code to read/write locally or the code to read/wrote from/to a gcp bucket.
My current problem
In some parts I need to perform a ReadDir to get the list of DirEntries and then cycle though them. I do not want to change my code except for replacing os.readDir with my-own-pkg.ReadDir.
So far I understand that there is not a native function in the gcp module. So I suppose (but here I need your help because I am just guessing) that I would need an implementation of fs.FS for the gcp. It being a new feature of go 1.6 I guess it's too early to find one.
So I am trying to create simply a my-own-pkg.ReadDir(folderpath) function that does the following:
case "local": { }
case "gcp": {
<Use gcp code sample to list objects in my bucket with Query.Prefix = folderpath and
Then create a slice of my-own-pkg.DirEntry (because fs.DkrEntry is just an interface and so it needs to be implemented... :-( ) and return them.
In order to do so I need to implement also the interface fs.DirEntry (which requires the implementation of interface for FileInfo and maybe something else...)
Question 1) is this the right path to follow to solve my issue or is there a better way?
Question 2) (only) if so, does the gcp method that lists object with a prefix and a delimiter return just files? I can't see a method that returns also the list of prefixes found
(If I have prefix/file1.txt and prefix/a/file2.txt I would like to get both "file1.txt" and "a" as files and prefixes...)
I hope I was enough clear... This time I can't include code because it's incomplete... But in case it helps I can paste what I can.
NOTE: by the way go 1.6 allowed me to solve elegantly a similar issue when dealing with assets either embedded or on the filesystem thanks to the existing implementation of fs.FS and the related ReadDirFS. So good if I could follow the same route 🙂
By the way I am going on studying and experimenting so in case I am successful I will contribute as well :-)
I think your abstraction layer is good but you need to know something on Cloud Storage: The directory doesn't exist.
In fact, all the object are put at the root of the bucket / and the fully qualified name of the object is /path/to/object.file. You can filter on a prefix, that return all the object (i.e. file because directory doesn't exist) with the same path prefix.
It's not a full answer to your question but I'm sure that you can think and redesign the rest of your code with this particularity in mind.

How to Get FHIR Photo for Patient from a URL

Consider the FHIR Patient data at http://spark.furore.com/fhir/Patient/f201.
How can I get the photo object referenced therein at URL "binary/#f006"??
I would have thought an HTTP GET on http://spark.furore.com/fhir/binary/#f006 would have done it, but alas...
the data there is wrong. Your conversion to the get was correct, but you ended up with a wrong URL because the reference is wrong in the first place.
It should say: url="Binary/f006" which would equate to a get of http://spark.furore.com/fhir/Binary/f006. That doesn't work either, which is another error in the way things are defined.
See http://gforge.hl7.org/gf/project/fhir/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_item_id=6107 for follow ups
Yes, this reference is outdated, and we are not distributing Binaries currently as part of the examples in the FHIR specification. Our server Spark loads the examples from the specification when we initialize the database, hence the images are not there.
For now, I have uploaded the correct image to Binary/f006 and have updated the link in Patient/f201, so things should work now. When we re-initialize the database (we don't do this often), these changes will be reversed, but a simple PUT to Binary/f006 and an update of Patient/f201 will fix this of course.

How to serve static profile images in node

This is really more of a "using what method" than a "how-to" question. I am creating a site in NodeJS with Express. So, each user has the ability to upload a profile picture, and my concern is how to route requests for these images. A couple of questions I have are:
Can I use express.static() to serve a default file if a valid one isn't specified? If not, am I going to have to specify a GET route for /img/profileand handle the FS querying there?
How can I find the correct image if multiple file extensions are allowed? (I originally just removed the file extension and they appeared in img tags anyway, is that okay?)
I am currently naming all pictures after their user's name. Looking ahead into the future (for apps I may have to scale), what are normal naming conventions for static user content? Are most stored with a UUID referencing the content in the database?
What else should I take into consideration that I may not have accounted for yet?
First question:
At present, I'd recommend storing your images in a predictable location that can be inferred from some combination of columns or fields in your database entries. One of those fields or columns would be a filename (accounts for different extensions). Then, if they haven't uploaded an image, you just lay down in your view code a reference to the generic "has not set an image" file.
express.static obviously can server static files, but it currently doesn't have a way to serve some other file if the one you wanted isn't there. Because this sounded like fun, I made some modifications to static to support what you request and submitted a couple of pull requests (the feature touched 2 different modules):
In send: https://github.com/visionmedia/send/pull/33
In connect: https://github.com/senchalabs/connect/pull/999
I don't know if those will get included in the project, but if you want to see my forks that have these changes, they are here:
If this went through, you would mount a static at the root of your profile image files:
app.use(static('<profile image files root>', { fallback: 'anon.jpg'}))
Second question
I generally store the extension in my DB, then when I load the image, I have the correct extension to put into the src attribute on the img tag.
Third question
If you can guarantee unique names, then using those would work. I prefer using the DB id or a UUID as you suggest. It's less intuitive when scanning all the image uploads, but I rarely find myself doing that. I'm usually hunting for a specific image, and I can look up the identifier for that as needed.
Fourth question
You may end up storing the static content outside your app server (e.g. on S3). If that happens, then of course static won't help you.

distinguish use cases in NSAutosaveElsewhereOperation

I try to add AutoSave support to the Core Data File Wrapper example
Now if i have a new/untitled document writeSafelyToURL is called with the NSAutosaveElsewhereOperation type.
The bad thing is, I get this type in both typical use cases
- new file: which store a complete new document by creating the file wrapper and the persistent store file
- save diff: where the file wrapper already exists and only an update is required.
Does somebody else already handled this topic or did somebody already migrated this?
The original sample use the originalStoreURL to distinguish those two use cases, which solution worked best for you?

CodeIgniter reusable message library

I'm using Message library (http://codeigniter.com/wiki/Message/) to display error messages on my site. This is the code that I'm using to display a message:
Right now I'm storing common messages in my config file (config/config.php) instead of writing the message every time. Is there a better way to do it? The config file is getting very long.
What I'm looking for is a better way to store re-usable text strings.
CodeIgniter's language class is what you're looking for:
CI Language Class
A config file is more or less how you'd want to do it. It is simple, clear and light. But just because you are keeping it in a config file, that does not mean you need to keep it in config.php. The Config class allows you to have multiple config files, so have a special one for messages. Heck, you could even have several special ones for languages, and leave the one you are looking for in the config.php file!
$this->config->load( $this->config->get( "language_file_name" ) );
