Run PS1 when solution load in Visual Studio 2015 - visual-studio

Prior Visual Studio 2015 and nuget 3.x, there was the possibility to have some nuget packages at the solution level. Now with nuget 3, this as been deprecated. You could find the reference of this here :
This cause problem in our case since we used to have a nuget on the solution level that is loaded with a init.ps1 script when solution load. In fact now, with VS2015, it doesn't get run anymore.
My question, pretty simple, is there another way to achieve that behavior in VS2015 when opening a solution?

While searching for something similar I found your question and this one
which appears to directly answer your question.
In short, create a powershell script (or use the one you have) to create a Nuget package, and then import that package into one of your projects. Each time the project is opened the script will get executed.


Confusion over NuGet in Visual Studio

Our VS2013 solutions contain a solution folder called .nuget, containing the files NuGet.config, NuGet.exe, NuGet.targets. What is the significance of this folder and what uses the files? Is it related to the "enable package restore" feature?
If I install or update a package (via the "Manage NuGet Packages" UI or package manager console), does this involve running the above NuGet.exe, or something else? VS is telling me that the NuGet Package Manager is up to date (via the Extensions and Updates dialog), however the above NuGet.exe is quite old. I've also found a very old NuGet.exe file in C:\Program Files (x86)\NuGet\. What uses the latter, and what are the implications of these exes being out of date?
The reason I ask is that we've been having problems with a couple of solutions over recent weeks. We can't update NuGet packages - the operation fails with the message "Error: An item with the same key has already been added". I'm trying to track down the cause, and wondering if these out of date NuGet.exe files might have something to do with it.
As far as I remember this folder is useless now with the latest nuget extension to Visual Studio. It was used before and was nothing but pain in the ass. I am not 100% sure about 2013, but in 2015 all works fine without it, so my suggestion is to update to the latest available nuget extension version and try to delete the folder, most likely everything will work.
Now packages go to current user folder, and use the config from %AppData%\NuGet\NuGet.config. For NuGet 2.6 or earlier, this setting was available in a project-specific .nuget\nuget.config file.
You can read more about it here.
So nuget is gradually getting better and easy to use without too much thinking of all this "magic" folders and stuff.

"Enable NuGet Package Restore" is gone in VS 2015

I am having serious problems getting Solutions to build in Visual Studios 2015. Before I would just click "Enable NuGet Package Restore" in Visual Studios 2013 and everything comes in just fine.
I see this exact same question how-to-enable-nugets-package-restore-in-vs-2015
the answer was:
delete the packages folder from my solution and also bin and obj folders from every project in the solution and give it a rebuild.
pardon my French, but besides this being bullshit. The fact that you have to manually go into every single project in your solution and mess around , it also is not working for me. Maybe the guy that wrote this had 3 or 4 projects , I have 30+ that are referenced.
That was back in June , has anyone found a working or simpler way to achieve this functionality that was working perfectly prior to VS 2015?
This setting is on by default since NuGet 2.7. Use a small Powershell script to migrate from the old MSBuild to the automatic restore of 2.7 to fix your issues.
When a package is not installed you see this dialog at start of the build process where NuGet restores the missing package:

Updating solution level nuget packages in visual studio

I'm trying to figure out a) if I'm going about this in the right way and b) how to update a solution level nuget package.
The core problem is that when a package is installed at the solution level (rather than in any particular project) and you try to update it, it doesn't remove the old reference. It just adds a new package reference, and imports both version. Which typically means (what with how powershell modules work) that the earlier powershell modules override the newer ones.
So what I have to do is uninstall the package and re-install it, which grabs the newer version. Seems inefficient.
Also, I can't seem to install or uninstall a solution level package from console. I have to do it with the Manage Nuget Packages utility, which I hate to use.
Here is some background on what I'm doing, if it helps:
I've set up a system at our company of using solution level nuget packages to add custom powershell script modules to the solution, as well as some more generalized scripted solutions I've written (like deleting TFS work items or changing a project name on the file system as well as within code).
So one project might have the DataServiceUtilities package and another would have the FrontEndUtilities package.
So, how can I update these packages without it adding two references? And can solution level operations be done in the Package Manager Console, which always defaults to targeting a project?
It appears that some of this comes from bugs in the Package Manager GUI tools, and Nuget in general
The Package Manager GUI tool doesn't handle updates properly for solution level packages. But if you run Update-Package from the package manager console it will correctly uninstall/re-install the solution-level package.
As for installing from command line, if a package has only a tools folder and no dependencies you can run install from command line and it sill install in the solution and ignore the default project.
However, as of now (Nuget 2.8) Nuget has a bug in it that causes it to treat solution-level packages with dependencies on other solution-level packages as project-level packages. It's apparently been in for about a year, and they claim it will be fixed in VS 2015. You can see the bug here:
What this means is you cannot currently create a solution-level package with ANY dependencies. Please note that this is legal according to the documentation. Hopefully it will be fixed next year.
Just a quick update. It appears that in VS 2015 they have deprecated (or, more accurately, removed) solution level/tools only packages. After some out outcry they also decided to re-implement them in a future version, but it may be awhile before they do so.
Progress on re-implementing the feature can be found here:
Discussion on how to work around the missing feature can be found here:

Can open MVC4 solution in VS2010, but not in VS2012

Looked through some similar questions, could not find one that fits my case.
I have a solution that I created some time ago in VS 2010 (maybe originally in MVC2), and eventually upgraded to MVC4.
The solution works properly when opened with VS 2010, builds and runs - everything as expected.
To confirm that I use MVC4, I checked the properties of my System.Web.Mvc.dll. It appears to be
From this I assume that I have MVC4 successfully installed on the machine.
However, when I try to open the solution with VS 2012 I get the following infamous error
Full text:
Unsupported This version of Visual Studio does not have the following
project types installed or does not support them. You can still open
these projects in the version of Visual Studio in which they were
originally created.
- Recipes, "C:\ ... Copy\Recipes\Recipes.csproj"
I can also create a new MVC4 project using VS 2012, so I'm assuming I don't lack any tools VS 2012 needs.
What else could be the problem?
There's probably an entry in the <ProjectTypeGuids> element of the .csproj file that VS2012 doesn't recognize. I have a vague recollection there was some tooling identifier change but I can't recall specifically.
My suggestion would be to create a new project from scratch and then compare the <ProjectTypeGuids> elements in each .csproj file to try to figure out which one from the VS2010 project it doesn't like in VS2012. It's likely going to require some trial-and-error tweaking of the list so make a backup of the file first so you don't get yourself into a situation where you can't open it at all.
If you don't want to take that approach another option would be to create a new empty project and then import the individual files from the old project into the new, but that could obviously be quite time-consuming if it's a large project.

Is there a way to execute a target for all projects in a solution within the IDE (no command line)?

Please hear me out as this question has been modified extensively.
I have an msbuild target that I want to execute after each project in my solution is built from the IDE. I can easily do this by creating an msbuild replica of my solution, but you can't use it within visual studio. You can go through the projects properies as specify an after build process, but this is quite tedious, especially if you have more than 2 projects.
Is there a better way to execute a target for all projects in a solution within the IDE? I just can't believe that VS2010 doesn't give you an easier option.
BTW, does VS 2012 Beta support a full MsBuild file instead of the brain dead solution file?
What I get from your question is that you've extended the build process and then created a 'shadow' msbuild file that does what the solution file normally ends up doing during build. As you are aware, solution files are a rather unfortunate visual studio only concept. That issue is nearly impossible to work around.
The idiomatic approach to this problem is leave the solution file alone and modify the individual .csproj files to include the custom build steps that each project would need to be completed according to your process. NuGet does this when you use it, so does NotifyPropertyWeaver. (NuGet works around the solution issue by introducing a '$(SolutionDir)' property)
As an aside, I'm not sure how valuable 'building an installer' is to the individual developer on your team and including in the build seems like it adds friction rather than removes it.
If this is for a custom build server, there's no need to use the solution file at all if you don't mind keeping the two in sync and I'd wholeheartedly recommend that approach.
You can debug msbuild using the visual studio IDE.
There is an undocumented registry switch to enable. See this thorough msdn article:
