How can I stop make unity continuous looping
what I have done
1- I add animator to my object.
2- I create animator controller
3- I create my animation
4- finally link my animation controller to my object
it works just fine , but it keep looping
how can I make it animate just once
In your project panel select your animation and in inspector unCheck Loop Time property. That will stop looping your animation :)
I've added an animation clip to a canvas which animates position and alpha channel of its children (like buttons etc.). Now I'm gonna play this animation via pressing the play button (one of itself's children) as shown as here:
(Click om images to see in full screen)
I created a trigger in mecanim and sat as the trigger of transiting to that animation but it didn't work. Is there any ways else or was my job correct and did I some mistakes?
Please help, thanks
In the animator window just making the trigger doesn't do anything. You need to set the trigger by getting a reference to the animator and calling SetTrigger("yourTriggerName"). You can call this in the inspector using the UI button's OnClick() method.
Go to the inspector for the play button and scroll down to where you see this:
click the plus sign and then drag the game object with the animator you want to trigger onto the field that says None(Empty) then select the animator from the drop down menu that appears and select the SetTrigger function. Then type in the name of your trigger Exactly. Upper case matters. That's it. It should look something like this when you are done:
Obviously, you will have to use the correct GameObject and trigger name so yours will look a little different.
I have selected a game object in the Hierarchy with an animation component attached (not an animator but a simple animation) then I tried to open the animation window to edit it by choosing "Animation" from the "Window" menu. The problem is that the animation window is grayed out and it suggests that I create a new animation. But I just want to edit the one that I already have.
To edit the animation, you need to select a GameObject, make sure it has an Animation component in the inspector or add it if not, assign the animation in question to the Animation list of that component, then open the animation window and select your animation. it's under the time control buttons, beside the object popup.
I have just found out why it didn't work. Because the animation component provides a list of animations, and the first element of the list should not be empty. Meanwhile in my case the first element of the list was empty and the animation I wanted to edit was assigned to the second element of the list. That's why it didn't work.
The "Animations" tab under the "Animation" component must have 1 animation under it, including blanks. To fix this, change the "size" to 0, and the animator at the bottom will open.
I have pulled the animation to the Motion tab both by dragging and trough the select motion search function but neither makes the animation stick to my idle state. Can someone give me a pointer to what im doing wrong?
One reason could be that the animations are marked as legacy.
Select one or many animation, in the inspector next to the lock, right click, then Debug. Untick the Legacy. No need to save or else.
The animation which you're trying to set is for another model!
You should use an animation that is for the model.
Or if you insist on using that animation select animation from assets and do a "Control + D" to duplicate it and use new one.
Use the Animator, not the animation controller. I made this mistake when I was following a tutorial. This is only relevant if you are animating .anim files within unity itself. Animation controller is the way to go if you import animations for your specific model.
I created a model in Blender and posed it the way I want it to look. The character will never move and no animations will ever change.
I exported the character with animations to an FBX and imported it into Unity 3D. After dropping the character into the scene, the character's pose is back to the default take.
How can I force the character to use the pose that I want? Do I have to do it in script or is there a setting that I can change to make it play the idle animation at all times?
Putting your model in the scene will not invoke idle animation, animation and rendering is two separate thing. To always play a certain animation on a model you have three option -
1. Via Legacy Animation -
Select you model in the scene, remove the default Animator component and add a new Animation component. (Animator and Animation are two different component type.) It has an option of selecting an animation clip. Drop your animation clip there and choose 'Play Automatically'.
2. Via Script -
You can add Animation component, attach multiple animation and select which one to play via script too.
You can also do this for meca-anim way which is explained in the next point.
3. Via Meca-Anime
Every model has a default Animator component. It needs an animation controller object to run. Create an animation controller (Click on create button in project view). Attach the controller to the Animator component. Double click on the controller to open Animator view. Drop your clip there and make it as default. The default animation plays automatically now. Using Meca-anime has many advantage over legacy way, which is beyond the scope of this answer. Check the following link instead -
Mecanim vs Legacy Animation
Using unity 4.3.4f1.
I started a new project with only one game object on wich I added an animation with 4 sprites. I choosed "Always Animate" from the Animator configuration oon the game object.
When I run the game, the animation play just one time. I see in the animator panel that my animation is replayed again and again because I only have one state. However, Animation won't loop when running the game.
Anyone knows why ?