Visual Studio tries to load FakeItEasy symbols from Z:\Builds\work - visual-studio

I was running a unit-test in Visual Studio today using FakeItEasy. I was offline and found the following symbol-loading to be happening and taking a long time:
My question is, where does the path Z:\Builds\work\... come from and why is Visual Studio trying to load symbols from that path. Could it be that this path corresponds to the CI that the binaries were built on? If so, is it a thing that the maintainer of the library should fix, or something that I must locally configure? I am using the FakeItEasy 1.25.2 binaries that I fetched via NuGet.
I am aware of the fact that you can disable symbol loading (e.g. see this question), but actually I want the symbols to be loaded if possible.

Yes, Z:\Builds\work\… is the path from which TeamCity builds FakeItEasy.
I'm not a big symbol user, so am not sure what you want "fixed". Why are you loading the symbols, and what behaviour would you expect in this case?
If we push the symbols to you'd still need to be online to access them, no?
Can you give an example of a NuGet package that behaves how you'd like?
How does it behave in your situation?

PDBs can be built for debug configuration and release configuration and it's typically a good idea to keep them for debugging purposes. FakeItEasy or any other DLL or EXE, contains the full path to the PDB file where it was located during compile time. If that path is part in a DLL (or EXE), Visual Studio will try to load symbols from there.
To see that information, get DebugDir and run debugdir <path to>\FakeItEasy.dll. Or, in any hex editor, search for pdb.
You'll find the full path of the PDB along with some other information. Since it wasn't you who built the DLL, the PDB is not present on your disk and you'd need to download it from a symbol server.
The Sourforge clone of DebugDir contains supports a command line parameter clean which can remove debug information. If you want to get rid of Visual Studio accessing the non-existing Z: drive, you can remove the path to the PDB file.


Store and manage multiple PDB files?

when building my application some PDB files are generated which are useful during debugging. Now when a user experiences a crash, I get the dump-file and using this I can analyse the problem.
Unfortunately for this the version of the PDB file needs to fit to the build the crashdump was generated from - or in other words, for every release I build I need to store the related PDB in order to have them available for later analysis.
Now I know that MS offers a product named "symbolserver" which does the complete job of storing and managing the PDB files of a build. Unfortunately this is a way too complex solution for me.
So my question: is there an easy to use and simply to handle alternative available for storing multiple versions of a PDB files in order to have them available for crash dump analysis?
Note that you don't need a symbol server, just a directory. See also How to set up a symbol server. With symstore, you only need to set up your symbol path once, save it in the WinDbg workspace or in Visual Studio and you're ready to go.
The alternative is to manage create a folder with version number of your build and move all PDBs there.
The debugging then goes like this (WinDbg):
lm m <yourapp>
to find out the version number
.sympath C:\path\to\symbols\<version>
Similar in Visual Studio: you need to find out the version and then change the symbol path. It's always 2 steps instead of 0.

Debugging in Visual Studio opens the wrong source instead of the file on the symbol server (if the source files have the same name)

I've searched far and wide for a solution to this but can't find one.
I have configured TeamCity to publish packages with both the symbols and source in them to ProGet. This process works great and ProGet correctly identifies the symbols.
I have setup Visual Studio as per the instructions on ProGet's knowledge base i.e.
Adding the symbol locations in options->Debugging->Symbols
Enabled source server support options->Debugging->general
I've checked in Fiddler and the symbols are downloaded when I launch our app in debug.
Then when stepping in to one of the methods in our package it opens the wrong file. The file it opens is however named the same (we have a file called Component in each of our packages and also in local solution that pulls in the package).
If I change the name of the file and re-package and publish it to ProGet the problem goes away and I can step in to file during debugging but this seems like a hack.
Does anyone know how you can get Visual Studio to favour the file on the symbol server over any local files in the solution with the same name?
Symbol files in the project directory are always loaded, for this issue, a sample could help us understand the symbols loaded easily. If your local cache folder had the symbols file which was downloaded from the Symbol Server before, I know that it would not download it again during you debug your app. So my understanding is that since your symbol file has the same name, the VS debugging would search and load the symbol from your local project folder firstly, and then download it from the symbol server or others if your local machine has no them. That's the reason why you got this issue.
The workarounds I could think of:
(1) Load the symbols manually from Debug modules windows if you really want to use two files with the same name.
(2) Using different names would be better.
Right Click on the project containing the file you want to open and choose "Set as StartUp Project".
Now when you try to debug, it will run the correct file.

Debugging crash dump: binary and symbol files from same build event do not match according to VS2010

I have received a crash dump file from a customer, and I am attempting to debug the dump file using VS2010. I have retrieved the source code we used for the build along with the generated symbol files, and I've provided VS with the path to the directory that contains them; everything seems to be in place. When I attempt to debug, however, VS reports that there is "no matching binary" for the .exe or any of the .dll's contained in that directory. I've used chkmatch to compare a few of the binaries and symbol files, and it reports that they match, time stamp and signature and all. I've searched around online and no one seems to have had as much trouble with this as I am encountering, and all the solutions I've found are things that I've already done.
Hopefully I'm overlooking something simple.
What am I missing? How can I ensure that VS matches the binaries to the symbol files?
You can use WinDbg
Download the tool (, you can use version in order to avoid downloading the whole SDK) and install it.
start WinDbg and load the dump file (File > Open crash Dump).
specify the location of the symbols (File > Symbol File Path).
activate traces on symbols loading (!sym noisy at the command prompt)
unload all symbols (.reload /u at the command prompt).
load symbols for a module you have problem with (ld at the command prompt).
the engine will tell you where it loads symbols and why it doesn't match.
you can also have detailed informations on the module contained in the dump file (lm vm ), cinluding the timestamp of the module.
Hope this helps.
Another thing to check: I had problems if binaries and symbols for other build versions of the same product were in the symbol path.
VS (I'm using 2015) doesn't seem to search all the paths and choose the right files - I had to add symbol paths specific to the crash dump I'm debugging and move these "up" in the symbol path list for them to be found first and used.

Strip the path to the pdb

Per default, when compiling a Visual Studio project in release mode, the complete path to the pdb is put into the image file, e.g.:
Using an undocumented linker switch (/pdbpath:none) one can force Visual Studio 2008 to reduce the full qualified name of the pdb, e.g:
I need to do the same with a project which is still built using VC6.
I tried the "/pdbpath:none" switch at the project settings level, but the linker complains about this unknown switch.
Does anyone knows a method (or a tool) to accomplish this either when linking a VC6 project or afterwards directly at the image level?
Your best bet is to use pdbstr.exe from MS directly. It allows for direct extraction, update, and misc other functions directly, independent of compiler version (up to the last supported version, which I think is VS2013 right now). We use it to add SVN linkings directly to PDBs which we then store in local symbol stores using srctool.
For newer link.exe versions, the syntax changed.
The option you want is now /pdbaltpath:%_PDB%
It is documented on MSDN:
%_PDB% expands to the file name of the actual .pdb file without any path information
For VC6, you might want to continue using the same compilers but a new version of link.exe.
The Windows Driver Kits also come with a tool named binplace.exe which can modify this information post-build.

WinDbg symbol resolution

When using WinDbg, where should the private symbol files (pdb?) be placed?
My situation is: I have a DLL which I want to debug. I have the source code and symbol files for this DLL. This DLL is called by another DLL (which I don't have symbols or source for) which, in turn, is called by an EXE (which I also don't have symbols or source for).
My problem is that I am getting a warning that says
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for C:\TheProgram\SomeSubfolder\AnotherSubfolder\MyDll.dll
This warning I think is the reason why I am getting the following type of messages in the call stack:
My file structure looks something like this:
The exe: C:\TheProgram\program.exe
The calling dll: C\TheProgram\SomeSubfolder\caller.???
My DLL that I want to debug: C:\TheProgram\SomeSubfolder\AnotherSubfolder\MyDll.dll
Note: I set Symbol File path and the Source file path to where the debug DLL was generated, in my workspace on a different drive from the exe.. But I did copy the pdb + map files and put it on the dll that I wanted to debug..
Sorry for the late reply.
In your post you mention that you are seeing the following error message.
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for C:\TheProgram\SomeSubfolder\AnotherSubfolder\MyDll.dll
You also ask the question, "where do I put my symbols for my DLL in the symbol path?"
Here is a response for the first problem:
Steps to identify mismatched symbols.
!sym noisy
x MyDll!*class*
*This reloads your dll, alternatively you can type kb to display the call stack of the DLL which should load it as well.
!sym quiet
*Reset's back to original quiet symbol loading
Also you can run
0:001> lmv m myDll *(and examine the Checksum)
Note: If you have a checksum, then Windbg can match the checksum of the DLL against the checksum of the PDB. Every development environment has a different way to generate a checksum.
Here is the response for the questions about where to put the PDBs
If you have MyDll.pdb added to a symbol store then you can use the following syntax
.sympath SRV*c:\symcache*
As Roger has suggested above...
However if you just have the PDB locally, you may want to put the path to the PDB first before going out to the symbol server like this
.sympath C:\TheProgram\SomeSubfolder\AnotherSubfolder\;SRV*c:\symcache*
This way Windbg should look local to your SomSubFolder dir before trying to use the Symbols Server cache.
It does not matter where you put private symbol files as long as you're able to tell the debugger where they are.
The warning you're seeing does not have any effect on the stack trace, but the fact you're missing symbols for caller.DLL and app.EXE does.
Configuring symbols in windbg (locally) is as simple as using:
.sympath[+] path_to_pdbs
.symfix+ path_to_system_pdb_store
You seeing:
actually means nothing as long as SomeHexAddress is reasonable (and provided that MyDll.pdb has been found and loaded!) - it looks like a proper call stack entry.
Now, my question would be, what is the problem that you're stuck with?
P.S. you don't need .map file with windbg.
As part of our build process, we copy the private PDB files and the released EXE/DLL files to a symbol server. At its simplest, this is just a UNC path, but you can configure it for access using HTTP.
To copy your output files, use the SYMSTORE.EXE program.
Then, configure your debugger (we use Visual Studio and WinDbg) to look in that path. For WinDbg, the simplest way to do this is to set an environment variable:
(that should all be on one line)
This configures WinDbg to look on the Microsoft Symbol Server (caching the files in C:\WebSymbols) and also to look in a local symbol store (\\symsvr\Symbols).
We also use the Source Server tools to store SVN details in the PDB file, meaning that we can get back to the exact source file used to build a particular release. Look in ...\Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)\srcsrv.
One option is to leave the symbol files where they are (i.e. in the build output folder) and then use -y WinDbg command line option to locate these files. Using this approach should guarantee that the symbol files are always be up to date.
From the Microsoft Help:
-y SymbolPath
Specifies the symbol search path. Separate multiple paths with a
semicolon (;). If the path contains spaces, it should be enclosed
in quotation marks. For details, and for other ways to change this
path, see Symbol Path.
As it turned out, my target machine - provisioned inside Visual Studio - did not get the latest build upon deploying the to it, hence a "driver.sys has mismatched symbols" error.
Basically deploying did not replace the driver with the modified version of it for me. Use devcon tool to properly install it and Windbg will be happy again.
