Is it possible to use haxe to build mac native application? - macos

I see Haxe can compile to many languages, but not sure is it possible to use it build a native mac(OSX) application? Like a small TODO list application?

Yes, using OpenFL or other framework (Luxe, Kha, NME) you could target Mac and get project that compiles via XCode into native application.

If you want native OSX UI then there are libraries for that, such as Basis: When using that you use the C++ target, and the library communicates with Objective C UI stuff via the C Foreign Function Interface. This comes with some limitations and depending on the status of the library, it could be hard to get started.
If you don't care about native UI then there are libraries that have what you need for simple notepad-type apps. In most cases you would still be able to use the C++ target. For example see Ian Harrigan's Haxe UI project:


Is it possible to create native Android and iOS library with Xamarin? [duplicate]

Currently, we are developing a .NET Standard class library that will be used by different Xamarin.* platforms.
I was wondering if there is a way to use the shared code in a native Android project (maybe produce an AAR/JAR file).
The reason I need this functionality is because our company provides an AAR to one of our customers (that is used by a native Android project), and we would like to keep a single source base instead of two.
Thanks in advance!
The name changed to ".NET Embedding" and it is at v0.4 at the time of this update.
New instructions:
Installing .NET Embedding
Original post:
You can use Mono's Embeddinator-4000
It supports various language consumers, so it surfaces .NET code as idiomatic code in the target language. This is the list of supported languages at present:
Objective-C: mapping .NET to idiomatic Objective-C APIs.
Java: mapping .NET to idiomatic Java APIs.
C: mapping .NET to an object-oriented like C APIs.
Embeddinator-4000 is a tool that allows your existing .NET Code (C#, F# and others) to be consumed from other programming languages and in various different environments.
Java is currently in a preview state for macOS, Windows, and Android.
The platform is selected by passing the --platform= command-line argument to the embeddinator. Currently macOS, Windows, and Android are supported.
As a part of the requires For Android you will need Xamarin.Android 7.4.99+ and Android Studio 3+ (Java 1.8) but if you are building Android apps with Xamarin and Java you would have those already.
Note: This tool is in Preview, so review the open issues and post new if needed.
Note: This is not trans-compiling, but embedding Mono's runtime in a native package that allow CIL code, AOT'd (i.e. iOS) or not to run within a different language/runtime.

What is your C# code doing within a Xamrin build?

I've read through a lot of documentation on Xamarin and my understanding is that it exposes the native APIs on each platform via C# and .NET, and this way, offers a sort of one-to-one binding. The native build produced contains some of the applicable .NET libraries (based on linker optimisation).
However, I can't seem to find any information about what actually happens within the native build itself.
Assuming my understanding is correct, my question is:
Within the native build, does the code you've written call the native API functions via a call to native .NET functions included in the build?
The short answer is: yes, it calls native API's through .NET code that runs on Mono, via the binding concept you already seem to be familiar with.
Xamarin uses these bindings to call the native code from your C# code. There are a few differences depending on the platform you are running on.
Your IPA-file will contain 2 things:
The executable of your .NET code (AOT-compiled), which is run through the Mono runtime
Native libraries, which use the objective-C runtime. The .NET code calls these libraries/API's via bindings.
Both the Mono runtime and the Objective-C runtime are running on top of a UNIX-like kernel.
Take a look at this Xamarin iOS architecture documentation for a more extensive explanation.
Android is a little more complex to understand and explain. This is because some of the API's are only exposed through the Android Runtime API.
The bindings in Android are working through concepts such as:
"Android Callable Wrappers" (Android Runtime to Mono)
"Managed Callable Wrappers" (Bindings to Android Runtime API's)
The Xamarin Android architecture documentation explains these concepts and inner workings in great detail.

Appcelerator Titanium Developer with Java?

i just downloaded Appcelerator Titanium and experimenting with it, I selected Desktop application and to support python,PHP and Ruby but I can't find Java. how to really work with java. I just need a hint about how to get my java code working there, where to put my java files and where should I include them.
Appcelerator Titanium does not support java .. well not directly
But take a look at these URLs for some possible options in writing java code
that indirectly uses titanium ..
As usual, the mileage obtained from adding a new layer of code would depend on how
well one understands the core architecture of how all the bits plug together .. :
As Emitron writes:
Titanium4j(Ti4j) is a Java application framework designed for creating rich
and interactive native applications for mobile and desktop.
The mobile package inside Ti4j leverages Appcelerator Titanium Mobile
to create native mobile applications.
The desktop package inside Ti4j leverages The TideSDK to create native desktop
Titanium4j takes the underlying frameworks to another level by making you avoid
JavaScript and puting all Java libraries and tools are at your disposal
You will have to decide whether the above justifies learning this extra functionality .. I reckon it does justify it

Is it possible to write shared libraries between iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Mac and Windows?

I'm tasked with "porting" a few apps from a Windows environment to various mobile platforms and Mac as well.
I plan on writing MVC patterned apps in which I write as many controllers as I can in some sort of universal library, probably in C or C++. Then writing the views in various choice languages (Objective C, Java, .NET, whatever) for the target OSes.
I've never attempted anything like this before, so my questions are: Is it possible to write and compile one library that can be used on iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Windows and Mac? Is it even wise to try this?
I understand that certain native methods simply won't be available on each platform.
You can create a library whose source code is portable, assuming that you properly abstract away any platform-dependent calls. You can't, however, create such a library, compile it, then use it anywhere; you'll have to compile it for each platform.
Your should take a look at the Mono Project.
...more specifically at :
MonoTouch: To develop iPhone applications in .NET
MonoDroid (BETA): To develop Android applications in .NET
Mono plugin for MeeGo: To develop MeeGo applications in .NET
And you know that you can develop on Windows Mobile in .NET already.
I've haven't found anything related to BlackBerry yet.
There are services like Rhomobile and Appcelerator which will allow you to do this sort of cross compiling.
I've never used either however.

How do you port a Cocoa/Mac application to Windows?

How do you port a Cocoa/Mac application to Windows? I mean how would you go about it? Assume the app was written with Objective-C and Cocoa, there's nothing fancy going on, no "engine" that could be factored out, etc.
Rewrite from scratch? I don't think there will be huge overlaps between the Mac and Windows codebases, right?
I have doubts about cocotron.
Its not clear from the cocotron website that cocotron is actually production ready yet. Id suspect that it would be possible to start new app development and use cocotron constantly to maintain and test windows builds on the go.
But to retrofit it into an existing project might be a much larger task. There are also no alternatives to cocotron - other than perhaps gnustep.
The practical approach to cross platform development involves developing the non gui components of your application, once, in C or C++. And then using a cross platform GUI library like QT - which is VERY good at generating and using native UI where possible or faking it where not. Please DO go to and download the latest build of QTCreator for windows and mac - See how the same QT application looks and feels very convincingly native on both platforms.
If QT doesn't provide a native enough solution, then you need to develop your GUI twice :- once in Cocoa, and once in Win32. The cocoa GUI would be in objective C of course, the Win32 GUI in C/C++.
Your non gui application code would - written in c++ - not be able to call Objective-C directly, but its not hard to write shim classes, implemented in .mm files - the provide a c++ interface, and wrap access to an objective c object or class.
You are also going to have to come up with an alternative to CoreData on windows - perhaps sqlite? Given that XCode has integrated support for the sqlite framework, and testing multiple code paths is, well, more work - perhaps dropping CoreData in favor of a common layer is a better approach?
The problem with Objective C is its very poor support on any platform that is not OS X. You can attempt to use the Cocotron, but I wouldn't consider it production ready yet.
For portability, a re-write is in order. With judicious use of standard C or C++ for the "core" of the application, you could still implement platform specific GUI code. If you don't like maintaining two GUIs, you can also try a toolkit such as Qt
Depending on which objects and framework you are using for your cocoa app, you might be able to get away with using gnustep, although the end result will probably look very weird to windows users, and the development environment might be a bit difficult to setup at first.
Are you aware of Cocotron? It looks like the project may have gone stale, but it's a good starting point anyway. It's a project to port Core APIs.
If your application is not cleanly separated (ie: a la MVC) then the only solution is a rewrite, I think.
