How to Grab an image file from Parse - parse-platform

So i've tried looking over the documentation and cant make heads or tails of it... so i'm hoping someone here can help:
so i've created a ParseFile with an image stored in a byte[]. I've saved this parsefile and then assigned it into a parseObject. I have then saved the parseObject
profilePicFile = new ParseFile( "profilePic.png", bytes);
Task saveProfilePic = profilePicFile.SaveAsync();
yield return saveProfilePic;
user["Profile_Pic"] = profilePicFile;
Task updateUser = user.SaveAsync();
Then i've made a temporary button just to check that this works. I've assigned it a new script. Basically when I hit the button, I just want it to grab the user, and its profile_pic and tell me if there is something there.
ParseObject receivedUser = new ParseObject("ReceivedUser");
ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = ParseObject.GetQuery("User");
query.GetAsync("DwRfTQ66tA").ContinueWith(t =>
receivedUser = t.Result;
if (receivedUser.IsDataAvailable == true) {
print ("getting data");
byte[] data = receivedUser.Get<byte[]> ("Profile_Pic");
} else {
print ("no user");
Am I doing this right? Do i need to re-initialise anything? Do I need to add the other script component to this or use Getcomponent to get the user data? (I dont think so since the ParseUser object is supposed to be a static right?). Or does this script need to re-log in to grab data from Parse?
currently the error i'm getting is KeyNotFoundException.
I deff have a User Class on parse and a Profile_Pic column. I'm using the object ID as the reference. Is this correct?

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you should be using:


How to query the knowledgebase using the QnaId

When there is a multiprompt present, instead of adding buttons to go further I would like to add them directly into my card.
I have the qnaid's of the questions, can I get the answer just with the id?
I think the proper way to do this is to build the qnaState from the answer, grab the text from the prompt, and then make your new query with those parameters.
So first for reference, here is the QnA maker call I'm making.
if (qnAcontext == null) {
qnAcontext = {
PreviousQnaId: 0,
PreviousUserQuery: null
const qnaResult = await request({
url: url,
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
json: {
question: query,
top: 3,
context: qnAcontext
I have this code in a helper function that I call from my qna dialog but I think the location isn't important. You can see I've set a "default" qnAcontext. This is what you will be updating to make your prompt-based call.
From the result, you can get the prompt buttons via
var prompts = null;
if(qnaResult[0].context != null){
prompts = qnaResult[0].context.prompts;
I've not done this before so I'm not exactly sure where you can get the text attribute from, but I'm assuming it's at qnaResults[0].context.prompts[0].text. You'll need to take a look at the prompts object to confirm. You also need to create the new state, and grab the first part of the answer. These things can be done via
var qnAcontext = {
PreviousQnaId: qnaResult[0].id,
PreviousUserQuery: activity.text
answerText = qnaResult[0].answer;
Now just make another call using the new qnAContext and the prompt text as the query. Technically, if you don't have the follow up question set as context only, you don't have to mess with the qnAcontext. You should just be able to use the prompt text as the next query and the answer should come up. If the answer is context only, you'll need to pass the qnAcontext object, though.
Edit: For a direct answer to your question about querying with qnaId directly, see the link added below by Kyle Delaney.

Grails Generating a zip file for the user to download

I am a newbie to grails currently working on a web-app project that works with users uploading pictures. Users can create a "hunt" with a list of prompts. Each "prompt" is the objective for participants (eg: upload pictures of your favorite candy.) Basically the web-app is a "scavenger hunt" tool for Photographers to socially share their work.
Right now, I am having trouble trying write a function in my user controller to generate a zip file with all of the pictures that the user has uploaded. This is what my controller function looks like at the moment.
I used this example I found to start.
Generating a zip file.
def downloadAlbum(){
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
ZipOutputStream zipFile = new ZipOutputStream(baos)
//Instance of a user domain class
def userInstance = User.findByLogin(auth.user())
//pictures are uploaded to a prompt and stored as a photoInstance
//this line of code gets the actual file stored as byte[]
photoInstance.myFile = image.getBytes()
//select all photos that belong to the user and store them into a list
def photoInstanceList = userInstance ? Photo.findAllByMyUser(userInstance) : []
[userInstance: userInstance, photoInstanceList: photoInstanceList]
photoInstanceList.each {photo ->
if (photoInstance.myFile != "") {
File file = new File(photoInstance.myFile)
zipFile.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(Photo.title+".jpeg"))
file.withInputStream { i ->
zipFile << i
response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "filename=\"${login}.zip\"")
response.contentType = "application/zip"
response.outputStream << baos.toByteArray()
I then use this code in the User view to generate a link that calls the function in the user controller. Am I close? Is there some missing piece in my code?
By the way, This is the first question I have ever written on Stack Overflow. I appreciate the time that you have taken to read this entry. If anything is not clear enough, please where I can improve this question. I am using grails 2.1.1
Thank you for your time!!
If the above code has been copied as is here, shouldn't we be using photo.title instead of Photo.title in the below line
zipFile.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(Photo.title+".jpeg"))

How to save a record and immediately use its GUID

I'm executing some javascript from a ribbon button and what I want to do is save the record that I am creating and then immediately use its GUID for some code a bit further on. Each time I try it the GUID is coming back null even though I'm requesting it after the record has been saved. If I try the button again after I've saved it then it works, but not as I'm saving it.
Is there a way to do this?
function RibbonButton_AddProduct()
//Save the Record;
function LoadProductCreate()
var serverUrl;
var errorMessage = "Context to retrieve the Server URL is not available.";
if (typeof GetGlobalContext != "undefined"){
serverUrl = GetGlobalContext().getServerUrl();
} else {
if (typeof Xrm != "undefined"){
serverUrl = Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl();
} else {
if (serverUrl.match(/\/$/)){
serverUrl = serverUrl.substring(0, serverUrl.length - 1);
var recordId =;
var url = serverUrl + "/main.aspx?etc=10030&extraqs=%3f_CreateFromId%3d%"+recordId
Here’s a different approach to solving this problem.
What you are trying to do is ‘working against the system’ - you are effectively making two save buttons. In the rest of Crm when the Id is required for a ribbon button the record must first be saved. E.g. you can’t use the dialog or workflow buttons on an unsaved record, you also can’t 'add new/existing' to an unsaved record.
So my solution would be to disable the button on unsaved forms, force the user to save the record manually and then allow them to use your button - this is the way Crm is meant to be used, and is the way the rest of Crm will work.
You should not work against the system, you should work with it, you have a product to customise and extend – not change.
If this doesn’t meet your requirement I would suggest uses Greg’s suggestion (1) of having flags, though it sounds a bit messy - but then this is a requirement that inherently is.
You could try one of two things:
Add a hidden boolean attribute to your form(e.g. "new_launchProductCreate"), set it in code prior to save and then read it onLoad.
Instead of setting the value prior to create (and therefore potentially commiting it to the database), you could create a plugin registered against the "Create" step of your record that injects a boolean value into the Entity.Attributes collection as the record is returned to the user. This would prevent the value persisting into the database and running every time your form loads.
You can instead use AJAX to reset the value as you launch your onLoad code so that it doesn't trigger on every form load
Assign the record guid manually, use AJAX to save your record, pop your new window using th enew guid and then reload your original form (so that the form is no longer in an "unsaved" state).
At the risk of being proven wrong as I cannot verify this right away... you will need to save and then reload the page.
The value stored in is set when the page is loaded/initialised and hence won't be updated when you access it after you have called Save().
It is also why it does work when you reload the page.
Perhaps you could call save and then reload the window adding a querystring variable of your own, to indicate that this event has just occurred?
function DoSomething() {
//do your stuff;
//something like - sure someone can do better!
window.location = window.location.href + '&foo=bar';
and then register something like this onFormLoad
function OnLoad() {
var queryStringParms = Xrm.Page.context.getQueryStringParameters();
//test to see if your query string param exists here
for (var i in queryStringParams) {
//if you find query string, do extra processing here

FindItems() and BindToItems() give inconsistent results for EmailMessage.Sender.Address

After quite a lot of debugging, I've refined a complicated Managed EWS problem down to the following two simple-ish test cases. The first one works, the second one fails:
var view = new ItemView(100) { PropertySet = new PropertySet { EmailMessageSchema.Id } };
var findResults = ews.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, view)
var bindResults = ews.BindToItems(findResults.Select(r => r.Id), new PropertySet { EmailMessageSchema.Sender });
// Sanity check
Assert.AreEqual(1, bindResults.Count());
// The results I care about
Assert.AreEqual("David Seiler", bindResults[0].Sender.Name);
Assert.AreEqual("", bindResults[0].Sender.Address);
One might try to cut out the BindToItems() call, and use FindItems() directly:
var view = new ItemView(100) { PropertySet = new PropertySet { EmailMessageSchema.Sender } };
var findResults = ews.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, view)
// This part still works fine
Assert.AreEqual(1, findResults.Count());
// So does this
Assert.AreEqual("David Seiler", findResults[0].Sender.Name);
// ...but this fails! Sender.Address is null
Assert.AreEqual("", findResults[0].Sender.Address);
Can anyone tell me where I've gone wrong? It really seems, from the documentation, as though this should work. Not all properties can be read through FindItems(), it's true, but those properties usually throw when I try to access them, and anyway there's a list of those properties on MSDN and Sender isn't on it. What's going on?
Actually I don't know why, but in the second option, it only load basic information of the sender like the name, but not the Address.
If you want to load all the sender properties but do not want to bind the full message you can add the following line before the first assert
service.LoadPropertiesForItems(findResults.Items, new PropertySet(EmailMessageSchema.Sender));

BackgroundTransferRequest WP7

I am using the Background Transfer to upload Photographs to my Web Service. As the Photograph uploads can consume significant time and memory, I thought it might be a nice idea to use the background transfer request to accomplish this. After the photo is uploaded, I want to obtain the Id of the uploaded photo and then use it for post-processing. However, it turns out I can't do that in a background transfer request.
Per my understanding, Background Transfer works using the following logic ONLY:
You have to obtain the file you want to upload and then save/copy it to your app's Isolated Storage under the folder: shared/transfers. This is extremely important. Apparently, using file in a different location didn't work for me. Maybe it isn't the shared/transfers as much as it is a 'relative' path. But I would stick to the same conventions.
After you have saved the file in that location, your background request can be created based on that. It doesn't look like you can pass POST CONTENT other than the file contents, so any other parameters like file name, mime type etc. will need to be passed as QUERY String parameters only. I can understand this, but it would've been nice if I could pass both as POST Content. I don't think HTTP has a limitation on how this works.
Here is some code for creating a request using Hammock:
string url = App.ZineServiceAuthority + "articles/save-blob?ContainerName={0}&MimeType={1}&ZineId={2}&Notes={3}&IsPrivate={4}&FileName={5}";
url = String.Format(url, userId, "image/jpg", ZineId, txtStatus.Text, true, UploadFileName);
var btr = new BackgroundTransferRequest(new Uri(url, UriKind.Absolute));
btr.TransferPreferences = TransferPreferences.AllowCellularAndBattery;
btr.Method = "POST";
btr.Headers.Add("token", IsolatedStorageHelper.GetTravzineToken());
btr.UploadLocation = new Uri(#"/shared\transfers/" + UploadFileName, UriKind.Relative);
btr.TransferStatusChanged += new EventHandler<BackgroundTransferEventArgs>(btr_TransferStatusChanged);
btr.TransferProgressChanged += new EventHandler<BackgroundTransferEventArgs>(btr_TransferProgressChanged);
In my case, I am literally passing all the necessary parameters using the query string. On a successful save, my Web Service returns back the Id of the Photo I just uploaded. However:
There is NO way (or at least I know of) to obtain and evaluate the RESPONSE. The Background Transfer Request Event handlers do not expose a RESPONSE.
Here are my event handlers:
void btr_TransferProgressChanged(object sender, BackgroundTransferEventArgs e)
bool isUploading = e.Request.TotalBytesToSend > 0 ? true : false;
lblStatus.Text = isUploading ? "Uploading" + e.Request.BytesSent.ToString() + " sent" : "Done";
void btr_TransferStatusChanged(object sender, BackgroundTransferEventArgs e)
if (e.Request.TransferStatus == TransferStatus.Completed)
using (IsolatedStorageFile iso =
if (iso.FileExists(e.Request.UploadLocation.OriginalString))
if (null != e.Request.TransferError)
lblStatus.Text = "Done baby done";
So now my question is, how does anyone do any sort of POST Processing in such scenarios?
Can anyone please tell me the line of thought behind designing such an inflexible class?
Any thoughts on how I could get around this issue would be appreciated.
Also, does anyone have any working examples of a homegrown BackgroundTransfer?
Haven't tried it but why not set a download location like this:
btr.DownloadLocation = "myDownloadFile.html";
btr.UploadLocation = "myUploadFile.jpg";
If the request is completed read the file "myDownloadFile.html" where your response has been stored and delete it afterwards.
