How to add trademark symbols - ruby

I am trying to add a trademark symbol to all the instances of "Imagination Playground" in my HTML document. However I end up with something like this:
<i class="fa fa-trademark"></i>
It seems like the symbol I am using is converted to HTML characters. How can I escape that?
This is my original Ruby code:
body = "<p>Whether you want to build a playground, make play a priority in your community, or learn more about Imagination Playground , we've got webinars for you in March!</p>
<p>As always, all our webinars are FREE. All you need to participate is a phone and a computer with an Internet connection.</p>"
new_body = Nokogiri::HTML(body)
new_body.encoding = 'UTF-8'
new_body.css('p','a').each{ |p|
p.content = p.content.gsub(/Imagination Playground\s/,'Imagination Playground<i class="fa fa-trademark"></i>');
puts new_body
And this is what I get:
<p>Whether you want to build a playground, make play a priority in your community, or learn more about Imagination Playground<i class="fa fa-trademark"></i>, we've got webinars for you in March!</p>
<p>As always, all our webinars are FREE. All you need to participate is a phone and a computer with an Internet connection.</p>
How can I replace that HTML paragraph and escape ampersand and special characters?

Here's how I'd do it:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(<<EOT)
<p>Whether you want to build a playground, make play a priority in your community, or learn more about Imagination Playground , we've got webinars for you in March!</p>
<p>As always, all our webinars are FREE. All you need to participate is a phone and a computer with an Internet connection.</p>
doc.encoding = 'UTF-8'
doc.css('p').each do |p|
p.children = p.content.gsub(/Imagination Playground\s/, 'Imagination Playground<i class="fa fa-trademark"></i>')
puts doc
Which results in:
# >> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
# >> <html><body>
# >> <p>Whether you want to build a playground, make play a priority in your community, or learn more about Imagination Playground<i class="fa fa-trademark"></i>, we've got webinars for you in March!</p>
# >> <p>As always, all our webinars are FREE. All you need to participate is a phone and a computer with an Internet connection.</p>
# >> </body></html>
Nokogiri is pretty smart. When it sees children=, it looks to see whether it's receiving a string. If so, it parses that string and converts it into a Node then replaces the existing children with the new node. This is a big difference from using content= which Nokogiri knows should be text, and then will encode the embedded tags into <, etc. This is covered in the documentation.
For children=:
Set the inner html for this Node node_or_tags node_or_tags can be a Nokogiri::XML::Node, a Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment, or a string containing markup.
For content=:
Set the Node's content to a Text node containing string. The string gets XML escaped, not interpreted as markup.
this would not work if i want to conserve the html tags that are inside the paragraph, try to do that for <p>fsome test and then <b>bold</b></p>
You are changing the requirements. Don't do that. Be specific about your needs so we can answer the real question once.
A small alteration is needed to take the contents of the desired tag. Use children.to_html to get the HTML string of the embedded nodes then gsub it and use its result:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML('<p>Imagination Playground<b>foo</b></p>')
puts doc.to_html
Which looks like this to start:
# >> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
# >> <html><body><p>Imagination Playground<b>foo</b></p></body></html>
Modify the DOM:'p').each do |p|
p.children = p.children.to_html.gsub(/Imagination Playground\s?/, 'Imagination Playground<i class="fa fa-trademark"></i>')
puts doc
Which now looks like:
# >> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
# >> <html><body><p>Imagination Playground<i class="fa fa-trademark"></i><b>foo</b></p></body></html>
Notice I'm using search instead of css. Use the generic method instead of the more specific. It makes it easier to switch to XPaths if needed.
Also, I'm using a little more intelligent pattern in the gsub to conditionally grab a single trailing whitespace if it's available. It's not essential to do that with HTML because browsers gobble blanks, but it would be the right way to do it if you were dealing with regular text documents or preformatted text.
And, just for more detail about what Nokogiri is seeing:'p').first
# => #(Element:0x3fd222462204 {
# name = "p",
# children = [
# #(Text "Imagination Playground"),
# #(Element:0x3fd2224608f0 { name = "b", children = [ #(Text "foo")] })]
# })'p').first.children
# => [#<Nokogiri::XML::Text:0x3fd222461688 "Imagination Playground">, #<Nokogiri::XML::Element:0x3fd2224608f0 name="b" children=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Text:0x3fd22245fe64 "foo">]>]


Excluding contents of <span> from text using Waitr

mytext =browser.element(:xpath => '//*[#id="gold"]/div[1]/h1').text
This is the text I want
<span> I do not want this text </span>
When I run my Watir code, it selects all the text, including what is in the spans. How do I just get the text "This is the text I want", and no span text?
If you have a more complicated HTML, I find it can be easier to deal with this using Nokogiri as it provides more methods for parsing the HTML:
require 'nokogiri'
h1 = browser.element(:xpath => '//*[#id="gold"]/div[1]/h1')
doc = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(h1.html)
mytext ='h1')
Ideally start by trying to avoid using XPath. One of the most powerful features of Watir is the ability to create complicated locators without XPath syntax.
The issue is that calling text on a node gets all content within that node. You'd need to do something like:
top_level = browser.element(id: 'gold')
h1_text = top_level.h1.text
span_text = top_level.h1.span.text
desired_text = h1_text.chomp(span_text)
This is useful for top level text.
If there is only one h1, you can ommit id
#b.h1.text.remove(#b.h1.children.collect(&:text).join(' '))
Or specify it if there are more
#b.h1(id: 'gold').text.remove(#b.h1.children.collect(&:text).join(' '))
Make it a method and call it from your script with get_top_text(#b.h1) to get it
def get_top_text(el)
el.text.chomp(#b.h1.children.collect(&:text).join(' '))

How to retrieve string using XPath without returning null errors

I'm trying to write "Private Equity Group; USA" to a file.
"Private Equity Group" prints fine, but I get an error for the "USA" portion
TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'style.display')"
HTML code:
<div class="cl profile-xsmall">
<div class="cl profile-small-bold">Private Equity Group</div>
The XPath for "USA" is:
I get the error when I print the XPath or have it in an if statement:
if (internet.has_xpath?('//*[#id="addrDiv-Id"]/div/div[3]/text()')){
file.puts "#{internet.find(:xpath, '//*[#id="addrDiv-Id"]/div/div[3]/text()')}"
Capybara is not a general purpose xpath library - it is a library aimed at testing, and therefore is element centric. The xpaths used need to refer to elements, not text nodes.
if (internet.has_xpath?('//*[#id="addrDiv-Id"]/div/div[3]')){
file.puts internet.find(:xpath, '//*[#id="addrDiv-Id"]/div/div[3]').text
although using XPath at all for this is just a bad idea. Whenever possible default to CSS, it's easier to read, and faster for the browser to process - something like
if (internet.has_css?('#addrDiv-Id > div > div:nth-of-type(3)')){
file.puts internet.find('#addrDiv-Id" > div > div:nth-of-type(3)').text
or if the HTML allows it (I don't know without seeing more of the HTML)
if (internet.has_css?('#addrDiv-id .cl.profile-xsmall')){
file.puts internet.find('#addrDiv-id .cl.profile-xsmall').text
or even cleaner if it works for your use case
file.puts internet.first('#addrDiv-id .cl.profile-xsmall')&.text
Another way to do it :
xml = %{<div class="cl profile-xsmall">
<div class="cl profile-small-bold">Private Equity Group</div>
require 'rexml/document'
doc = xml
print(REXML::XPath.match(doc, 'normalize-space(string(//div[#class="cl profile-xsmall"]))'))
Output :
["Private Equity Group USA"]
I'd say the HTML isn't well-formed, using span would have been better, but this works:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(<<EOT)
<div class="cl profile-xsmall">
<div class="cl profile-small-bold">Private Equity Group</div>
div ='.profile-small-bold')
[div.text.strip, div.next_sibling.text.strip].join(' ')
# => "Private Equity Group USA"
which can be reduced to:
[div, div.next_sibling].map { |n| n.text.strip }.join(' ')
# => "Private Equity Group USA"
The problem is that you have two nested divs, with "USA" trailing, so it's important to point to the inner node which has the main text you want. Then "USA" is in the following text node, which is accessible using next_sibling:
div.next_sibling.class # => Nokogiri::XML::Text
div.next_sibling # => #<Nokogiri::XML::Text:0x3c "\n USA\n">
Note, I'm using CSS selectors; They're easier to read, which is echoed by the Nokogiri documentation. I have no proof they're faster, and, because Nokogiri uses libxml to process both, there's probably no real difference worth worrying about, so use whatever makes more sense, and run benchmarks if you're curious.
You might be tempted to use text against the div class="cl profile-xsmall" node, but don't be sucked into that, as it's a trap:'.profile-xsmall').text # => "\n Private Equity Group\n USA\n"'.profile-xsmall').text.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip # => "Private Equity Group USA"
text will return a string of the text nodes after they're concatenated together. In this particular, rare case, it results in a somewhat usable result, however, usually you'll get something like this:
doc = Nokogiri::HTML('<div><p>foo</p><p>bar</p></div>')'div').text # => "foobar"'p').text # => "foobar"
Once those text nodes have been concatenated it's really difficult to take them apart again. Nokogiri's documentation talks about this:
Note: This joins the text of all Node objects in the NodeSet:
doc = Nokogiri::XML('<xml><a><d>foo</d><d>bar</d></a></xml>')
doc.css('d').text # => "foobar"
Instead, if you want to return the text of all nodes in the NodeSet:
doc.css('d').map(&:text) # => ["foo", "bar"]
The XPath for "USA" is:
Um, no, not according to the HTML you gave us. But, let's pretend.
Using an absolute path to a node is a good way to write fragile selectors. It takes only a small change in the HTML to break your access to the node. Instead, find way-points to skip through the HTML to find the node you want, taking advantage of CSS and XPath to search downward through the DOM.
Typically, a selector like yours is generated by a browser, which isn't a good source to trust. Often browsers do fixups on malformed HTML, which changes it from what Nokogiri or a parser would see, resulting in a non-existing target, or the browser presents the HTML after JavaScript has had a change to run, which can move nodes, hide them, add new ones, etc.
Instead of trusting the browser, use curl, wget or nokogiri at the command-line to dump the file and look at it using a text editor. Then you'll be seeing it just as Nokogiri sees it, prior to any fixups or mangling.

Why is XPath returning value of '0' using Ruby, Nokogiri and Watir?

I'm working on a white-hat web-crawler that will periodically log into my account and check some information for me using Ruby with Watir and Nokogiri.
Here's the simplified HTML I'm trying to pull information from:
<div class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top hidden-lg hidden-md" style="z-index: 1002">
<div class="banner-g">
<div class="container">
<div id="user-info">
<div id="acct-value">
GAIN/LOSS <span class="SPShares">-$12.85</span>
<div id="committed">
INVESTED <span class="SPPortfolio">$152.11</span>
<div id="avail">
AVAILABLE <span class="SPBalance">$26.98</span>
I'm trying to pull the $26.98. at the bottom of the excerpt.
Here are three snippets of code I'm using. They're all pretty much identical except for the XPath. The first two return their values perfectly, but the third always returns a value of "0" even though it 'should' return "$26.98" or "26.98".
val_one = page_html.xpath(".//*[#id='openone']/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[2]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[1]").text.gsub(/\D/,'').to_i
val_two = page_html.xpath(".//*[#id='opentwo']/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[1]").text.gsub(/\D/,'').to_i
val_three = page_html.xpath(".//*[#id='avail']/a/span").text.gsub(/\D/,'').to_i
puts val_three
I assume it's a problem with the XPath, but I've gone through dozens of XPath troubleshooting questions here and none have worked. I checked the XPath with both FirePath and "XPath Checker". I also tried having the XPath search for the "SPBalance" class but that gave the same result.
When I remove to.i from the end, it returns a blank line instead of a zero.
Elsewhere in the site when using Watir, I was able to fix problems recording a value by calling .focus, but for this piece of the code, which is more Nokogiri, using .focus causes the error message:
undefined method `focus' for []:Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet (NoMethodError)
I assume .focus doesn't work for Nokogiri.
Update: Replaced HTML with a cleaner/more complete version.
I've continued to play around with different ways of reaching that data cell, including xpath, css and a search method. Someone told me xpath wouldn't work for this page so I spent even more time trying to get css to work. Someone else told me the page had Javascript, which would prevent Watir from working. So I tried rewriting the app for Selenium instead. Selenium did not solve the problem, and created a whole host of other problems.
Update: After following advice from the Tin Man, I've found that the node is not actually visible in the HTML when it is downloaded using curl.
I'm now trying to access the node using Watir instead of Nokogiri (as he suggested).
Here's some of what I've tried so far:
avail_funds = browser.span :class => 'SPBalance'
avail_funds = browser.span(:css, 'span[customattribute]').text
avail_funds = browser.div(:id => "avail").a(:href => "/Profile/MyShares").span(:class => "SPBalance").text
avail_funds = browser.span(:xpath, ".//*[#id='avail']/a/span").text
avail_funds = browser.span(:css, 'span[class="SPBalance"]').text
avail_funds = browser.span.text
avail_funds = browser.div.text
browser.span(:class, "SPBalance").focus
avail_funds = browser.span(:class, "SPBalance").text
avail_funds = #browser.span(:class => 'SPBalance').inner_html
puts #browser.spans(:class => "SPBalance")
puts #browser.span(:class => "SPBalance")
texts = #browser.spans(:class => "SPBalance").map do |span|
So far all of the above return either blank lines or an error message.
The div class with the ID "user-info" is visible within the HTML as downloaded via curl. Everything beneath that, however, is not visible.
When I try:
avail_funds = browser.div(:id => "user-info").text
I get only blank lines.
When I try:
avail_funds = browser.div(:class => "navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top hidden-xs hidden-sm").text
I get actual text back! But unfortunately the string does not contain the value I want.
I also tried:
puts browser.html
Because I thought if the value where visible in that version of the HTML, as it is through my Firefox plug-in, I could parse down to the value I want. But unfortunately the value is not visible in that version of the HTML.
By first 2 commands you fetch data directly from table cell beginning from the root of the document, and in the last one you starting from the center.
Try out to give span id and get data again, and then grow up the complexity and you will find your error in xpath
The first problem is you're trying to use a long, too-long, selector that is referencing tags that don't exist:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(<<EOT)
<body class="cbp-spmenu-push">
<div id="FreshWidget" class="freshwidget-container responsive" data-html2canvas-ignore="true" style="display: none;">
<div id="freshwidget-button" class="freshwidget-button fd-btn-right" data-html2canvas-ignore="true" style="display: none; top: 235px;">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/Content/css/NavPushComponent.css"/>
<script src="/Scripts/classie.js"/>
<script src="/Scripts/modernizr.custom.js"/>
<div class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top hidden-lg hidden-md" style="z-index: 1002">
<div class="banner-g">
<div class="container">
<div id="user-info">
<div id="acct-value">
<div id="committed">
<div id="avail">
<a href="/Profile/MyBalance">
<span class="SPBalance">$31.59</span>
EOT'tbody') # => nil
There is no <tbody> tag in your sample, and there rarely is in HTML created in the wild, especially if people created it manually. We usually see <tbody> in HTML someone grabbed from a browser's "View Source" display, which is the resulting output after their engine has mangled the HTML in an attempt to make it readable. Don't use that output. Instead, ALWAYS go straight to the source and use wget or curl and download the page and inspect it with an editor, or even use nokogiri some_url on the command-line and look at it there.
A second problem is your HTML snippet is invalid because it's full of unterminated tags. Nokogiri will do fixups on bad HTML, which can actually move nodes around, making it difficult to find nodes, especially when debugging. In this particular case Nokogiri is able to terminate them, but it's important to honor tag closures.
Here's what I'd use:
value ='span.SPBalance').text # => "$31.59"
This is using CSS which is usually much more readable than XPath. at means "find the first occurrence" and is equivalent to search('span.SPBalance').first.
The XPath equivalent would be:'//span[#class="SPBalance"]')'//span[#class="SPBalance"]').text # => "$31.59"
Once I have the value then it's easy to manipulate it.
value[/[\d.]+/].to_f # => 31.59
Moving on...
the third always returns a value of "0" even though it should return "$31.59" or "31.59"
'$31.58'.to_i # => 0
'$'.to_i # => 0
'31.58'.to_i # => 31
'$31.58'.to_f # => 0.0
'31.58'.to_f # => 31.58
The documentation for to_f and to_i say respectively:
Returns the result of interpreting leading characters in str as a floating point number.
Returns the result of interpreting leading characters in str as an integer base base (between 2 and 36).
In both cases "leading characters" is significant.
using .focus causes the error message:
undefined method `focus' for []:Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet (NoMethodError)
I assume .focus doesn't work for Nokogiri.
You could always check the NodeSet documentation, which confirms that focus is not a method.

Get element in particular index nokogiri

How can I get the element at index 2.
For example in following HTML I want to display the third element i.e a DIV:
<DIV> </DIV>
I have been trying the following:
p1 = html_doc.css('body:nth-child(2)')
puts p1
I don't think you're understanding how we use a parser like Nokogiri, because it's a lot easier than you make it out to be.
I'd use:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(<<EOT)
EOT'//div[2]').to_html # => "<div>2</div>"
That's using at which returns the first Node that matches the selector. //div[2] is an XPath selector that will return the second <div> found. search could be used instead of at, but it returns a NodeSet, which is like an array, and would mean I'd need to extract that particular node.
Alternately, I could use CSS instead of XPath:'div:nth-child(3)').to_html # => "<div>2</div>"
Which, to me, is not really an improvement over the XPath as far as readability.
Using search to find all occurrences of a particular tag, means I have to select the particular element from the returned NodeSet:'div')[1].to_html # => "<div>2</div>"
Or:'div').last.to_html # => "<div>2</div>"
The downside to using search this way, is it will be slower and needlessly memory intensive on big documents since search finds all occurrences of the nodes that match the selector in the document, and which are then thrown away after selecting only one. search, css and xpath all behave that way, so, if you only need the first matching node, use at or its at_css and at_xpath equivalents and provide a sufficiently definitive selector to find just the tag you want.
'body:nth-child(2)' doesn't work because you're not using it right, according to ":nth-child()" and how I understand it works. nth-child looks at the tag supplied, and finds the "nth" occurrence of it under its parent. So, you're asking for the third tag under body's "html" parent, which doesn't exist because a correctly formed HTML document would be:
(How you tell Nokogiri to parse the document determines how the resulting DOM is structured.)
Instead, use: div:nth-child(3) which says, "find the third child of the parent of div, which is "body", and results in the second div tag.
Back to how Nokogiri can be told to parse a document; Meditate on the difference between these:
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(<<EOT)
puts doc.to_html
# >> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
# >> <html><body>
# >> <p>foo</p>
# >> </body></html>
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(<<EOT)
puts doc.to_html
# >> <p>foo</p>
If you can modify the HTML add id's and classes to target easily what you are looking for (also add the body tag).
If you can not modify the HTML keep your selector simple and access the second element of the array.

Inserting an element in local HTML file

I am trying to write a Ruby script that would read a local HTML file, and insert some more HTML (basically a string) into it after a certain #divid.
I am kinda noob so please don't hesitate to put in some code here.
I was able to this by following...
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open('file.html'))
data = "<div>something</div>"
And then (over)write the file with same data..."file.html", 'w') {|f| f.write(doc.to_html) }
This is a bit more correct way to do it:
html = '<html><body><div id="certaindivid">blah</div></body></html>'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
doc.at_css('div#certaindivid').add_next_sibling('<div>junk goes here</div>')
print doc.to_html
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<div id="certaindivid">blah</div>
<div>junk goes here</div>
Notice the use of .at_css(), which finds the first occurrence of the target node and returns it, avoiding getting a nodeset back, and relieving you of the need to grab the .first() node.
