Vagrant ssh using username and password - vagrant

I want to connect with a vagrant machine with different user instead of Vagrant also want to use another username and password instead of using keys. Also, I want to know is it possible to use ssh vagrant vm from another vm running in same machine. If so, how to do that?

Vagrant has a few options (see full doc :
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.ssh.username = "user"
config.ssh.password = "password"
note indeed, you need to make sure those users exist on the guest os (generally most vagrant box are created with vagrant user)
To have the connection between your different VMs, you can easily do that if you assign fix IP to the VM.
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| :private_network, ip: ""
when you connect to your second VM, you can run ssh vagrant# and it will ssh to the first VM


How do you set the VM name via Vagrant?

I've set up 4 VMs in Vagrant and now trying to set the name of a VM in Vagrant as I don't just want to ssh into the default VM.
I can't find any docs on the vagrant website but found this:
How to change Vagrant 'default' machine name?
However, when I try:
config.vm.define "foohost"
and do a vagrant up I get:
There are errors in the configuration of this machine. Please fix
the following errors and try again:
* The following settings shouldn't exist: define
I suspect you actually wrote
config.vm.define = "foohost"
rather than
config.vm.define "foohost"
as that would explain the error message. (Best to show several lines of actual source if you can.)
as I don't just want to ssh into the default VM.
so when you use multiple VM, you can tell vagrant which VM you want to ssh by default, using the following
config.vm.define "foohost", primary: true do |foohost|
then when you run vagrant ssh you will ssh by default in this VM.
To ssh into the other MV, you will need to specify the VM name

Ubuntu - vagrant access from another computer

I have recently learned how to setup a virtual machine using vagrant (virtualbox), and I know how to access it from a web browser via the local adress such as 192.168.x.x:9292 since 9292 is the default gate. But I would like to access the server from another computer locally.
My question is if I could access it via cmd as I connect to it on my own with the command vagrant ssh but from another computer via a command like vagrant ssh 192.168.x.x?
As far as I understand you have to use external programs or setup something inside the vagrant environment? Is there a simple way to access the server or is it password protected? If I setup a website I can access that for example from another local machine but can I access files on the server (from another computer)?
I found how to connect to another computer locally by entering the vagrant environment, vagrant up --> vagrant ssh. And connected to another computer by typing in ssh vagrant#192.168.x.x where 192.168.x.x is the local address to the computer. The vagrant asks for a password and you type in the default password which I believe is vagrant and then you are connected to the other vagrant instance.
Assuming you have virtualbox provider for Vagrant you can achieve this by doing bridging the VBox network interface with Host.
Use this in Vagratfile (for public/private)
For Public
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| "public_network",
use_dhcp_assigned_default_route: true
For Private
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| "private_network", type: "dhcp"
above code will create IP in the range of Host network and using this you can access the file server from another machine.

How can I configure private network in vagrant box

On my laptop, I have windows 10 pro install. On that, I have installed latest virtualbox 5.1.2, latest vagrant 1.9.1 and latest packer 0.12.1. My laptop is highend and with strong configuration. I am on wifi.
I want to have three vagrant boxes running Windows 2012 r2 so that I can install SQL server on one, and two different web applications on others.
Till now I have managed to create vagrant boxes without any hassles. If I use forwarded port method, I am even able to rdp into those machines.
My plan is to configure private network for these machines so that they can have their own ip addresses and can communicate with each other. But so far I am unable to achieve so. The private network settings as recommeded on and other websites do not seem to work for me somehow, as I am sure I am doing some mistake somewhere.
can somebody please help me on how to go about this? I have searched a lot on this site also and gone through many suggestions but none seem to help.
Below is my vagrant file that I am using.
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = ""
config.vm.communicator = "winrm"
config.vm.hostname = "xxxserver"
# Admin user name and password
config.winrm.username = "vagrant"
config.winrm.password = "vagrant"
config.vm.guest = :windows = 600 "private_network", ip: ""
And below is the error message that I get when I run vagrant rdp
==> default: Detecting RDP info... RDP connection information for this machine could not be detected. This is typically caused when we can't
find the IP or port to connect to for RDP. Please verify you're
forwarding an RDP port and that your machine is accessible.
But if I replace "private_network", ip: ""
with "forwarded_port" , host: 33390 , guest: 3389
and then reload the box then vagrant rdp works fine and I am able to loginto it. I want to use static ips for my vms.
Kindly guide..
I also use a private_network with a static ip. Only adding (not replacing) the line "forwarded_port" , host: 33390 , guest: 3389 works.
$ vagrant rdp
==> fe: Detecting RDP info...
fe: Address:`enter code here`
fe: Username: vagrant
==> fe: Vagrant will now launch your RDP client with the connection parameters
==> fe: above. If the connection fails, verify that the information above is
==> fe: correct. Additionally, make sure the RDP server is configured and
==> fe: running in the guest machine (it is disabled by default on Windows).
==> fe: Also, verify that the firewall is open to allow RDP connections.

Vagrant Warning: Connection refused. Retrying

Testing default example
$ vagrant init hashicorp/precise32
$ vagrant up
My box:
Windows 8.1
VirtualBox 5.0.2
Vagrant 1.7.4
Intel i7-4700MQ CPU witch seems to have Intel® Virtualization Technology (VT-x)
I know this is common error but after trying everything I still cannot make it work
While VM shows:
And I can log in successfully:
Firewall / Antivirus turned off.
Hyper-V is not installed
I have tried connecting via putty to 2222
Vagrantfile (I have removed commented out lines)
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "hashicorp/precise32"
This is what vagrant ssh does... nothing. And vagrant reload stuck on same issue.
This happens with Vagrant from time to time with the first spin up. After it does that it will timeout and drop you back at the prompt, go vagrant ssh, it will let you in. If it does not go vagrant reload and it will restart the vm. This occurs because the vagrant images have dns turned off so it takes a while to resolve the connection. Again, this sometimes occurs on the first up after you download it and spin it up.
I suspect this could be a misconfigured VBox guest.
I suppose you could try making sure that NAT and port forwarding are enabled in the settings of your VM, and if they aren't, you could enable it manually: in the VirtualBox Graphical Manager, select the machine, click on settings, click on network at the right of the popup, check all the adapters and make sure that the adapter that is "attached to NAT" is enabled. Also, check the port forwarding settings. You can also access the network settings when you are running the VM, from the buttons at the bottom/left (the third button in your second pic, from left to right).
Something that I found out was the case for me after multiple destroys/reebots: check if you have an SSH agent running with a key loaded (like Pageant for PuTTY).
In my case having another SSH key loaded with Pageant (instead of the one configured for Vagrant) was conflicting with the authentication process, which resulted in endless "Connection refused. Retrying" and ultimately in me being unable to use Vagrant.
The solution is to either
Load the appropriate key in Pageant
Close pageant (what I usually do, as it's faster in my case)
Hope this helps someone out there!
here are a few things I would try (and I do understand you might have tried a lot of this and it might not solve your issues but just in case) :
follow the steps from to completely disable Hyper-V (not sure its enough from windows features - and even though you're using a 32-bit box)
not sure if you enabled the gui mode when you logged into the vm from virtual box or you just opened it after, but enable the option and check if nothing is blocking during the startup
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
vb.gui = true
use another ssh port (even though it does not mention there is a collision) you can try another port :forwarded_port, guest: 22, host: 2522, auto_correct: false, id: "ssh"
see after vagrant up if you can connect with putty.
optionally, you can run vagrant up --debug to get more information about the error, you will see where it loops/error and give the output of that for others on SO to comment
Giving another look, I thought the issue was about connection timeout but it is connection refused the message says
SSH username: vagrant
SSH auth method: password
but you're not passing any password in the Vagrantfile you show. Just add
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "hashicorp/precise32"
config.ssh.username = "vagrant"
config.ssh.password = "vagrant"
I would recommend to use ssh-key as it is a bit more simple to use.

How to access Vagrant Box in public network

I had created on e box inside vagrant. In the Vagrantfile, I had given the network as
Create a private network, which allows host-only access to the machine
# using a specific IP.
# :private_network, ip: ""
# Create a public network, which generally matched to bridged network.
# Bridged networks make the machine appear as another physical device on
# your network. :public_network
I can't access the VagrantBox outside the VLAN. I need to access the Vagrant Box in public network. How to configure vagrantfile in such a way that I need to access in public network?
Uncomment the line in Vagrantfile :public_network
The file will look like below
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "box_name" :public_network
Save it, restart the VM by using vagrant reload.
For VirtualBox, it'll use Bridged mode for networking. Which means the VM will acquire an IP address from the DHCP server for the VLAN.
You can also set the VLAN IP with: :public_network, ip: ""
Refer to => Public Network
By default, vagrant deletes the default (working) route on additional bridged networks inside the VMs. My problem which was specific for DHCP could only be solved by configuring the bridged network as follows: :public_network, :bridge => 'em1',:use_dhcp_assigned_default_route => true
Courtesy of!msg/vagrant-up/yNhWV42pcgk/NbOck1xqtFQJ
There maybe an equivalent for static IPs.
I was unable to figure this out using anything I read (which was hours and hours of research). Instead, this is how I figured it out:
Below is my Vagrantfile. The important part for me was :public_network. After reloading vagrant with vagrant reload, I chose the first option of the 4 available bridged network interfaces (I’m not sure if I chose the correct one by luck, or if any would have worked, I’ll experiment), then sshed into the vagrant box with vagrant ssh, did ifconfig, chose one of the 3 ip addresses that it output, pasted that into my browser, and it worked.
The thing no one else seemed to talk about was sshing into the vagrant box and finding one of the ip addresses there. I hope maybe this helps some other networking newb in the future.
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "bahmni-team/bahmni"
config.vm.box_check_update = true
config.ssh.insert_key = false :public_network
config.vm.synced_folder "..", "/bahmni", :owner => "vagrant"
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", 4092, "--cpus", 2, "--name", "Bahmni-RPM"]
Finally! This is years later but I couldn't find more current info. For me, the problem was that I not only had a private network defined, but also a forwarded port, and all that was working well. I then commented out the private_network, replaced it with public_network, and couldn't reach anything. Tried everything I found here and elsewhere, no go. It's only when I commented out the port forwarding that things started working again, without any of the manual bridging/dhcp configuration rigamarole suggested.
Single VM environment
you can use command: vagrant ssh
Multi VM environment
you can use command: vagrant ssh {hostname}
