Does a Message-Only Window consume fewer resources? - windows

I'm creating a window with CreateWindowEx for the sole purpose of receiving messages. Currently the hWndParent parameter is 0:
Result := CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, WindowClassName, '', WS_POPUP,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, HInstance, nil);
I've read that a message-only window can be created by changing this parameter to HWND_MESSAGE.
Are there benefits in terms of performance and consumption of resources when using this option?

It's hard to answer definitively. One would imagine that a message only window would be less heavy on resources than a hidden window. But who's to say that it's not the other way around? And perhaps the answer differs with OS version. You can only tell for sure by profiling.
However, you tend not to have large numbers of message only windows in a process. And so even if there's a difference, will it ever be significant? Not likely.
More important differences are to be found in behaviour. The big one is that message only windows don't receive broadcast messages.


What is the meaning of undocumented messages in 0x0 - WM_USER range?

I was experimenting on a simple window to gain insights into the creation process. And I noticed some strange messages. Some was received by WinProc exclusively, others only appeared in message loop (GetMessage), DispatchMessage probably filtered them (0x60)? Some was passed to DefWindowProc by the loop (like 0x31F).
I suspect that Unique WMs you can see in the bottom might be from some random processes or Windows. And WM_TIMER is not passed to DefWindowProc because Dispatch calls it's callback, instead.
But what are this strange undocumented Windows-area messages? It's hightly unlikely that it can be from some random process, as I didn't disable UIPI for them via filters. I still get them in Admin mode, so it's either some rouge Admin program, or more likely OS itself.
I know that Registered WMs are from 4t Tray Minimiser program I use, but when I unload it, the undocumented ones still come in.
As you can see, 0x60 is very often repeated on window focus changes... Also, what could that WM_TIMER be?

Reading pipe asynchronously using ReadFile

I think I need some clarification on how to read from a named pipe and have it return immediately, data or not. What I am seeing is ReadFile fails, as expected, but GetLastError returns either ERROR_IO_PENDING or ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED, and it does this until my surrounding code times out. I get these errors EVEN THOUGH THE DATA HAS IN FACT ARRIVED. I know this by checking my read buffer and seeing what I expect. And the pipe keeps working. I suspect I am not using the overlapped structure correctly, I'm just setting all fields to zero. My code looks like this:
bret = SetNamedPipeHandleState(gPipe, &pMode, NULL, NULL);
memset(&ol, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED));
// the following inside a loop that times out after a period
bret = ReadFile(gPipe, &tmostat, sizeof(TMO64STAT), NULL, &ol);
if (bret) break;
err = GetLastError();
So I can do what I want by ignoring the errors and checking for arrived data, but it troubles me. Any idea why I am getting this behavior?
Windows OVERLAPPED I/O doesn't work like the non-blocking flag on other OSes (For example on Linux, the closest equivalent is aio_*() API, not FIONBIO)
With OVERLAPPED I/O, the operation hasn't failed, it proceeds in the background. But you are never checking on it... you just try again. There's a queue of pending operations, you're always starting new ones, never checking on the old ones.
Fill in the hEvent field in the OVERLAPPED structure, and use it to detect when the operation completes. Then call GetOverlappedResult() to get the number of bytes actually transferred.
Another important note -- the OS owns the OVERLAPPED structure and the buffer until the operation completes, you must take care to make sure these stay valid and not deallocate them or use them for any other operation until you confirm that the first operation completed.
Note that there is an actual non-blocking mode for Win32 pipes, but Microsoft strongly recommends against using it:
The nonblocking-wait mode is supported for compatibility with Microsoft LAN Manager version 2.0. This mode should not be used to achieve overlapped input and output (I/O) with named pipes. Overlapped I/O should be used instead, because it enables time-consuming operations to run in the background after the function returns.
Named Pipe Type, Read, and Wait Modes

Looking for an alternative to the WaitForInputIdle function, available at any time

I'm working on an automation program, and the WaitForInputIdle function helps me determine when the window of the target app is done initializing. The problem is that, in my case, it works only with the first window - that's how WaitForInputIdle works, only once.
Could the functionality of WaitForInputIdle be implemented in a different way, such that it could be called every time the target process is busy, and wait until it's done?
I thought about posting a dummy message, but I don't think there's a way to find out when it gets removed from the queue.
Edit: I came up with something, an ugly and hacky solution that seems to work:
RECT rc;
if(!GetUpdateRect(hWnd, &rc, FALSE))
rc.left = = 0;
rc.right = rc.bottom = 1;
InvalidateRect(hWnd, &rc, FALSE);
do {
} while(GetUpdateRect(hWnd, &rc, FALSE));
I really hope there's something better than that.
Edit: sending WM_NULL, as suggested by Raymond Chen, works for me.
It appears that the PrintWindow hack has no advantages, as internally it just sends the WM_PAINT message.
Old message: I came up with a solution that solves my problem, still a hack but not as ugly.
The idea is misusing the PrintWindow function, which basically posts sends a WM_PAINT message and waits for the window to process it - exactly what I need.
Below is the code with some informative comments.
It was tested on Windows XP and Windows 8 and it works as expected, i.e. doesn't fail despite the NULL HDC value.
// PrintWindow is misused here as a synchronization tool
// When calling it, the system sends WM_PAINT and waits for it to be processed
// Note: if hWnd is hung, the following call will hang as well
PrintWindow(hWnd, NULL, 0);

Problems with 'cross process subclassing'

Two questions.
1) I understand this must be an expected outcome but maybe someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong; I'm trying to subclass all window classes in a global hook and it works except that I'm not able to close shop as I should and when the program initially registering the hook unregisters the hook and exits, subclassed applications start crashing.
Here's how I'm trying to do it..
// stores original wndprocs. In the hook dll, outside the shared memory.
map<HWND, WNDPROC> origWndProcs;
// in an EnumWindows callback, executed for all HWND's, also in the hook dll (UWM_REMOVE_HOOK is a registered unique message)
SendMessageTimeout(hWnd, UWM_REMOVE_HOOK, 0, 0, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG | SMTO_NORMAL, 15000, res);
// Still in the same hook, in the subclassing wndproc..
if (msg == UWM_REMOVE_HOOK) {
if (origWndProcs.find(hwnd) != origWndProcs.end()) {
SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)origWndProcs[hwnd]);
// clears the hook..
__declspec(dllexport) BOOL ClearHooks(HWND hWnd) {
BOOL unhooked = UnhookWindowsHookEx(hook) &&
UnhookWindowsHookEx(kb_hook) &&
UnhookWindowsHookEx(mouse_hook) &&
hWndServer = NULL;
return unhooked;
In DllMain I don't do anything on DLL_PROCESS_DETACH. Instead, ClearHooks() is called from the program originally registering the hooks and there only after the hook has sent a message signalling that it has executed the EnumWindows operation (restores original wndprocs, see above).
I subclass windows in a WndProc hook; all visible windows that receive a message and whose current wndproc is not the one in the dll, are subclassed.
Basically all (as far as I can tell) applications crash on exit despite the fact that windows do seem to get the wndproc set back to what it was when it was replaced. Anyone have a clue what I might be doing wrong?
2) I need this to intercept WM_MINMAXINFO and modify window maxsize whenever a window is maximized. Unfortunately I can't do this in the dll but I have to talk with a program to get the size info. So, what's the best way to talk to that window; I need it to pass back some info so I can modify the structure that came with the original WM_MINMAXINFO message. Will a structure in WM_COPYDATA preserve it's data until the call to SendMessageTimeout returns?
There are plenty of pain points here. You assume that no other code will subclass the window. And that such code will un-subclass it in the right order. There is no right order, your hooking is quite asynchronous from the program's execution.
But, the workaround is simple enough. You are already hooking with SetWindowsHookEx, might as well do one more. WH_CALLWNDPROC or WH_CALLWNDPROCRET, depending on what you want to do.

OpenGL suppresses exceptions in MFC dialog-based application

I have an MFC-driven dialog-based application created with MSVS2005. Here is my problem step by step. I have button on my dialog and corresponding click-handler with code like this:
int* i = 0;
*i = 3;
I'm running debug version of program and when I click on the button, Visual Studio catches focus and alerts "Access violation writing location" exception, program cannot recover from the error and all I can do is to stop debugging. And this is the right behavior.
Now I add some OpenGL initialization code in the OnInitDialog() method:
HDC DC = GetDC(GetSafeHwnd());
sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), // size of this pfd
1, // version number
PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | // support window
PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | // support OpenGL
PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER, // double buffered
24, // 24-bit color depth
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // color bits ignored
0, // no alpha buffer
0, // shift bit ignored
0, // no accumulation buffer
0, 0, 0, 0, // accum bits ignored
32, // 32-bit z-buffer
0, // no stencil buffer
0, // no auxiliary buffer
PFD_MAIN_PLANE, // main layer
0, // reserved
0, 0, 0 // layer masks ignored
int pixelformat = ChoosePixelFormat(DC, &pfd);
SetPixelFormat(DC, pixelformat, &pfd);
HGLRC hrc = wglCreateContext(DC);
ASSERT(hrc != NULL);
wglMakeCurrent(DC, hrc);
Of course this is not exactly what I do, it is the simplified version of my code. Well now the strange things begin to happen: all initialization is fine, there are no errors in OnInitDialog(), but when I click the button... no exception is thrown. Nothing happens. At all. If I set a break-point at the *i = 3; and press F11 on it, the handler-function halts immediately and focus is returned to the application, which continue to work well. I can click button again and the same thing will happen.
It seems like someone had handled occurred exception of access violation and silently returned execution into main application message-receiving cycle.
If I comment the line wglMakeCurrent(DC, hrc);, all works fine as before, exception is thrown and Visual Studio catches it and shows window with error message and program must be terminated afterwards.
I experience this problem under Windows 7 64-bit, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 with latest drivers (of 11.01.2010) available at website installed. My colleague has Windows Vista 32-bit and has no such problem - exception is thrown and application crashes in both cases.
Well, hope good guys will help me :)
PS The problem originally where posted under this topic.
Ok, I found out some more information about this. In my case it's windows 7 that installs KiUserCallbackExceptionHandler as exception handler, before calling my WndProc and giving me execution control. This is done by ntdll!KiUserCallbackDispatcher. I suspect that this is a security measure taken by Microsoft to prevent hacking into SEH.
The solution is to wrap your wndproc (or hookproc) with a try/except frame so you can catch the exception before Windows does.
Thanks to Skywing at
We've contacted nVidia about this
issue, but they say it's not their
bug, but rather the Microsoft's. Could
you please tell how you located the
exception handler? And do you have
some additional information, e.g. some
feedbacks from Microsoft?
I used the "!exchain"-command in WinDbg to get this information.
Rather than wrapping the WndProc or hooking all WndProcs, you could use Vectored Exception Handling:
First, both behaviors are correct. Dereferencing a null pointer is "undefined behavior", not a guaranteed access violation.
First, find out whether this is related to exception throwing or only to accessing memory location zero (try a different exception).
If you configure Visual Studio to stop on first-chance access violations, does it break?
Call VirtualQuery(NULL, ...) before and after glMakeCurrent and compare. Maybe the nVidia OpenGL drivers VirtualAlloc page zero (a bad idea, but not impossible or illegal).
I found this question when I was looking at a similar problem. Our problem turned out to be silent consumption of exceptions when running a 32-bit application on 64-bit Windows.
There’s a fix available from Microsoft, though deploying it is somewhat challenging if you have multiple target platforms:
Here's an article on the subject describing the behavior:
This thread on stack overflow also describes the problem I was experiencing:
Exceptions silently caught by Windows, how to handle manually?
