Handling Arrays of custom objects in Mongoid - ruby

I'm having some issues with creating a Mongoid document that includes an array of custom objects.
I my particular case I intend to store an array of BaseDevice objects. The BaseDevice class is already mongified and serializes from/to a plain hash using Mongoid's custom fields support. This works pretty well on single object.
For storing an array of BaseDevice, I've created the following class:
class BaseDeviceArray < Array
class << self
def demongoize(object)
object ? object.map{ |obj| BaseDevice.demongoize obj } : new
def evolve(object)
when BaseDeviceArray then object.mongoize
else object
def mongoize
The mongoid document looks like this
class MongoPeriph
include Mongoid::Document
field :devices, type: BaseDeviceArray
Let's say some_devices is an array containing two BaseDevice instances.
What happens is the following: when I assign some_devices to the devices fields of the MongoPeriph instance that works correctly.
mp = MongoPeriph.create
mp.devices = some_devices
mp.devices # => [#<BaseDevice:0x007fa84bac0080>,#<BaseDevice:0x007fa84baaff78>]
When try to send push, pop, shift, unshift methods to the devices field within the mongoid document, nothing seems to happen. The changes are not appearing on the mp object. Also when referencing one of the objects by index (i.e. when calling mp.devices[0].some_method) the world does not change.
When popping objects from the array, on every pop a new object is given. This is expected as the deserializer is instantiating a new BaseDevice object for every pop, but the internal field is not updated i.e. the object stays there and one can pop endlessly.
Using the BaseDeviceArray separate from a mongoid document works as expected:
foo = BaseDeviceArray.new
foo << BaseDevice.new
results in an array with a BaseDevice object.
Btw. I found one other approach to this on the net. It is a more generalized way of implementing what I need, but it monkey-patches Mongoid. Something I try to avoid. Moreover that solution seems to have the same issue my approach has.

Issue in your code is that you have #mongoize (instance) method but you actually need ::mongoize (class) method. You never create an instance of BaseDeviceArray thus instance methods are useless.
Here's an example of how I did the ::mongoize method where I actually have in mongo a Hash with a single key with array value. Also I wanted to make the resulting array into a hash with ids as keys for easier lookup.
def demongoize(hash)
return validate_hash(hash)["TestRecord"].each_with_object({}) do |r, m|
rec = TestRecord.new(r)
m[rec.case_id] = rec
def mongoize(object)
case object
when Array then {"TestRecord" => object.map(&:mongoize)}
when Hash
if object["TestRecord"]
# this gets actually called when doing TestRun.new(hash)
{"TestRecord" => object.values.map(&:mongoize)}
else raise("dunno how to convert #{object.class} into records JSON")
def evolve(object)
# can't see how we want to process this here yet
# docs.mongodb.com/ruby-driver/master/tutorials/6.0.0/mongoid-documents
I guess op task done long ago but thought somebody may find it useful.


Mutating list of instantiated objects in Rails

I'm attempting to clean up my view by moving Rails' sanitizer method to a helper, but it's not producing the desired result. So below is what my index action looks like. I know it's ugly and not very OOP, but I simplified it down so I could follow what was happening when debugging.
I'm attempting to loop through all the sources' attributes, running the sanitizer on any attribute that is a non-empty string, replacing original strings with the sanitized strings (transform_values!), and writing over the original #sources (map!).
I tried storing them in different variables than #sources and using .each instead of .map! but the sanitized values don't make it through.
def index
#sources = Source.all
#sources.map! { |source|
source.attributes.transform_values! { |attr|
attr.blank? || !attr.is_a?(String) ? attr
: ActionController::Base.helpers.sanitize(attr) } }
However, after examining my list of sources in the view, it's removing the source instances and instead returning a nondescript array of hashes. I can loop through these, but I can't call specific attributes like source.author which is not great.
Here's some images for reference. The first one is what it should look like and second is what I'm currently getting
Unsanitized sources
Sanitized sources
map! replaces each item in the array with the result of the block. This is not what you intend to do, because you just want to mutate the items, not replace them with something else. Use a plain each instead of map! would do the trick.
On another side, sanitization is actually a responsibility of the view (that’s why it’s defined in a helper). If you need to sanitize often with the same argument, define your own helper:
class ApplicationHelper
def sany(str)
sanitize(str, %w[...])
<%= sany(source.some_attr) %>
You could also set the default sanitization options following the documentation:
# In config/application.rb
config.action_view.sanitized_allowed_tags = ['strong', 'em', 'a']
config.action_view.sanitized_allowed_attributes = ['href', 'title']

Are these objects? Why do they look like that when I print them?

this is my first post and I'm quite new to programming/this site, so I apologise in advance if I'm doing something wrong/annoying.
I wanted to find a way to define objects without having to do so for each object. I came up with this
class Number
def initialize(name)
#name = name
def description
puts "I'm #{#name} "
a = ["zero", "one","two", "three", "four"]
for i in (0..5) do
a[i] = Number.new(a[i])
I'm hoping someone can tell me what kind of Frankensteins monster I've created?
It seems to work, a[3].description returns "I'm three" but does that mean three/a[3] exists as its own object and not an element of an array?
Furthermore if I try to do:
puts a[3]
I get:
<Context::Number:0x000000009b7fd0 #name="three">, #
To clarify I just want to know whether I have actually managed to create objects here, and why on earth when I try and access elements of my array I get that weird feedback (kind of seems like its accessing memory or something, but that is a little beyond me)
My thanks in advance for anyone who replies to this.
All objects stand on their own, regardless of whether they are contained by/in other objects such as Array instances.
Regarding this:
<Context::Number:0x000000009b7fd0 #name="three">, #
...did you mean you get that when you puts a[3] and not puts a?
Every instance of Object and its subclasses has a to_s method that returns a string representation of the object. Since you did not override that in your Number class, it used the default implementation defined in class Object. It is showing you:
1) the class name (I presume you defined Number in side a class or module named Context)
2) the object id (a unique id in the Ruby runtime)
3) the string representation of its instance variable(s)
Also, regarding this:
a = ["zero", "one","two", "three", "four"]
This is equivalent and easier to type (I use 2 spaces for better readability):
%w(zero one two three four)
Also, as Ilya pointed out, map will simplify your code. I'll go a little further and recommend this to do the array initialization:
a = %w(zero one two three four).map { |s| Number.new(s) }
Yes, you have created objects. It's just how Ruby represents a class as a string.
class MyClass
attr_accessor :one, :two
def initialize(one, two)
#one, #two = one, two
my_class = MyClass.new(1, 2)
my_class.to_s # #<MyClass:0x007fcacb8c7c68>
my_class.inspect # #<MyClass:0x007fcacb8c7c68 #one=1, #two=2>

Delete Instance Variables from Objects in an Array

I'm new to Ruby and I'm just having a play around with ideas and what I would like to do is remove the #continent data from the country_array I have created. Done a good number of searches and can find quite a bit of info on removing elements in their entirety but can't find how to specifically remove #continent data. Please keep any answers fairly simple as I'm new, however any help much appreciated.
class World
include Enumerable
include Comparable
attr_accessor :continent
def <=> (sorted)
#length = other.continent
def initialize(country, continent)
#country = country
#continent = continent
a = World.new("Spain", "Europe")
b = World.new("India", "Asia")
c = World.new("Argentina", "South America")
d = World.new("Japan", "Asia")
country_array = [a, b, c, d]
puts country_array.inspect
[#<World:0x100169148 #continent="Europe", #country="Spain">,
#<World:0x1001690d0 #continent="Asia", #country="India">,
#<World:0x100169058 #continent="South America", #country="Argentina">,
#<World:0x100168fe0 #continent="Asia", #country="Japan">]
You can use remove_instance_variable. However, since it's a private method, you'll need to reopen your class and add a new method to do this:
class World
def remove_country
Then you can do this:
country_array.each { |item| item.remove_country }
# => [#<World:0x7f5e41e07d00 #country="Spain">,
#<World:0x7f5e41e01450 #country="India">,
#<World:0x7f5e41df5100 #country="Argentina">,
#<World:0x7f5e41dedd10 #country="Japan">]
The following example will set the #continent to nil for the first World object in your array:
country_array[0].continent = nil
irb(main):035:0> country_array[0]
=> #<World:0xb7dd5e84 #continent=nil, #country="Spain">
But it doesn't really remove the continent variable since it's part of your World object.
Have you worked much with object-oriented programming? Is your World example from a book or tutorial somewhere? I would suggest some changes to how your World is structured. A World could have an array of Continent's, and each Continent could have an array of Country's.
Names have meaning and variable names should reflect what they truly are. The country_array variable could be renamed to world_array since it is an array of World objects.
99% of the time I would recommend against removing an instance variable, because it's extra code for no extra benefit.
When you're writing code, generally you're trying to solve a real-world problem. With the instance variable, some questions to ask are:
What real world concept am I trying to model with the various states the variable can be in?
What am I going to do with the values stored in the variable?
If you're just trying to blank out the continent value stored in a World object, you can set #continent to nil as dustmachine says. This will work fine for the 99% of the cases. (Accessing a removed instance variable will just return nil anyway.)
The only possible case (I can think of) when removing the instance variable could be useful is when you're caching a value that may be nil. For example:
class Player
def score(force_reload = false)
if force_reload
# purge cached value
# Calling 'defined?' on an instance variable will return false if the variable
# has never been set, or has been removed via force_reload.
if not defined? #score
# Set cached value.
# Next time around, we'll just return the #score without recalculating.
#score = get_score_via_expensive_calculation()
return #score
def get_score_via_expensive_calculation
if play_count.zero?
return nil
# expensive calculation here
return result
Since nil is a meaningful value for #score, we can't use nil to indicate that the value hasn't been cached yet. So we use the undefined state to tell us whether we need to recalculate the cached value. So there are 3 states for #score:
nil (means user has not played any games)
number (means user played at least once but did not accrue any points)
undefined (means we haven't fetched the calculated score for the Player object yet).
Now it's true that you could use another value that's not a number instead of the undefined state (a symbol like :unset for example), but this is just a contrived example to demonstrate the idea. There are cases when your variable may hold an object of unknown type.

Ruby call constructor with random parameters count

I have some classes like
class Demo1 < Struct.new(:text, :text2)
class Demo2 < Struct.new(:text, :text2, :text3)
How can I call constructor of each class if I only have name and hash of parameters
I need to write method like this,
but this is wrong becasue after send(:new,args) Struct will contain :text which equal to args
def call_demo_object(demo_name, args={})
The mian problem is calling constructor with random parameters from hash
variant one:
def call_demo_object(demo_name, args={})
z = [':new']
args.keys.each do |key|
z.push "args[:"+key.to_s+"]"
eval('demo_name.to_s.constantize.send(' + z.join(', ') +')' )
variant two:
def call_demo_object(demo_name, args={})
a = demo_name.to_s.constantize.send(:new)
args.each do |key, value|
a[key] = value if a.members.include?(key)
One possible variant:
def call_demo_object(demo_name, args={})
obj = demo_name.new
obj.members.each do |member|
obj[member] = args[member]
It's pros:
args can be in any order
only availible structure members will be assigned
I see a couple of things wrong:
Not sure if your classes really look like that, but you'll need end at the end of them, otherwise you'll get syntax errors.
Also, constantize is not a method on strings in Ruby, it's something Rails defines. So you'll need to use
to get the same functionality.
As pointed out in the comments I neglected to mention how to expand the parameters.
To do that you'll need to use what's called the "splat operator"
Kernel.const_get(demo_name.to_s).send(:new,*args) #notice the * in front of args
That will expand args out.
However, when args is a hash, say {:text=>"hello", :text2=>"hello2"}, it will expand it out to an array with 2 elements where each element is an array with they key in the first position and key in the second position.
Instead, if you pass an array in as args with the objects in order, you will get what you're looking for.
I think if you're going for what amounts to named parameters, you might have to try another route, but I don't know that for sure.
To go with optional or named parameters, you might look at how Rails does it: use a hash for the parameter, then pass in a hash with the keys. You can then keep a valid list of keys and check the passed-in hash and either reject them or raise an error.

Timeseries transformations in Ruby, Yahoo! Pipes-style

I'm trying to build a system for programmatically filtering timeseries data and wonder if this problem has been solved, or at least hacked at, before. It seems that it's a perfect opportunity to do some Ruby block magic, given the scope and passing abilities; however, I'm still a bit short of fully grokking how to take advantage of blocks.
To wit:
Pulling data from my database, I can create either a hash or an array, let's use array:
data = [[timestamp0, value0],[timestamp1,value1], … [timestampN, valueN]]
Then I can add a method to array, maybe something like:
class Array
def filter &block
self.each_with_index do |v, i|
# Always call with timestep, value, index
block.call(v[0], v[1], i)
I understand that one powers of Ruby blocks is that the passed block of code happens within the scope of the closure. So somehow calling data.filter should allow me to work with that scope. I can only figure out how to do that without taking advantage of the scope. To wit:
# average if we have a single null value, assumes data is correctly ordered
data.filter do |t, v, i|
# Of course, we do some error checking…
(data[i-1] + data[i+1]) / 2 if v.nil?
What I want to do is actually is (allow the user to) build up mathematical filters programmatically, but taking it one step at a time, we'll build some functions:
def average_single_values(args)
#average over single null values
#return filterable array
def filter_by_std(args)
#limit results to those within N standard deviations
#return filterable array
def pull_bad_values(args)
#delete or replace values seen as "bad"
#return filterable array
my_filters == [average_single_values, filter_by_std, pull_bad_values]
Then, having a list of filters, I figure (somehow) I should be able to do:
data.filter do |t, v, i|
my_filters.each do |f|
f.call t, v, i
or, assuming a different filter implementation:
filtered_data = data.filter my_filters
which would probably be a better way to design it, as it returns a new array and is non-destructive
The result being an array that has been run through all of the filters. The eventual goal, is to be able to have static data arrays that can be run through arbitrary filters, and filters that can be passed (and shared) as objects the way that Yahoo! Pipes does so with feeds. I'm not looking for too generalized a solution right now, I can make the format of the array/returns strict.
Has anyone seen something similar in Ruby? Or have some basic pointers?
The first half of your question about working in the scope of the array seems unnecessary and irrelevant to your problem. As for creating operations to manipulate data with blocks, you can use Proc instances ("procs"), which essentially are blocks stored in an object. For example, if you want to store them with names, you can create a hash of filters:
my_filters = {}
my_filters[:filter_name] = lambda do |*args|
# filter body here...
You do not need to name them, of course, and can use arrays. Then, to run some data through an ordered series of filters, use the helpful Enumerable#inject method:
my_filters.inject(data) do |result, filter|
filter.call result
It uses no monkeypatching too!
