My development environment was configured on 10g weblogic. Due to business need change we need to migrate to 11g. Will applications working on 10g continue to be compatible on 11g weblogic?
If you are upgrading from 10.0/10.3.0(10g) to 10.3.6(11g), your application should work .Recompile code on new jdk 1.6 and deploy on 11g.
We're upgrading the database of an application which is on jdk 1.6.
Is there any way to connect 1.6 app with oracle
As I could see on official oracle site, the only version of ojdbc that supports is ojdbc8 which requires jdk 8.
I think you meant "" as I don't think "" exists. Unless you have "" in mind? Anyway you don't have to upgrade the JDBC driver. You can continue to use the old JDBC driver that supports JDK6. The "" server will be compatible with the JDBC driver from "11.2" ojdbc6.jar.
Yes a Java 6 application will work with a 12c database. You can carry on using the existing ojdbc jar and it will work. I think what you're referring to might be something else.
I am working with JDK 7 and Oracle 12c.
In Websphere application server 7.x version,
JDBC provider configurations:
Which version of ojdbc jar i can keep in classpath to support oracle 12c?
DataSource configurations:
Whcih Oracle DataStorehelper class can be kept?
According to the following oracle documentation, you should be using ojdbc7.jar for Oracle 12c
Regarding data store helpers, the latest available one ought to work based on forward compatibility, which is:
What is the suitable driver version to connect Oracle 12c. My java version is 1.6.
Currently I am using Oracle 11G with ojdbc6- for JDBC connectivity.
Now I am upgrading to Oracle latest version. So I want to know which version of jdbc driver is suitable for connectivity
ojdbc6- is the suitable driver.
we are planning to use Apache DBCP 2.1 for our connection pooling, We currently have following technology stack
Tomcat 8
Jre 7
Oracle DB
As per the Apache DBCP home page the DBCP v2.1 only works with jre7 and it requires JDBC 4.1 drivers.
I am finding very hard to get the JDBC 4.1 drivers for Oracle DB. Also I am not sure if the Oracle even supports JDBC 4.1 drivers.
I did a lot of research on google but was not able to find link or maven dependency to use JDBC 4.1 version.
Following is where I stumbled upon
Can I use Apache DBCP 2.1 with Oracle in Tomcat 8
Where I can find Maven dependency for JDBC 4.1 drivers for Oracle DB
Note: I do not want to use tomcat DBCP
Oracle 11g does not support JDBC 4.1. Only Oracle 12c does.
See this table on Oracle site that describes with versions of Java and JDBC is supported in which Oracle Database version.
(JDBC 4.1 is part of JDK 1.7)
I checked few versions of Oracle JDBC/ODBC drivers, but haven't find any sign of JDK 1.7 nor JDBC 4.1 compliance. So I assume it is not.
Can't you use different connection pool. We are working with c3p0 and I've seen it to be solid, if you tune it well.
Response to comment:
According table #Tunaki provided and Apache Commons DBCP site, yes your matrix is:
ODBC (JDBC 4.0 compliant)
Apache DBCP 1.4 (JDBC 4.0 compliant)
JDK 1.7
Do you know that Apache DBCP is not consired as production ready by various sources:
Connection pooling options with JDBC: DBCP vs C3P0
Why do you have such crazy requirement?
I would like to know whether Oracle ADF 12c can be run on JBoss EAP 6.2 or not ? I have checked Oracle ADF 12c doc and it mentions only JBoss 5.
I don't see why not. I have jboss 6.1 running with hibernate 4.2.15 and Oracle 12c.