odoo duplicate company get error - odoo-8

I override the copy and create function of res.company as follow.
def copy(self, cr, uid, id, default=None, context=None):
self.duplicate = True
old_rc = self.browse(cr, uid, [id], context=context)[0]
company_name = self.read(cr, uid, [id], ['name'])[0]['name']
default.update({'name': _('%s (copy)')% company_name})
if old_rc.custom_company_code:
default.update({'custom_company_code': old_rc.custom_company_code + "-Copy"})
default.update({'custom_company_code': old_rc.name + "-Copy"})
return super(ResCompany, self).copy(cr, uid, id, default, context=context)
def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context=None):
if vals.get('name', False):
temp_name = vals.get('name', False)
temp_name = temp_name.replace('\'', '"')
cr.execute("SELECT id FROM res_company WHERE lower(name)=lower(E'" + temp_name + "')")
uniq_comps = set(id[0] for id in cr.fetchall())
if len(uniq_comps) > 0:
raise UserError(_("Name must be unique for company '%s'.") % (vals.get('name', False),))
if not vals.get('custom_company_code', False):
vals['custom_company_code'] = self.pool.get('ir.sequence').next_by_code(cr, uid, 'res_company_code_sequence') or '/'
if vals.get('custom_company_code', False):
vals['custom_company_code'] = vals.get('custom_company_code', '').upper()
if not vals.get('name', False) or vals.get('partner_id', False):
return super(ResCompany, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context=context)
custom_company_code is user_requirement. But when I click the "Duplicate" at "More", I got the
Odoo Warning - Validation Error
The company name must be unique !
when I check the log, I got the following line before popup the above error
openerp.sql_db: bad query: UPDATE "res_company" SET "name"='My
Company' WHERE id = 4
How do I solve the problem!!

Solved the problem. Because of partner_id
default.update({'partner_id': False})
def copy(self, cr, uid, id, default=None, context=None):
company_name = self.read(cr, uid, [id], ['name'])[0]['name']
default.update({'name': _('%s-Copy')% company_name})
default.update({'partner_id': False})
return super(res_company, self).copy(cr, uid, id, default, context=context)


Discord.py, member.status isn't working as it should

#bot.tree.command(name="user", description="Shows some informations about the mentioned user.")
async def user(interaction: discord.Interaction, member:discord.Member=None):
if member == None:
member = interaction.user
roles = [role for role in member.roles if role.name != "#everyone"]
embed = discord.Embed(title=f"Details about the user, {member.name}",color=0xdaddd8, timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow())
embed.set_thumbnail(url=member.avatar) # Avatar Thumbnail
embed.add_field(name="👤 Name", value = f"{member.name}#{member.discriminator}") # Embeds
embed.add_field(name="🏷️ Nickname", value = member.display_name)
embed.add_field(name="🆔 User ID", value = member.id)
embed.add_field(name="📆 Created at", value = member.created_at.strftime("%D \n%I:%M %p"))
embed.add_field(name="👋🏻 Joined at", value = member.joined_at.strftime("%D \n%I:%M %p"))
embed.add_field(name="🟢 Status", value = member.status) #this line is'nt working as it should
embed.add_field(name="❤️‍🔥 Top role", value = member.top_role.mention)
bot_status = "Yes, it is" if member.bot else "No, They'snt"
embed.add_field(name="🤖 Bot?", value = bot_status)
embed.set_footer(text = interaction.user.name,icon_url = interaction.user.avatar)
await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embed)
I made a User information command and this command shows every person offline even itself how can i fix it?
This is likely due to lack of intents.
Add in your code, under the intents you define:
intents.members = True
intents.presences = True
Use member.raw_status instead of member.status. It will return a string value such as 'online', 'offline' or 'idle'.

problems with the leaderboard discord.py

The leaderboard shows the same username even if they are different users in case they have the same value.
I don't know how to solve it but when in the code I ask to resist a variable it gives me only 3 elements and not 4 even if 4 come out.
#client.command(aliases = ["lb"])
async def leaderboard(ctx,x = 10):
leader_board = {}
total = []
for user in economy_system:
name = int(user)
total_amount = economy_system[user]["wallet"] + economy_system[user]["bank"]
leader_board[total_amount] = name
total = sorted(total,reverse=True)
embed = discord.Embed(
title = f"Top {x} Richest People",
description = "This is decided on the basis of raw money in the bank and wallet",
color = 0x003399
index = 1
for amt in total:
id_ = leader_board[amt]
member = client.get_user(id_)
name = member.name
name = f"{index}. {name}",
value = f"{amt}",
inline = False
if index == x:
index += 1
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
print resists this:
{100: 523967502665908227, 350: 554617490806800387, 1100: 350886488235311126}
Padre Mapper
Flore (Orsolinismo)
In theory there should also be 100: 488826524791734275 (i.e. my user id) but it doesn't find it.
Your problem comes from this line:
leader_board[total_amount] = name
If total_amount is already a key (eg. two users have the same amount of money), it will replace the previous value (which was a user ID) and replace it with another user ID. In this situation, if multiple users have the same amount of money, only one will be saved in leader_board.
Then, you have this line:
In this case, if two users have the same amount of money, you would just have two identical values, which is normal but, considering the problem above, this will create a shift.
Let's say you have ten users with two of them who have the same amount of money. leader_board will only contain 9 items whereas total will contain 10 values. That's the reason why you have two of the same name in your message.
To solve the problem:
#client.command(aliases = ["lb"])
async def leaderboard(ctx, x=10):
d = {user_id: info["wallet"] + info["bank"] for user_id, info in economy_system.items()}
leaderboard = {user_id: amount for user_id, amount in sorted(d.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)}
embed = discord.Embed(
title = f"Top {x} Richest People",
description = "This is decided on the basis of raw money in the bank and wallet",
color = 0x003399
for index, infos in enumerate(leaderboard.items()):
user_id, amount = infos
member = client.get_user(user_id)
name = f"{index}. {member.display_name}",
value = f"{amount}",
inline = False
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
If I guessed right and your dictionnary is organized like this, it should work:
economy_system = {
user_id: {"bank": x, "wallet": y}

Struggleing to validate a user entry in tkinter

Here is part of some code i create for a project in tkinter using sqlite3 as a database in python. Im trying to make it so that when a user enters their values into the entry fields it only accepts integer values, and tried to implement this into the validation function. Ive tried using the try and except method, but this still seems to allow all values to be added to the table. How else could i attempt to make this work?
def validation (self):
int(self.inc.get()) and int(self.out.get()) == True
except ValueError:
self.message['text'] = 'Value must be a number!'
def adding (self):
if self.validation:
query = 'INSERT INTO data VALUES (?,?)'
parameters = (self.inc.get(), self.out.get())
self.run_query (query, parameters)
self.message ['text'] = 'Record [] added' .format (self.inc.get ())
self.inc.delete (0, END)
self.out.delete (0, END)
self.message['text'] = 'Income or outgoing field is empty'
def deleting (self):
self.message ['text'] = ''
self.tree.item(self.tree.selection ()) ['values'][0]
except IndexError as e:
self.message['text'] = 'Please, select record!'
self.message['text'] = ''
Income = self.tree.item (self.tree.selection ()) ['text']
query = 'DELETE FROM data WHERE totalinc = ?'
self.run_query (query, (Income, ))
self.message['text'] = 'Record [] deleted.'.format(Income)
def editing (self):
self.message['text'] = ''
self.tree.item (self.tree.selection ())['values'][0]
except IndexError as e:
self.message['text'] = 'Please select record'
name = self.tree.item (self.tree.selection ())['text']
old_out = self.tree.item (self.tree.selection ())['values'][0]
self.edit_wind = Toplevel ()
self.edit_wind.title ("Editing")
Label (self.edit_wind, text = 'Old income:').grid (row = 0, column = 1)
Entry (self.edit_wind, textvariable = StringVar(self.edit_wind, value = name), state = 'readonly').grid(row = 0, column = 2)
Label (self.edit_wind, text = 'New income:').grid(row = 1, column = 1)
new_inc = Entry (self.edit_wind)
new_inc.grid (row = 1, column = 2)
Label (self.edit_wind, text = 'Old outgoing:').grid (row = 2, column = 1)
Entry (self.edit_wind, textvariable = StringVar(self.edit_wind, value = old_out), state = 'readonly').grid(row = 2, column = 2)
Label (self.edit_wind, text = 'New outgoing: ').grid(row = 3, column = 1)
new_out = Entry (self.edit_wind)
new_out.grid (row = 3, column = 2)
Button (self.edit_wind, text = 'Save changes', command = lambda: self.edit_records (new_inc.get(), name, new_out.get(), old_out)).grid (row = 4, column = 2, sticky = W)
def edit_records (self, new_inc, name, new_out, old_out):
query = "UPDATE data SET totalinc = ?, totalout = ? WHERE totalinc = ? AND totalout = ?"
parameters = (new_inc, new_out, name, old_out)
self.run_query (query, parameters)
self.message['text'] = 'Record [] changed.' .format (name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
wind = Tk()
application = Product (wind)
str = '8'
if str.isdigit():
I suggest taking a look at is isdigit().

PySide TableView and Variant data - Display Role Not Displaying

I have this code, which when i run it in PyQt it works totally fine, but when i run it in pyside things get wierd. I get all the columns and rows im supposed to, and if i go to them via scripting and get the data, each cell says what it should. However, even though i set these as display roles, NO text shows in the table.
None in the headers, none in any of the cells. Im at a loss!
(For thos wondering, NulLVariant() just returns either None or QVariant() depending if were on pyside or pyqt)
This model is meant to take a List of Dicts to addRows, and uses dict keys to make columns.
class CustomTableModel(QtCore.QAbstractTableModel):
def __init__(self, parent=None, parentTable=None):
Custom data model for holding table data.
:param parent: The parent widget/layout so that this data model gets deleted properly on close.
:param parentTable: the table that is using this data. This is used to get the font metrics of the table
display font.
super(CustomTableModel, self).__init__(parent)
self.parent_table = parentTable
self.auto_resize = False
self._avg_font_w = 5
self._resize_data = defaultdict(int)
self.items = []
self.headers = []
def setParentTable(self, widget):
Sets the parent table widget so that we can get its font metrics for setting our column width with autoResize.
:param widget: TableViewWidget
:raise TypeError:
if not isinstance(widget, QtGui.QTableView):
raise TypeError('Must be a TableView item')
self.parent_table = widget
def setAutoResize(self, b):
Turns on or off auto resize for the table. This gathers the font metrics of the parent table, and then loops
over any current data, or newly added data (including table headers) to get the widest item, and sets the
column width to fit this.
:param b: bool
:raise AttributeError:
if not self.parent_table:
raise AttributeError('You must call setParentTable first to set the parent TableView item')
self.auto_resize = b
if b:
self._resize_data = dict()
def updateSize(self):
Force the table size to update to the current size data.
def updateSizeData(self):
Force an update/regathering of all the size data for each row and column.
def _doColumnResize(self):
for i in range(len(self.headers)):
txt = self.headers[i]
self.parent_table.setColumnWidth(i, self._resize_data.get(txt))
def _getKeyList(self):
if self.headers:
return self.headers
elif self.items:
return sorted(self.items[0].keys())
def _getTableFontWidth(self):
self._avg_font_w = self.parent_table.fontMetrics().averageCharWidth()
def _autoAllResizeData(self, reset=False):
if not self._resize_data or reset is True:
self._resize_data = defaultdict(int)
key_list = self._getKeyList()
for header in key_list:
header_width = len(header) * (self._avg_font_w * 1.55)
if header_width > self._resize_data[header]:
self._resize_data[header] = header_width
for item in self.items:
value = item.get(header)
width = len(str(value)) * self._avg_font_w
if width > self._resize_data[header]:
self._resize_data[header] = width
def _autoSingleResizeData(self, data):
key_list = self._getKeyList()
for header in key_list:
value = data.get(header)
if value:
width = len(str(value)) * self._avg_font_w
if width > self._resize_data[header]:
self._resize_data[header] = width
def setHeaders(self, items):
This allows you to set your header item text
:param items: a list of header text, ie ['Name', 'Email', 'Department']
lastCount = self.columnCount(QtCore.QModelIndex())
self.headers = items
self.beginRemoveColumns(QtCore.QModelIndex(), 0, lastCount)
for x in range(lastCount):
self.beginInsertColumns(QtCore.QModelIndex(), 0, len(items)-1)
def addRow(self, data):
Accepts a dict of data to add to the data model.
:param data: dict (this should match the same key length/names as the other data in the table.)
row = len(self.items)
self.beginInsertRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), row, row)
if self.auto_resize:
def addRows(self, data):
Accepts a list of dicts to add them all to the table, with each list index being a row, and each dict key
a column.
:param data: list of dicts
:raise ValueError:
if not isinstance(data, list) or not isinstance(data[0], dict):
raise ValueError('input must be a list of dicts!')
start_row = len(self.items)
end_row = len(data) + start_row - 1
self.beginInsertRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), start_row, end_row)
if self.auto_resize:
for item in data:
def removeRow(self, row):
Remove the row at index 'row'.
:param row: int
self.beginRemoveRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), row, row)
def clear(self):
Clear all table data and start fresh.
rows = self.rowCount(QtCore.QModelIndex())
self.beginRemoveRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), 0, rows)
self.items = []
cols = self.columnCount(QtCore.QModelIndex())
self.beginRemoveColumns(QtCore.QModelIndex(), 0, cols)
self.headers = []
def rowCount(self, QModelIndex):
Return the row count.
:param QModelIndex:
return len(self.items)
def columnCount(self, QModelIndex):
Return the column count (default 1)
:param QModelIndex:
return len(self.items[0].keys())
return 1
def data(self, index, role):
Accepts a QModelIndex and a Qt.Role and returns the data at the given modelIndex.
:param index: QModelIndex
:param role: QtCore.Qt.<Role>
row = index.row()
col = index.column()
if role == QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole:
key_list = self._getKeyList()
return QtCore.QVariant(str(self.items[row][key_list[col]]))
return NullVariant()
def intGetData(self, row, col):
Gets the data at 'row' and 'col'.
:param row: int
:param col: int
:return: QVariant() data.
key_list = self._getKeyList()
return QtCore.QVariant(str(self.items[row][key_list[col]]))
return NullVariant()
def headerData(self, section, orientation, role):
Sets the header data based on our header key list.
:param section: section header
:param orientation: orientation
:param role: Qt<Role>
if role == QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole:
if orientation == QtCore.Qt.Horizontal:
if not self.items:
if section == 0:
return QtCore.QVariant(str("Column 1"))
key_list = self._getKeyList()
return QtCore.QVariant(str(key_list[section]))
return QtCore.QVariant('No Data')
return NullVariant()
class CustomSortModel(QtGui.QSortFilterProxyModel):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
Custom QSortFilterProxyModel to allow sorting and filtering of our custom data model.
:param parent: parent so that this model is deleted properly upon close.
super(CustomSortModel, self).__init__(parent)
self.countAllColumns = False
self._sortingColumn = 0
def filterAcceptsRow(self, sourceRow, sourceParent):
Overriding how we choose what rows match our input filter text.
:param sourceRow: row index in question
:param sourceParent: QModelIndex
:return: bool (accepted or not)
txt = ''
if self.countAllColumns:
for x in range(len(self.sourceModel().headers)):
txt += self.sourceModel().intGetData(sourceRow, x).toString()
txt = self.sourceModel().intGetData(sourceRow, self._sortingColumn).toString()
if self.filterRegExp().pattern():
b = bool(re.search(str(self.filterRegExp().pattern()), str(txt)))
b = bool(re.search('.*', str(txt)))
return b
def setFilterKeyColumn(self, col):
Sets which column index you want the filter to apply to. -1 or less means we search all columns - otherwise,
the filter rules apply to the column index given.
:param col: signed int
if col <= -1:
self.countAllColumns = True
self.countAllColumns = False
self._sortingColumn = col
super(CustomSortModel, self).setFilterKeyColumn(col)
I was getting a wierd error when i tried to delete this question, but I have added a newer one, with a better cut down example for testing here:
Running your code in PySide gives a bunch of errors :
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'QVariant'
That's because there is no QVariant in PySide any more. Replacing all QVariantby regular python types fixes the code.
For example
return QtCore.QVariant('No Data')
return "No Data"

ajax and ruby script only returning 1 record instead of many

I am doing an Ajax call, using Ruby and Sinatra. The query should return multiple rows, it only returns one though.
The ajax script is:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".showmembers").click(function(e) {
var short_id = $('#shortmembers').val();
{ 'id' : short_id },
function(res, status) {
$('#result').append('<input type=checkbox value=' + res["email"] + '>');
$('#result').append( res["first"] );
$('#result').append( res["last"] );
$('#result').append( res["email"] );
and the Ruby script is:
get '/show' do
id = params['id']
DB["select shortname, first, last, email from shortlists sh JOIN shortmembers sm ON sm.short_id = sh.list_id JOIN candidates ca ON ca.id = sm.candidate_id where sh.list_id = ?", id].each do |row|
#shortname = row[:shortname]
#first = row[:first]
#last = row[:last]
#email = row[:email]
puts #shortname
puts #first
puts #last
puts #email
halt 200, { shortname: #shortname, first: #first, last: #last, email: #email }.to_json
If I run the query directly in the terminal on postgres I get 9 rows returned but, as above on my website, it just returns the first row only.
What's the problem? No error in the console, just one record.
You have halt 200 inside your loop. This will cause Sinatra to terminate the request processing and return the result back up the stack.
To return a full set of results, you will need to do something like the following:
get '/show' do
id = params['id']
results = DB["select shortname, first, last, email from shortlists sh
JOIN shortmembers sm ON sm.short_id = sh.list_id
JOIN candidates ca ON ca.id = sm.candidate_id
where sh.list_id = ?", id].map do |row|
:short_name => row[:shortname],
halt 200, results.to_json
This will return the selected fields from each row as an array of hashes.
In fact, as I look at the above, the solution might even be as simple as:
get '/show' do
id = params['id']
results = DB["select shortname, first, last, email from shortlists sh
JOIN shortmembers sm ON sm.short_id = sh.list_id
JOIN candidates ca ON ca.id = sm.candidate_id
where sh.list_id = ?", id]
halt 200, results.to_json
since you don't seem to be selecting anything but the columns you desire in the first place.
