Ruby combined comparison operator (<=>) and min / max / minmax functions - ruby

I understand #max, #min, #minmax. I understand <=>. But how does it work in a block within one of those functions?
That is, what is happening in the third line below? What is <=> doing in #min?
a = %w(albatross dog horse)
a.min #=> "albatross"
a.min { |a, b| a.length <=> b.length } #=> "dog"
example from
What behavior would it have for an array of numbers?

As you've probably already seen, the documentation for the min method says:
min(n) → array
min(n) {| a,b | block } → array
Returns the object in enum with the minimum value. The first form
assumes all objects implement Comparable; the second uses the block to
return a <=> b.
This means that, in the first form, min is calling the <=> method on objects in the array and using the result to determine which element is the smallest.
In the second form, min instead calls the block with both of the elements it wants to compare, and uses the block's return value to determine which element is the smallest. Basically, it's using the block as if it were an implementation of the <=> operator. So x.min {|a,b| a <=> b } would be equivalent to x.min.
In the example given (a.min { |a, b| a.length <=> b.length } #=> "dog"), this means that instead of comparing each element to determine sort order, it's comparing the lengths of each element to make that determination. Since "dog" is the shortest string in the list, that's the value that gets returned by min. max, minmax, and sort behave similarly.
Note that the example there is a bit contrived, since you could just use min_by in that situation to achieve the same result with simpler code: a.min_by { |x| x.length }. If you want more fine-grained control though when determining sort order, using min with a block might be appropriate.
What behavior would it have for an array of numbers?
min behaves the same way regardless of what the array contains. In this case though using the block { |a, b| a.length <=> b.length } wouldn't work since numbers don't have a length method on them. Here's a better example for numbers, which sorts by smallest to biggest, but always counts odd numbers as being bigger than even numbers:
[2, 10, 9, 7, 6, 1, 5, 3, 8, 4].sort do |a, b|
if a.odd? && b.even?
elsif a.even? && b.odd?
a <=> b
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
Notice how even numbers are sorted before odd numbers in the final array? That's the result of the block we passed to sort. The behavior is similar for min, max, and minmax.

min passes two elements a and b from the array to the block and the block is expected to return -1, 0, or +1 depending on whether a is less than, equal to, or greater than b. The "spaceship" operator <=> returns these -1, 0, or +1 values.
The algorithm is easy. Given a comparison function:
cmp = -> (a, b) { a.length <=> b.length }
We start by comparing the 1st with the 2nd element: 'albatros', 'dog'
#=> 1
1 means 'albatros' is greater than 'dog'. We continue with the lesser value, i.e. 'dog' and compare it with the 3rd element: 'dog', 'horse'
#=> -1
-1 means 'dog' is less than 'horse'. There are no more elements, so 'dog' is the result.
You could also implement this algorithm in Ruby:
def my_min(ary)
ary.inject { |min, x| yield(x, min) == -1 ? x : min }
ary = %w(albatross dog horse)
my_min(ary) { |a, b| a.length <=> b.length }
#=> "dog"


Compare two consecutive elements in an array

I want to create a "bubble sort" method, which means that I take two consecutive elements in an array, compare them and if the left element is greater than the right element, they should switch the position. I want to repeat it until my array is sorted in ascending order.
My code only works partially. If my array is too big nothing will happen (I have to quit ruby with CTRL + C). With arrays smaller than 5 elements my code works fine:
def bubbles(array)
while array.each_cons(2).any? { |a, b| (a <=> b) >= 0 }
# "true" if there are two consecutives elements where the first one
# is greater than the second one. I know the error must be here somehow. do | number, index |
if array[index + 1].nil?
elsif number > array[index + 1]
array[index], array[index + 1] = array[index + 1], array[index] # Swap position!
p array
If I call my method with an array with 4 elements, it works fine:
bubbles([1, 5, 8, 3]) # => [1, 3, 5, 8]
If I call it with a bigger array, it doesn't work:
bubbles([5, 12, 2, 512, 999, 1, 2, 323, 2, 12]) # => Nothing happens. I have to quit ruby with ctrl + c.
Have I somehow created an infinite loop with my while statement?
The problem is in your stop condition. You won't stop until you have an array where each element is lesser than the next. But in your long array you have duplicated elements, so the sorted elements will have adjacent elements that are equal to each other.
Not being too fancy with your code will make your life easier :)
while array.each_cons(2).any? { |a, b| a > b }
I suggest you determine if the array is ordered in a separate method (and don't print the array from within the method:
def bubbles(array)
until ordered?(array)
Here's one way (among many) to define ordered?:
def ordered?(array)
enum = array.to_enum
loop do
return false if > enum.peek
ordered? [1,2,3,4,5] #=> true
ordered? [1,2,4,3,4] #=> false
Also, your code mutates the argument it receives (array), which is probably undesirable. You can avoid that by working on a copy, array.dup.

Each with index with object in Ruby

I am trying to iterate over an array and conditionally increment a counter. I am using index to compare to other array's elements:
elements.each_with_index.with_object(0) do |(element, index), diff|
diff += 1 unless other[index] == element
I can't get diff to change value even when changing it unconditionally.
This can be solved with inject:
elements.each_with_index.inject(0) do |diff, (element, index)|
diff += 1 unless other[index] == element
But I am wondering if .each_with_index.with_object(0) is a valid construction and how to use it?
From ruby docs for each_with_object
Note that you can’t use immutable objects like numbers, true or false
as the memo. You would think the following returns 120, but since the
memo is never changed, it does not.
(1..5).each_with_object(1) { |value, memo| memo *= value } # => 1
So each_with_object does not work on immutable objects like integer.
You want to count the number of element wise differences, right?
elements = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
other = [1, 2, 0, 4, 5]
# ^
I'd use Array#zip to combine both arrays element wise and Array#count to count the unequal pairs: { |a, b| a != b } #=> 1

Enumerators in Ruby

I'm having a trouble understanding Enumerators in Ruby.
Please correct me If I'm wrong, o.enum_for(:arg) method is supposed to convert object to Enumerator and every iteration over object o should call arg method?
What confuses me is how this line of code works
[4, 1, 2, 0].enum_for(:count).each_with_index do |elem, index|
elem == index
It should count how many elements are equal to their position in the array, and it works. However, I don't understand what's actually going on. Is each_with_index calling count method on every iteration? If someone could explain, it would be great.
From Programming Ruby:
count enum.count {| obj | block } → int
Returns the count of objects in enum that equal obj or for which the
block returns a true value.
So the enumerator visits each element and adds 1 to the count if the block returns true, which in this case means if the element is equal to the array index.
I haven't seen this pattern used much (if at all)—I would be more inclined to:
[4, 1, 2, 0] { |elem, index| elem == index }.count
Lets take a look at the example from your comment:
[4, 1, 2, 0].enum_for(:each_slice, 2).map do |a, b|
a + b
each_slice(2) takes the array 2 elements at a time and returns an array for each slice:
[4, 1, 2, 0].each_slice(2).map # => [[4,1], [2,0]]
calling map on the result lets us operate on each sub-array, passing it into a block:
[4, 1, 2, 0].enum_for(:each_slice, 2).map do |a,b|
puts "#{a.inspect} #{b.inspect}"
results in
4 1
2 0
a and b get their values by virtue of the block arguments being "splatted":
a, b = *[4, 1]
a # => 4
b # => 1
You could also take the array slice as the argument instead:
[4, 1, 2, 0].enum_for(:each_slice, 2).map {|a| puts "#{a.inspect}"}
[4, 1]
[2, 0]
Which lets you do this:
[4, 1, 2, 0].enum_for(:each_slice, 2).map {|a| a.inject(:+) } #=> [5,2]
Or if you have ActiveSupport (i.e. a Rails app),
[4, 1, 2, 0].enum_for(:each_slice, 2).map {|a| a.sum }
Which seems a lot clearer to me than the original example.
array.count can normally take a block, but on its own, it returns a fixnum, so it can't be chained to .with_index the way some other iterators can (try {|x,i ... }, etc).
.enum_for(:count) converts it into a enumerator, which allows that chaining to take place. It iterates once over the members of array, and keeps a tally of how many of them equal their indexes. So count is really only being called once, but only after converting the array into something more flexible.

Check to see if an array is already sorted?

I know how to put an array in order, but in this case I just want to see if it is in order. An array of strings would be the easiest, I imagine, and answers on that front are appreciated, but an answer that includes the ability to check for order based on some arbitrary parameter is optimal.
Here's an example dataset. The name of:
[["a", 3],["b",53],["c",2]]
Where the elements are themselves arrays containing several elements, the first of which is a string. I want to see if the elements are in alphabetical order based on this string.
It looks like a generic abstraction, let's open Enumerable:
module Enumerable
def sorted?
each_cons(2).all? { |a, b| (a <=> b) <= 0 }
[["a", 3], ["b", 53],["c", 2]].sorted? #=> true
Notice that we have to write (a <=> b) <= 0 instead of a <= b because there are classes that support <=> but not the comparator operators (i.e. Array), since they do not include the module Comparable.
You also said you'd like to have the ability "to check for order based on some arbitrary parameter":
module Enumerable
def sorted_by?
each_cons(2).all? { |a, b| ((yield a) <=> (yield b)) <= 0 }
[["a", 3], ["b", 1], ["c", 2]].sorted_by? { |k, v| v } #=> false
Using lazy enumerables (Ruby >= 2.1), we can reuse Enumerable#sorted?:
module Enumerable
def sorted_by?(&block)
You can compare them two by two:
[["a", 3],["b",53],["c",2]].each_cons(2).all?{|p, n| (p <=> n) != 1} # => true
reduce can compare each element to the one before, and stop when it finds one out of order:
array.reduce{|prev,l| break unless l[0] >= prev[0]; l}
If it turns out the array isn't sorted, will your next action always be to sort it? For that use case (though of course depending on the number of times the array will already be sorted), you may not want to check whether it is sorted, but instead simply choose to always sort the array. Sorting an already sorted array is pretty efficient with many algorithms and merely checking whether an array is already sorted is not much less work, making checking + sorting more work than simply always sorting.
def ascending? (array)
yes = true
array.reduce { |l, r| break unless yes &= (l[0] <= r[0]); l }
def descending? (array)
yes = true
array.reduce { |l, r| break unless yes &= (l[0] >= r[0]); l }
Iterate over the objects and make sure each following element is >= the current element (or previous is <=, obviously) the current element.
For this to work efficiently you will want to sort during insertion.
If you are dealing with unique items, a SortedSet is also an option.
For clarification, if we patch array to allow for a sorted insertion, then we can keep the array in a sorted state:
class Array
def add_sorted(o)
size = self.size
if size == 0
self << o
elsif self.last < o
self << o
elsif self.first > o
self.insert(0, o)
# This portion can be improved by using a binary search instead of linear
self.each_with_index {|n, i| if n > o; self.insert(i, o); break; end}
a = []
p a # => [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 7]
or to use the built in sort:
class Array
def add_sorted2(o)
self << o
or, if you are dealing with unique items:
require "set"
b =
12.times{b << Random.rand(10)}
p b # => #<SortedSet: {1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}>
These are all way too hard. You don't have to sort, but you can use sort to check. Scrambled array below for demonstration purposes.
arr = [["b",3],["a",53],["c",2]]
arr.sort == arr # => false
p arr.sort # => [["a",53],["b",3],["c",2]]

Chunk a Ruby array according to streaks within it

Summary: The basic question here was, I've discovered, whether you can pass a code block to a Ruby array which will actually reduce the contents of that array down to another array, not to a single value (the way inject does). The short answer is "no".
I'm accepting the answer that says this. Thanks to Squeegy for a great looping strategy to get streaks out of an array.
The Challenge: To reduce an array's elements without looping through it explicitly.
The Input: All integers from -10 to 10 (except 0) ordered randomly.
The Desired Output: An array representing streaks of positive or negative numbers. For instance, a -3 represents three consecutive negative numbers. A 2 represents two consecutive positive numbers.
Sample script:
original_array = (-10..10).to_a.sort{rand(3)-1}
original_array.reject!{|i| i == 0} # remove zero
streaks = (-1..1).to_a # this is a placeholder.
# The streaks array will contain the output.
# Your code goes here, hopefully without looping through the array
puts "Original Array:"
puts original_array.join(",")
puts "Streaks:"
puts streaks.join(",")
puts "Streaks Sum:"
puts streaks.inject{|sum,n| sum + n}
Sample outputs:
Original Array:
Streaks Sum:
Original Array:
Streaks Sum:
Note a few things:
The streaks array has alternating positive and negative values.
The sum of the elements streaks array is always 0 (as is the sum of the original).
The sum of the absolute values of the streak array is always 20.
Hope that's clear!
Edit: I do realize that such constructs as reject! are actually looping through the array in the background. I'm not excluding looping because I'm a mean person. Just looking to learn about the language. If explicit iteration is necessary, that's fine.
Well, here's a one-line version, if that pleases you more:
streaks = original_array.inject([]) {|a,x| (a.empty? || x * a[-1] < 0 ? a << 0 : a)[-1] += x <=> 0; a}
And if even inject is too loopy for you, here's a really silly way:
streaks = eval "[#{original_array.join(",").gsub(/((\-\d+,?)+|(\d+,?)+)/) {($1[0..0] == "-" ? "-" : "") + $1.split(/,/).size.to_s + ","}}]"
But I think it's pretty clear that you're better off with something much more straightforward:
streaks = []
original_array.each do |x|
xsign = (x <=> 0)
if streaks.empty? || x * streaks[-1] < 0
streaks << xsign
streaks[-1] += xsign
In addition to being much easier to understand and maintain, the "loop" version runs in about two-thirds the time of the inject version, and about a sixth of the time of the eval/regexp one.
PS: Here's one more potentially interesting version:
a = [[]]
original_array.each do |x|
a << [] if x * (a[-1][-1] || 0) < 0
a[-1] << x
streaks = {|aa| (aa.first <=> 0) * aa.size}
This uses two passes, first building an array of streak arrays, then converting the array of arrays to an array of signed sizes. In Ruby 1.8.5, this is actually slightly faster than the inject version above (though in Ruby 1.9 it's a little slower), but the boring loop is still the fastest.
new_array = original_array.dup
<Squeegy's answer, using new_array>
Ta da! No looping through the original array. Although inside dup it's a MEMCPY, which I suppose might be considered a loop at the assembler level?
EDIT: ;)
original_array.each do |num|
if streaks.size == 0
streaks << num
if !((streaks[-1] > 0) ^ (num > 0))
streaks[-1] += 1
streaks << (num > 0 ? 1 : -1)
The magic here is the ^ xor operator.
true ^ false #=> true
true ^ true #=> false
false ^ false #=> false
So if the last number in the array is on the same side of zero as the number being processed, then add it to the streak, otherwise add it to the streaks array to start a new streak. Note that sine true ^ true returns false we have to negate the whole expression.
Since Ruby 1.9 there's a much simpler way to solve this problem:
original_array.chunk{|x| x <=> 0 }.map{|a,b| a * b.size }
Enumerable.chunk will group all consecutive elements of an array together by the output of a block:
>> original_array.chunk{|x| x <=> 0 }
=> [[1, [3]], [-1, [-4, -6]], [1, [1]], [-1, [-10, -5]], [1, [7]], [-1, [-8]], [1, [9]], [-1, [-3, -7]], [1, [8, 10, 4, 2, 5]], [-1, [-2]], [1, [6]], [-1, [-1, -9]]]
This is almost exactly what OP asks for, except the resulting groups need to be counted up to get the final streaks array.
More string abuse, a la Glenn McDonald, only different:
runs = do |e|
if e < 0
end.join.scan(/-+|\++/).map do |t|
p original_array
p runs
# => [2, 6, -4, 9, -8, -3, 1, 10, 5, -7, -1, 8, 7, -2, 4, 3, -5, -9, -10, -6]
# => [2, -1, 1, -2, 3, -2, 2, -1, 2, -4]
