I have a java project on my laptop and I am building it with gradle.
All dependencies are in file system as I am off line most of the time when working on it. They are not too many anyway.
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs "${rootDir}/lib/main", "${rootDir}/lib/test", "${rootDir}/lib/quality"
ext.configDir = "${rootDir}/gradle/config"
ext.scriptsDir = "${rootDir}/gradle/scripts"
Now I need to add some quality checks against my code. I was lucky to get PMD checks working but not so lucky with checkstyle. The example from gradle distribution, the gradle in action book I read, the gradle documentation does not seem to be rocket science but I just cant get it to work which become very frustrating, especially that with ant that would have been a five minutes task. Anyway this is my gradle.build entry for checkstyle:
apply from: "${scriptsDir}/checkstyle.gradle"
and this is my checkstyle.gradle (partially shown):
apply plugin: 'checkstyle'
ext.checkstyleConfigDir = new File(configDir, "checkstyle")
ext.checkstyleReportsDir = new File(reportsDir, "checkstyle")
ext.xslStyleFile = new File(checkstyleConfigDir, "checkstyle-noframes.xsl")
checkstyle {
toolVersion = '6.10.1'
configFile = new File(checkstyleConfigDir, 'sun_checks.xml')
ignoreFailures = true
showViolations = true
checkstyleMain.doLast {
def main = new File(checkstyleReportsDir, "main.xml")
if (main.exists()) {
ant.xslt(in: main, style: xslStyleFile, out: new File(checkstyleReportsDir, "main.html"))
dependencies {
checkstyle( 'com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle:6.10.1' )
However when running my build the checkstyle task fails like below:
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':checkstyleMain'.
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.CheckStyleTask
Looking inside the checkstyle-6.10.1.jar I can see there is not such a class as com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.CheckStyleTask but there is one called com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.ant.CheckStyleAntTask instead and I suspect this is the one that gradle should invoke. However I have no idea about how to make gradle invoke that.
The only one suspition I have is that my toolVersion = '6.10.1' is not properly defined and gradle invokes using some default. However all gradle api documentation says about that is this: "String toolVersion The version of the code quality tool to be used."
So what I am doing wrong and how should I fix it.
Thank you in advance for your inputs.
You're running into a bug in Gradle (GRADLE-3314). This issue is fixed in Gradle 2.7 which should be out soon. Would you mind verifying that the issue is resolved with the latest 2.7 release candiate?
You can grab Gradle 2.7-rc-2 from the gradle release candidate landing page.
While trying to upgrade some of our scripts to Gradle 4.0.1 on of the plugins we are using is failing and I thought of fixing that plugin first. The plugin is a third party open source project.
So I have cloned the project and tried to compile it. However it fails with following message:
c:\source\gradle-xld-plugin>gradlew build
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file 'C:\source\gradle-xld-plugin\build.gradle' line: 2
* What went wrong:
Plugin [id: 'com.gradle.plugin-publish', version: '0.9.7'] was not found in
any of the following sources:
- Gradle Core Plugins (plugin is not in 'org.gradle' namespace)
- maven(https://artifactory/java-v) (Could not resolve plugin artifact 'com.gradle.plugin-publish:com.gradle.plugin-publish.gradle.plugin:0.9.7')
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --
debug option to get more log output.
The build.gradle script for the plugin starts like this:
plugins {
id "com.gradle.plugin-publish" version "0.9.7"
id "com.github.hierynomus.license" version "0.11.0"
id 'nebula.nebula-release' version '4.0.1'
id "com.jfrog.bintray" version "1.7.3"
In addition to this the company policy dictates we have to go through an internal artifactory server, so following has been added to the settings.gradle file:
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven {
url "https://artifactory/java-v"
The jar file exists at following location: https://artifactory/java-v/com/gradle/publish/plugin-publish-plugin/0.9.7/plugin-publish-plugin-0.9.7.jar
but when I look at the error message I am a little puzzled that it says that it cannot find com.gradle.plugin-publish:com.gradle.plugin-publish.gradle.plugin:0.9.7.
It seems to have suffixed the id with .gradle.plugin.
Does anyone know whether I am looking at the wrong location or how come it is suffixing the id with .gradle.plugin. And shouldn't it look at a location that has the GAV like this: com.gradle.plugin-publish:com.gradle.plugin-publish:0.9.7?
And does anyone know about how the resolution mechanism for the new plugin mechanism in Gradle works.
Thanks in advance
Thanks to Mateusz Chrzaszcz I was able to progress.
The only caveat I have with the solution is that it seems like a workaround rather than a solution. But it works!
In addition to his solution you had to resolve the plugins. I was able to hack my way to actually resolve the appropriate names.
In order to do so one has to do as follows:
In a webbrowser go for the plugin: id "com.github.hierynomus.license" version "0.11.0" go to following URL: https://plugins.gradle.org/api/gradle/4.0.1/plugin/use/com.github.hierynomus.license/0.11.0
The json returned contains the GAV needed in the useModule call. Use that
The following serves as an example:
resolutionStrategy {
eachPlugin {
if (requested.id.namespace == 'com.gradle' && requested.id.name == 'plugin-publish') {
} else if(requested.id.namespace == 'com.github.hierynomus' && requested.id.name == 'license') {
Try to implement Plugin Resolution Rules.
According to gradle documentation:
Plugin resolution rules allow you to modify plugin requests made in plugins {} blocks, e.g. changing the requested version or explicitly specifying the implementation artifact coordinates.
To add resolution rules, use the resolutionStrategy {} inside the pluginManagement {} block
like that:
pluginManagement {
resolutionStrategy {
eachPlugin {
if (requested.id.namespace == 'com.gradle.plugin-publish') {
useModule('com.gradle.plugin-publish:0.9.7') //try a few combinations
repositories {
maven {
url 'https://artifactory/java-v'
Keep in mind this is incubating feature though.
I'm pretty new to working with Gradle and I'm trying to develop a plugin that helps manage version numbering. This plugin defines a task that sets the project.version property of the project it's applied to.
What I'm trying to do is make it so that this property is set at the start of every Gradle build. Using Peter's answer to another Gradle question, I've managed to get my task to execute before any other by adding gradle.startParameter.taskNames = [":setProjectVersionNumber"] + gradle.startParameter.taskNames within my plugin's apply method.
However, other plugins (notably 'Maven-publish') rely on the version being specified during the configuration phase:
publishing {
publications {
somePublication(MavenPublication) {
version = project.version
What I'd like to know is if there's a way that I can make the evaluation of properties like version within these extensions as lazy as possible - such that they're not evaluated until a task that depends upon them is called, which in this case might be :publishToMavenLocal.
Below is an SSCCE that demonstrates what I'm hoping to achieve:
// This would be included within the plugin
class SetProjectVersionNumber extends DefaultTask {
void start() {
// This will set project.version during execution phase
project.version = "1.2.3"
logger.info "Set project version number: $project.version"
task setProjectVersionNumber(type: SetProjectVersionNumber)
// Imagine this block being replaced by a maven 'publishing' block (or something similar)
ext {
version = project.version
// This will print 'unspecified', as it's evaluated during configuration phase
println "In extension, setting version=$project.version"
If you can provide a way to make ext.version equal 1.2.3 in the example above, I believe you've resolved my issue.
If this is asking too much, it may be possible for me to make my plugin generate the version string at configuration-time rather than execution-time. It would be nice to know if I could do it this way, though.
In an experimental branch, I tried moving all the version string assignment logic to the configuration-phase (by making it all happen during plugin application rather than during task execution), but I don't believe this will work as the plugin extension has not yet been processed and trying to refer to properties defined in it fail.
Wrapping the version string assignment logic in a project.afterEvaluate closure seems to have worked:
public void apply(Project project) {
logger = project.logger
project.extensions.create(EXTENSION_NAME, SemVerPluginExtension)
project.afterEvaluate {
In a mock project, I implement build.gradle as follows:
apply plugin: 'semver'
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
group = 'temp'
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.github.tagc:semver-plugin:0.2.2'
semver {
versionFilePath = 'version.properties'
publishing {
publications {
testPublication(MavenPublication) {
version = project.version
assert version
println "Set publication version to $version"
For some reason, this seems to work. Although the version string assignment logic is wrapped in an 'afterEvaluate' closure and the test publication version assignment isn't, the former still occurs before the latter:
Compiling build file '/Users/davidfallah/Documents/semver/TestSemver2/build.gradle' using StatementExtractingScriptTransformer.
Compiling build file '/Users/davidfallah/Documents/semver/TestSemver2/build.gradle' using BuildScriptTransformer.
VERSION FILE PATH=version.properties
Current Git branch: develop
Set project version to 0.2.1-SNAPSHOT
Set publication version to 0.2.1-SNAPSHOT
All projects evaluated.
I'm leaving this question open and unresolved since I'd still like to know if it's possible to do it the way I originally intended. Additionally, I'd appreciate any explanation about why the publication version is assigned after the project version is set, and whether I can depend on that always being the case or whether that's just happening now by accident.
You can use lazy instantiation of GStrings to evaluate properties at run time:
project.tasks.create("example_task", Exec.class, {
commandLine 'echo', "${-> project.someproperty}"
Note that you have to use quotation marks and not apostrophes - "${...}" works, but '${...}' does not.
I need help with publishing an artifact using 'maven-publish' plugin. I use it since my next step is to publish several artifact for projects and 'maven' plugin hardly usable for that case. So please don't suggest to use it. The problem that if I use variable to setup version then gradle fails with error. It works fine if I specify fixed value however If I use variable It doesn't work. How I can pass version from variable to the publication?
Related code:
println "project.version = $project.version"
ext.artifactVersion = String.valueOf(project.version);
println "artifactVersion = $artifactVersion" // to check that value is correct
publishing {
publications {
maven(MavenPublication) {
groupId project.group
artifactId project.ext.artifactId
println artifactVersion
String artifactVersion2 = artifactVersion
//version "1248" // works
//version artifactVersion // doesn't work
//version "$artifactVersion" // doesn't work
//version ''+artifactVersion // doesn't work
//version '1248' // works
version "${artifactVersion}" // doesn't work
from project.components.java
project.version = 1248
artifactVersion = 1248
:prj:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:prj:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:prj:classes UP-TO-DATE
:prj:jar UP-TO-DATE
:prj:publishMavenPublicationToMavenLocal FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':prj:publishMavenPublicationToMavenLocal'.
> Failed to publish publication 'maven' to repository 'MavenLocal'
> Invalid publication 'maven': supplied version does not match POM file (cannot edit version directly in the POM file).
Thanks all for looking into issue. I found the problem and post here result to hope that it will help someone.
The reason of the issue that version cannot contain spaces. In my case version contained trailing space which I didn't noticed. It looks like Gradle trim the value reading it from generated pom and then compare it to check if value changed. Hope this help someone to save the time.
ext.artifactVersion = String.valueOf(project.version).trim();
I have a custom compile task.
task compileSpeedTest(type: JavaCompile) {
classpath = files('build')
source = fileTree('src/test/java/speed')
destinationDir = file('bin')
Gradle doesn't try to download dependencies before its execution.
I cannot find anywhere a task name which does it to add it on list dependsOn.
Downloading java dependencies is possible, if you actually really need to download them into a folder.
apply plugin: 'java'
dependencies {
runtime group: 'com.netflix.exhibitor', name: 'exhibitor-standalone', version: '1.5.2'
runtime group: 'org.apache.zookeeper', name: 'zookeeper', version: '3.4.6'
repositories { mavenCentral() }
task getDeps(type: Copy) {
from sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
into 'runtime/'
Download the dependencies (and their dependencies) into the folder runtime when you execute gradle getDeps.
For Intellij go to View > Tool Windows > Gradle > Refresh All Projects (the blue circular arrows at the top of the Gradle window.
A slightly lighter task that doesn't unnecessarily copy files to a dir:
task downloadDependencies(type: Exec) {
commandLine 'echo', 'Downloaded all dependencies'
Updated for kotlin & gradle 6.2.0, with buildscript dependency resolution added:
fun Configuration.isDeprecated() = this is DeprecatableConfiguration && resolutionAlternatives != null
fun ConfigurationContainer.resolveAll() = this
.filter { it.isCanBeResolved && !it.isDeprecated() }
.forEach { it.resolve() }
tasks.register("downloadDependencies") {
doLast {
I have found this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/47107135/3067148 also very helpful:
gradle dependencies will list the dependencies and download them as a
This version builds on Robert Elliot's, but I'm not 100% sure of its efficacy.
// There are a few dependencies added by one of the Scala plugins that this cannot reach.
task downloadDependencies {
description "Pre-downloads *most* dependencies"
doLast {
configurations.getAsMap().each { name, config ->
println "Retrieving dependencies for $name"
try {
} catch (e) {
project.logger.info e.message // some cannot be resolved, silentlyish skip them
I tried putting it into configuration instead of action (by removing doLast) and it broke zinc. I worked around it, but the end result was the same with or without. So, I left it as an explicit state. It seems to work enough to reduce the dependencies that have to be downloaded later, but not eliminate them in my case. I think one of the Scala plugins adds dependencies later.
You should try this one :
task getDeps(type: Copy) {
from configurations.runtime
into 'runtime/'
I was was looking for it some time ago when working on a project in which we had to download all dependencies into current working directory at some point in our provisioning script. I guess you're trying to achieve something similar.
Building on top of Robert Elliot's answer. For whatever reason, if one is interested in downloading the dependencies to Gradle cache then copying to a local repository like maven's (by default ~/.m2/repository):
task downloadDependencies(type: Exec) {
configurations.implementation.files + configurations.runtimeOnly.files
finalizedBy "cacheToMavenLocal"
commandLine "echo", "Downloaded all dependencies and copied to mavenLocal"
task cacheToMavenLocal(type: Copy) {
from new File(gradle.gradleUserHomeDir, "caches/modules-2/files-2.1")
into repositories.mavenLocal().url
eachFile {
List<String> parts = it.path.split("/")
it.path = [parts[0].replace(".","/"), parts[1], parts[2], parts[4]].join("/")
includeEmptyDirs false
The task cacheToMavenLocal was copied and adapted from #Adrodoc55's answer on Gradle forum.
It is hard to figure out exactly what you are trying to do from the question. I'll take a guess and say that you want to add an extra compile task in addition to those provided out of the box by the java plugin.
The easiest way to do this is probably to specify a new sourceSet called 'speedTest'. This will generate a configuration called 'speedTest' which you can use to specify your dependencies within a dependencies block. It will also generate a task called compileSpeedTestJava for you.
For an example, take a look at defining new source sets in the Java plugin documentation
In general it seems that you have some incorrect assumptions about how dependency management works with Gradle. I would echo the advice of the others to read the 'Dependency Management' chapters of the user guide again :)
There is no task to download dependencies; they are downloaded on demand. To learn how to manage dependencies with Gradle, see "Chapter 8. Dependency Management Basics" in the Gradle User Guide.
I am trying out the new Sonar Runner task recently released in gradle 1.5. What I would like to do is be able to make the sonar runner task dependent on another task so that I can set the Sonar properties correctly for this project (i.e. sonar.sources, sonar.binaries, sonar.libraries, sonar.java.source, sonar.java.target).
Specifically I am using an osgi build tool called bnd which will provide these values when an ant init task is executed (note that whilst I include the default bnd build.xml file, my complete build is really being done using gradle).
I thought I would be able to customize the sonar runner task by doing this (this is a multi-module build):
subprojects {
sonarRunner.dependsOn init
Eventually adding something like this (from what I understand of the bnd ant variables):
subprojects {
sonarRunner {
sonarProperties {
property "sonar.java.source", ant.property["project.sourcepath"]
property "sonar.java.target", ant.property["project.output"]
property "sonar.sources", ant.property["project.allsourcepath"]
property "sonar.libraries", ant.property["project.buildpath"]
sonarRunner.dependsOn init
Unfortunately when I try to add the dependsOn I get the error:
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'myproject'.
> Could not find property 'init' on project ':com.company.myproject.mymodule'.
If I try to make sonarRunner depend on a gradle task I get the following error:
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'myproject'.
> Could not find method dependsOn() for arguments [task ':gradletask'] on org.gradle.api.sonar.runner.SonarRunnerExtension_Decorated#c4d7c0c.
Am I missing something obvious here? If someone could point me in the right direction it would be a big help.
Your problem with not being able to call dependsOn() on sonarRunner task comes from the fact that the plugin defines both both sonarRunner extension and a sonarRunner task. It looks like extensions take precedence over tasks when objects are resolved by name in a gradle build file, hence your stacktrace points out that you are trying to call dependsOn() on an instance of org.gradle.api.sonar.runner.SonarRunnerExtension_Decorated instead of caling it on a SonarRunner task instance.
I think that if you retrieved the task from the task container explicitly you should be ok:
tasks.sonarRunner.dependsOn init
The root project gradle file is evaluated before the child project gradle files, that means init does not exist on the location you try to address it.
A workaround if you want to declare dependencies in the root project is to use afterEvaluate as described in http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/build_lifecycle.html, try:
subprojects {
sonarRunner.dependsOn init
Another solution would be to add the dependency in the sub projects, directly or by applying another root gradle file.
apply from: '../sonardependency.gradle'
If anyone is interested, this is one way of getting the bnd information to be set correctly in Sonar for each subproject (I am sure there are better ways):
subprojects {
afterEvaluate {
sonarRunner {
sonarProperties {
classpath: "../cnf/plugins/biz.aQute.bnd/biz.aQute.bnd-2.0.0.jar");
def projectDir = project.rootDir.toString() + "/" + project.name;
def binaries = ant.properties['project.buildpath'].split(':') as ArrayList;
def binariesString = binaries.join(',');
properties["sonar.java.source"] = ant.properties['javac.source'];
properties["sonar.java.target"] = ant.properties['javac.target'];
properties["sonar.binaries"] = ant.properties['project.output'].replace(':',',');
properties["sonar.sources"] = ant.properties['project.sourcepath'].replace(':',',');
properties["sonar.libraries"] = binariesString;