Writing autosys job information to Oracle DB - oracle

Here's my situation: we have no access to the autosys server other than using the autorep command. We need to keep detailed statistics on each of our jobs. I have written some Oracle database tables that will store start/end times, exit codes, JIL, etc.
What I need to know is what is the easiest way to output the data we require (which is all available in the autosys tables that we do not have access to) to an Oracle database.
Here are the technical details of our system:
autosys version - I cannot figure out how to get this information
Oracle version - 11g
We have two separate environments - one for UAT/QA/IT and several PROD servers

Do something like below
Create a table with the parameters you want to put. Put a key columns which should be auto generated. The jil column should be able to handle huge data. Also add one columns for sysdate.
Create a shell script. Inside it do as follows
"autorep -j -l0" to get all the jobs you want and put them in a file. -l0 is to ignore duplicate jobs. If a Box contain a job, then without -l0 you will get the job twice.
create a loop and read all the job names one by one.
In the loop, set varaibles for jobname/starttime/endtime/status (which all you can get from autorep -j . Then use a variable to hold jil by autorep -q -j
Append all these variable values in a flat file.
End the loop. After exiting a loop you wil end up with a file with all the job details.
Then use SQL loader to put the data in your oracle table. You can hardcode a control file and use it for every run. But the content of data file will change for every run.
Let me know if any part is not clear.


Informatica PC restart workflow with different sql query

I am using Informatica PC.
I have workflow which have sql query.
This query like "select t1, t2, t3 from table where t1 between date '2020-01-01' and date '2020-01-31'"
I need to download all data between 2020 and 2022. But I can't write it in query because I will have ABORT SESSION from Teradata.
I want to write smth, which will restart workflow with different dates automatically.
From first start take 01.2020, second start 02.2020, third start 03.2020 and etc.
How can I solve this problem?
This is a long solution and can be achieved in two ways. Using only shell script will give you lot of flexibility.
First of all parameterize your mapping with two mapping parameter. Use them in SQL like below.
select t1, t2, t3 from table where t1 between date '$$START_DT' and date '$$END_DT'
Idea is to change them at each run.
Using only shell script - Its flexible because you can handle as many run as you want using this method. You need to call this shell script using some CMD task.
Create a master file which has data like this
Create three informatica parameter file using above entries. First file(file1) should look like this
Use file(file1) in a pmcmd to kick off informatica workflow. Pls add --wait so it waits for this to complete.
Loop above steps until all entries of master file are complete.
Using informatica only method - This method is not as flexible as above and applicable for only your quesion.
Create a shell script that creates three parameter file using above master file.
Create three session or three worklets which uses above three parameter files. You need to be careful to use correct parameter for correct session.
You can attach those sessions/worklets one after another or in parallel.

Append DataSets (.ds) using UNIX

I'm currently working on DataStage IBM and here's my problem:
I have to get a n numbers of datasets that's going to be in a folder and I have to append them in one DataSet (.ds).
Since I don't know how many datasets I will have and neither they full name, I can't use a DataStage job to deal with them. All I know is they will have the same metadata (because they will be generated in the same job).
I think I have to use a Shell Cmd to append them but I'm not a UNIX guy.
Thank you for everyone who reads so far.
You can use the same job. Specify Append mode (rather than Override) for the target Data Set; each time you run the job data will be added to the same Data Set. Be careful not to inadvertently create duplicates by processing the same source data twice. Use parameters to specify the source.

Connecting NiFi to Vertica

I'm trying to upload a CSV file grabbed from a SFTP server to Vertica as a new table. I got the GetSFTP processor configured - but I can't seem to understand how do I set up the connection with Vertica and execute the SQL?
1 - You need to setup a DBCPConnectionPool with your Vertica JAR(s) like #mattyb mentioned.
2 - Create a Staging Area where you will have your Executable(copy Scripts)
3 - Create a template to manage your Scripts or loads(ReplaceText Processor)
the parameters you see here come in the flow file from upstream proccesors.
this is reusable process group so there are many other PG`s that will have their output sent to this.
data_feed task will run a Start Data Feed (this PG will hold it`s own parameters and values) - if is executing with no error comes to this step, is it fail it goes to another reusable PG that handles Errors.
daily ingest process (Trickle load every 5 min), - a PG will prepare the CSV file, move it to staging, makes sure is all in the right format,- if is executing with no error comes to this step, is it fail it goes to another reusable PG that handles Errors.
And so on many PG`s will use this a Reusable PG to load Data in the DB
PG - Stand for Process Group
this is how mine looks
./home/dbadmin/.profile /opt/vertica/bin/vsql -U $username -w
$password -d analytics -c " copy ${TableSchema}.${TableToLoad} FROM
'${folder}/*.csv' delimiter '|' enclosed by '~' null as ' ' STREAM
NAME '${TableToLoad} ${TaskType}' REJECTED DATA AS TABLE
${TableSchema}.${TableToLoad}_Rejects; select
-you can add you param as well or create new once
4 - Update Attribute Proc so you can name the executable.
5 - Putfile proc that will place the Vertica Load Script on the machine.
6 - ExecuteStreamComnand - this will run the shell script.
- audit logs and any other stuff can be done here.
Even Better - see the attached Template with of a reusable PG i use for me data loads into Vertica with NIFI.
As for the Vertica DBCP the setup should look like this:
where the red mark is you ipaddress:port/dbadmin
This DBCPConnectionPool can be at the project level (inside a PG) or a the NIFI level (create it in the main canvas using the Controller Services Menu)
Besides the bulk loader idea from #sKwa , you can also create a DBCPConnectionPool with your Vertica JAR(s) and a PutSQL processor that will execute the SQL. If you need to convert from data to SQL you can use ConvertJSONToSQL, otherwise use PutDatabaseRecord which is basically a "ConvertXToSQL -> PutSQL" together.

sqoop oozie write query result to a file

I have a current oozie job that queries an Oracle table and writes - overwrites the result on a hive query.
Now I need to prevent overwriting the hive table and save the existing data on that hive table.
For this I wanted to plan such steps:
1st step: Get record count running a "select count(*) from..." query and write it on a file.
2nd step: Check the count written in file.
3rd step: decision step whether or not 4th step will be applied.
4th step: Run the main query and overwrite the hive table.
My problem is I couldn't find anything on documentation and or examples regarding writing them on a file (I know import and export is the aim of sqoop) .
Does anyone know how to write the wuery result on a file?
In theory:
build a Pig job to run the "count(*)" and dump the result to StdOut
as if it was a Java property e.g. my.count=12345
in Oozie, define a Pig Action, with <capture_output/> flag, to run that job
then define a Decision based on the value for key my.count using
the appropriate EL function
In practise, well, have fun!

Writing to oracle logfile from unix shell script?

I am having a Oracle concurrent program which calls a UNIX shell script which will execute SQL loader program. This is used for inserting flat file from legacy to Oracle Base tables.
My question here is,
How do I capture my custom messages, validation error messages etc in the Oracle log file of the concurrent program.
All help in this regards are much appreciated.
It looks like you are trying to launch SQL*Loader from Oracle Apps. The simplest way would be to use the SQL*Loader type of executables, this way you will get the output and log files right in the concurrent requests window.
If you want to write in the log file and the output file from a unix script, you can find them in the FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table (column logfile_name and outfile_name). You should get the REQUEST_ID passed as a parameter to your script.
These files should be in $XX_TOP\log and should be called l{REQUEST_ID}.req and o{REQUEST_ID}.out (apps 11.5.10).
How is your concurrent process defined? If it's using the "Host" execution method then the output should go into the concurrent log file. If it's being executed from a stored procedure, I'm not sure where it goes.
Have your script use sqlplus to sign into oracle, and insert/update the information you need.
