Deploy ember-cli and rails api - ruby

I'm looking for a way to deploy on Heroku a Rails API and an ember-cli application. My directories structure is something like that:
Can someone help me? I'm really new Heroku user.
PS: I don't want to use gems like 'ember-cli-rails'

I would deploy them separately, and keep them in separate git repos.
Use ember-cli-deploy. I would suggest you look into the ember-cli-deploy-lightning-pack. There is a presentation about it here.
This automates the release process -
Builds your Ember app, with asset fingerprints
gzips the assets
Uploads changed files to AWS S3
Puts the full content of your index.html into Redis
deploy your rails-api app to heroku normally
include a redis addon
set up the route which serves index.html to query it directly from Redis instead
I would suggest aliasing all non-api routes (ie a catchall route) to the root route so you can 'deep link' to your ember app
A big advantage of this process is that you can deploy changes to your frontend very quickly, and without having to take down or restart the server.


Django REST + Vue3 deployment with Passenger

I have a local app with a Django backend and Vue3 frontend, and I have to deploy it to a Dreamhost Shared Host. I've already deployed the backend with Django and Passenger and it's working (the admin panel and its API is working), but now I need to add the frontend side to the server.
I've followed the instructions to deploy a Vue app, generating the dist folder with npm run build and then adding it to my public folder in the server, but nothing happens. I can't find any tutorial or anyone trying to build something similar, so any help to understand what I should have to do is welcomed.

Laravel - Deploy app on Heroku

I am trying to deploy laravel application on heroku. I followed the videos on heroku homepage for deploying a php application. I currently get a 403 error, You don't have permission to access / on this server. How can I change the app permissions in order to run it correctly?
Also how can I access the app from the terminal to apply any changes if possible?
Long time since I use Heroku, but the documentation has what you need. You are getting a 403 because it is likely you are not setting the web root. By default the web root is / which is restricted. In Laravel you need it to be /public
Add a Procfile to the root of your Laravel project and add the following line to it:
web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 public/
The second part of your question can be achieved by running heroku run bash from the terminal. You may need to specify your app name. However it should be mentioned that its likely your changes would be over written next time you deploy your app.

How do you access assets in a Pakyow app on heroku?

Problem: Pakyow App deployed to Heroku and all JS and CSS sourced/linked in template head 404.
I assume this is a problem stemming from Heroku, but rather not one that I am aware of. As far as I know, Heroku allows static assets in the public directory.
Anyway, looking for some helpful pointers from Pakyow users.
The app (currently) is at and the repo can be found at
This is an unfortunate default config option in the currently released version. To get around it, add this to the production configuration block in app.rb:
app.static = true
The reason it works this way out of the box is in most production cases you don't want the app serving static files. This would instead be the responsibility of the HTTP server. On Heroku though, you want the app server to serve static files unless you host them from a CDN.

Basic HTTP Authentication for a Middleman app

I wonder whether there's an easy way to add Basic HTTP Authentication to a Middleman deployed website? I found some Heroku specific gists, but nothing else.
The Heroku specific gists all seem to need a file, but do Middleman projects even have such a file? Mine don't. is not specific to Middleman or Heroku, but is a convention for serving a rack-based app (see If you want to have basic auth on a static site that you have built using middleman and then deployed, you will need to set it up in a way that's appropriate to that hosting. Where are you hosting the site?

How do I use Heroku to host a personal website?

I want to use Heroku to host a website that has HTML, CSS and JS files, along with some jpegs and gifs.
I know how to do this with a Rails application, using;
heroku create --stack cedar
It seems that the cedar stack create a repo that is fit for Rails, Java ect apps because the error message is
Heroku push rejected, no Cedar-supported app detected
And when I try to launch the app it just say; Heroku | Welcome to your new app!
Here is a link:
So I want to know how to put some JS, HTML, CSS and images files to host. Perhaps another command may create a simple website stack?
If you saved your root file as index.php then Heroku will detect it as a PHP application - it doesn't need to actually contain PHP code, just been named that.
If you want to send a personal website into Heroku, create an index.php file connected to your website. Launch the app as it was a PHP app. You will be able to launch the app with ease!
Hope this helped!
