Trying to proof NP-completeness - complexity-theory

Imagine I have an equation like
A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H + … = Some Value
And every summand has an upper limit
A ≤ 500,
B ≤ 200,
C ≤ 300,
D ≤ 600,
If i want a program to determine every possible combination of the summands, would the problem be NP-complete?
How would the mathematical proof look like?
If not, how would an efficient algorithm for this problem look like?

To determine whether the problem is NP complete, you must first figure out if it is in NP. We need to create a decision question from the problem.
If you wanted to set a limit on the sum without actually having to determine all the combinations of the summands, the decision question could be: Are there limits for A, B, C... such that the sum is ≤ k? Then your certificate could be a set of limits on the summands.
Here, the decision question is unclear and a certificate cannot be verified. This problem, as it is phrased, is not in NP.


boosting algorithm - classifiers yields the correct label

I am a computer science student; I am studying the Algorithms course independently.
During the course, I saw this question:
Suppose we have a set X = {x1, . . . , xn} of elements, each with a label L(i) ∈ {0, 1} (think of
x(i) as a picture, and the label indicates whether it is a cat or not). We also have a set of
classifiers H, and an algorithm A that given any distribution D on X, outputs h ∈ H such
Pr(i∼D)[h(x(i)) = L(i)] ≥ 0.51
Show an algorithm that produces a set of T = O(log n) classifiers h
(1), . . . , h(T) ∈ H, such
that the majority vote among these T classifiers yields the correct label for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
photo of the question
From what I can understand this is a question related to boosting. But it is not clear to me how to show an algorithm for this question.
I found an algorithm, but I do not know if it fits the problem:
Algorithm 1 Boost(D, A)
Let T ← 4 log n/ E^2 for E < 0.01.
Initialize a copy of polynomial weights to run over w^t ∈ ∆n.
for t = 1 to T do
Let h^t = A(D, w^t)
Let L^t ∈ [0, 1]^m be such that L^t_i = 1[h^t(xi) = yi].
Pass L^t to the PW algorithm.
end for
Let pˆ =1/T(SIGMA^T_t=1 e_h^t )
Return fpˆ(x).
link to algorithm, page 16
to be perfectly honest, did not understand how to solve the question.
We can view this as a two-player zero-sum game. Carol (the “classifier”
player) chooses a classifier, and Dave (the “data” player) chooses a
labeled element. Carol wins if the classifier is correct on that
element, and Dave wins if it’s incorrect.
Algorithm A implies that Carol can win this game at least 51% of the
time. We can run algorithm ComputeEQ with ε = 0.005 (0.5%) to find a
strategy for Carol where she chooses uniformly at random from O(log n)
classifiers and wins at least 50.5% of the time regardless of Dave’s
strategy. This implies that the majority vote is correct on all n
(This is really a question for

Represent a prime number as a sum of four squared integers

Given a prime number p, find a four integers such that p is equal to sum of square of those integers.
1 < p < 10^12.
If p is of form 8n + 1 or 8n + 5, then p can be written as sum of two squares. This can be solved in O(sqrt(p)*log(sqrt(p)). But for other cases,i.e. when p cannot be written as sum of two squares, than is very inefficient. So, it would be great if anyone can give some resource material which i can read to solve the problem.
Given your constraints, I think that you can do a smart brute force.
First, note that if p = a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2, each of a, b, c, d have to be less than 10^6. So just loop over a from 0 to sqrt(p). Consider q = p - a^2. It is easy to check whether q can be written as the sum of three squares using Legendre's three-square theorem. Once you find a value of q that works, a is fixed and you can just worry about q.
Deal with q the same way. Loop over b from 0 to sqrt(q), and consider r = q - b^2. Fermat's two-square theorem tells you how to check whether r can be written as the sum of two squares. Though this check requires O(sqrt(r)) time again, in practice you should be able to quickly find a value of b that works.
After this, it should be straightforward to find a (c,d) pair that works for r.
Since the loops for finding a and b and (c,d) are not nested but come one after the other, the complexity should be low enough to work in your problem.

Solving a recurrence: T(n)=3T(n/2)+n

I need to Find the solution of the recurrence for n, a power of two if T(n)=3T(n/2)+n for n>1 and T(n)=1 otherwise.
using substitution of n=2^m,S(m)=T(2^(m-1)) I can get down to:
S(m)=2^m+3*2^(m-1)+3^2*2^(m-2)+⋯+3^(m-1) 2^1+3^m
But I have no idea how to simply that.
These types of recurrences are most easily solved by Master Theorem for analysis of algorithms which is explained as follows:
Let a be an integer greater than or equal to 1, b be a real number greater than 1, and c be a positive real number. Given a recurrence of the form -
T (n) = a * T(n/b) + nc where n > 1, then for n a power of b, if
Logba < c, T (n) = Θ(nc);
Logba = c, T (n) = Θ(nc * Log n);
Logba > c, T (n) = Θ(nlogba).
English translation of your recurrence
The most critical thing to understand in Master Theorem is the constants a, b, and c mentioned in the recurrence. Let's take your own recurrence - T(n) = 3T(n/2) + n - for example.
This recurrence is actually saying that the algorithm represented by it is such that,
(Time to solve a problem of size n) = (Time taken to solve 3 problems of size n/2) + n
The n at the end is the cost of merging the results of those 3 n/2 sized problems.
Now, intuitively you can understand that:
if the cost of "solving 3 problems of size n/2" has more weight than "n" then the first item will determine the overall complexity;
if the cost "n" has more weight than "solving 3 problems of size n/2" then the second item will determine the overall complexity; and,
if both parts are of same weight then solving the sub-problems and merging their results will have an overall compounded weight.
From the above three intuitive understanding, only the three cases of Master Theorem arise.
In your example, a = 3, b = 2 and c = 1. So it falls in case-3 as Logba = Log23 which is greater than 1 (the value of c).
The complexity therefore is straightforward - Θ(nlogba) = Θ(nlog23).
You can solve this using Masters theorem, but also by opening the recursion tree in the following way:
At the root of the recursion tree, you will have a work of n.
In the second stage, the tree splits into three parts, and in each part, the work will be n / 2.
Keep going until you reach the leaves. The entire work leaf will be: O (1) = O (n / 2 ^ k) when: n = 2 ^ k.
Note that at each step m have 3 ^ m splits.
Now we'll combine all the steps together, using the geometric progression and logarithms rules. In the end, you will get:
T(n) = 3T(n/2)+n = 2n^(log3)-2n
the calculation
Have a look here at page 60
And maybe you should have asked here
The problems like this can be solved using Masters theorem.
In your case a = 3, b = 2 and f(n) = n.
So c = log_b(a) = log_2(3), which is bigger than 1, and therefore you fall into the first case. So your complexity is:
O(n^{log_2(3)}) = O(n^{1.58})

How do we know that an NFA has a minimum amount of states?

Is there some kind of proof for this? How can we know that the current NFA has the minimum amount?
As opposed to DFA minimization, where efficient methods exist to not only determine the size of, but actually compute, the smallest DFA in terms of number of states that describes a given regular language, no such general method is known for determining the size of a smallest NFA. Moreover, unless P=PSPACE, no polynomial-time algorithm exists to compute a minimal NFA to recognize a language, as the following decision problem is PSPACE-complete:
Given a DFA M that accepts the regular language L, and an integer k, is there an NFA with ≤ k states accepting L?
(Jiang & Ravikumar 1993).
There is, however, a simple theorem from Glaister and Shallit that can be used to determine lower bounds on the number of states of a minimal NFA:
Let L ⊆ Σ* be a regular language and suppose that there exist n pairs P = { (xi, wi) | 1 ≤ i ≤ n } such that:
xi wi ∈ L for 1 ≤ i ≤ n
xj wi ∉ L for 1 ≤ j, i ≤ n and j ≠ i
Then any NFA accepting L has at least n states.
See: Ian Glaister and Jeffrey Shallit (1996). "A lower bound technique for the size of nondeterministic finite automata". Information Processing Letters 59 (2), pp. 75–77. DOI:10.1016/0020-0190(96)00095-6.

Finding a Perfect Square efficiently

How to find the first perfect square from the function: f(n)=An²+Bn+C? B and C are given. A,B,C and n are always integer numbers, and A is always 1. The problem is finding n.
Example: A=1, B=2182, C=3248
The answer for the first perfect square is n=16, because sqrt(f(16))=196.
My algorithm increments n and tests if the square root is a integer nunber.
This algorithm is very slow when B or C is large, because it takes n calculations to find the answer.
Is there a faster way to do this calculation? Is there a simple formula that can produce an answer?
What you are looking for are integer solutions to a special case of the general quadratic Diophantine equation1
Ax^2 + Bxy + Cy^2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0
where you have
ax^2 + bx + c = y^2
so that A = a, B = 0, C = -1, D = b, E = 0, F = c where a, b, c are known integers and you are looking for unknown x and y that satisfy this equation. Once you recognize this, solutions to this general problem are in abundance. Mathematica can do it (use Reduce[eqn && Element[x|y, Integers], x, y]) and you can even find one implementation here including source code and an explanation of the method of solution.
1: You might recognize this as a conic section. It is, and people have been studying them for thousands of years. As such, our understanding of them is very deep and your problem is actually quite famous. The study of them is an immensely deep and still active area of mathematics.
