How to pass down option -f SomeMakefile to a sub-make? [here with GNUMake] - makefile

When invoking itself recursively via some $(MAKE) foo in recipes, GNUMake passes down some of the options it was called with, but not all of them. In particular it does not pass down a -f SomeMakefile option. See section 5.7.3 of manual.
How can I find whether make was invoked with some -f option and how can I pass it down to a sub-make ?
To make the question concrete, here is what my SomeMakefile contains:
%.pdf : %.tex
pdflatex $(PDFLATEXFLAGS) $*
#if [ -f $*.log ] ; then $(MAKE) --silent $*.slw; fi
The problem is that how to make foo.slw is defined in SomeMakefile and the recursive make won't use it.

You can get the name of the makefile from MAKEFILE_LIST variable. E.g.:
${MAKE} -f $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
If your makefile includes other makefiles you may like to store the name of the makefile early into an immediately assigned variable, e.g.:
# Somewhere at the top of your makefile, before any includes
this_makefile := $(lastword ${MAKEFILE_LIST})
# and use it later
some_rule :
${MAKE} -f ${this_makefile}
Alternatively, if you know that your makefile is always the first one read by make, then it is going to be in the front of MAKEFILE_LIST, e.g. $(firstword ${MAKEFILE_LIST}).


makefile : applying a single rule to a bunch of target

I'm starting to learn how to write makefiles and I can't find an existing topic related to my question, so apologies if it already exists.
As of now, it looks like this (and it works) :
INSTALL_DIR = $(realpath /home/$(USER)/bin/)
SRC = $(realpath ./)
script = $(SRC)/
all : $(TAR)
$(TAR) : $(script)
ln -s $^ $#
What I would like to do is to use a minimum number of lines to generate symbolic links (that is, applying the existing rule for building TAR) to every bash script (that is $(SRC)*.sh) in the same fashion as I did for the first one ('') here.
I could just make 'script' and 'TAR' like variable for every script manually but I'm sure there must be a better way. Little help ?
First we must find the scripts:
INSTALL_DIR = bin # there is no need for a full path here
SRC = $(realpath ./)
SCRIPTS := $(wildcard $(SRC)/*.sh) # /some/path/ /some/path/ /some/path/
SCRIPTS := $(notdir $(SCRIPTS)) #
Note my use of ":=" rather than "=". You can read about the difference here, but usually ":=" is better.
Now for the targets, the links we're trying to construct:
TARGETS := $(basename $(SCRIPTS)) # foo bar baz
TARGETS := $(addprefix $(INSTALL_DIR)/, $(TARGETS)) # bin/foo bin/bar bin/baz
The rules:
all: $(TARGETS)
ln -s $< $#
That last rule is quite general. We could restrict it to the target list we defined:
ln -s $< $#
Further refinements are possible, once this is working perfectly.
You're looking for a pattern rule. Something like:
SCRIPTS := foo bar xxx yyy
all: $(SCRIPTS)
% :
ln -s $< $#
Note that $(SCRIPTS) can also be populated by $(wildcard ...) if none of the scripts are generated by make (otherwise, $(SCRIPTS) would be missing any file that did not exist when make was first invoked).

Makefile - export declarations to sub-makefiles

I know variables can be exported to sub-makefiles: Communicating Variables to a Sub-make
export PWD := $(shell pwd)
#echo $(PWD)
#cd somewhere; $(MAKE)
#echo $(PWD)
Supposing that the first Makefile is located at /path/to/first/makefile, the code above will print:
My question is: is there a way to let the variable PWD be implicitly evaluated inside sub-makefiles?
The output should look like this:
So far I can only think of:
Exporting the literal declaration and use the function eval
Do it somehow with .SECONDEXPANSION
Put the declaration into a separate file and include it
in both the first and the second Makefile
All this solution are explicits: they imply code to be added to the sub-makefiles.
What I'm searching is an implicit solution which will change only the code inside the first Makefile.
Plus, honestly...the first two solutions are so ugly I would rather declare manually PWD in every sub-makefile.
Just to make it more clear: the variable PWD is just an example, I'm not trying to obtain the path of every Makefile.
Use ${MAKEFILE_LIST} variable and let make change directories for you:
[max#earth:~/tmp]$ cat Makefile
#echo $(abspath $(lastword ${MAKEFILE_LIST}))
${MAKE} -C somewhere $#
[max#earth:~/tmp]$ cat somewhere/Makefile
#echo $(abspath $(lastword ${MAKEFILE_LIST}))
[max#earth:~/tmp]$ make target
make -C somewhere target
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/max/tmp/somewhere'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/max/tmp/somewhere'
That prints the full path to the makefile being processed. Use $(dir $(abspath $(lastword ${MAKEFILE_LIST}))) to chop off filename Makefile.

How do I force a target to be rebuilt if a variable is set?

Assume I have a build-target foo:
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(ARGS) -c foo.c -o foo
Now, ARGS is something that I pass on the command line:
$ make ARGS:=-DX=1 foo
So, I need to bypass make's cleverness, because the foo target does not only depend on which files have changed, but also on the value of ARGS.
Is there something in make to do this? My hack (see answer) doesn't seem to be the most elegant but it works. Anything better?
Here is a general solution to your specific problem.
You want to be able to depend on a variable as a prerequisite. That is, you can make it a prerequisite to any target in your makefile, and when the value of the variable changes, you rebuild those targets.
Here is a function that does that, you use this function to declare a variable to be dependable, and then you can use it as a prerequisite.
Note that if the variable is not used on the command line, it will still mean that variable still has a value, namely, the empty string.
.PHONY: phony
$1: phony
#if [[ `cat $1 2>&1` != '$($1)' ]]; then \
echo -n $($1) > $1 ; \
#declare ARGS to be dependable
$(eval $(call DEPENDABLE_VAR,ARGS))
foo:foo.c ARGS
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(ARGS) -c foo.c -o foo
In fact, we could omit the need for "declaration", and just write a similar function that will make all variables dependable by default. But I don't like that. I prefer that the users that modify makefiles I write, declare their intentions explicitly. It is good for them :)
My solution was to create a dummy phony target:
and have foo depend on dummy if ARGS is nonempty:
foo:foo.c $(patsubst %,dummy,$(ARGS))
Note on Mark's excellent answer
The bare necessities of Mark's answer are actually very simple. It really boils down to just:
.PHONY: phony
ARGS: phony
#if [[ `cat ARGS 2>&1` != '$(ARGS)' ]]; then echo -n $(ARGS) >ARGS; fi
The rest of his code is just to let you reproduce the recipe for other variable names without repeating yourself. Useful in practice, but the above version will help you see what's going on more easily.
In fact, my answer can even be made general (like Mark's) for any variable name, but in a less complicated way as follows:
.PHONY: phony
.ARG~%: phony
#if [[ `cat .ARG~$* 2>&1` != '$($*)' ]]; then echo -n $($*) >.ARG~$*; fi
Then you simply add .ARG~MYVARNAME as a dependency to any target to make that target depend on variable MYVARNAME.
Note that the dot in front of .ARG~% simply causes it to create a dependency-tracking file that is 'hidden' in linux.
So in your case, you would do:
foo: foo.c .ARG~ARGS
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(ARGS) -c foo.c -o foo
I don't understand how the other solutions are supposed to work. If the ARGS target is .PHONY or depends on a .PHONY, then it will always be run, right?
Here is my solution using the $(file) function in newer versions of gmake:
echo -n $($(1)) > $(1)
ifneq ("$(file <$(1))","$($(1))")
$(1): FORCE
#declare ARGS to be dependable
$(eval $(call DEPENDABLE_VAR,ARGS))
foo: foo.c ARGS
touch foo
And the result:
~/stuff/makevars> make foo ARGS=1
echo -n 1 > ARGS
touch foo
~/stuff/makevars> make foo ARGS=1
make: 'foo' is up to date.
~/stuff/makevars> make foo ARGS=2
echo -n 2 > ARGS
touch foo
~/stuff/makevars> make foo ARGS=2
make: 'foo' is up to date.

Change make's working directory without long command line

I would like to change the working directory of a makefile.
(Extraneous info: I have a legacy makefile that I mostly want to reuse, though many targets and generated deps files make assume that the working directory will not be different. My idea is to create a makefile for my newer project, which is in a different directory, and include the old one, and set the working directory to the old directory.)
I easily can do this from the command line with
make -f /path/to/new/makefile -C /path/to/old/makefile
The users of this makefile would like not to type that out every time.
Attempt 1
Use MAKEFLAGS in the makefile itself. But neither of these seem to have any effect. (I understand why -f couldn't have an effect; I'm really wondering about -C.)
I've looked at, but I can't find anything about what is allowed in MAKEFLAGS and what isn't.
Attempt 2
Create a makefile2 with the new targets
include path/to/old/makefile
foo: bar
and then makefile passes everything through
$(MAKE) -f $(abspath makefile2) -C path/to/old/makfele /$*
I don't get nice autocompletion, parallel jobs don't work, and debug options (dry run) doesn't work.
(1) Why doesn't -C work MAKEFLAGS (it does work, but I made a mistake; it doesn't work, and it is documented; it doesn't work, and it is not documented but it is intentional; it doesn't work, and it is a bug)?
(2) Is there a better way of change a makefile's working directory?
Some things are wrong here :
make -f /path/to/new/makefile -C /path/to/old/makefile
The -f options specifies the name of the Makefile to be found when searched in the directory specified with -C (or the current directory if not provided). So it is more :
make -C /path/to/old/Makefile -f name_of_old_makefile
If the name is simply Makefile or makefile, there is no need to provide the -foption.
The MAKEFLAGS variable does not contains -f or -C in the called sub-Makefile.
To be able to pass multiple targets to another makefile, you need the MAKECMDGOALS variable.
Ultimately, all you have to do in your new Makefile is to have someting like this :
$(MAKE) $(MAKEFLAGS) -C /path/to/old/Makefile -f old_Makefile_name $#
$(MAKE) $(MAKEFLAGS) -C /path/to/old/Makefile -f old_Makefile_name $(MAKECMDGOALS)

How to trace a recursive make?

I need to work on a system that uses automake tools and makes recursively.
'make -n' only traces the top level of make.
Is there a way to cause make to execute a make -n whenever he encounters a make command?
Use $(MAKE) to call your submakefiles, instead of using make. That should work. Check out How the MAKE variable works in the manual. Here's a quick example:
#$(MAKE) -f Makefile2
#echo Makefile2
Command line:
$ make
$ make -n
make -f Makefile2
echo Makefile2
Does your recursive makefile look like this:
make -C src1
make -C src2
Or like this:
${MAKE} -C src1
${MAKE} -C src2
I think you need to use the second style if you want flags passed to child make processes. Could be your problem.
Setting the environment variable "MAKEFLAGS" to "n" may do what you need.
There are some more advanced tricks for tracing make commands here:
The simplest of these tricks comes down to adding SHELL="sh -x" to your make command (running without "-n" in that case).
