Android Titanium - ImageView doesn't show a remote image - titanium-mobile

I have to download a remote image and show it in a ImageView. In iOS works prefectly but in Android doesn't work. The image size is 190x190, and the url is correct because the same url works in iOS. This is my code:
<ScrollView id="scrollView" showVerticalScrollIndicator="true">
<Label id="titleLabel"></Label>
<ImageView id="qr"></ImageView>
<View id="codigoView">
<Label id="codigoLabel"></Label>
<Label id="numeroLabel"></Label>
<Button id="condicionesButton" onClick="condicionesAction"></Button>
<Button id="localizacionButton" onClick="localizacionAction"></Button>
<Button id="emailButton" onClick="emailAction"></Button>
top: 5,
width: 190,
height: 190
var qrString = args.get('qrcode');
$.qr.image = Alloy.Globals.qr_url + qrString;
$.qr.addEventListener('load', function(e){
alert('Picture loaded');
This alert does never showed.
The url is:"akjlsdfkjalskdjfal"
And the image is a png.
My question in Appcelerator Q&A
This can cause the problem?
For Android, if there is a redirect and change in protocol, it will not
follow. For example, from http to https and vice versa

I've tried to implement your example, and anything works fine, both on iOS and Android!
This is index.xml (view):
<Window class="container">
<ImageView id="qr"/>
And this is index.js (controller):
$.qr.addEventListener('load', function() {
alert('picture loaded');
$.qr.image = ""
There are no problems of any type: no redirects and no changes in the used protocol! Anything seems to be ok.
Your problem is probably due to the fact that you add the EventListener after the operation that can fire the event! Indeed, if the event 'load' is fired very soon there is nothing which is listening for it!!
Even if the problem is not caused by that, remember to add the EventListener always before the lines which could fire the event!


radautocomplete menu pops open when navigating with bottom navigation

I have a radautocomplete in one of my pages and I'm using bottom-navigation in my app.
The first time I navigate to that page is fine, but after that, when I navigate to that page, the suggestions menu automatically pops open as if I had typed something in the autocomplete but I have not. I even put a textfields above that in my form to steal the focus but that didn't make things any better.
Here is a playground sample
In case playground breaks in the future:
<Page actionBarHidden="true">
<BottomNavigation :selectedIndex="activePage">
<label text="0" />
<label text="1" />
<button text="go to 1" #tap="activePage=1" />
<TextField v-model="textFieldValue" hint="Enter text..."
backgroundColor="lightgray" />
<RadAutoCompleteTextView ref="autocomplete"
:items="choices" backgroundColor="lightgray"
completionMode="Contains" returnKeyType="done"
width="100%" borderRadius="5" />
import {
} from "tns-core-modules/data/observable-array";
import {
} from "nativescript-ui-autocomplete";
export default {
data() {
return {
textFieldValue: "",
choices: new ObservableArray(
["one", "two", "three"].map(r => new TokenModel(r))
activePage: 0
<style scoped>
TabContentItem>* {
font-size: 30;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: center;
import Vue from 'nativescript-vue';
import App from './components/App';
import RadAutoComplete from 'nativescript-ui-autocomplete/vue';
new Vue({ render: h => h('frame', [h(App)]) }).$start();
I guess the issue is specific to Android, iOS seem to work fine. You may raise an issue at Github, meanwhile a possible workaround is to set visibility on suggestion view on unloaded event, toggle it back on textChanged event.
Updated Playground Sample 1
Changing visibility seems to hide the suggestion view but still occupy the same so components below auto complete field becomes inaccessible. I believe setSuggestionViewHeight(...) may solve this.
Updated Playground Sample 2

How to add an activity-indicator on a page level?

I would like to add an activity-indicator widget in my login page but I would like it to cover the whole screen, so I can prevent double click on the Login button.
Any idea, thanks!
If you wrap everything in a GridLayout, add a StackLayout as the last item in the row you want to cover. The StackLayout by default will cover the whole screen. Then you can show/hide via data. For example:
// All your page content goes here!
<StackLayout class="dimmer" visibility="{{showLoading ? 'visible' : 'collapsed'}}"/>
<GridLayout rows="*" visibility="{{showLoading ? 'visible' : 'collapsed'}}">
<ActivityIndicator busy="true" />
I have a "dimmer" StackLayout that I animate to be semi transparent black, then the Activity Indicator sits on top.
not sure what layout you have i will only put example(somehow simplified) from my project
Inside page u can put something like this, both StackLayout and ActivityIndicator are inside GridLayout which takes whole size of page
<GridLayout rows="*" columns="*">
<StackLayout visibility="{{ showLogin ? 'visible' : 'collapse'}}" row="0" column="0">
<!--Login form, as you have defined-->
<!--Indicator on whole page, colSpan and rowSpan force ActivityIndicator to takes whole page-->
<ActivityIndicator visibility="{{ !showLogin ? 'visible' : 'collapse'}}" busy="{{ !showLogin }}" rowSpan="1" colSpan="1" row="0" column="0" />
And inside javascript code
/*somehow add showLogin property to bindingContext*/
page.bindingContext.set("showLogin",false) //false for show ActivityIndicator
page.bindingContext.set("showLogin",true) //true for show form
But best would be to put to already defined Observable which you should have assigned to bindingContext
So based on showLogin property u will get visible either ActivityIndicator(on whole page) or form
Not sure if i forgot something but if something, write comment :)
The activity indicator on its own won’t prevent dual submissions of your forms. In addition to displaying an ActivityIndicator, you should also set the isEnabled flag on your Button UI components to false during the submission. For example:
<!-- template -->
<Button [isEnabled]="!isAuthenticating" (tap)="submit()"></Button>
// JavaScript/TypeScript
export class LoginComponent {
isAuthenticating = false;
submit() {
this.isAuthenticating = true;
.then(() => {
this.isAuthenticating = false;
You can find a complete implementation of a login that prevents dual submissions and uses an ActivityIndicator in the NativeScript Groceries sample. Take a look at how the isAuthenticating flag is used in this login folder for the specific implementation.

Appcelerator titanium transition between windows

May be a noob question about appcelerator titanium:
I have an index.xml page like this :
<Window class="container" layout="composite" backgroundImage="/images/login/background.png" id="wLogin">
<!-- Here content-->
and the controller to open page2 :
function openPage2() {
var win = Alloy.createController('page2').getView().open();
This works fine, but i want slide (left to right or right to left) each time i change page, i test on iphone simulator.
I think it should be a basic functionnality, or i'm wrong?
Thank you.
To have the native transition you must add your Window into a NavigationWindow :!/api/Titanium.UI.iOS.NavigationWindow
<NavigationWindow id="nav">
<Window class="container" layout="composite" backgroundImage="/images/login/background.png" id="wLogin">
<!-- Here content-->
Then in your .js :
function openPage2() {
var win = Alloy.createController('page2').getView();
$.nav.openWindow(win, {animated:true});

Appcelerator Titanium View Proxy Memory Management

I've been struggling on how to handle memory allocations on my Titanium app (built for android [9.4MB], ios[2.8MB] and MobileWeb[5.4MB].
I have created a widget which will be use to open views from a menu selection.
<Window id="mainWindow">
<View id="menuView">
<View id="vTop">
<!-- Header goes here -->
<TableView id="menuTable" />
<!-- footer message goes here -->
<View id="contentView">
<View id="nav">
<Label id="winTitle"/>
<View id='leftButtonView'>
<Label id="icoLeftButton" />
<View id='backButtonTitleView'>
<Label id="icoBack" />
<Label id="backButtonTitle" />
<View id='rightButtonView'>
<Label id="icoRightButton" />
<View id="mainView" layout="composite" />
Sample usage of this widget:
I was able to reduce the memory allocations of views by following this solution. I've applied this every time I open another view from menu selection.
(controller of my widget)
var memPool = Ti.UI.createWindow();;
// Open view from menu selection
function openView(e) {
var cbAdd = function() {
var ctrl = Alloy.createController(e["url"]);
if (ctrl != null) {
setRightIco(ctrl.getRightIco()); //setting right label icon (IcoMoon font)
//Have to passed navGroup to be able to open other views
ctrl.winMain.navGroup = $;
//Close splash screen after layout
ctrl.winMain.addEventListener("postlayout", postLayout);
ctrl = null;
var cbRemove = function() {
//Remove all children from mainView; fn [commonjs]
fn.removeChildren($.mainView, cbAdd);
if ($.mainView.children.length > 0) {
} else
function cleanUp(obj, cb) {;
obj = null;
if (cb != null) cb();
Checking the result on XCode Instruments:
TiUIView is always reduced everytime I open other views from menu but TiUIViewProxy doesn't.
Sample View to be open: (consist of widgets)
<View id="winMain">
<ScrollView id="form" layout="vertical">
<Widget id="fperiod" src="" top="10" />
<Widget id="ftermid" src="" label="Terminal No." top="20" />
<Widget id="fofficeid" src="" label="Branch" />
<View id="btnReset" width="100%" height="50" layout="horizontal" top="20" bottom="20" backgroundColor="#B40026">
<Label class="resetFilter" />
<Label class="lblReset" />
The following are the references that help alot:
How to reduce the memory allocations of TiUIViewProxy? Do I have to also cleanup the views of widgets from its controller?
I have tried to cleanup the views of my widgets from its controller. Then, the TiUIViewProxy is somewhat reduced as per checking it on XCode Instruments but my problem is that my app suddenly crashes. I don't know why. Or I'm not just doing it right. Sample clean up function from my widget:
//nulling controller variables goes here
mData = null;
animateLeft = null;
This is a really great article on memory management, I follow these guidelines for my own development purposes and highly recommend you read through this.
Memory Management

Appcelerator alloy views slide

I am using the Alloy MVC framework over Titanium and want to make a slideshow between views. When I swipe on the screen, I want to display the next/previous view with a slide effect from right to left or left to right.
I am using this code:
A tab in my index.xml:
<Tab title="Bilan" icon="KS_nav_ui.png">
<Window title="Bilan" id="bilanTab" onSwipe="doBilanSwipe">
The question view dynamically added and filled inside bilanTab:
<Collection src="ReponsePossible">
<View id="questionContainer" class="container">
<Label id="questionText" />
<Button id="buttonNextQuestion">Question suivante</Button>
and my two functions (3 with prevQuestion not printed here) inside index.js controller:
var previousQuestion;
var nextQuestion;
function doBilanSwipe(e){
if (e.direction == 'left'){
else if (e.direction == 'right'){
function nextQuestion(){
if (questionsCurrentIndex < questions.length-1){
$.previous = previousQuestion;
$.next = Alloy.createController('question',;
nextQuestion = $.next;
$.next.questionContainer.left = 320;
$.next.questionContainer.animate({left:0, duration:200});
$.previous.questionContainer.animate({left:-320, duration:200},function(){
$.previous = previousQuestion;
$.next = nextQuestion;
previousQuestion = $.next;
My problem is that first animation (first view moving to the left) is ok but after that, the next view just appear without any animation.
Could someone help? Thanks!
There is already the Titanium.UI.ScrollableView that does this exact thing, for all platforms.
Use it in Alloy like this:
<Window id="win">
<ScrollableView id="scrollableView" showPagingControl="true">
<View id="view1" backgroundColor="#123" />
<View id="view2" backgroundColor="#246" />
<View id="view3" backgroundColor="#48b" />
You can dynamically add views to it inside the controller like this:
$.scrollableView.addView(Ti.UI.createView({ // your custom attributes here});
