Do free hosted blogs/websites on get adds? - joomla

I am creating a free-hosted website on This is similar to free blogs/websites on However, on, wordpress inserts adds on free blogs. I am wondering if the same happens on


How to apply pagespeed insights results

Well, I trying establish a web page with a wordpress and GoDaddy hosting. I want to make fast web page, because people says fast web pages appear on first line at Google (as specially mobile web page speed is very important people says). So want to make very fast web page but my level of knowledge is not very advanced, I progress by learning.
If I test my web page with Insights, mine mobile score is about 60-70. If I read reports of Insights there are lots of improvements links appear at blow. I want to learn how to fix that. If you help me make an example, I will do the others myself.
If we start at first problem which is /css?family=…( this problem seen below of "Eliminate resources that prevent rendering" topic. So how to fix it. What should I do?
Also at the "covorage" tab there are some source codes are seen and it is not using. For example I am not using easy-sheare plugin (secong row at the image) at homepage.
How to remove safely that codes from home page. If I can learn how one is made, I can correct the others myself.
The issue you are running into is something I have seen over and over again. GoDaddy and Wordpress sites generally are bloated and perform poorly.
Here are some tips to improve your speed & get a better PS ranking.
Hosting: Do you need to be on Godaddy? I have seen this time and time again. Most websites on GD are SLOW. GD is good for domain registration, not for hosting. Most non-tech folks do not know any better. Try using Amazon Lightsail, AWS-S3, Google Firebase, or Netlify. They all offer much faster page loads by reducing initial server response time. And they are surprisingly simple to learn and deploy.
CDN: You must use a content-distribution-network (CDN). Check out Cloudfront. They offer a free tier that works quite well.
Wordpress: This is your real issue. Wordpress is neither easy to build nor easy to maintain. You need multiple plugins to make the site perform. Best you build your own. If you have to be on Wordpress checkout image optimizers, minifiers, and cache plugins. Gumlet, WP Rocket, Shortpixel are quite popular to improve speed.

How to create a stock portfolio website?

in short, I've a task of creating a stock portfolio website, something similar to Google Finance's portfolio, or Seeking Alpha's portfolio feature but before I start to attempt it, I thought I'd ask to see what would be the best way to go about doing it? For now, I was just thinking about using PHP and just connecting to Google or Yahoo Finance to get the data from them but surely, there is probably some better way to go about it?
I've built many different stock applications and here's what i've found.
Yahoo and Google have fickle APIs, some of them work sometimes and then break because they are poorly maintained or not official. I have scrapped yahoo's financial data before for specific information using PHP DOM.
If you want realtime ticker data like price, volume ect. consider etrades free API: It is pretty reliable, I query their data every 4 seconds with no issues in PHP.
Also another good resource is some of it is free and some if it is premium paid content.

How to modify an old joomla website to remove a dangerous link flagged by google

A client told me his old website running on Joomla was flagged by google for having links to a malicious website. The website was blocked with the typical red security warning in google Chrome. I redirected the website to a temp page, but my client wants to bring back the old website while we work on something new.
However, my local machine and server are running Windows Server. I have the original files of the website and database. Is there a quick way I could remove the links (the google tool only mentions the website "") from the Joomla page from my machine? I've tried doing a crtl+f for in the sql file but didn't find anything.
Thanks for your opinion on what I should do next, the objective is simply to quickly clear the website from the security warning and send it back to the people managing his old server.
PS i don't have direct access to his server, only the files associated with his joomla website.
Additional details given my google:
Some pages on this website redirect visitors to dangerous websites that install malware on visitors' computers, including:
Dangerous websites have been sending visitors to this website, including: and
Yes there is a way. You need to register in google webmaster tools. Register your site. Add the sitelinks. Ask google to rescan your website. They will remove it within 24 hours if scan result is negative for malwares.
Running the virus scanner on your local machine over the files may be able to detect some malicious files.
Alternatively, restore the website to a temporary folder on the web and use a commercial scanning service to help identify and clean the website. I use and recommend but there are other services such as
I think your strategy is wrong - you should quickly cleanup the website (try overwriting the core files with files from a fresh Joomla install) and you should then secure the website. Once you do that, you should contact Google through the Webmaster tools for a reconsideration request (this typically takes a few days to process if it's the first offense). Once Google approves your reconsideration request, then the red flag should be removed and the website should be accessible by everyone.

Website creation query

I need to create a website which stores the list of all games the player has played and it shows right on your profile. As the player goes on completing a game, he adds the game into his list.
So i would need a basic lo-gin configuration and then by using AJAX, I will populate the list of games which he wants to add to his list. So that he can track the list with games that he has played.
So now I need suggestion on how to go on with it?
How to start building?
Which language do I need to pickup?
I am well versed with Java and j2ee.
Is this enough?
Also I am a freelancer so I can't afford to pay for a website. So any free website hosting service which will help me to build the website which I have in mind??
Also if I use any free website hosting service, will they provide me with a database and AJAX capabilities?
Here's the basic setup:
You need a domain first. Try to pick something unique, as it will be cheaper. You can find one on namecheap:
You need hosting. Again, go with namecheap.
To start building, you need to learn some HTML and CSS. HTML is markup of the web, and CSS is the stylesheet of the web. They aren't hard languages to start off in. You can start for free at Khan Academy:
I believe namecheap offers database support as well. Ajax isn't provided by a hosting service. It's more of a group of languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).
This should get you going. I can't really give you more detailed information than this because your question is really broad. If you Google your questions, you'll get good answers and guides.
Best of luck.

phpBB forum, self hosting or not?

I want to set up a forum using phpbb.
I've done that in the past by using websites that host it for you, for example: , or
These kind of websites are using the phpBB software.
I do not direcly want to register hosting and domainname because I'm not sure if people will actually sign-up, so I was thinking about making a free forum first on one of the above websites (or similar), and if people like it I want to export all the content(users, posts, maybe the theme) to a self hosted site wich I can build a website around and stuff.
Would this be possible ?(apart from the fact that it might be confising for members searching the forum)
Also I would like to know if it is possible to make your own themes(/styles?) for the free hosted ones.
Maybe this is a really stupid question but I'm wondering because at WordPress you have a big diffrence between and, for example the theme design.
For others that are also searching for this:
I made a forum at
It is NOT possible to use ftp on your forum, however, there are a lot of themes avalible for use wich you can customise by changing the css sheet.
As a free user it is possible to send an email to the admins of the prophpbb website to ask for a backup of your forum.
This way you can incluse that when you 'move' your forum.
As a premium member, you can backup the database yourself.
