(NSWindowButton) NSWindow.standardWindowButton button not highlighting - macos

When i use the following to create a button
NSWindow.standardWindowButton(NSWindowButton.ZoomButton, forStyleMask: 0)
I get a button that doesn't react to mouse hover events. I can augment this by creating a container view with a NSTrackingArea and manually triggering the highlight method but it produces a clicked state.
Is there a way to somehow force the button into the expected behavior state without the darkened background?
I have been trying to avoid subclassing NSButton, but it seems like i may have to, and I'm just in a state of denial.

I could not get this working for the life of me so my solution was to write my own custom buttons. This works fine for me because my NSWindow is already custom so there wont be a clash of style.
Another viable solution is to use https://github.com/indragiek/INAppStoreWindow as #xhruso00 mentioned, but it seemed like overkill.


Android: OnClickListener of Button on CardView

I'm a bit of a newbie so I apologize if this is an easy question.
I'm following this tutorial: http://www.truiton.com/2015/03/android-cardview-example/#comment-7174
It shows how to make a few CardViews in a layout with 2 TextViews in each - all programmatically.
I would like to modify it to have a Button instead of the TextViews and to have each Button make a Toast notification upon press. I am currently stuck because I have no context to make the Toast with (because I can only access the buttons in the MyRecyclerViewAdapter class). How may I solve this?
Well the fact that you have access to a button, means you have acces to a context. and to my knowledge, a onclick event on a button means that the button is still alive, and then you could assume that the context for the button is still active. The way to get the context from a view is very simple:
The reason i mention the assumtion is that, relying on a view's context, could be a bad idea (for example after calling a webservice or something else, where a view could have been destroyed).

MonoDroid Click Delegate and Swipe Detection

I have a checkbox with a custom image for the button. I used the click delegate to perform an action whenever the button is clicked:
box.Click += { //do some stuff... }
This is working great.
However, now I have been given the requirement to add swipe detection to this checkbox (Sounds crazy but it does actually make sense for this app).
I added the swipe detection using the standard methods I am used to with normal Android in Java: I subclassed GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener and also implemented View.IOnTouchListener.
I added the swipe detection to the checkbox as follows:
SwipeListener implements View.IOnTouchListener
SwipeDetector is a subclass of GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener
SwipeListener listener = new SwipeListener(new GestureDetector(new SwipeDetector(this)));
When I do this, the swipe works great. But the click delegate no longer gets activated. I tried moving my code for the click to my SwipeDetector class, and that seemed to work.
But then I noticed that my checkbox was no longer getting its checked/unchecked state and so my custom image for it never changed.
I know this has got to be something simple, but I'm not seeing it... What is the proper way to have a click and a swipe on a view (checkbox) in Android/MonoDroid?
My guess without seeing your code is that you are returning true from OnTouch, meaning you have consumed the event and do not wish any further processing to occur using the event. Try returning false if you want the rest of the event to fire.

Hide/disable NSComboBox button

Is there a way to hide the pop-up button of an NSComboBox? I can't find anything in the documentation for NSComboBox or NSComboBoxCell. There is a setButtonBordered: method on NSComboBox, but this just changes to an alterate button style.
If I can't hide it, can I at least disable it?
If the combo box has no items, clicking the pop-up button doesn't do anything.
Maybe you can work around the limitation by emptying the list when you want to disable the button.
It makes clicking have no effect, but it doesn't hide the button or draw it as disabled.
I don't think this is possible. An NSComboBox without the button is effectively an NSTextField, so I guess it was deemed unnecessary. You could probably do this by subclassing NSComboBoxCell and override -drawWithFrame:inView: or -drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:.
Safest way would probably be to add your own buttonHidden property and use the ObjC runtime method class_getMethodImplementation to look up the IMP for the same method in NSTextField and just call that when the button is hidden. You'd effectively be calling super's super, so you'd get a regular text field look.
you can disable it by doing:
myComboBox.Enabled = false;

Programmatically closing an NSWindow when it loses focus

I am making an image picker that will display an n by n grid of selectable button when the picker is popped up. This grid of buttons will be contained within an NSWindow but I would like for the window to be close automatically if the user clicks off the screen. Is there a flag that can be set so that when the window looses focus it will be closed automatically?
There are two notifications that you may be interested in: NSWindowDidResignKeyNotification and NSWindowDidResignMainNotification. You can simply register for the one you're interested in in awakeFromNib (or windowDidLoad if you have a custom controller) and then close or hide the window as appropriate when you receive the notifications.
I won't delve too much into whether or not this is a good idea from UI standpoint. But, it might be a better idea to have either an overlay view or a panel for the functionality you describe.
You might check out NSPanel. It's an NSWindow subclass that will hide itself when the app is in the background, and that behavior sounds very similar to what you are looking for.

GWT DnD: Is it possible to drag disabled widgets?

I have a composite widget that contains a disabled TextArea on an AbsotutePanel. Now I want to be able to drag the composite widget, starting from anywhere on it, including the disabled text area.
Is that possible?
If you want to drag a composite widget, you need to have a reference to the "drag handle" wich is one of the elements in the composite widget that implements HasAllMouseHandlers. The easiest (and in my mind, cleanest) way to do this is to have the composite widget extend the interface HasDragHandle wich requires the composite to have the method:
Widget getDragHandle(); the interface does not explicitly tell you so but the returned widget must be a widget implementing the HasAllMouseHandlers interface (or you'll get a runtime error).
(Non-composite widgets implementing HasAllMouseHandlers can be used directly)
I'd reccomend using a Label as a drag handle (it doesn't need to contain any text it could just be styled so the user understands it can be used for dragging), and not a form element because then you're overloading it's behaviour in a way the user most likely won't expect. I'm not really sure how a disabled element would work as a drag handle, quite possibly disabling an element will stop any mouse listners from working to so it won't work as a drag handle (haven't tried it though).
Or, try putting your widget into a FocusPanel, which is already enabled for drag 'n drop anyway. I've done this with a TextBox and a button, and it seems to work fine. Disabling the widget inside of the FocusPanel also keeps it from accidentally being activated.
