Where is /bin/bash being changed to /bin/sh? - macos

I'm catching the following error from my GNUmakefile, and I'm trying to understand why /bin/sh is being used:
$ make diff
/bin/sh: 541: Bad file descriptor
rm -f cryptopp563.diff
The recipe is:
.PHONY: diff
-rm -f cryptopp$(LIB_VER).diff
$(shell svn diff -r 541> cryptopp$(LIB_VER).diff)
I understand where the 541 is coming from. But I don't understand why my shell is being changed from /bin/bash to /bin/sh.
$ printenv | grep -i shell
$ cat GNUmakefile | grep SHELL
SHELL ?= /bin/bash
Where or why is the shell being changed?

The ?= operator only sets the variable if it has no value. If you need bash always, use = or := instead.
Make's SHELL is not the same as your shell's SHELL.
It's documented in Recipes > Execution > Choosing the Shell:
Unlike most variables, the variable SHELL is never set from the
environment. This is because the SHELL environment variable is used
to specify your personal choice of shell program for interactive use.
It would be very bad for personal choices like this to affect the
functioning of makefiles. See Variables from the Environment.


Clean environment for bash shell

Is there a way to tell a bash script not to import any variables from the parent shell i.e. ignore exported variables. There is such capability in slurm --export=NONE so I wonder if there is an option I can put in the #!/bin/bash line to get similar behavior.
On linux the cleanest option I found was:
#!/usr/bin/env -S - bash
which for me prints:
Another option is:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
[ -n "$HOME" ] && exec -c "$0"
Possible using $BASH_SOURCE[0] instead of $0 as the latter can be set by user. $BASH_SOURCE, however, is not always set. Hard-coding the script path would work but that's ugly.

Makefile: Reuse environment variables

In my Makefile deploy target I create environment variables and I want to reuse those in the following lines:
export $(shell sh this-script-generate-key-values.sh | xargs)
echo ${VAR1} #there is no variable here
echo ${VAR2} #there is no variable here
this-script-generate-key-values.sh generates this output:
Why the variables are not set in subsequent lines? How can I make it work?
This line works: sh this-script-generate-key-values.sh | xargs
The shell must be /bin/sh (no bash)
All lines in a Makefile recipe run in a separate shell. You need to run the lines in a single shell. Also you need to escape the dollar sign ($) so that variable substitution is not done by make but by the shell.
export $$(this-script-generate-key-values.sh | xargs) ;\
echo $${VAR1} ;\
echo $${VAR2}
Just to expand on my comment -- you could output to a file, and use the file to generate your output as so:
this-script-generate-key-values.sh > $#
deploy : vars.txt
echo VAR1=$$(sed -n 's|VAR1=\(.*\)|\1|p' vars.txt)
echo VAR2=$$(sed -n 's|VAR2=\(.*\)|\1|p' vars.txt)
note: you may have to generate dependencies for vars.txt or declare it .PHONY, otherwise, this will not run on every invocation of make.
If the .ONESHELL special target appears anywhere in the makefile then all recipe lines for each target will be provided to a single invocation of the shell. Newlines between recipe lines will be preserved.
export $$(this-script-generate-key-values.sh)
echo $${VAR1}
echo $${VAR2}

Is there a way to source a shell script in the makefile SHELL declaration?

Suppose I write:
SHELL:=/usr/bin/env bash
source sourceme.sh && alias
But I wanted to push that source sourceme.sh back into the SHELL declaration:
SHELL:=/usr/bin/env bash -c "source sourceme.sh" # or something along these lines
Can this be done, and if so, how?
No, you can't do that. Make takes your recipe lines and sends them to, effectively, $(SHELL) -c <recipeline> The shell, unfortunately, doesn't accept multiple -c options so to do what you want you'd need to have a way for make to insert that string at the beginning of every recipe line and there's no way to do that.
You can do it yourself, from outside your makefile, by writing your own wrapper:
$ cat wrapper.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source sourceme.sh
eval "$#"
$ cat Makefile
SHELL := wrapper.sh

bash set environment variable before command in script

I compile my project with:
debug=yes make -j4 or debug=no make -j4
The debug variable changes some compiler flags in the Makefile
Instead of typing this repeatedly in the shell, I wrote this script (lets call it daemon):
inotifywait -q -m -e close_write `ls *.c* *.h*` |
while read; do
make -j4
so I just do ./daemon which automatically builds whenever a file is written to.
However, I would like to be able to pass the debug=no make -j4 to the ./daemon script like this:
./daemon debug=no make -j4
So I modified the script:
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Usage `basename $0` [COMMAND]"
exit 1;
inotifywait -q -m -e close_write `ls *.c* *.h*` |
while read; do
This works with ./daemon make -j4 but when I say daemon debug=no make -j4 I get the following error:
./daemon: line 9: debug=no: command not found
How can I make it so debug=no is recognized as a variable and not a command in the daemon script?
The expansion of "$#" is parsed after any pre-command assignments are recognized. All you need to do is ensure that debug=... is in the environment of the command that runs make, which is your daemon script.
debug=no ./daemon make -j4
Variable expansions will only ever become arguments (including the zeroth argument: the command name).
They will never become:
Redirections, so you can't var='> file'; cmd $var
Shell keywords or operators, so you can't var='&'; mydaemon $var
Assignments, including prefix assignments, so you can't var='debug=yes'; $var make as you discovered
Command expansions, loops, process substitutions, &&/||, escape sequences, or anything else.
If you want to do this though, you're in luck: there's a standard POSIX tool that will turn leading key=value pairs into environment variables and run the program you want.
It's called env. Here's an example:
run() {
env "$#"
run debug=yes make -j 4
Though TBH I'd use chepner's solution
You always need to put the (env) variable settings at the beginning of the command, i.e. before "daemon".

How to source a script in a Makefile?

Is there a better way to source a script, which sets env vars, from within a makefile?
FLAG ?= 0
ifeq ($(FLAG),0)
export FLAG=1
/bin/myshell -c '<source scripts here> ; $(MAKE) $#'
Makefile default shell is /bin/sh which does not implement source.
Changing shell to /bin/bash makes it possible:
# Makefile
SHELL := /bin/bash
source env.sh && YourCommand
To answer the question as asked: you can't.
The basic issue is that a child process can not alter the parent's environment. The shell gets around this by not forking a new process when source'ing, but just running those commands in the current incarnation of the shell. That works fine, but make is not /bin/sh (or whatever shell your script is for) and does not understand that language (aside from the bits they have in common).
Chris Dodd and Foo Bah have addressed one possible workaround, so I'll suggest another (assuming you are running GNU make): post-process the shell script into make compatible text and include the result:
shell-variable-setter.make: shell-varaible-setter.sh
postprocess.py #^
# ...
include shell-variable-setter.make
messy details left as an exercise.
If your goal is to merely set environment variables for Make, why not keep it in Makefile syntax and use the include command?
include other_makefile
If you have to invoke the shell script, capture the result in a shell command:
JUST_DO_IT=$(shell source_script)
the shell command should run before the targets. However this won't set the environment variables.
If you want to set environment variables in the build, write a separate shell script that sources your environment variables and calls make. Then, in the makefile, have the targets call the new shell script.
For example, if your original makefile has target a, then you want to do something like this:
# mysetenv.sh
. <script to source>
export FLAG=1
make "$#"
# Makefile
export FLAG=1
./mysetenv.sh a
.. do it
Using GNU Make 3.81 I can source a shell script from make using:
<tab>source source_script.sh && build_files.sh
build_files.sh "gets" the environment variables exported by source_script.sh.
Note that using:
<tab>source source_script.sh
will not work. Each line is ran in its own subshell.
This works for me. Substitute env.sh with the name of the file you want to source. It works by sourcing the file in bash and outputting the modified environment, after formatting it, to a file called makeenv which is then sourced by the makefile.
IGNORE := $(shell bash -c "source env.sh; env | sed 's/=/:=/' | sed 's/^/export /' > makeenv")
include makeenv
Some constructs are the same in the shell and in GNU Make.
text="Some text"
You can alter your shell script to source the defines. They must all be simple name=value types.
. ./vars.sh
include vars.sh
Then the shell script and the Makefile can share the same 'source' of information. I found this question because I was looking for a manifest of common syntax that can be used in Gnu Make and shell scripts (I don't care which shell).
Edit: Shells and make understand ${var}. This means you can concatenate, etc,
var="One string"
var=${var} "Second string"
I really like Foo Bah's answer where make calls the script, and the script calls back to make. To expand on that answer I did this:
# Makefile
ifndef SOME_DIR
<tab>. ./setenv.sh $(MAKE) $#
# setenv.sh
export SOME_DIR=$PWD/path/to/some/dir
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
# The first argument is set, call back into make.
$1 $2
This has the added advantage of using $(MAKE) in case anyone is using a unique make program, and will also handle any rule specified on the command line, without having to duplicate the name of each rule in the case when SOME_DIR is not defined.
If you want to get the variables into the environment, so that they are passed to child processes, then you can use bash's set -a and set +a. The former means, "When I set a variable, set the corresponding environment variable too." So this works for me:
bash -c "set -a && source .env.test && set +a && cargo test"
That will pass everything in .env.test on to cargo test as environment variables.
Note that this will let you pass an environment on to sub-commands, but it won't let you set Makefile variables (which are different things anyway). If you need the latter, you should try one of the other suggestions here.
My solution to this: (assuming you're have bash, the syntax for $# is different for tcsh for instance)
Have a script sourceThenExec.sh, as such:
source whatever.sh
Then, in your makefile, preface your targets with bash sourceThenExec.sh, for instance:
bash sourceThenExec.sh gcc ExampleTarget.C
You can of course put something like STE=bash sourceThenExec.sh at the top of your makefile and shorten this:
$(STE) gcc ExampleTarget.C
All of this works because sourceThenExec.sh opens a subshell, but then the commands are run in the same subshell.
The downside of this method is that the file gets sourced for each target, which may be undesirable.
Depending on your version of Make and enclosing shell, you can implement a nice solution via eval, cat, and chaining calls with &&:
#echo "FOO: $${FOO}"
#eval `cat $(ENVFILE)` && echo "FOO: $${FOO}"
And a quick test:
> make source-via-eval
An elegant solution found here:
ifneq (,$(wildcard ./.env))
include .env
If you need only a few known variables exporting in makefile can be an option, here is an example of what I am using.
$ grep ID /etc/os-release
$ cat Makefile
default: help rule/setup/lsb
-${MAKE} --version | head -n1
echo ID=${#F}
rule/setup/lsb: /etc/os-release
${source} $< && export ID && ${MAKE} rule/setup/$${ID}
$ make
make --version | head -n1
GNU Make 3.81
. /etc/os-release && export ID && make rule/setup/${ID}
make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp'
echo ID=ubuntu
Assuming GNU make, can be done using a submake. Assuming that the shell script that exports the variables is include.sh in the current directory, move your Makefile to realmake.mk. Create a new Makefile:
#. ./include.sh; \
$(MAKE) -f realmake.mk $(MAKECMDGOALS)
+#. ./include.sh; \
$(MAKE) -f realmake.mk $(MAKECMDGOALS)
Pay attention to the ./ preceding include.sh.
Another possible way would be to create a sh script, for example run.sh, source the required scripts and call make inside the script.
source script1
source script2 and so on
target: output_source
bash ShellScript_name.sh
try this it will work, the script is inside the current directory.
