Intellij not detecting appropriate Java version in Tycho/Maven build - maven

I'm trying to migrate a Tycho/Maven project from Eclipse PDE to Intellij and i'm having trouble getting Intellij to use the appropriate java source versions. In particular, my MANIFEST.MF has Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.7, and my tycho-compiler-plugin has configuration -> [source|target] both equal to 1.7. The modules are imported into Intellij as maven projects with an OSGI facet.
Whenever I reimport the poms for the modules, it sets the language-level in the module to 1.5, which I understand to be the default. Where does Intellij pick op the project language level for these projects such that I can get it to detect the one I'd like?

Got same problem. Solved with adding to pom.xml:


Intellij Spring maven install error "package does not exist"

Intellij version : Community 2019.2.3
Maven : 3.6.2
Spring : 2.2.0
I am trying to create a very simple Spring maven project with two sub-modules (one independent and another one dependent on independent one).
Root module - testmultimodule
Independent module - independent
Dependent module - dependent
testmultimodule pom.xml has all Spring related declaration and module definition
Independent poom.xml is simplest and . only has parent maven declaration
dependent module pom.xml has the dependency declaration as below to independent module
I have created a Test class under dependent module and using a User object from independent module. Initially, without the above dependency declaration, asa usual there was compilcation error.
As soon as I add the dependency and builld the project within Intellij IDE with the option "Build Prooject" option from "Build" menu, it successfully builds.
However, if I try to use Maven install option within Intellij right side window option. It always fails stating Error:(3,33) java: package does not exist .
I am providing the GitHub URL for the test project , if you want to take a look and test by yourself.
I have tried all sort of tweaking found in internet so far e.g.
clearing Intellij Cache & restarting, mvn -U clean install, mvn scope verification, proxy etc.
Any further idea to resolve this? I need to solve this in the Community version of Intellij.
Your parent project includes the definition for the spring-boot-maven-plugin. This leads to each project defining this as a parent to be repacked to an executable JAR by this plugin. This repackaged JAR isn't useable as a dependency in another project.
Either you need to change the configuration of the spring-boot-maven-plugin for the project you want to use as a dependency. This is explained here in the Spring Boot Reference Guide. You now basically have 2 jars from this project, one plain and one executable.
If you don't need that project to be an executable JAR file then just move the spring-boot-maven-plugin to the project that needs to be. All other projects will no be basic JAR files again.
See also How to add a dependency to a Spring Boot Jar in another project?

I want maven to use JRE system Library [JavaSE 1.8] always while creating new maven quickstart project

I have jdk/jre 1.8 installed on my windows system. In Eclipse whenever I create a quick-start maven project, the project gets created with JRE System Library[J2SE 1.5]. I am fed up of this problem tried to change the execution environment by doing right click on above JRE library-properties and changing the execution environment to 1.8 but again if I update this maven project, the JRE system library goes back again to J2SE 1.5, I also tried changing the compiler compliance to 1.8 which was earlier set to java 10 and also did adding the source and target tag with version 1.8 inside plugin tag of pom.xml but this was also a temporary solution. As when I create a new maven project it sets the default JRE system Library[J2SE 1.5]. Please Provide me with a permanent fix where whenever i create a new maven project, it should be created with JRE System Library[JavaSE 1.8].
Add the following to pom.xml to configure which JDK version you would want to use:
or the followings:
It is because when you do Maven --> Update Project in Eclipse , Eclipse 's maven plugin will use what you define in pom.xml to update the setting of the eclipse project. If you don't specify above settings , the default is to use JDK 1.5 (before maven-compiler-plugin version 3.8.0) or JDK 1.6 (3.8.0+)
Basically I want maven to use JDK 1.8 by default. So that i wont need
to change pom.xml contents again and again while making a new project
If you do not want to change any settings related JDK version in pom.xml after creating a project , you may consider to create your own archetype to fully customize what pom.xml looks like after creating an project. Or a more simple way is to search some Java8 archetype created by others and simply use it such as this.
Refer this for how to create a Maven project with an specific archetype using Eclipse. You may probably need to click "Add Archetype" to configure the require information when you use that archetype for the first time. For example , for this archetype, you have to configure the following for the 1st time:

One Spring Boot project, deploy to both JAR or WAR

Is there a way to have a single Spring Boot project be packagable into both JAR and WAR without changing the pom.xml or the application source?
I've read Converting a Spring Boot JAR Application to a WAR, but it converts the project to WAR and it loses the ability to be packaged as JAR.
I don't expect mvn package to do both. What I want is something like mvn i-want-a-jar and it would package the project as JAR. Or I could run mvn i-want-a-war and it would package the project as WAR.
Is this possible?
I managed to do it by adding
to the POM file and then setting different profiles for JAR and WAR:
Now mvn package -P war produces a WAR and mvn package -P jar produces a JAR.
Another option is to create separate modules for JAR and WAR, but I didn't go that route.
What's wrong with a WAR file that's executable? Isn't that what you really need?
P.S. like
java -jar name.war
We've recently had a similar requirement, where an existing Spring Boot based project that was originally packaged as an executable Jar needed to support Tomcat and WildFly deployments.
Due to some dependencies used in this project (for example WebJars), a simple switch to WAR package wasn't an option since some of those dependencies were required for WildFly (VFS support) but not for other deployment.
The solution was to restructure the project modules in a way that core module contained the actual project but without having Spring Boot’s plugin applied, while several package modules would depend on core module and configure deployment artifact specifics (Boot and other plugins, deployment specific dependencies etc.).
That way project build was able to generate multiple deployment artifacts (Boot's executable JAR, traditional WAR and WildFly specific WAR) in a single build run.
In case anyone finds this useful, the sample project to demonstrate the approach is available on Github. The project can be built by either Gradle or Maven.

Add a module dependency in Maven

I have got two Maven projects. One of them has to be dependent on the other. I use IntelliJ and I have tried to right click on project1 > Open Module Settings, and in the dependencies tab I clicked on the + symbol to add a directory or jar dependency. So far so good, when I try to import packages from the dependency it autocompletes it for me, however the compilation throws errors, saying that there are no such packages. What am I doing wrong ?
There is no notion of project in Maven.
You have a Maven project B. You chose its groupId (com.mycompany, for example), its artifactId (B, for example), and its version (1.0-SNAPSHOT, for example). You run mvn install on this project. This generates a B-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar file and stores it in your local Maven repository, with its pom.
Now you want to use B-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar in another Maven project A. For A, B is a library, just like any other library you use (log4J, Spring, Hibernate, Guava, whatever). So you add a dependency to it in the pom of A, just like you do for any other library:
<!-- other dependencies: log4J, Spring, Hibernate, Guava, whatever -->
Read the awful documentation for more details.

How can I add a JavaFX 2.0 class to an existing Maven project?

I have a Maven project that just displays a graph on the xy axis. I want to change that graph to a Javafx 2.0 linechart to display the same data. I tried using the FEST-javafx-maven plugin, but I still cannot compile the code; the compiler cannot find all of the imports.
Any help would be appreciated.
Update (Oct 6 2015)
Modern JavaFX versions (shipped with Oracle Java 8+) do not require any additional class path to use JavaFX. The JavaFX runtime is on the default classpath Java uses for compilation and execution. This means that a plain maven pom.xml file, with no additional dependencies, will build a JavaFX application.
However, if you wish to use additional packaging features for your application, such as the ability to deploy it as a self-contained application, then I advise using the (third party) JavaFX Maven plugin.
Previous Answer
The following information in this answer is now mostly old and outdated.
The link to the fest maven plugin I found ( is to a tool for building JavaFX 1.x script projects, which is a completely different and incompatible beast to JavaFX 2.0 - I'm not sure if there is an updated version of the fest maven plugin which supports JavaFX 2.0.
There is currently no official support for Maven from Oracle, nor a version of JavaFX 2.0 in a publicly hosted Maven repository.
However, I have successfully built JavaFX 2.0 projects using maven in the past by using a system scoped dependency on the jfxrt.jar and (optionally) invoking the JavaFX ant tasks from maven.
If you are embedding your graph in an existing Swing application via a JFXPanel, then you don't need to use the JavaFX ant tasks. Add jfxrt.jar from the JavaFX runtime as a system dependency OR manually install it into your maven repository to use a non-system scoped dependency.
An example of the command to manually install the required JavaFX 2.0 runtime jar is:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile="C:\Program Files\Oracle\JavaFX 2.1.0 SDK\rt\lib\jfxrt.jar" -DartifactId=javafx -Dversion=2.1 -Dpackaging=jar
After running the above command, add the dependency to the jfxrt.jar file to your maven pom and your project compilation should resolve all JavaFX API references:
If you extend the JavaFX Application class and you want your application packaged for deployment via webstart, browser embedding or as a JavaFX installation aware clickable jar, then you should adapt your pom.xml file to execute the relevant JavaFX 2.0 ant tasks - demonstrates such an adaption.
These threads discuss JavaFX 2.0 maven support and provide further background info and samples:
I had the same problem and here is my solution:
If using Java 7u7 (javafx is integrated into jdk/jre):
For previous versions of java:
And you have to set system variable JAVAFX_HOME to home dir of JavaFx.
You might try the JavaFX Maven plugin. This takes care of adding javafx to the classpath as well as building JavaFX apps and creating Windows/Mac/Linux executables, as well as double-clickable JARs and JNLP files.
Using JDK 1.7 you have to perform the following mvn goal.
mvn com.zenjava:javafx-maven-plugin:2.0:fix-classpath
This command will change the classpath of your JRE and copy the jfxrt.jar to the JAVA_HOME\lib\ext directory.
Take an additional look here for further information:
JavaFX Maven Plugin
Within your pom-file you have to add the following dependency configuration.
<!-- <version>${javafx.min.version}</version> -->
