Read from non-CSV file using JMeter - jmeter

I'm looking for an option to read a non-CSV file using one of the JMeter functions. The file i'm using has extension of .csr. This file has a binary array format which would be converted to json format using a Java code. Jmeter has to pass the data from this file to the Java class.

The easiest way is using __FileToString() function to read the file into a JMeter Variable for reusing where required.
Another option is: given jar file(s) which can decode that .csr binary file into JSON are in JMeter CLASSPATH you can do it directly in JMeter using JSR223 Sampler which allows executing arbitrary code in variety of supported languages (groovy is recommended for maximum performance)


overwriting parameters in Azure Load Testing

When the parameters are passed via the 'CSV Data Set Config' in the jmeter script, do we have a way of over-writing the values in Azure Load Testing tool,
I have away of externalising the parameters in Jmeter as well, in azure load testing, but when I combine both the values are not over-written
I don't think you can overwrite the JMeter Variable. You can overwrite the value of a JMeter Property so if you use __P() function to define some value in the test you can use file to give the property its respective value.
At the same time it would be possible to override the default property value via -J command-line argument.
More information:
Configuring JMeter
Overriding Properties Via The Command Line
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
If you have parameterization implemented via CSV files the only way of amending the values is changing the CSV file itself, in that case you can take a look at awk language and/or sed editor.

Dynamic value to JMS PTP fields in Jmeter

I have been trying for weeks now to find a way to handle jmeter script using only single thread group & pass connection variables dynamically by CSV file in which I'm failing terribly. I have multiple value in place of QueueConnection few test cases have message properties as well. I would like to find a way to eternalize is & use single thread group to achieve it.
Check the screenshot an example of variable which should take value dynamically from a file is what I'm expecting.
enter image description here
I don't think you will be able to use CSV file, you will have to go for JMeter Properties instead.
And in the JMS P2P Sampler you need to use __P() function to read the properties values
Something like:
The properties along with their respective values can be:
put into file like:
passed via -J command-line arguments like
jmeter -JqueueConnectionFactory=ConnectionFactory
put into a separate .properties file, in this case you will need to "feed" this file to JMeter via -q command-line argument like:
jmeter -q /path/to/your/custom/ -t test.jmx ...
More information:
Configuring JMeter
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
Full list of command-line options

JMeter altering values in .xls files using bean shell processor

I have a JMeter script where I should access a .xls file with multiple tabs and alter values .
The .xls file has values like , RASD1234,TWER1234,ZAST1234 . I should change the numeric value to unique values each iteration like RASD1235,TWER1235,ZAST1235 in all tabs . How can I achieve this in JMeter
Download tika-app.jar and put it into JMeter Classpath
Restart JMeter to pick the .jar up
Once you do this you will be able to use POI-HSSF API to edit the Excel file
Just one piece of advice: since JMeter 3.1 you should be using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting so consider doing this in Groovy (normal Java syntax will also work)
References (including code snippets)
Busy Developers' Guide to HSSF and XSSF Features
How to Implement Data Driven Testing in your JMeter Test

Backend Java application testing using jmeter

I have a Java program which works on backend .It's a kind of batch processing type where I will have a text file that contains messages.The Java program will fetch message from text file and will load in to DB or Mainframe.Instead of sequential fetching we need to try parallel fetching .How can I do through Jmeter?
I tried my converting the program to a Jar file and calling it through class name.
Also tried by pasting code and in argument place we kept the CSV (the text file converted to .CSV).
Both of this giving Sampler client exception..
Can you please help me how to proceed or is there something we are missing or other way to do it.
The easiest way to kick off multiple instances of your program is running it via JMeter's OS Process Sampler which can run arbitrary commands and print their output + measure execution time.
If you have your program as an executable jar you can kick it off like:
See How to Run External Commands and Programs Locally and Remotely from JMeter article for more information on the approach

JMeter - saving results to both CSV and XML

What I try to achieve is to get JMeter results in 2 formats, for the same test execution. CSV is the one I'm mostly interested in, unless there are failures - then I may need to use data which can be saved only to XML. I can't use XML for most occasions, due to misc reasons.
I was looking at cfg entry, it doesn't seem to accept both as valid entry. I was also looking at JMeter code itself, it also clearly separates both options.
Did anyone invent a hack to get both JMeter outputs at the same time?
Solution for both standalone JMeter and jmeter-maven-plugin is welcome.
If you use JMeter Maven plugin, as per Five Ways To Launch a JMeter Test without Using the JMeter GUI guide the default output has to be XML.
If you need CSV output as well - just add Simple Data Writer listener. If you looking for CSV data to be in line with JMeter default CSV values configure it as follows:
