System vs Local Environment in Rakefile - ruby

We're using rake for some setup steps. We need to make sure that a particular directory is in the PATH, and we've used this in Rakefile to do so:
hasImageMagic = ENV["Path"] =~ /ImageMagick/
if not hasImageMagic ...
When run Rake under git-bash, this works fine.
When we run Rake run under Powershell however, this fails to find the element in our Path. We've found that it's looking at the user's local Path rather than the system path.
Does ruby have a way to look at the system path variable?

You can use the GetEnvironmentVariable() method to specify that it's a machine-wide environment variable you're interested in:
$PathVar = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path",[System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
if($PathVar -notmatch "ImageMagick"){
# error handling here

#StevenV sorry, this is my fault. I had originally written this code and only tested it in gitbash:
hasImageMagic = ENV["Path"] =~ /c:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-/
if not hasImageMagic ...
While that worked fine in gitbash, I was later alerted by another team member that this did not work as expected in powershell. I then pushed the code you posted in your question, and it does seem to work with powershell:
hasImageMagic = ENV["Path"] =~ /ImageMagick/
if not hasImageMagic ...
I am personally still in the dark as to why gitbash liked the original regex but powershell did not. This is my first ruby code ever, so mea culpa.


IRB require mongo fails cannot load such file -- mongo [duplicate]

The latest changesets to Ruby 1.9.2 no longer make the current directory . part of your LOAD_PATH. I have a non-trivial number of Rakefiles that assume that . is part of the LOAD_PATH, so this broke them (they reported "no such file to load" for all require statements that based off the project path). Was there a particular justification for doing this?
As for a fix, adding $: << "." everywhere works, but seems incredibly hacky and I don't want to do that. What's the preferred way to make my Rakefiles 1.9.2+ compatible?
It was deemed a "security" risk.
You can get around it by using absolute paths
File.expand_path(__FILE__) et al
or doing
require './filename' (ironically).
or by using
require_relative 'filename'
or adding an "include" directory
ruby -I . ...
or the same, using irb;
$irb -I .
There's two reasons:
robustness and
Both are based on the same underlying principle: in general, you simply cannot know what the current directory is, when your code is run. Which means that, when you require a file and depend on it being in the current directory, you have no way of controlling whether that file will even be there, or whether it is the file that you actually expect to be there.
As others answers point out, it's a security risk because . in your load path refers to the present working directory Dir.pwd, not the directory of the current file being loaded. So whoever is executing your script can change this simply by cding to another directory. Not good!
I've been using full paths constructed from __FILE__ as an alternative.
require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'filename'))
Unlike require_relative, this is backward compatible with Ruby 1.8.7.
Use require_relative 'file_to_require'
Throw this in your code to make require_relative work in 1.8.7:
unless Kernel.respond_to?(:require_relative)
module Kernel
def require_relative(path)
require File.join(File.dirname(caller.first), path.to_str)
'.' in your path has long been considered a bad thing in the Unix world (see, for example, I assume the Ruby folks have been persuaded of the wisdom of not doing that.
I found this to be a confounding change until I realized a couple of things.
You can set RUBYLIB in your .profile (Unix) and go on with life as you did before:
export RUBYLIB="."
But as mentioned above, it's long been considered unsafe to do so.
For the vast majority of cases you can avoid problems by simply calling your Ruby scripts with a prepended '.' e.g. ./scripts/server.
As Jörg W Mittag pointed out, I think what you want to be using is require_relative so the file you require is relative to the source file of the require declaration and not the current working dir.
Your dependencies should be relative to your rake build file.

Chef compile error when capturing shell output

I have a chef recipe that looks something like this:
package 'build-essential' do
action :install
cmd ="gcc -dumpversion")
gcc_version = cmd.stdout.strip()
If I execute the recipe on a system where gcc is installed, the recipe runs fine without errors. However, if I run the recipe on a system which doesn't have gcc install I get the error 'no such file or directory - gcc'.
I came to know about the chef two-phases stuff when trying to find a solution to my problem. I was expecting the package installation to satisfy the gcc requirement. How can I tell chef that this requirement will be satisfied later and not throw an error at compile time?
I tried the following, but the attribute does not get updated.
Chef::Resource::RubyBlock.send(:include, Chef::Mixin::ShellOut)
ruby_block "gcc_version" do
block do
s = shell_out("gcc -dumpversion")
node.default['gcc_version'] = s.stdout.strip()
echo "echo #{node[:gcc_version]}" do
command "echo #{node[:gcc_version]}"
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
So okay, a few issues here. First, forget that Chef::Resource::whatever.send(:include trick. Never do it, literally never. In this case, the ShellOut mixin is already available in all the places anyway.
Next, and more importantly, you've still got a two-pass confusion issue. See for details but basically the strings in that echo resource (I assume that said execute originally and you messed up the coping?) get interpolated at compile time. You haven't said what you are trying to do, but you probably need to use the lazy{} helper method.
And last, don't store things in node attributes like that, it's super brittle and hard to work with.

Why do I get 'Can't locate object method "init" via package "wlgmod::odt"' when I try to run in Cygwin?

I'm trying to run a Perl script called WyD using Cygwin on Windows. Cygwin is installed at C:\cygwin64, and WyD is installed at C:\wyd\ Both are in the Windows PATH environment variable as C:\cygwin64 and C:\wyd respectively.
When running WyD with bash/Mintty using: -b -e -t -s 3 -o "OUTPUTTEDWORDLIST" "TARGETFOLDER"
...I get the following error:
Can't locate object method "init" via package "wlgmod::odt" (perhaps
you forgot to load "wlgmod::odt"?) at /cygdrive/c/WYD/ line 284.
Sometimes wlgmod::odt is replaced with wlgmod::doc or any other document type, but running the script always generates that same basic error. A previous answer to this question recommended installing several dependencies, which turned out to be a mere copy-paste of an answer for Ubuntu systems, and didn't solve the error, so I've decided to start at the beginning and re-ask the question with more details. I also have all Perl packages in the Cygwin installer installed.
After everything I've tried and done to get this script working, I can personally think of two possible causes for the error. Think of these as a guide more than anything else.
The error above references line 284 in the script, so it's possible that something in that script is hardcoded so that it doesn't work with Cygwin/Windows, or just generally has a compatibility bug. I don't understand Perl, so I can't confirm this.
I notice that the installation of WyD at C:\wyd contains a folder called wlgmod, and that folder contains all the files that the above error seems to be looking for;,,, etc. If those files exist in that directory but bash is unable to find them, maybe it's due to the fact WyD needs to be run from within Cygwin itself. I've only recently thought about this possibility, and my knowledge of both Cygwin and WyD is too sparse to definitively know how both work. Is it even possible to run WyD from within the Cygwin folder? It's not a package so can't be installed as one, and therefore I'm not sure how that would work.
Here are the relevant sections of the script:
# Module hash containing module name and supported file extensions
# Multiple extensions are seperated using ';'
my %wlgmods = (
'wlgmod::strings', '', # only used with command-line switch
'wlgmod::plain' , '.txt', # used for all MIME text/plain as well
'wlgmod::html' , '.html;.htm;.php;.php3;.php4',
'wlgmod::doc' , '.doc',
'wlgmod::pdf' , '.pdf',
'wlgmod::mp3' , '.mp3',
'wlgmod::ppt' , '.ppt',
'wlgmod::jpeg' , '.jpeg;.jpg;.JPG;.JPEG',
'wlgmod::odt' , '.odt;.ods;.odp'
# Initialize possible modules
foreach(keys %wlgmods) {
eval("use $_;");
my $ret = $_->init(); # line 284
# If module failed, add errortext and remove from hash
if($ret) {
$retvals .= "$_: $ret\n";
delete $wlgmods{$_};
$ret = "";

shell cd command in Ruby

Im trying to execute shell commands using ruby, but i cant change directory to PATH with blank spaces.
variable = %x[cd #{ENV["HOME"]}/Virtual\\ VMs/]
This is not working.
Thank you
To be absolutely safe:
path = File.join [ENV["HOME"], 'Virtual VMs']
variable = %x[cd '#{path}']
Please note, that cd has empty output, so to make sure it works one probably wants to do smth like:
path = File.join [ENV["HOME"], 'Virtual VMs']
variable = %x[cd '#{path}' && ls -la]
#⇒ "total 32\ndrwxr-xr-x ....."
What is ist supposed to do? You try to chdir into a directory, but then don't do anything in it. Your variable will be empty in any case. Aside from the fact that it is pointless to do, you can not reliably execute a cd by itself in this way, because it is not an executable file. You can see this if you just execute %x[cd]. You will get an Errno::ENOENT exception.
Maybe you should first describe in a broader context, what you want to achieve with your code. Where would you like to change the working directory? Within the Ruby process - in which case you have to use Dir.chdir - or in the child process - in which case you have to execute some command after the cd.

Why does Ruby 1.9.2 remove "." from LOAD_PATH, and what's the alternative?

The latest changesets to Ruby 1.9.2 no longer make the current directory . part of your LOAD_PATH. I have a non-trivial number of Rakefiles that assume that . is part of the LOAD_PATH, so this broke them (they reported "no such file to load" for all require statements that based off the project path). Was there a particular justification for doing this?
As for a fix, adding $: << "." everywhere works, but seems incredibly hacky and I don't want to do that. What's the preferred way to make my Rakefiles 1.9.2+ compatible?
It was deemed a "security" risk.
You can get around it by using absolute paths
File.expand_path(__FILE__) et al
or doing
require './filename' (ironically).
or by using
require_relative 'filename'
or adding an "include" directory
ruby -I . ...
or the same, using irb;
$irb -I .
There's two reasons:
robustness and
Both are based on the same underlying principle: in general, you simply cannot know what the current directory is, when your code is run. Which means that, when you require a file and depend on it being in the current directory, you have no way of controlling whether that file will even be there, or whether it is the file that you actually expect to be there.
As others answers point out, it's a security risk because . in your load path refers to the present working directory Dir.pwd, not the directory of the current file being loaded. So whoever is executing your script can change this simply by cding to another directory. Not good!
I've been using full paths constructed from __FILE__ as an alternative.
require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'filename'))
Unlike require_relative, this is backward compatible with Ruby 1.8.7.
Use require_relative 'file_to_require'
Throw this in your code to make require_relative work in 1.8.7:
unless Kernel.respond_to?(:require_relative)
module Kernel
def require_relative(path)
require File.join(File.dirname(caller.first), path.to_str)
'.' in your path has long been considered a bad thing in the Unix world (see, for example, I assume the Ruby folks have been persuaded of the wisdom of not doing that.
I found this to be a confounding change until I realized a couple of things.
You can set RUBYLIB in your .profile (Unix) and go on with life as you did before:
export RUBYLIB="."
But as mentioned above, it's long been considered unsafe to do so.
For the vast majority of cases you can avoid problems by simply calling your Ruby scripts with a prepended '.' e.g. ./scripts/server.
As Jörg W Mittag pointed out, I think what you want to be using is require_relative so the file you require is relative to the source file of the require declaration and not the current working dir.
Your dependencies should be relative to your rake build file.
