how do I run concurrent background process from shell script? - bash

I tried the following:
while read device; do
name=$(echo "$device" | awk '{ print $1 }')
ip=$(echo "$device" | awk '{ print $2 }')
while read creds; do
community=$(echo "$creds" | awk '{ print $1 }')
version=$(echo "$creds" | awk '{ print $2 }')
mkdir -p walks/$name;
`echo -e "snmpwalk -v$version -c \x27$community\x27 $ip system > walks/$name/$community-$version.txt
done < <(##MySQL query that returns tuples in form: (snmp_ro,(1,2c,3))##")
done < <(cat devices.txt)
exit 0
This is meant to go through and find the snmp string and version of each device.
devices.txt is a list of devices in form: hostname ip
It doesn't create the file: walks/$name/$community-$version.txt, and it only seems to run through the walks 1 at a time, something I don't want.

Use & to put the contents you want backgrounded in, well, the background.
pids=( )
while read -r -u 3 name ip _; do
while read -r -u 4 community version _; do
mkdir -p "walks/$name"
snmpwalk -v"$version" -c "$community" "$ip" system \
</dev/null >"walks/$name/$community-$version.txt" & pids+=( "$!" )
done 4< <(: get data for "$name" and "$ip")
done 3<devices.txt
wait "${pids[#]}"
Other items of note:
read can already split fields into their own variables; using awk for this is silly.
The _ in read -r foo bar _ ensures that if more than two columns exist in the input file, the third column and onward are discarded (actually, put into a variable named _, but this is considered discard by convention) rather than appended to bar.
Make a habit of quoting expansions unless you have a specific and compelling reason to do otherwise; otherwise, you get string-splitting and glob expansion of string contents.
This example puts each input stream on its own file descriptor, and redirects each read to its own FD. This prevents any other content within your loop from consuming stdin.


make the bash script to be faster

I have a fairly large list of websites in "file.txt" and wanted to check if the words "Hello World!" in the site in the list using looping and curl.
i.e in "file.txt" :
then my code :
put() {
printf "list : "
read list
run=$(cat $list)
scan_list() {
for run in $(cat $list);do
if [[ $(curl -skL ${run}) =~ "Hello World!" ]];then
printf "${run} Hello World! \n"
printf "${run} No Hello:( \n"
this takes a lot of time, is there a way to make the checking process faster?
Use xargs:
% tr '\12' '\0' < file.txt | \
xargs -0 -r -n 1 -t -P 3 sh -c '
if curl -skL "$1" | grep -q "Hello World!"; then
echo "$1 Hello World!"
echo "$1 No Hello:("
' _
Use tr to convert returns in the file.txt to nulls (\0).
Pass through xargs with -0 option to parse by nulls.
The -r option prevents the command from being ran if the input is empty. This is only available on Linux, so for macOS or *BSD you will need to check that file.txt is not empty before running.
The -n 1 permits only one file per execution.
The -t option is debugging, it prints the command before it is ran.
We allow 3 simultaneous commands in parallel with the -P 3 option.
Using sh -c with a single quoted multi-line command, we substitute $1 for the entries from the file.
The _ fills in the $0 argument, so our entries are $1.

Unix file pattern issue: append changing value of variable pattern to copies of matching line

I have a file with contents:
I want a result like below:
The third column value is r value. A new line would be inserted for each occurrence.
I have tried with:
for i in `cat $xxxx.txt`
#echo $i
live=$(echo $i | awk -F " " '{print $1}')
home=$(echo $i | awk -F " " '{print $2}')
echo $live
but is not working properly. I am a beginner to sed/awk and not sure how can I use them. Can someone please help on this?
awk to the rescue!
$ awk -F'[,;|]' '{c=0;
if(match($i,/^r=/)) a[c++]=substr($i,RSTART+2);
for(i=0;i<c;i++) print $0 delim a[i]}' file
Use an inner routine (made up of GNU grep, sed, and tr) to compile a second more elaborate sed command, the output of which needs further cleanup with more sed. Call the input file "foo".
sed -n $(grep -no 'r=[0-9]*' foo | \
sed 's/^[0-9]*/&s#.*#\&/;s/:r=/|/;s/.*/&#p;/' | \
tr -d '\n') foo | \
sed 's/|[0-9|]*|/|/'
Looking at the inner sed code:
grep -no 'r=[0-9]*' foo | \
sed 's/^[0-9]*/&s#.*#\&/;s/:r=/|/;s/.*/&#p;/' | \
tr -d '\n'
It's purpose is to parse foo on-the-fly (when foo changes, so will the output), and in this instance come up with:
Which is almost perfect, but it leaves in old data on the last line:
sed -n '1s#.*#&|1#p;2s#.*#&|1#p;2s#.*#&|3#p;' foo
...which old data |1 is what the final sed 's/|[0-9|]*|/|/' removes.
Here is a pure bash solution. I wouldn't recommend actually using this, but it might help you understand better how to work with files in bash.
# Iterate over each line, splitting into three fields
# using | as the delimiter. (f3 is only there to make
# sure a trailing | is not included in the value of f2)
while IFS="|" read -r f1 f2 f3; do
# Create an array of variable groups from $f2, using ;
# as the delimiter
IFS=";" read -a groups <<< "$f2"
for group in "${groups[#]}"; do
# Get each variable from the group separately
# by splitting on ,
IFS=, read -a vars <<< "$group"
for var in "${vars[#]}"; do
# Split each assignment on =, create
# the variable for real, and quit once we
# have found r
IFS== read name value <<< "$var"
declare "$name=$value"
[[ $name == r ]] && break
# Output the desired line for the current value of r
printf '%s|%s|%s\n' "$f1" "$f2" "$r"
done < $xxxx.txt
Changes for ksh:
read -A instead of read -a.
typeset instead of declare.
If <<< is a problem, you can use a here document instead. For example:
IFS=";" read -A groups <<EOF

replacing some commands in an existing BASH script

I have the following script which sends the results of an iwlist scan via OSC:
while [[ "$input" != "\e" ]] ; do
networks=$(iwlist wlan0 scanning | awk 'BEGIN{ FS="[:=]"; OFS = " " }
#gsub(/ /,"\\ ",$2)
gsub(/.*Address: /,"")
/Encryption key/{ encryption[d++]=$2 }
gsub(/ dBm /,"")
for( c in essid ) { print "/wlan_scan ",essid[c],signal[c],encryption[c] }
read -t 0.1 input
echo "$networks" | while read network; do
set $network
hash=` echo "$2" | md5sum | awk '{ print $1 }'| tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`
bank=`echo "ibase=16;obase=A; $hash%$NUM_BANKS " | bc`
echo "$1$bank $2 $3 $4"
echo "$1$bank $2 $3 $4" | sendOSC -h localhost 9997
#echo "$networks" | sendOSC -h localhost 9997
An example of the output from this is '/wlan_scan13 BTHomehub757 -85 On', which is then sent via the sendOSC program.
I basically need to replace the iwlist scan data with the results of this tshark scan:
sudo tshark -I -i en1 -T fields -e wlan.sa_resolved -e wlan_mgt.ssid -e radiotap.dbm_antsignal type mgt subtype probe
which similarly outputs two strings and an int, outputting a result like:
'Hewlett-_91:fa:xx EE-BrightBox-mjmxxx -78'.
So eventually I want the script to give me an output in this instance of
'/wlan13 Hewlett-_91:fa:xx EE-BrightBox-mjmxxx -78'.
Both scans constantly generate results in this format at about the same rate, updating as new wifi routers are detected, and these are sent out as soon as they arrive over the sendOSC program.
This is probably a pretty simple edit for an experienced coder, but I've been trying to work this out for days and I figured I should ask for help!
If someone could clarify what needs to stay and what needs to go here I'd really appreciate it.
Many thanks.
Do you really want to replace commands? The sane approach would seem to be to add an option to the script to specify which piece of code to run, and include them both.
# TODO: replace with proper option parsing
case $1 in
--tshark) command=tshark_networks; shift;;
*) command=iwlist_networks;;
tshark_networks () {
sudo tshark -I -i en1 -T fields \
-e wlan.sa_resolved \
-e wlan_mgt.ssid \
-e radiotap.dbm_antsignal type mgt subtype probe
iwlist_networks () {
iwlist wlan0 scanning | awk .... long Awk script here ....
while [[ "$input" != "\e" ]] ; do
read -t 0.1 input
echo "$networks" | while read network; do
: the rest as before, except fix your indentation
This also has the nice side effect that the hideous iwlist command is encapsulated in its own function, outside of the main loop.
... Well, in fact, I might refactor the main loop to
while true; do
$command |
while read a b c d; do
hash=$(echo "$b" | md5sum | awk '{ print toupper($1) }')
bank=$(echo "ibase=16;obase=A; $hash%$NUM_BANKS " | bc)
echo "$a$bank $b $c $d"
echo "$a$bank $b $c $d" | sendOSC -h localhost 9997
read -t 0.1 input
case $input in '\e') break;; esac

How to add multiple line of output one by one to a variable in Bash?

This might be a very basic question but I was not able to find solution. I have a script:
If I run w | awk '{print $1}' in command line in my server I get:
Now I need to use this list in my bash script one by one and manipulate some operation on them. I need to check their group and print those are in specific group. The command to check their group is id username. How can I save them or iterate through them one by one in a loop.
what I have so far is
tmp=$(w | awk '{print $1})
But it only return first record! Appreciate any help.
Populate an array with the output of the command:
$ tmp=( $(printf "a\nb\nc\n") )
$ echo "${tmp[0]}"
$ echo "${tmp[1]}"
$ echo "${tmp[2]}"
Replace the printf with your command (i.e. tmp=( $(w | awk '{print $1}') )) and man bash for how to work with bash arrays.
For a lengthier, more robust and complete example:
$ cat ./
# saving multi-line awk output in a bash array, one element per line
# See for
# more operations you can perform on an array and its elements.
oSET="$-"; set -f # save original set flags and turn off globbing
oIFS="$IFS"; IFS=$'\n' # save original IFS and make IFS a newline
array=( $(
awk 'BEGIN{
print "the quick brown"
print " fox jumped\tover\tthe"
print "lazy dogs back "
) )
IFS="$oIFS" # restore original IFS value
set +f -$oSET # restore original set flags
for (( i=0; i < ${#array[#]}; i++ ));
printf "array[%d] of length=%d: \"%s\"\n" "$i" "${#array[$i]}" "${array[$i]}"
printf -- "----------\n"
printf -- "array[#]=\n\"%s\"\n" "${array[#]}"
printf -- "----------\n"
printf -- "array[*]=\n\"%s\"\n" "${array[*]}"
$ ./
array[0] of length=22: "the quick brown"
array[1] of length=23: " fox jumped over the"
array[2] of length=21: "lazy dogs back "
"the quick brown"
" fox jumped over the"
"lazy dogs back "
"the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs back "
A couple of non-obvious key points to make sure your array gets populated with exactly what your command outputs:
If your command output can contain globbing characters than you should disable globbing before the command (oSET="$-"; set -f) and re-enable it afterwards (set +f -$oSET).
If your command output can contain spaces then set IFS to a newline before the command (oIFS="$IFS"; IFS=$'\n') and set it back to it's old value after the command (IFS="$oIFS").
tmp=$(w | awk '{print $1}')
while read i
echo "$i"
done <<< "$tmp"
You can use a for loop, i.e.
for user in $(w | awk '{print $1}'); do echo $user; done
which in a script would look nicer as:
for user in $(w | awk '{print $1}')
echo $user
You can use the xargs command to do this:
w | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -I '{}' id '{}'
With the -I switch, xargs will take each line of its standard input separately, then construct and execute a command line by replacing the specified string '{}' in the command line template with the input line
I guess you should use who instead of w. Try this out,
who | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -n 1 id

how to prevent for loop from using space as deliminator, bash script

I am trying to right a bash script to do multiple checks and searches for a CMS my company uses. I trying to implement a function for a user to be able to search for a certain macro call and the function return all the files that contain the call, the line the macro is called on, and the actual code in the macro call. What I have seems to be getting screwed up by the fact I am using a for loop to format the output. Here's the snippet of the script I am working on:
elif [ "$choice" = "2" ]
echo -e "\n What macro call are we looking for $name?"
read macrocall
for i in $(grep -inR "$macrocall" $sitepath/templates/macros/); do
file=$(echo $i | cut -d\: -f1 | awk -F\/ '{ print $NF }')
line=$(echo $i | cut -d\: -f2)
calltext=$(echo $i | cut -d\: -f3-)
echo -e "\nFile: $file"
echo -e "\nLine: $line"
echo -e "\nMacro Call from file: $calltext"
the current script runs the first few fields until it gets a a space and then everything gets all screwy. Anybody have any idea how I can have the for loops deliminator to be each result of the grep? any suggestions would be helpful. Let me know if any of you need more info. Thanks!
The right way to do this would be more like:
printf "\n What macro call are we looking for %s?" "$name"
read macrocall
# ensure globbing is off and set IFS to a newline after saving original values
oSET="$-"; set -f; oIFS="$IFS"; IFS=$'\n'
awk -v macrocall="$macrocall" '
BEGIN { lc_macrocall = "\\<" tolower(macrocall) "\\>" }
tolower($0) ~ lc_macrocall {
printf "\n%s\n", file
printf "\n%d\n", FNR
printf "\nMacro Call from file: %s\n", $0
' $(find "$sitepath/templates/macros" -type f -print)
# restore original IFS and globbing values
IFS="$oIFS"; set +f -"$oSET"
This solves the problem of having spaces in your file names as originally requested, but also handles globbing characters in your file names, and the various typical echo issues.
You can set the internal field separator $IFS (which is normally set to space, tab and newline) to just newline to get around this problem:
