lattice FPGA internal oscillator simulation issues - fpga

I'm trying to simulate ICE5LP1K FPGA internal oscillator on ModelSim. My design includes the following instance:
I included sb_ice_syn.v file but have a design loading error:
Error: ../testbench/sb_ice_syn.v(26066): Module 'SB_HFOSC_CORE' is not defined
I'm not able to find SB_HFOSC_CORE module in the lattice installation folder.
Where can I find the missed modules?

Doing ModelSim simulation of a Lattice ICE40 family (ICE5LP1K device) design with PLLs requires that a Verilog model of the PLL is included. This is described in Lattice Application Note AN006 (see "c:\lscc\iCEcube2.2015.04\doc\Modelsim_AN006.pdf" for latest iCEcube2 version) on page 9:
If your design contains PLL, add ABIPTBS8.v and ABIWTCZ4.v in $INST_DIR/verilog. For performing Post-Synth simulation for a VHDL design having PLL, you will require a mixed-language simulator, since the PLL model (ABIPTBS8.v) is available only in verilog format.
If the design contains Hardened IP primitives, add the encrypted Verilog simulation library sb_ice_ipenc_modelsim.v available in $INST_DIR/Verilog.
An alternative is if you write a simple simulation model of the SB_HFOSC_CORE PLL core, and then include this in the simulation, since I assume that your focus is on verification of the remaining design, so you probably only need the PLL to give a usable clock.

It is working now.
I found the missing module in the sb_ice_ipenc_modelsim.v


How to drive the DDS Compiler IP core from Xilinx

I completed Anton Potočniks' introductory guide to the red pitaya board and I am now able to send commands from the linux machine running on the SoC to its FPGA logic.
I would like to further modify the project so that I can control the phase of the signal that is being transmitted via the red pitayas' DAC. Some pins (from 7 down to 1) of the first GPIO port were still unused so I started setting them from within the OS and used the red pitaya's LEDs to confirm that they were being set without interfering with the functionality of Anton Potočnik's "high bandwidth averager".
I then set the DDS_compilers' to Phase Offset Programmability to "streaming" mode so that it can be configured on the fly using the bits that are currently controling the red pitaya's LEDs. I used some slices to connect my signals to the AXI4-Stream Constant IP core, which in turn drives the DDS compiler.
Unfortunately the DAC is just giving me a constant output of 500 mV.
I created a new project with a testbench for the DDS compiler, because synthesis takes a long time and doesn't give me much insight into what is happening.
Unfortunately all the output signals of the DDS compiler are undefined.
My question:
What am I doing wrong and how can I proceed to control DACs' phase?
EDIT1; here is my test bench
The IP core is configured as follows, so many of the control signals that I provided should not be required:
EDIT2; I changed declarations of the form m_axis_data_tready => '0' to m_axis_phase_tready => m_axis_phase_tready_signal. I also took a look at the wrapper file called dds_compiler_0.vhd and saw that it treats both m_axis_phase_tready and m_axis_data_tready as inputs.
My simulation results remained unchanged...
My new test bench can be found here.
EDIT3: Vivado was just giving me the old simulation results - creating a new testbench, deleting the file under <project_name>.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/simulate.log and restarting vivado solved this problem.
I noticed that the wrapper file (dds_compiler_0.vhd) only has five ports:
aclk (in)
s_axis_phase_tvalid (in)
s_axis_phase_tdata (in)
m_axis_data_tvalid (out)
and m_axis_data_tdata (out)
So I removed all the unnecessary control signals and got a new simulation result, but I am still not recieving any useful output from the dds_compiler:
The corresponding testbench can be found here.
I also don't get any valid output when I include the control signals.
The corresponding testbench can be found here.
Looks like m_axis_data_tready is not connected. No data will come out unless that's asserted.

vivado: how to view "pin assignments report" after generating FPGA bitstream?

Basically, this problem is related to mapping the toplevel IO's of either verilog or vhdl to the unused pins of a Xilinx FPGA.
Xilinx's old FPGA compiler, "ISE", used to give you a report of the "pin assignments" that the compiler was able to map to the bitfile, once the compiler was finished generating the FPGA binary file for upload.
However, with Xilinx's Vivado FPGA compiler, I have no idea where this report is located...
Does anybody know where to find the report or what the FPGA compiler actually mapped to the pins of the FPGA after finishing the compilation?
Basically, I want to see that Vivado accepted the IO's that I listed in the Xilinx Constraint file and was able to finishing mapping them to the FPGA pins in the Compiler output bitsteam file.
If you haven't warnings or errors relative to your pins after generating bitstream, Vivado has accepted your pinout.
You can have a view of your pins in Vivado :
- Open your implemented design via the left panel
- Layout -> IO planning (on the top bar)


I am currently studying VHDL about SR Latch, and there comes to a part which I don't understand.
Can anyone explain What does ATTRIBUTE keep: boolean mean and what does it do in VHDL?
Thank you.
Warning heavy Xilinx bias...
The attributes for the VHDL are different for different tools and even change between versions of the same tools. The "keep" attribute for Xilinx used to insure that in the Vivado synthesis process the signal is not optimized away. It has been renamed recently to "syn_keep" to avoid confusion. I've used similar attributes to fix build issues before in which the tools make false assumptions.
NOTE: In order to avoid optimization during the implementation for Xilinx use "dont_touch".
A clock coming into the FPGA needs to be buffer through the Xilinx BUFG, but I needed the raw signal for a specific IP core. So I split the route, buffer the clock and fed the raw clock signal to the IP. The Vivado 2016.4 tool optimized out the unbuffered route creating a time constraint critical warnings and misbehavior on the hardware. The issue was found by tracing through the synthesis design schematics, observing the proper routing, and then viewing the implementation design schematic and seeing the route is altered. I fixed this by adding the dont_touch attribute to the unbuffered signal.
attribute dont_touch : boolean;
attribute clock_signal : string;
attribute dont_touch of clk_in : signal is true;
attribute clock_signal of clk_in : signal is "yes";
CLK_BUFG: component BUFG
port map (
I => clk_in,
O => buf_clk_in
It is a user defined attribute, thus not part of the VHDL standard itself. It is typically used to instruct the synthesis tool that it should keep a certain signal, for example being a flip-flop, even through the synthesis tool may determine that the signal can be removed during optimization.
For Altera Quartus synthesis tool, see this description: keep VHDL Synthesis Attribute

XILINX ISE set I/O Marker as Clock

I'm on Xilinx ISE IDE and using the Schematic Editor.
(click for new window)
The constraints file is following:
NET "A" LOC = M18;
NET "F" LOC = P15;
NET "B" LOC = M16;
NET "F" DRIVE = 8;
But when I want to compile my program, there is this error:
ERROR:Place:1108 - A clock IOB / BUFGMUX clock component pair have been found
that are not placed at an optimal clock IOB / BUFGMUX site pair. The clock
IOB component <B> is placed at site <M16>. The corresponding BUFG component
<B_BUFGP/BUFG> is placed at site <BUFGMUX_X2Y3>. There is only a select set
of IOBs that can use the fast path to the Clocker buffer, and they are not
being used. You may want to analyze why this problem exists and correct it.
If this sub optimal condition is acceptable for this design, you may use the
CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE constraint in the .ucf file to demote this message to a
WARNING and allow your design to continue. However, the use of this override
is highly discouraged as it may lead to very poor timing results. It is
recommended that this error condition be corrected in the design. A list of
all the COMP.PINs used in this clock placement rule is listed below. These
examples can be used directly in the .ucf file to override this clock rule.
ERROR:Pack:1654 - The timing-driven placement phase encountered an error.
How to fix it?
While any signal can theoretically be used as a clock, it's not true for FPGA; at least not optimally. Clocks need special considerations that translate to restriction on which pin of the FPGA can be routed to the clock network.
I suspect that in your case, you used a push-button to act as a clock signal, which will only work on a very small design (like yours) because of debouncing and the fact that it's not a clock-enabled input port.
You can tell the tool that you want the sub-optimal and potentially erroneous clock path by adding the following constraint to your .ucf:
Keep in mind that you shouldn't do that without being sure that your design is fine with it... I recommend that you do further design with a "real" clock connected to a clock port on your FPGA, every board has one. That constraint will make your design work, but in a larger, faster design is likely to be a source of problems.

Any example useage of a BSCANE2 primitive in Xilinx 7 series? (using the JTAG port to configure user design)

I've looked over the info on BSCANE2 in (pg 169 7 Series FPGA Configuration Guide) and I can't quite figure out how to use it based on that descriptions.
I want to be able to use the JTAG port on the KC705 board to shift in some configuration data for our design. I think (based on the description there in the user guide linked above) that the BSCANE2 is what I need to do that... but I really don't understand why all of the pins of the BSCANE2 component seem to have the wrong direction (TDO is an input while all of the other JTAG control sigs like TCK, RESET, TDI are outputs). Initially I had thought that there was an implicit connection from the signals of the JTAG port of the FPGA to the instantiated BSCANE2 component, but that doesn't appear to be the case based on the port directions. I suspect I'm missing some information somewhere and while I have read the docs it's still not clear to me how to actually use the BSCANE2 to do what I'm trying to do.
Any example usage of a BSCANE2 component would be appreciated.
NOTE: the description of the BSCANE2 in the user guide linked above says:
The BSCANE2 primitive allows access between the internal FPGA logic and the JTAG Boundary Scan logic controller. This allows for communication between the internal running design and the dedicated JTAG pins of the FPGA
This sounds exactly like what I need.
Xilinx offers a 8 bit CPU called PicoBlaze that uses a JTAGLoader module to reconfigure the PicoBlaze's instruction ROM at runtime. The JTAGLoader is provided in VHDL for Spartans and Series-7 devices.
But I think JTAG is not a good protocol for data transfer. Especially the JTAG software API is a mess.
What about UART? Most boards have a USB-UART bridge like CP2103 that supports up to 1 MBoud.
