Java code to generate random number of given(n) length - random

I have to generate a random number of length given as input (20 , 256 , 2000 , 3000). What should i use . Any best practices?
There are various methods telling range like below:
int rangeMin = 1,
rangeMax = 100,
generatedNumber = rangeMin + rand() % rangeMax;
but i need to work on length of interger


How to constrain a value within a range?

Currently struggling to figure out how to constrain a value within a range. Meaning, given the random number 219, how can I make sure it is modified to stay within the range of (2, 5).
Here is my current implementation
int min = 2;
int max = 5;
int constrainedValue = (randomValue % max) + min
The above example does not work because (219 % 5) + 2 = (4) + 2 = 6 and obviously 6 is not within my required range.
The purpose of this is to convert a random number into a value that fits within my range. Therefore, I cannot simply mod by just the max or min, the value must be "random" in a sense.
There are two common ways to constrain a value:
Clamping: here we set the value to the upper bound of the range if it exceeds it, or to the lower bound of the range if it is under it. This can be easily written thus:
upper_bound = 5;
lower_bound = 2;
value = max(lower_bound, min(upper_bound, value))
Wrapping: here we wrap the value back to the lower bound if it exceeds the upper bound. This is the one you were trying to accomplish with the modulo operation. The range of the modulo is upper_bound - lower_bound + 1:
value = mod(value, upper_bound - lower_bound + 1) + lower_bound
value = mod(value - lower_bound, upper_bound - lower_bound) + lower_bound
Here you can see the behaviour of the two methods (1 = blue, 2 = red):
If the randomValue is an integer that the range is between -32,768 and 32,767.
Then the following will do the job,
int constrainedValue = (randomValue - -32,767) * (max - min) / (32,767 - -32,767) + min;
or equivalently,
int constrainedValue = (randomValue + 32,767) * (max - min) / (65,535) + min;
If the randomValue is an unsigned integer then change -32,767 with 0 and 32,767 with 65,535.

Efficient way to generate a seemingly random permutation from a very large set without repeating?

I have a very large set (billions or more, it's expected to grow exponentially to some level), and I want to generate seemingly random elements from it without repeating. I know I can pick a random number and repeat and record the elements I have generated, but that takes more and more memory as numbers are generated, and wouldn't be practical after couple millions elements out.
I mean, I could say 1, 2, 3 up to billions and each would be constant time without remembering all the previous, or I can say 1,3,5,7,9 and on then 2,4,6,8,10, but is there a more sophisticated way to do that and eventually get a seemingly random permutation of that set?
1, The set does not change size in the generation process. I meant when the user's input increases linearly, the size of the set increases exponentially.
2, In short, the set is like the set of every integer from 1 to 10 billions or more.
3, In long, it goes up to 10 billion because each element carries the information of many independent choices, for example. Imagine an RPG character that have 10 attributes, each can go from 1 to 100 (for my problem different choices can have different ranges), thus there's 10^20 possible characters, number "10873456879326587345" would correspond to a character that have "11, 88, 35...", and I would like an algorithm to generate them one by one without repeating, but makes it looks random.
Thanks for the interesting question. You can create a "pseudorandom"* (cyclic) permutation with a few bytes using modular exponentiation. Say we have n elements. Search for a prime p that's bigger than n+1. Then find a primitive root g modulo p. Basically by definition of primitive root, the action x --> (g * x) % p is a cyclic permutation of {1, ..., p-1}. And so x --> ((g * (x+1))%p) - 1 is a cyclic permutation of {0, ..., p-2}. We can get a cyclic permutation of {0, ..., n-1} by repeating the previous permutation if it gives a value bigger (or equal) n.
I implemented this idea as a Go package.
package main
import (
func main() {
var x uint64
cycle := powercycle.New(10)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
x = cycle.Apply(x)
This outputs something like
but that might vary off course depending on the generator chosen.
It's fast, but not super-fast: on my five year old i7 it takes less than 210ns to compute one application of a cycle on 1000000000000000 elements. More details:
BenchmarkNew10-8 1000000 1328 ns/op
BenchmarkNew1000-8 500000 2566 ns/op
BenchmarkNew1000000-8 50000 25893 ns/op
BenchmarkNew1000000000-8 200000 7589 ns/op
BenchmarkNew1000000000000-8 2000 648785 ns/op
BenchmarkApply10-8 10000000 170 ns/op
BenchmarkApply1000-8 10000000 173 ns/op
BenchmarkApply1000000-8 10000000 172 ns/op
BenchmarkApply1000000000-8 10000000 169 ns/op
BenchmarkApply1000000000000-8 10000000 201 ns/op
BenchmarkApply1000000000000000-8 10000000 204 ns/op
Why did I say "pseudorandom"? Well, we are always creating a very specific kind of cycle: namely one that uses modular exponentiation. It looks pretty pseudorandom though.
I would use a random number and swap it with an element at the beginning of the set.
Here's some pseudo code
set = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
picked = 0
Function PickNext(set, picked)
If picked > Len(set) - 1 Then
Return Nothing
End If
// random number between picked (inclusive) and length (exclusive)
r = RandomInt(picked, Len(set))
// swap the picked element to the beginning of the set
result = set[r]
set[r] = set[picked]
set[picked] = result
// update picked
// return your next random element
Return temp
End Function
Every time you pick an element there is one swap and the only extra memory being used is the picked variable. The swap can happen if the elements are in a database or in memory.
EDIT Here's a jsfiddle of a working implementation
var set = [];
set.picked = 0;
function pickNext(set) {
if(set.picked > set.length - 1) { return null; }
var r = set.picked + Math.floor(Math.random() * (set.length - set.picked));
var result = set[r];
set[r] = set[set.picked];
set[set.picked] = result;
return result;
// testing
for(var i=0; i<100; i++) {
while(pickNext(set) !== null) { }
document.body.innerHTML += set.toString();
EDIT 2 Finally, a random binary walk of the set. This can be accomplished with O(Log2(N)) stack space (memory) which for 10billion is only 33. There's no shuffling or swapping involved. Using trinary instead of binary might yield even better pseudo random results.
// on the fly set generator
var count = 0;
var maxValue = 64;
function nextElement() {
// restart the generation
if(count == maxValue) {
count = 0;
return count++;
// code to pseudo randomly select elements
var current = 0;
var stack = [0, maxValue - 1];
function randomBinaryWalk() {
if(stack.length == 0) { return null; }
var high = stack.pop();
var low = stack.pop();
var mid = ((high + low) / 2) | 0;
// pseudo randomly choose the next path
if(Math.random() > 0.5) {
if(low <= mid - 1) {
stack.push(mid - 1);
if(mid + 1 <= high) {
stack.push(mid + 1);
} else {
if(mid + 1 <= high) {
stack.push(mid + 1);
if(low <= mid - 1) {
stack.push(mid - 1);
// how many elements to skip
var toMid = (current < mid ? mid - current : (maxValue - current) + mid);
// skip elements
for(var i = 0; i < toMid - 1; i++) {
current = mid;
// get result
return nextElement();
// test
var result;
var list = [];
do {
result = randomBinaryWalk();
} while(result !== null);
document.body.innerHTML += '<br/>' + list.toString();
Here's the results from a couple of runs with a small set of 64 elements. JSFiddle
As I mentioned in my comment, unless you have an efficient way to skip to a specific point in your "on the fly" generation of the set this will not be very efficient.
if it is enumerable then use a pseudo-random integer generator adjusted to the period 0 .. 2^n - 1 where the upper bound is just greater than the size of your set and generate pseudo-random integers discarding those more than the size of your set. Use those integers to index items from your set.
Pre- compute yourself a series of indices (e.g. in a file), which has the properties you need and then randomly choose a start index for your enumeration and use the series in a round-robin manner.
The length of your pre-computed series should be > the maximum size of the set.
If you combine this (depending on your programming language etc.) with file mappings, your final nextIndex(INOUT state) function is (nearly) as simple as return mappedIndices[state++ % PERIOD];, if you have a fixed size of each entry (e.g. 8 bytes -> uint64_t).
Of course, the returned value could be > your current set size. Simply draw indices until you get one which is <= your sets current size.
Update (In response to question-update):
There is another option to achieve your goal if it is about creating 10Billion unique characters in your RPG: Generate a GUID and write yourself a function which computes your number from the GUID. man uuid if you are are on a unix system. Else google it. Some parts of the uuid are not random but contain meta-info, some parts are either systematic (such as your network cards MAC address) or random, depending on generator algorithm. But they are very very most likely unique. So, whenever you need a new unique number, generate a uuid and transform it to your number by means of some algorithm which basically maps the uuid bytes to your number in a non-trivial way (e.g. use hash functions).

Convert Excel Column Number to Column Name in Matlab

I am using Excel 2007 which supports Columns upto 16,384 Columns. I would like to obtain the Column name corresponding Column Number.
Currently, I am using the following code. However this code supports upto 256 Columns. Any idea how to obtain Column Name if the column number is greater than 256.
function loc = xlcolumn(column)
if isnumeric(column)
if column>256
error('Excel is limited to 256 columns! Enter an integer number <256');
letters = {'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z'};
count = 0;
if column-26<=0
loc = char(letters(column));
while column-26>0
count = count + 1;
column = column - 26;
loc = [char(letters(count)) char(letters(column))];
letters = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z'];
if size(column,2)==1
loc =findstr(column,letters);
elseif size(column,2)==2
loc1 =findstr(column(1),letters);
loc2 =findstr(column(2),letters);
loc = (26 + 26*loc1)-(26-loc2);
As a diversion, here is an all function handle example, with (almost) no file-based functions required. This is based on the dec2base function, since Excel column names are (almost) base 26 numbers, with the frustrating difference that there are no "0" characters.
Note: this is probably a terrible idea overall, but it works. Better solutions are probably found elsewhere in the file exchange.
First, the one file based function that I couldn't get around, to perform arbitrary depth function composition.
function result = compose( fnHandles )
%COMPOSE Compose a set of functions
% COMPOSE({fnHandles}) returns a function handle consisting of the
% composition of the cell array of input function handles.
% For example, if F, G, and H are function handles with one input and
% one output, then:
% y = FNCOMPOSED(x);
% is equivalent to
% y = F(G(H(x)));
if isempty(fnHandles)
result = #(x)x;
elseif length(fnHandles)==1
result = fnHandles{1};
fnOuter = fnHandles{1};
fnRemainder = compose(fnHandles(2:end));
result = #(x)fnOuter(fnRemainder(x));
Then, the bizarre, contrived path to convert base26 values into the correct string
%Functions leading to "getNumeric", which creates a numeric, base26 array
remapUpper = #(rawBase)(rawBase + (rawBase>='A')*(-55)); %Map the letters 'A-P' to [10:26]
reMapLower = #(rawBase)(rawBase + (rawBase<'A')*(-48)); %Map characters '0123456789' to [0:9]
getRawBase = #(x)dec2base(x, 26);
getNumeric = #(x)remapUpper(reMapLower(getRawBase(x)));
%Functions leading to "correctNumeric"
% This replaces zeros with 26, and reduces the high values entry by 1.
% Similar to "borrowing" as we learned in longhand subtraction
borrowDownFrom = #(x, fromIndex) [x(1:(fromIndex-1)) (x(fromIndex)-1) (x(fromIndex+1)+26) (x((fromIndex+2):end))];
borrowToIfNeeded = #(x, toIndex) (x(toIndex)<=0)*borrowDownFrom(x,toIndex-1) + (x(toIndex)>0)*(x); %Ugly numeric switch
getAllConditionalBorrowFunctions = #(numeric)arrayfun(#(index)#(numeric)borrowToIfNeeded(numeric, index),(2:length(numeric)),'uniformoutput',false);
getComposedBorrowFunction = #(x)compose(getAllConditionalBorrowFunctions(x));
correctNumeric = #(x)feval(getComposedBorrowFunction(x),x);
%Function to replace numerics with letters, and remove leading '#' (leading
numeric2alpha = #(x)regexprep(char(x+'A'-1),'^#','');
%Compose complete function
num2ExcelName = #(x)arrayfun(#(x)numeric2alpha(correctNumeric(getNumeric(x))), x, 'uniformoutput',false)';
Now test using some stressing transitions:
>> num2ExcelName([1:5 23:28 700:704 727:729 1024:1026 1351:1355 16382:16384])
ans =
This function I wrote works for any number of columns (until Excel runs out of columns). It just requires a column number input (e.g. 16368 will return a string 'XEN').
If the application of this concept is different than my function, it's important to note that a column of x number of A's begins every 26^(x-1) + 26^(x-2) + ... + 26^2 + 26 + 1. (e.g. 'AAA' begins on 26^2 + 26 + 1 = 703)
function [col_str] = let_loc(num_loc)
test = 2;
old = 0;
x = 0;
while test >= 1
old = 26^x + old;
test = num_loc/old;
x = x + 1;
num_letters = x - 1;
str_array = zeros(1,num_letters);
for i = 1:num_letters
loc = floor(num_loc/(26^(num_letters-i)));
num_loc = num_loc - (loc*26^(num_letters-i));
str_array(i) = char(65 + (loc - 1));
col_str = strcat(str_array(1:length(str_array)));
Hope this saves someone some time!

How do I generate a random string of up to a certain length?

I would like to generate a random string (or a series of random strings, repetitions allowed) of length between 1 and n characters from some (finite) alphabet. Each string should be equally likely (in other words, the strings should be uniformly distributed).
The uniformity requirement means that an algorithm like this doesn't work:
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
len = rand(1, n)
s = ""
for(i = 0; i < len; ++i)
s = s + alphabet[rand(0, 25)]
(pseudo code, rand(a, b) returns a integer between a and b, inclusively, each integer equally likely)
This algorithm generates strings with uniformly distributed lengths, but the actual distribution should be weighted toward longer strings (there are 26 times as many strings with length 2 as there are with length 1, and so on.) How can I achieve this?
What you need to do is generate your length and then your string as two distinct steps. You will need to first chose the length using a weighted approach. You can calculate the number of strings of a given length l for an alphabet of k symbols as k^l. Sum those up and then you have the total number of strings of any length, your first step is to generate a random number between 1 and that value and then bin it accordingly. Modulo off by one errors you would break at 26, 26^2, 26^3, 26^4 and so on. The logarithm based on the number of symbols would be useful for this task.
Once you have you length then you can generate the string as you have above.
Okay, there are 26 possibilities for a 1-character string, 262 for a 2-character string, and so on up to 2626 possibilities for a 26-character string.
That means there are 26 times as many possibilities for an (N)-character string than there are for an (N-1)-character string. You can use that fact to select your length:
def getlen(maxlen):
sz = maxlen
while sz != 1:
if rnd(27) != 1:
return sz
return 1
I use 27 in the above code since the total sample space for selecting strings from "ab" is the 26 1-character possibilities and the 262 2-character possibilities. In other words, the ratio is 1:26 so 1-character has a probability of 1/27 (rather than 1/26 as I first answered).
This solution isn't perfect since you're calling rnd multiple times and it would be better to call it once with an possible range of 26N+26N-1+261 and select the length based on where your returned number falls within there but it may be difficult to find a random number generator that'll work on numbers that large (10 characters gives you a possible range of 2610+...+261 which, unless I've done the math wrong, is 146,813,779,479,510).
If you can limit the maximum size so that your rnd function will work in the range, something like this should be workable:
def getlen(chars,maxlen):
assert maxlen >= 1
range = chars
sampspace = 0
for i in 1 .. maxlen:
sampspace = sampspace + range
range = range * chars
range = range / chars
val = rnd(sampspace)
sz = maxlen
while val < sampspace - range:
sampspace = sampspace - range
range = range / chars
sz = sz - 1
return sz
Once you have the length, I would then use your current algorithm to choose the actual characters to populate the string.
Explaining it further:
Let's say our alphabet only consists of "ab". The possible sets up to length 3 are [ab] (2), [ab][ab] (4) and [ab][ab][ab] (8). So there is a 8/14 chance of getting a length of 3, 4/14 of length 2 and 2/14 of length 1.
The 14 is the magic figure: it's the sum of all 2n for n = 1 to the maximum length. So, testing that pseudo-code above with chars = 2 and maxlen = 3:
assert maxlen >= 1 [okay]
range = chars [2]
sampspace = 0
for i in 1 .. 3:
i = 1:
sampspace = sampspace + range [0 + 2 = 2]
range = range * chars [2 * 2 = 4]
i = 2:
sampspace = sampspace + range [2 + 4 = 6]
range = range * chars [4 * 2 = 8]
i = 3:
sampspace = sampspace + range [6 + 8 = 14]
range = range * chars [8 * 2 = 16]
range = range / chars [16 / 2 = 8]
val = rnd(sampspace) [number from 0 to 13 inclusive]
sz = maxlen [3]
while val < sampspace - range: [see below]
sampspace = sampspace - range
range = range / chars
sz = sz - 1
return sz
So, from that code, the first iteration of the final loop will exit with sz = 3 if val is greater than or equal to sampspace - range [14 - 8 = 6]. In other words, for the values 6 through 13 inclusive, 8 of the 14 possibilities.
Otherwise, sampspace becomes sampspace - range [14 - 8 = 6] and range becomes range / chars [8 / 2 = 4].
Then the second iteration of the final loop will exit with sz = 2 if val is greater than or equal to sampspace - range [6 - 4 = 2]. In other words, for the values 2 through 5 inclusive, 4 of the 14 possibilities.
Otherwise, sampspace becomes sampspace - range [6 - 4 = 2] and range becomes range / chars [4 / 2 = 2].
Then the third iteration of the final loop will exit with sz = 1 if val is greater than or equal to sampspace - range [2 - 2 = 0]. In other words, for the values 0 through 1 inclusive, 2 of the 14 possibilities (this iteration will always exit since the value must be greater than or equal to zero.
In retrospect, that second solution is a bit of a nightmare. In my personal opinion, I'd go for the first solution for its simplicity and to avoid the possibility of rather large numbers.
Building on my comment posted as a reply to the OP:
I'd consider it an exercise in base
conversion. You're simply generating a
"random number" in "base 26", where
a=0 and z=25. For a random string of
length n, generate a number between 1
and 26^n. Convert from base 10 to base
26, using symbols from your chosen
Here's a PHP implementation. I won't guaranty that there isn't an off-by-one error or two in here, but any such error should be minor:
$n = 5;
function randstr($maxlen) {
$dict = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
$rand = rand(0, pow(strlen($dict), $maxlen));
$str = base_convert($rand, 10, 26);
//base convert returns base 26 using 0-9 and 15 letters a-p(?)
//we must convert those to our own set of symbols
return strtr($str, '1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', $dict);
Instead of picking a length with uniform distribution, weight it according to how many strings are a given length. If your alphabet is size m, there are mx strings of size x, and (1-mn+1)/(1-m) strings of length n or less. The probability of choosing a string of length x should be mx*(1-m)/(1-mn+1).
Regarding overflow - using floating point instead of integers will expand the range, so for a 26-character alphabet and single-precision floats, direct weight calculation shouldn't overflow for n<26.
A more robust approach is to deal with it iteratively. This should also minimize the effects of underflow:
int randomLength() {
for(int i = n; i > 0; i--) {
double d = Math.random();
if(d > (m - 1) / (m - Math.pow(m, -i))) {
return i;
return 0;
To make this more efficient by calculating fewer random numbers, we can reuse them by splitting intervals in more than one place:
int randomLength() {
for(int i = n; i > 0; i -= 5) {
double d = Math.random();
double c = (m - 1) / (m - Math.pow(m, -i))
for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
if(d > c) {
return i - j;
c /= m;
for(int i = n % 0; i > 0; i--) {
double d = Math.random();
if(d > (m - 1) / (m - Math.pow(m, -i))) {
return i;
return 0;
Edit: This answer isn't quite right. See the bottom for a disproof. I'll leave it up for now in the hope someone can come up with a variant that fixes it.
It's possible to do this without calculating the length separately - which, as others have pointed out, requires raising a number to a large power, and generally seems like a messy solution to me.
Proving that this is correct is a little tough, and I'm not sure I trust my expository powers to make it clear, but bear with me. For the purposes of the explanation, we're generating strings of length at most n from an alphabet a of |a| characters.
First, imagine you have a maximum length of n, and you've already decided you're generating a string of at least length n-1. It should be obvious that there are |a|+1 equally likely possibilities: we can generate any of the |a| characters from the alphabet, or we can choose to terminate with n-1 characters. To decide, we simply pick a random number x between 0 and |a| (inclusive); if x is |a|, we terminate at n-1 characters; otherwise, we append the xth character of a to the string. Here's a simple implementation of this procedure in Python:
def pick_character(alphabet):
x = random.randrange(len(alphabet) + 1)
if x == len(alphabet):
return ''
return alphabet[x]
Now, we can apply this recursively. To generate the kth character of the string, we first attempt to generate the characters after k. If our recursive invocation returns anything, then we know the string should be at least length k, and we generate a character of our own from the alphabet and return it. If, however, the recursive invocation returns nothing, we know the string is no longer than k, and we use the above routine to select either the final character or no character. Here's an implementation of this in Python:
def uniform_random_string(alphabet, max_len):
if max_len == 1:
return pick_character(alphabet)
suffix = uniform_random_string(alphabet, max_len - 1)
if suffix:
# String contains characters after ours
return random.choice(alphabet) + suffix
# String contains no characters after our own
return pick_character(alphabet)
If you doubt the uniformity of this function, you can attempt to disprove it: suggest a string for which there are two distinct ways to generate it, or none. If there are no such strings - and alas, I do not have a robust proof of this fact, though I'm fairly certain it's true - and given that the individual selections are uniform, then the result must also select any string with uniform probability.
As promised, and unlike every other solution posted thus far, no raising of numbers to large powers is required; no arbitrary length integers or floating point numbers are needed to store the result, and the validity, at least to my eyes, is fairly easy to demonstrate. It's also shorter than any fully-specified solution thus far. ;)
If anyone wants to chip in with a robust proof of the function's uniformity, I'd be extremely grateful.
Edit: Disproof, provided by a friend:
dato: so imagine alphabet = 'abc' and n = 2
dato: you have 9 strings of length 2, 3 of length 1, 1 of length 0
dato: that's 13 in total
dato: so probability of getting a length 2 string should be 9/13
dato: and probability of getting a length 1 or a length 0 should be 4/13
dato: now if you call uniform_random_string('abc', 2)
dato: that transforms itself into a call to uniform_random_string('abc', 1)
dato: which is an uniform distribution over ['a', 'b', 'c', '']
dato: the first three of those yield all the 2 length strings
dato: and the latter produce all the 1 length strings and the empty strings
dato: but 0.75 > 9/13
dato: and 0.25 < 4/13
// Note space as an available char
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz "
result_string = ""
for( ;; )
s = ""
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
s += alphabet[rand(0, 26)]
first_space = n;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
if( s[ i ] == ' ' )
first_space = i;
ok = true;
// Reject "duplicate" shorter strings
for( i = first_space + 1; i < n; i++ )
if( s[ i ] != ' ' )
ok = false;
if( !ok )
// Extract the short version of the string
for( i = 0; i < first_space; i++ )
result_string += s[ i ];
Edit: I forgot to disallow 0-length strings, that will take a bit more code which I don't have time to add now.
Edit: After considering how my answer doesn't scale to large n (takes too long to get lucky and find an accepted string), I like paxdiablo's answer much better. Less code too.
Personally I'd do it like this:
Let's say your alphabet has Z characters. Then the number of possible strings for each length L is:
L | Z
1 | 26
2 | 676 (= 26 * 26)
3 | 17576 (= 26 * 26 * 26)
...and so on.
Now let's say your maximum desired length is N. Then the total number of possible strings from length 1 to N that your function could generate would be the sum of a geometric sequence:
(1 - (Z ^ (N + 1))) / (1 - Z)
Let's call this value S. Then the probability of generating a string of any length L should be:
(Z ^ L) / S
OK, fine. This is all well and good; but how do we generate a random number given a non-uniform probability distribution?
The short answer is: you don't. Get a library to do that for you. I develop mainly in .NET, so one I might turn to would be Math.NET.
That said, it's really not so hard to come up with a rudimentary approach to doing this on your own.
Here's one way: take a generator that gives you a random value within a known uniform distribution, and assign ranges within that distribution of sizes dependent on your desired distribution. Then interpret the random value provided by the generator by determining which range it falls into.
Here's an example in C# of one way you could implement this idea (scroll to the bottom for example output):
RandomStringGenerator class
public class RandomStringGenerator
private readonly Random _random;
private readonly char[] _alphabet;
public RandomStringGenerator(string alphabet)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(alphabet))
throw new ArgumentException("alphabet");
_random = new Random();
_alphabet = alphabet.Distinct().ToArray();
public string NextString(int maxLength)
// Get a value randomly distributed between 0.0 and 1.0 --
// this is approximately what the System.Random class provides.
double value = _random.NextDouble();
// This is where the magic happens: we "translate" the above number
// to a length based on our computed probability distribution for the given
// alphabet and the desired maximum string length.
int length = GetLengthFromRandomValue(value, _alphabet.Length, maxLength);
// The rest is easy: allocate a char array of the length determined above...
char[] chars = new char[length];
// ...populate it with a bunch of random values from the alphabet...
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
chars[i] = _alphabet[_random.Next(0, _alphabet.Length)];
// ...and return a newly constructed string.
return new string(chars);
static int GetLengthFromRandomValue(double value, int alphabetSize, int maxLength)
// Looping really might not be the smartest way to do this,
// but it's the most obvious way that immediately springs to my mind.
for (int length = 1; length <= maxLength; ++length)
Range r = GetRangeForLength(length, alphabetSize, maxLength);
if (r.Contains(value))
return length;
return maxLength;
static Range GetRangeForLength(int length, int alphabetSize, int maxLength)
int L = length;
int Z = alphabetSize;
int N = maxLength;
double possibleStrings = (1 - (Math.Pow(Z, N + 1)) / (1 - Z));
double stringsOfGivenLength = Math.Pow(Z, L);
double possibleSmallerStrings = (1 - Math.Pow(Z, L)) / (1 - Z);
double probabilityOfGivenLength = ((double)stringsOfGivenLength / possibleStrings);
double probabilityOfShorterLength = ((double)possibleSmallerStrings / possibleStrings);
double startPoint = probabilityOfShorterLength;
double endPoint = probabilityOfShorterLength + probabilityOfGivenLength;
return new Range(startPoint, endPoint);
Range struct
public struct Range
public readonly double StartPoint;
public readonly double EndPoint;
public Range(double startPoint, double endPoint)
: this()
this.StartPoint = startPoint;
this.EndPoint = endPoint;
public bool Contains(double value)
return this.StartPoint <= value && value <= this.EndPoint;
static void Main(string[] args)
const int N = 5;
const string alphabet = "acegikmoqstvwy";
int Z = alphabet.Length;
var rand = new RandomStringGenerator(alphabet);
var strings = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
Console.WriteLine("First 10 results:");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
// sanity check
double sumOfProbabilities = 0.0;
for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i)
double probability = Math.Pow(Z, i) / ((1 - (Math.Pow(Z, N + 1))) / (1 - Z));
int numStrings = strings.Count(str => str.Length == i);
Console.WriteLine("# strings of length {0}: {1} (probability = {2:0.00%})", i, numStrings, probability);
sumOfProbabilities += probability;
Console.WriteLine("Probabilities sum to {0:0.00%}.", sumOfProbabilities);
First 10 results:
# strings of length 1: 1 (probability = 0.00%)
# strings of length 2: 38 (probability = 0.03%)
# strings of length 3: 475 (probability = 0.47%)
# strings of length 4: 6633 (probability = 6.63%)
# strings of length 5: 92853 (probability = 92.86%)
Probabilities sum to 100.00%.
My idea regarding this is like:
you have 1-n length string.there 26 possible 1 length string,26*26 2 length string and so on.
you can find out the percentage of each length string of the total possible strings.for example percentage of single length string is like
similarly you can find out the percentage of other length strings.
Mark them on a number line between 1 to suppose percentage of single length string is 3 and double length string is 6 then number line single length string lies between 0-3 while double length string lies between 3-9 and so on.
Now take a random number between 1 to 100.find out the range in which this number lies.I mean suppose for examplethe number you have randomly chosen is 2.Now this number lies between 0-3 so go 1 length string or if the random number chosen is 7 then go for double length string.
In this fashion you can see that length of each string choosen will be proportional to the percentage of the total number of that length string contribute to the all possible strings.
Hope I am clear.
Disclaimer: I have not gone through above solution except one or two.So if it matches with some one solution it will be purely a chance.
Also,I will welcome all the advice and positive criticism and correct me if I am wrong.
Thanks and regard
Matthieu: Your idea doesn't work because strings with blanks are still more likely to be generated. In your case, with n=4, you could have the string 'ab' generated as 'a' + 'b' + '' + '' or '' + 'a' + 'b' + '', or other combinations. Thus not all the strings have the same chance of appearing.

Reasonable optimized chart scaling

I need to make a chart with an optimized y axis maximum value.
The current method I have of making charts simply uses the maximum value of all the graphs, then divides it by ten, and uses that as grid lines. I didn't write it.
Update Note: These graphs have been changed. As soon as I fixed the code, my dynamic graphs started working, making this question nonsensical (because the examples no longer had any errors in them). I've updated these with static images, but some of the answers refrence different values. Keep that in mind.
There were between 12003 and 14003 inbound calls so far in February. Informative, but ugly.
I'd like to avoid charts that look like a monkey came up with the y-axis numbers.
Using the Google charts API helps a little bit, but it's still not quite what I want.
The numbers are clean, but the top of the y value is always the same as the maximum value on the chart. This chart scales from 0 to 1357. I need to have calculated the proper value of 1400, problematically.
I'm throwing in rbobby's defanition of a 'nice' number here because it explains it so well.
A "nice" number is one that has 3 or fewer non-zero digits (eg. 1230000)
A "nice" number has the same or few non-zero digits than zero digits (eg 1230 is not nice, 1200 is nice)
The nicest numbers are ones with multiples of 3 zeros (eg. "1,000", "1,000,000")
The second nicest numbers are onces with multples of 3 zeros plus 2 zeros (eg. "1,500,000", "1,200")
I found the way to get the results that I want using a modified version of Mark Ransom's idea.
Fist, Mark Ransom's code determines the optimum spacing between ticks, when given the number of ticks. Sometimes this number ends up being more than twice what the highest value on the chart is, depending on how many grid lines you want.
What I'm doing is I'm running Mark's code with 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 grid lines (ticks) to find which of those is the lowest. With a value of 23, the height of the chart goes to 25, with a grid line at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25. With a value of 26, the chart's height is 30, with grid lines at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30. It has the same spacing between grid lines, but there are more of them.
So here's the steps to just-about copy what Excel does to make charts all fancy.
Temporarily bump up the chart's highest value by about 5% (so that there is always some space between the chart's highest point and the top of the chart area. We want 99.9 to round up to 120)
Find the optimum grid line placement
for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 grid
Pick out the lowest of those numbers. Remember the number of grid lines it took to get that value.
Now you have the optimum chart height. The lines/bar will never butt up against the top of the chart and you have the optimum number of ticks.
function roundUp($maxValue){
$optiMax = $maxValue * 2;
for ($i = 5; $i <= 10; $i++){
$tmpMaxValue = bestTick($maxValue,$i);
if (($optiMax > $tmpMaxValue) and ($tmpMaxValue > ($maxValue + $maxValue * 0.05))){
$optiMax = $tmpMaxValue;
$optiTicks = $i;
return $optiMax;
function bestTick($maxValue, $mostTicks){
$minimum = $maxValue / $mostTicks;
$magnitude = pow(10,floor(log($minimum) / log(10)));
$residual = $minimum / $magnitude;
if ($residual > 5){
$tick = 10 * $magnitude;
} elseif ($residual > 2) {
$tick = 5 * $magnitude;
} elseif ($residual > 1){
$tick = 2 * $magnitude;
} else {
$tick = $magnitude;
return ($tick * $mostTicks);
import math
def BestTick(largest, mostticks):
minimum = largest / mostticks
magnitude = 10 ** math.floor(math.log(minimum) / math.log(10))
residual = minimum / magnitude
if residual > 5:
tick = 10 * magnitude
elif residual > 2:
tick = 5 * magnitude
elif residual > 1:
tick = 2 * magnitude
tick = magnitude
return tick
value = int(input(""))
optMax = value * 2
for i in range(5,11):
maxValue = BestTick(value,i) * i
print maxValue
if (optMax > maxValue) and (maxValue > value + (value*.05)):
optMax = maxValue
optTicks = i
print "\nTest Value: " + str(value + (value * .05)) + "\n\nChart Height: " + str(optMax) + " Ticks: " + str(optTicks)
This is from a previous similar question:
Algorithm for "nice" grid line intervals on a graph
I've done this with kind of a brute
force method. First, figure out the
maximum number of tick marks you can
fit into the space. Divide the total
range of values by the number of
ticks; this is the minimum
spacing of the tick. Now calculate
the floor of the logarithm base 10 to
get the magnitude of the tick, and
divide by this value. You should end
up with something in the range of 1 to
10. Simply choose the round number greater than or equal to the value and
multiply it by the logarithm
calculated earlier. This is your
final tick spacing.
Example in Python:
import math
def BestTick(largest, mostticks):
minimum = largest / mostticks
magnitude = 10 ** math.floor(math.log(minimum) / math.log(10))
residual = minimum / magnitude
if residual > 5:
tick = 10 * magnitude
elif residual > 2:
tick = 5 * magnitude
elif residual > 1:
tick = 2 * magnitude
tick = magnitude
return tick
You could round up to two significant figures. The following pseudocode should work:
// maxValue is the largest value in your chart
magnitude = floor(log10(maxValue))
base = 10^(magnitude - 1)
chartHeight = ceiling(maxValue / base) * base
For example, if maxValue is 1357, then magnitude is 3 and base is 100. Dividing by 100, rounding up, and multiplying by 100 has the result of rounding up to the next multiple of 100, i.e. rounding up to two significant figures. In this case, the result if 1400 (1357 ⇒ 13.57 ⇒ 14 ⇒ 1400).
In the past I've done this in a brute force-ish sort of way. Here's a chunk of C++ code that works well... but for a hardcoded lower and upper limits (0 and 5000):
int PickYUnits()
int MinSize[8] = {20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20};
int ItemsPerUnit[8] = {5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500};
int ItemLimits[8] = {20, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000};
int MaxNumUnits = 8;
double PixelsPerY;
int PixelsPerAxis;
int Units;
// Figure out the max from the dataset
// - Min is always 0 for a bar chart
m_MinY = 0;
m_MaxY = -9999999;
m_TotalY = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < m_DataPoints.GetSize(); j++) {
if (m_DataPoints[j].m_y > m_MaxY) {
m_MaxY = m_DataPoints[j].m_y;
m_TotalY += m_DataPoints[j].m_y;
// Give some space at the top
m_MaxY = m_MaxY + 1;
// Figure out the size of the range
double yRange = (m_MaxY - m_MinY);
// Pick the initial size
Units = MaxNumUnits;
for (int k = 0; k < MaxNumUnits; k++)
if (yRange < ItemLimits[k])
Units = k;
// Adjust it upwards based on the space available
PixelsPerY = m_rcGraph.Height() / yRange;
PixelsPerAxis = (int)(PixelsPerY * ItemsPerUnit[Units]);
while (PixelsPerAxis < MinSize[Units]){
Units += 1;
PixelsPerAxis = (int)(PixelsPerY * ItemsPerUnit[Units]);
if (Units == 5)
return ItemsPerUnit[Units];
However something in what you've said tweaked me. To pick nice axis numbers a definition of "nice number" would help:
A "nice" number is one that has 3 or fewer non-zero digits (eg. 1230000)
A "nice" number has the same or few non-zero digits than zero digits (eg 1230 is not nice, 1200 is nice)
The nicest numbers are ones with multiples of 3 zeros (eg. "1,000", "1,000,000")
The second nicest numbers are onces with multples of 3 zeros plus 2 zeros (eg. "1,500,000", "1,200")
Not sure if the above definition is "right" or actually helpful (but with the definition in hand it then becomes a simpler task to devise an algorithm).
A slight refinement and tested... (works for fractions of units and not just integers)
public void testNumbers() {
double test = 0.20000;
double multiple = 1;
int scale = 0;
String[] prefix = new String[]{"", "m", "u", "n"};
while (Math.log10(test) < 0) {
multiple = multiple * 1000;
test = test * 1000;
double tick;
double minimum = test / 10;
double magnitude = 100000000;
while (minimum <= magnitude){
magnitude = magnitude / 10;
double residual = test / (magnitude * 10);
if (residual > 5) {
tick = 10 * magnitude;
} else if (residual > 2) {
tick = 5 * magnitude;
} else if (residual > 1) {
tick = 2 * magnitude;
} else {
tick = magnitude;
double curAmt = 0;
int ticks = (int) Math.ceil(test / tick);
for (int ix = 0; ix < ticks; ix++) {
curAmt += tick;
BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(curAmt);
bigDecimal.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
System.out.println(bigDecimal.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + prefix[scale] + "s");
System.out.println("Value = " + test + prefix[scale] + "s");
System.out.println("Tick = " + tick + prefix[scale] + "s");
System.out.println("Ticks = " + ticks);
System.out.println("Scale = " + multiple + " : " + scale);
If you want 1400 at the top, how about adjusting the last two parameters to 1400 instead of 1357:
You could use div and mod. For example.
Let's say you want your chart to round up by increments of 20 (just to make it more a more arbitrary number than your typical "10" value).
So I would assume that 1, 11, 18 would all round up to 20. But 21, 33, 38 would round to 40.
To come up with the right value do the following:
Where divisor = your rounding increment.
divisor = 20
multiple = maxValue / divisor; // Do an integer divide here.
if (maxValue modulus divisor > 0)
graphMax = multiple * maxValue;
So now let's plugin real numbers:
divisor = 20;
multiple = 33 / 20; (integer divide)
so multiple = 1
if (33 modulus 20 > 0) (it is.. it equals 13)
so multiple = 2;
graphMax = multiple (2) * maxValue (20);
graphMax = 40;
