What is the proper way to run tasks in succession in Gradle - gradle

I have a task like this in gradle: task startServer (dependsOn: [':backend:appengineStop', ':backend:appengineRun']). The problem is appengineStop is not run or doesn't seem to be run before appengineRun runs.
I am saying this because when the server is running and I execute this task, it should stop the server first (appengineStop) and start the server again (appengineRun), but this is not happening and build fails saying "Port already in use".
That is why I listed appengineStop first so it will stop the server. Can someone please explain.

Setting of deppendsOn of your task just saying, that both tasks on wich you depends (it's ':backend:appengineStop' and ':backend:appengineRun' in your case) will be executed before your dependent startServer task. The order of execution of this tasks is not determined. Probably, they'll be executed in alphabetical order, but it's a gradle implementation's behavior and you don't use to rely on it.
Gardle tasks have a capacity to determine their order using mustRunAfter method, which make a task running just after task specified as an argument is executed.
You can try to do it by adding to your build script somthing like:
task startServer (dependsOn: [':backend:appengineStop', ':backend:appengineRun']) {
tasks.getByPath(':backend:appengineRun').mustRunAfter ':backend:appengineStop'


MyTask getting unwantedly executed when building

I want to print a link to our team's documentation if the developer types:
gradle help
using this task:
task help {
println "Full Documentation"
println "https://confluence.org.com/Help"
which it does.
However, I do not want it to execute when I run:
gradle build
Is the help task supposed to run whenever build is run? If not, why does this task get executed? As you can tell, my understanding of gradle is limited.
You are effectively overriding the built-in help task that Gradle provides. As a result, other tasks or plugins in your project may be referencing that task already or other parts in the overall Gradle build rely or use help in some fashion.
To summarize, do not override Gradle built-in tasks otherwise it will lead to unexpected/unintended consequences.
To fix, rename your task to something other than help.

Silently handle Gradle task failure

I have a project which should run a specific Gradle task (sonarqube task) only if a condition is met after build task is executed. This task can fail as it communicates with a remote server which is sometimes not available. If the server is unavailable, I'd like to silently handle the error an print some message to console instead of failing the whole build.
Currently I am able to do so with the following configuration:
build.doLast {
if ('desired.value' == System.properties['some.prop']) {
try {
} catch(e) {
However using this method I get deprecation messages. After reading up a bit I supposedly should not be using execute, so instead I came up with this:
if ('desired.value' == System.properties['some.property']) {
build.finalizedBy sonarqube
However in this case, if sonarqube task fails my whole build will fail as well. How could I handle sonarqube task failures in such case?
I am using Gradle 4.5.1.
The builds are ran using the following command:
./gradlew build
Modifying it like the following will cause Gradle to ignore not only sonarqube failures, but also build failures which is not what I want:
./gradlew build --continue
As you've discovered, once a Gradle task fails it's not possible to elegantly recover from that. Therefore you need to avoid that happening.
I can think of three ways to do that:
Find a way of executing the code you want to execute directly without it being wrapped by a Gradle task (eg via a command line or Java process). Then execute that code inside of a try-catch block in the normal fashion.
Activate an option in the sonarqube task which means that task does not fail when there is a problem but reports back to a parent task in another way (eg by setting a property on the Task object), which can in turn deal with the problem. (Having looked quickly it does not appear any such option exists, but you could request it or write a pull request.)
Run another task before the sonarqube task to check if the remote server is available first (and/or other potential failure conditions); then you can deal with the server not being available gracefully, including not running the sonarqube task.
The last option could work as follows by executing a new sonarqubeWrapper task:
tasks.register("sonarqubeWrapper") {
doFirst {
if (isServerAvailable()) {
// Deal with the server not being available
throw new StopExecutionException()
def isServerAvailable() {
// Determine if server available

Calling Gradle commands and tasks with parameters from Gradle Task

I have a current setup in my build.gradle that I'm trying to understand. I need a number of tasks to go off in a very specific order and execute all with one task call. The setup I want looks like this:
1.) Run liquibase changeset into predefined database
2.) Run a number of tests against database
3.) Rollback all changes made with the previous changeset
I want the database in a 'clean' state every time I test it. It should have only the changes I expect and nothing else. The liquibase is set up with the Gradle plugin for it and the changeset is applied/updated. However, I don't want to call the command manually. This will be something that needs to run in continuous integration, so I need to script it so I simply have our CI call one task and it then runs each task, in order, until the end. I'm unsure of how to call the Gradle command-line task from inside of itself (ie inside the build.gradle file) and then also pass parameters to it (since I'll need to call some type of rollback command task to get the database to be what it was before calling the update).
Right now, all I'm doing is calling the command line tasks like this:
$ gradle update
$ gradle test
$ gradle rollbackToDate -PliquibaseCommandValue=2016-05-25
Again, I can't call them by the command line alone. I need a custom task inside Gradle so that I could just call something like:
$ gradle runDatabaseTests
...And I would have it do everything I expect.
There is no gradle way to invoke/call a task from another task directly. What you can do instead is to use dependsOn or finalizedBy to setup task dependencies which will force the prereq tasks to run first.
If you declare a task:
task runDatabaseTests(dependsOn: [update, test, rollbackToDate]) << {
println "I depend on update, test and rollbackToDate"
when you call
gradle runDatabaseTests -PliquibaseCommandValue=2016-05-25
it will force update, test and rollbackToDate first. You can control the order in which they're run, if you care about that, by using mustRunAfter and/or shouldRunAfter

gradle - when i execute a task why is the configuration phase being called also

i have two tasks in my gradle file which looks like this:
task aExecutionTask << {
println 'hello says aExecutionTask, via the execution phase'
task aConfigurationTask{
println 'hello says aConfigurationTask, via the configuration phase'
now from the command line i run:
./gradlew aExecutionTask and i was expecting it to only say the following:
hello says aExecutionTask, via the execution phase
but instead it ran both task and i got two print outs like this:
hello says aConfigurationTask, via the configuration phase
hello says aExecutionTask, via the execution phase
Why did it run the configuration phase when i am executing only the execution task using the << feature ? What if i want to run a task only and not have anything else called, how is that done ?
UPDATE: Thanks to the response here i wrote a blog to help anyone else:
Because the point of the configuration phase is to configure all the tasks, in order for gradle to know which tasks depend on which other tasks. That allows gradle to determine the directed acyclic graph of tasks.
Then gradle determines, from the task you asked to execute and this DAG, which of the configured tasks must be executed, on which order, during the execution phase.

How do I wrap a gradle task in another task?

I am trying to configure two different gradle test tasks that essentially just set some values and then run the built-in test task. I have read the gradle documentation and have been searching for a few hours with no luck. I'm guessing I just don't know how to word this question properly to find anything.
The scenario is that we have selenium tests that we might want to run locally or remotely. If we run them locally we want to configure how many threads it uses, and if we run them remotely we want to set a much higher number of threads and also a system property so that the test runner knows to run remotely.
Essentially here's what I'd like to do:
task testLocal {
maxParallelForks = 2
// now run the built-in test task
task testRemote {
maxParallelForks = 4
systemProperties "geb.env": "winxp-firefox"
// now run the built-in test task
Ideally I'd also like to be able to pass all the same arguments that the test task supports on the command line, like:
gradle testLocal --tests com.domain.tests.package*
What is the proper way to handle this scenario with gradle?
The proper way to handle this is to have two Test tasks. You'd typically use (and configure) the Java plugin's test task for the local testing, and additionally declare and configure a second testRemote task (task testRemote(type: Test) { ... }). (There is no way to "wrap" a task, or "call" a task from another task.)
