how to use different maps for mobility models? - omnet++

I want to use different maps (for example map of an urban area like in manhattan mobility model) in my simulations. Is it possible to do it in my omnetpp.ini file as some initialization?
I use the mobility module in inet framework.

OMNeT++ 4.6 does not contain any support for showing maps except displaying a background image in the module, but that must be carefully aligned to match your mobility model.
OMNeT++ 5.0 will support osgEarth to display 3D models + display maps. You may experiment with the 5.0 Technical Preview (available in the test folder) Download. Note that this is Linux only for the moment, and you still have to implement your visualization if you want to use it in INET. Check the osg-earth example in the samples folder.


Do Android Automotive OS support OpenCV OpenGL and multiple screen

I am trying to convert the desktop app to Android Automotive OS (AAOS). I am using OpenCV DNN for object tracking. Also, I am using OpenGL to render the contents. Rendering outputs (2 full HD) must be displayed on two monitors (must be full screen). Also, I must send some data using serial communication. I don't have any experience with AAOS. So I can not decide to this app doable or not on AAOS. So If you have any experience with AAOS can you give me any feedback about this project. AAOS runs on Snapdragon SA8155.
Dev board link:
Android Automotive supports multiple screens. And specifically this platform provides multiple video outputs.
You should check whether mentioned features are supported by provided Android distributive. Most certainly the distro is supplied by Qualcomm. In this case you need to get access to Qualcomm's documentation.

Implement map into application

I would like to ask if there is any free solution ready to implement it to my application? I'm aiming into Open Street Map as I want free solution. I know about OsmSharp which is neat but lack of documentation and there is a question:
is there possibility to change for example pin design or map layout?
I heard that it's possible but you have to write your own render...
I am targeting iOS, Android and WP with our geolocalisation game app.
Xamarin Forms has a built in Map control. TKCustomMap is a third-party renderer that adds functionality to the built in map.
About leak documentation I have written a blogpost about it:
You can find source code on my github:
is there possibility to change for example pin design or map layout?
Yes. You can change map (one from many) or generate your own map (same like in standard xamarin)
As with other OSM library/framework solutions, you will need to provide your own tile server or use a commercial OSM tile service.
Mapsui is a C# map component for apps
Supported platforms: WPF, UWP, Android, iOS

About VEINS ver 4 (stable)

When will the stable VEINS ver 4 will be available tentatively and what will be its features? Will it have new features like vehicle density, security models and others?
Thank you.
A stable version of Veins 4 is available for download.
Aside from bug fixes, it offers enhanced visualization options, enhanced phy layer models, improved extensibility, and a screenshot/screencast recorder.
Note that, as the TraCI API was changed to report all angles in a different format, Veins 4.3 requires SUMO version 0.25.0.
In contrast, keeping the number of vehicles in the simulation constant (that is, using a fixed vehicle density) has been included since Veins 3 alpha 2 (see the comment by user4786271). If this is the only feature you require, there is no need to upgrade.
Regarding security models, several publications are using Veins for security and privacy research, for example for Privacy assessment in vehicular networks using simulation. However, due to the vast number of different approaches and lack of standard, no "default" security-centric models are likely to be included in Veins anytime soon.

How does GeoCoordinateWatcher choose its source?

I know that in the constructor of the GeoCoordinateWatcher object there is the possibility to specify the accuracy (default or high), but for my university project I need to know more.
My professor asked me to search and specify also the algorithm or the heuristics used by the GeoCoordinateWatcher to choose his source.
I'm already aware of the MSDN article which says
Although the Location Service uses multiple sources of location information, and any of the sources may not be available at any given time (for example, no GPS satellites or cell phone towers may be accessible), the native code layer handles the work of evaluating the available data and choosing the best set of sources. All your application needs to do is to choose between high accuracy or the default, power-optimized setting. You can set this value when you initialize the main Location Service class, GeoCoordinateWatcher.
but I need to know more exactly how the native code layer handles the evaluation of the source.
Anyone can help me with this or point me to some more detailed article?
If you take a look into the source code of the System.Device assembly (by using a decompiler like dotPeek), you can see how it works.
In fact the GeoCoordinateWatcher is just a small wrapper that creates a COM object of type ILocation. This interface is part of the Location API, that Microsoft introduced with Windows 7. This itself is a part of the Sensor API, that also started with Windows 7.
If you dig a little bit through this documenation, you'll find this introduction article, which describes how this API works. One sentence within this introductions is:
Sensor manufacturers can create device drivers to connect sensors with
Windows 7. Sensor device drivers are implemented by using the Windows
Portable Devices (WPD) driver model, which is based on the Windows
User Mode Driver Framework (UMDF).Many device drivers have been
written by using these frameworks.
So the manufacturers of GPS devices will provide a windows driver that will be installed on a system. This driver will announce itself as a location device to the system.
When you create a GeoCoordinateWatcher it asks through the location api for the desired data. The operation system checks which drivers have announced itself for being capable and starts these drivers. These drivers will then open the connection to the device, reading the data and forward it to the desired consumers.

Xamarin.Mobile crossplatform implementation

I learnt that provides single set of APIs across platforms. But implementing in a cross platform app, how does it look like?
A cross platform architecture consists one project containing shared codes (core project) and other project consisting the UI codes per platform. So, as provides a single set of API, how can we utilise it to write once and use everywhere? Eg: implement mediapicker.TakePhotoAsync in one class and use it in multiple platforms without writing the same code in other platform. Because, the sample app i downloaded from consists of apps developed for different target individually (not cross), though i see they use the same media picker, geolocation and contacts namespace across different platforms.
Thank You!
Xamarin's 'traditional' approach to cross-platform apps has been to use file-linking.
I believe this is currently changing to a dual approach of recommending either:
Portable Class Libraries (PCL)
The first version of Xamarin PCL support is due very soon (any day now).
When that becomes available and stable, then I expect you may see new versions of which are available for PCL. Also, they have indicated that they may open source As it stands today, I don't think is a very active development - I don't believe it's changed/grown much in the last year.
Until these changes happen, then if you want to use from portable code, then your best bet may be to either follow the file-linking route, or to use PCL libraries but use some form of facade to wrap the native libraries inside an injectable interface
