Watir - clicking on element works diffrent than manualy - ruby

I wrote test in watir, and one of line doesn't work correctly:
$browser.element(:css => '#sub-15079 > div.ardbnServerInformation').click
When I click manualy on this element, browser opens new tab and everything is fine. But when watir clicks on this element, browser opens new window (instead tab) and data in window doesn't load. How to fix this difference in behaviour?

Sounds like maybe some countermeasures are being used to block the scraping efforts...some kind of javascript thing...
A surefire way to overcome these types of things is to a visual-based automation tool something like Sikuli (sikuli.org) to visually identify a link and click it. It actually uses optical recognition rather than the DOM to identify links and click them.
A more haphazard way to go about this would be to use something like cliclick to click based on screen coordinates, but this is not a very good solution in my opinion.


how to click a blank area in a browser

I want to click on the blank area of a browser. How do I do this with watir?
For example, go to google, enter some words and then click the white space/blank area so that the search suggestions box goes away.
Two possible ways to tackle this, one I've successfully done and one I haven't.
First, using watir, something I have not tried is here: How to click on specific element in canvas by its coordinates (using WebDriver)?. I haven't looked into this much but it seems like these two guys have it figured.
The thing I have tried, however, is to use something called Sikuli. Sikuli scripts can be run ontop of an existing watir-designated browser because they are purely image-recognition based. You can trigger the sikuli script to execute from within ruby and implement the canvas (blank area) click that way. Sikuli is crazy simple to use if you use the IDE to generate the macro.

where can I download this code

I find a interesting website:http://www.brightpointinc.com/interactive/political_influence/
I want to learn its visualization using d3.
But when I download it, using right click button-------- save as The download page seems does not work. It seems lack some data, so I get back to the website to download some data, but it lacks some of them, can anyone send me an work version? thanks
As Lars says, your best bet is to look at the source code. To do this, you can use something like Chrome Developer Tools or Firebug for Firefox. I use the latter, so I'll take that as an example.
First, I'd right-click on the visualization itself, and click on Inspect Element with Firebug. This will pull up the HTML, which is only semi-helpful, since it only shows the output rather than the JavaScript code which created it.
To get at the JavaScript, you can use Firebug's Script tab. Most websites have more than one script, so you can hunt through the scripts being used by browsing through the dropdown menu in the second toolbar. The _buildChords.js script looks the most promising; that has some recognizable d3 code in it. You could check out the others to see what else they're calling (since it looks like there might be others - data.js, events.js, and so on).
Happy learning.

In order to add new functionality to existing Firefox clients, do I need to create an extension or a plugin?

More specifically, the idea is to allow the user to open Firefox, highlight a word on a web page, right click on it, and have an additional option that, when selected, calls c++ code that does something with the input string (must call C++ code, unfortunately), and displays a dialog box showing the result.
I'm still not sure if in order to implement this functionality I need to create a Firefox plugin or an extension. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Also, if someone can show me sample code in order to get me started that would be appreciated. (XPCOM, which I'm not even sure is what I should be using, seems a bit complicated for this seemingly simple project.)
You need a regular Firefox extension. It can add an item to the context menu, NPAPI plugins cannot do this. When it is clicked it can get the selected text and send it to your binary library. The best way to call functions in this library is js-ctypes, XPCOM is not required.

How do I disable Firefox's "Search for text when I start typing" on pages with keyboard shortcuts?

Some web pages such as GMail and Reddit(with the Reddit Enhancement Suite) have useful keyboard shortcuts that I'd like to use. However, whenever I start typing on one of these pages, the first onkeypress event fires, but then the "Search for text when I start typing" search bar opens and blocks further keys.
I don't want to disable "Search for text when I start typing" as I use it on most other web pages. Is there any way to selectively disable it, or to make a keyboard shortcut/bookmarklet to toggle it?
To disable this in firefox, just go to "Options->General Tab->Browsing and disable "Search for text when I start typing". More info here . This is very useful in some cases, for example when you try to play WebGL games or when using pages like Gmail or Protonmail that have their own kb shortcuts.
UPDATED to version 73.0.1- In previous versions of Firefox this is in "Tools->Options->Advanced->General Tab" or in "Preferences->General->Browsing"
This is still an issue huh? I love this feature but It also bothers me every now and then. There are some pages that get it right. I never dug into how they do it. For instance:
zty.pe - JS browser typing game. Would be pretty bad if typing caused searching here. It actually captures the keys just when the game starts and NOT by default on the page.
That is not Firefox or any other browser feature. To do this, you have to write server and client side code.
Catch text that user types into input, and send it using preferably AJAX to server-side script. Then server side script should look up for matches in DB (some search engine), and return possible combinations. All you have to do on client side (JS) is to show returned results in some nice way - like in google - you can use for example simple html lists, but you have to code some css to make it look properly. Also nice feature is to code JS to work on up/down keys and enter for selecting element (it should also work for mouse).
It's not very simple to do by yourself, but you have now idea how to do it. You could also google for some scripts - surely there is something :)
Good luck!

Manipulate Html from Firefox Extension

I am creating a Firefox extension that is somewhat similar to Firebug. There is a panel (or vbox) at the bottom of the browser that allows users to specify colors to certain Html elements. When they click the OK button, I would like these colors to get updated on the current web page.
I have my JavaScript working when I click the button (i am just throwing an alert), however when I change that JavaScript to change the css or styles of an element (by either using document.getElementById or jquery), nothing changes.
Is there something with Firefox extensions that I am missing? Any help is appreciated.
Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks
You want content.document.getElementById() and similarly for every other construct you use.
