How to model the three-glass pouring puzzle as a graph - algorithm

I want to model the following puzzle with a graph.
The barman gives you three
glasses whose sizes are 1000ml, 700ml, and 400ml, respectively. The 700ml and 400ml glasses start
out full of beer, but the 1000ml glass is initially empty. You can get unlimited free beer if you win
the following game:
Game rule: You can keep pouring beer from one glass into another, stopping only when the source
glass is empty or the destination glass is full. You win if there is a sequence of pourings that leaves
exactly 200ml in the 700ml or 400 ml glass.
I was a little unsure of how to translate this problem in a graph. My thought was that the glasses would be represented by nodes in a weighted, undirected graph where edges indicate that a glass u can be poured into a glass v and the other way is the same, therefore a walk would be a sequence of pourings that would lead to the correct solution.
However, this approach of having three single nodes and undirected edges doesn't quite work for Dijkstra's algorithm or other greedy algorithms which was what I was going to use to solve the problem. Would modeling the permutations of the pourings as a graph be more suitable?

You should store whole state as vertex. I mean, value in each glass is a component of state, hence state is array of glassesCount numbers. For example, initial state is (700,400,0).
After that you should add initial state to queue and run BFS. BFS is appliable because each edge has equal weight =1. Weight is equal because weight is a number of pourings between each state which is obviously = 1 as we generate only reachable states from each state in queue.
You may also use DFS, but BFS returns the shortest sequence of pourings because BFS gives shortest path for 1-weighted graphs. If you are not interested in shortest sequence of pourings but any solution, DFS is ok. I will describe BFS because it has the same complexity with DFS and returns better (shorter) solution.
In each state of BFS you have to generate all possible new states by pouring from all pairwise combinations. Also, you should check possibility of pouring.
For 3 glasses there are 3*(3-1)=6 possible branches from each state but I implemented more generic solution allowing you to use my code for N glasses.
public class Solution{
static HashSet<State> usedStates = new HashSet<State>();
static HashMap<State,State> prev = new HashMap<State, State>();
static ArrayDeque<State> queue = new ArrayDeque<State>();
static short[] limits = new short[]{700,400,1000};
public static void main(String[] args){
State initialState = new State(new Short[]{700,400,0});
boolean solutionFound = false;
State curState = queue.poll();
solutionFound = true;
break; //stop BFS even if queue is not empty because solution already found
// go to all possible states
for(int i=0;i<curState.getGlasses().length;i++)
for(int j=0;j<curState.getGlasses().length;j++) {
if (i != j) { //pouring from i-th glass to j-th glass, can't pour to itself
short glassI = curState.getGlasses()[i];
short glassJ = curState.getGlasses()[j];
short possibleToPour = (short)(limits[j]-glassJ);
short amountToPour;
if(glassI<possibleToPour) amountToPour = glassI; //pour total i-th glass
else amountToPour = possibleToPour; //pour i-th glass partially
if(glassI!=0){ //prepare new state
Short[] newGlasses = Arrays.copyOf(curState.getGlasses(), curState.getGlasses().length);
newGlasses[i] = (short)(glassI-amountToPour);
newGlasses[j] = (short)(newGlasses[j]+amountToPour);
State newState = new State(newGlasses);
if(!usedStates.contains(newState)){ // if new state not handled before mark it as used and add to queue for future handling
prev.put(newState, curState);
if(!solutionFound) System.out.println("Solution does not exist");
private static void printSolution(State curState) {
System.out.println("below is 'reversed' solution. In order to get solution from initial state read states from the end");
curState = prev.get(curState);
static class State{
private Short[] glasses;
public State(Short[] glasses){
this.glasses = glasses;
public boolean isWinning() {
return glasses[0]==200 || glasses[1]==200;
public Short[] getGlasses(){
return glasses;
public boolean equals(Object other){
return Arrays.equals(glasses,((State)other).getGlasses());
public int hashCode(){
return Arrays.hashCode(glasses);
below is 'reversed' solution. In order to get solution from initial
state read states from the end
Interesting fact - this problem has no solution if replace
200ml in g1 OR g2
200ml in g1 AND g2
I mean, state (200,200,700) is unreachable from (700,400,0)

If we want to model this problem with a graph, each node should represent a possible assignment of beer volume to glasses. Suppose we represent each glass with an object like this:
{ volume: <current volume>, max: <maximum volume> }
Then the starting node is a list of three such objects:
[ { volume: 0, max: 1000 }, { volume: 700, max: 700 }, { volume: 400, max: 400 } ]
An edge represents the action of pouring one glass into another. To perform such an action, we pick a source glass and a target glass, then calculate how much we can pour from the source to the target:
function pour(indexA, indexB, glasses) { // Pour from A to B.
var a = glasses[indexA],
b = glasses[indexB],
delta = Math.min(a.volume, b.max - b.volume);
a.volume -= delta;
b.volume += delta;
From the starting node we try pouring from each glass to every other glass. Each of these actions results in a new assignment of beer volumes. We check each one to see if we have achieved the target volume of 200. If not, we push the assignment into a queue.
To find the shortest path from the starting node to a target node, we push newly discovered nodes onto the head of the queue and pop nodes off the end of the queue. This ensures that when we reach a target node, it is no farther from the starting node than any other node in the queue.
To make it possible to reconstruct the shortest path, we store the predecessor of each node in a dictionary. We can use the same dictionary to make sure that we don't explore a node more than once.
The following is a JavaScript implementation of this approach. Click on the blue button below to run it.
function pour(indexA, indexB, glasses) { // Pour from A to B.
var a = glasses[indexA],
b = glasses[indexB],
delta = Math.min(a.volume, b.max - b.volume);
a.volume -= delta;
b.volume += delta;
function glassesToKey(glasses) {
return JSON.stringify(glasses);
function keyToGlasses(key) {
return JSON.parse(key);
function print(s) {
s = s || '';
document.write(s + '<br />');
function displayKey(key) {
var glasses = keyToGlasses(key);
parts = (glass) {
return glass.volume + '/' + glass.max;
print('volumes: ' + parts.join(', '));
var startGlasses = [ { volume: 0, max: 1000 },
{ volume: 700, max: 700 },
{ volume: 400, max: 400 } ];
var startKey = glassesToKey(startGlasses);
function solve(targetVolume) {
var actions = {},
queue = [ startKey ],
tail = 0;
while (tail < queue.length) {
var key = queue[tail++]; // Pop from tail.
for (var i = 0; i < startGlasses.length; ++i) { // Pick source.
for (var j = 0; j < startGlasses.length; ++j) { // Pick target.
if (i != j) {
var glasses = keyToGlasses(key);
pour(i, j, glasses);
var nextKey = glassesToKey(glasses);
if (actions[nextKey] !== undefined) {
actions[nextKey] = { key: key, source: i, target: j };
for (var k = 1; k < glasses.length; ++k) {
if (glasses[k].volume === targetVolume) { // Are we done?
var path = [ actions[nextKey] ];
while (key != startKey) { // Backtrack.
var action = actions[key];
key = action.key;
path.forEach(function (action) { // Display path.
print('pour from glass ' + (action.source + 1) +
' to glass ' + ( + 1));
body {
font-family: monospace;

I had the idea of demonstrating the elegance of constraint programming after the two independent brute force solutions above were given. It doesn't actually answer the OP's question, just solves the puzzle. Admittedly, I expected it to be shorter.
par int:N = 7; % only an alcoholic would try more than 7 moves
var 1..N: n; % the sequence of states is clearly at least length 1. ie the start state
int:X = 10; % capacities
int:Y = 7;
int:Z = 4;
int:T = Y + Z;
array[0..N] of var 0..X: x; % the amount of liquid in glass X the biggest
array[0..N] of var 0..Y: y;
array[0..N] of var 0..Z: z;
constraint x[0] = 0; % initial contents
constraint y[0] = 7;
constraint z[0] = 4;
% the total amount of liquid is the same as the initial amount at all times
constraint forall(i in 0..n)(x[i] + y[i] + z[i] = T);
% we get free unlimited beer if any of these glasses contains 2dl
constraint y[n] = 2 \/ z[n] = 2;
constraint forall(i in 0..n-1)(
% d is the amount we can pour from one glass to another: 6 ways to do it
let {var int: d = min(y[i], X-x[i])} in (x[i+1] = x[i] + d /\ y[i+1] = y[i] - d) \/ % y to x
let {var int: d = min(z[i], X-x[i])} in (x[i+1] = x[i] + d /\ z[i+1] = z[i] - d) \/ % z to x
let {var int: d = min(x[i], Y-y[i])} in (y[i+1] = y[i] + d /\ x[i+1] = x[i] - d) \/ % x to y
let {var int: d = min(z[i], Y-y[i])} in (y[i+1] = y[i] + d /\ z[i+1] = z[i] - d) \/ % z to y
let {var int: d = min(y[i], Z-z[i])} in (z[i+1] = z[i] + d /\ y[i+1] = y[i] - d) \/ % y to z
let {var int: d = min(x[i], Z-z[i])} in (z[i+1] = z[i] + d /\ x[i+1] = x[i] - d) % x to z
solve minimize n;
output[show(n), "\n\n", show(x), "\n", show(y), "\n", show(z)];
and the output is
[0, 4, 10, 6, 6, 2, 2]
[7, 7, 1, 1, 5, 5, 7]
[4, 0, 0, 4, 0, 4, 2]
which luckily coincides with the other solutions. Feed it to the MiniZinc solver and wait...and wait. No loops, no BFS and DFS.


Bus Routes Algorithm

I'm trying to solve the following question:
We have a list of bus routes. Each routes[i] is a bus route that the ith bus repeats forever. For example if routes[0] = [1, 5, 7], this means that the first bus (0th indexed) travels in the sequence 1→5→7→1→5→7→1→... forever.
We start at bus stop S (initially not on a bus), and we want to go to bus stop T. Travelling by buses only, what is the least number of buses we must take to reach our destination? Return -1 if it is not possible.
routes = [[1, 2, 7], [3, 6, 7]]
S = 1
T = 6
The best strategy is take the first bus to the bus stop 7, then take the second bus to the bus stop 6.
1 <= routes.length <= 500.
1 <= routes[i].length <= 500.
0 <= routes[i][j] < 10 ^ 6.
My idea is to treat each stop as a Node. Each node has a color (the bus number), and has a value (the stop number).
This problem would then be converted to a 0-1 BFS shortest path problem.
Here's my code :
class Node {
int val;
int color;
boolean visited;
int distance;
public Node(int val, int color) {
this.val = val;
this.color = color;
this.visited = false;
this.distance = 0;
public String toString() {
return "{ val = " + this.val + ", color = " + this.color + " ,distance = " + this.distance + "}";
class Solution {
public int numBusesToDestination(int[][] routes, int S, int T) {
if(S == T) return 0;
// create nodes
// map each values node(s)
// distance between nodes of the same bus, have 0 distance
// if you're switching buses, the distance is 1
Map<Integer, List<Node>> adjacency = new HashMap<Integer, List<Node>>();
int color = 0;
Set<Integer> colorsToStartWith = new HashSet<Integer>();
for(int[] route : routes) {
for(int i = 0; i < route.length - 1; i++) {
int source = route[i];
int dest = route[i + 1];
adjacency.putIfAbsent(source, new ArrayList<Node>());
adjacency.putIfAbsent(dest, new ArrayList<Node>());
if(source == S) colorsToStartWith.add(color);
adjacency.get(source).add(new Node(dest, color));
adjacency.get(source).add(new Node(source, color));
if(route[route.length - 1] == S) colorsToStartWith.add(color);
adjacency.putIfAbsent(route[route.length - 1], new ArrayList<Node>());
adjacency.get(route[route.length - 1]).add(new Node(route[0], color));
adjacency.get(route[route.length - 1]).add(new Node(route[route.length - 1], color));
// run bfs
int minDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Deque<Node> q = new LinkedList<Node>();
Node start = new Node(S, 0);
start.distance = 1;
boolean first = true;
boolean found = false;
while(!q.isEmpty()) {
Node current = q.remove();
current.visited = true;
for(Node neighbor : adjacency.get(current.val)) {
if(!neighbor.visited) {
neighbor.visited = true;
if(neighbor.color == current.color || current.val == neighbor.val || first) {
neighbor.distance = current.distance;
} else {
neighbor.distance = current.distance + 1;
if(neighbor.val == T) {
minDistance = Math.min(minDistance, neighbor.distance);
first = false;
return minDistance == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : minDistance;
I'm not sure why this is wrong.
The following test case fails :
Routes = [
S = 6
T = 30
What is the error in my code that makes this test fail?
The example input you give should return 1, since the one-but-last route contains both the source and target bus stop (6 and 30):
I ran your code with that input, and it returns 1, so your solution is rejected for another reason, which then must be a time out.
I see several causes for why your code is not optimal:
While ideally a BFS should stop when it has found the target node, your version must continue to visit all unvisited nodes that are reachable, before it can decide what the solution is. So even if it finds the target on the same route as the source, it will continue to switch routes and so do a lot of unnecessary work, as there is no hope to find a shorter path.
This is not how it is supposed to be. You should take care to perform your search in a way that gives priority to the edges that do not increase the distance, and only when there are no more of those, pick an edge that adds 1 to the distance. If you do it like that you can stop the search as soon as you have found the target.
A Node object is created repeatedly for the same combination of bus stop and "color" (i.e. route). As a consequence, when you later set visited to true, the duplicate Node objects will still have visited equal to false and so that bus stop will be visited several times with no gain.
You should make sure to only create new Node objects when there is no existing object with such combination yet.
Edges exist between two consecutive bus stops on the same route, meaning you may need to traverse several edges on the same route before finding the one that is either the target or the right place to switch to another route.
It would be more efficient to consider a whole route a Node: routes would be considered connected (with an edge) when they share at least one bus stop. Converting routes to Sets of bus stops would make it fast and easy to identify these edges.
The reflexive edges, from and to the same bus stop, but specifying a color (route), also do not add to efficiency. The main issue you tried to solve with this set up, is to make sure that the first choice of a route is free of charge (is not considered a switch). But that concern is no longer an issue if you apply the previous bullet point.
I chose JavaScript as implementation, but I guess it wont be hard to rewrite this in Java:
function numBusesToDestination (routes, S, T) {
if (S === T) return 0;
// Create nodes of the graph
const nodes = routes;
// Map bus stops to routes: a map keyed by stops, with each an empty Set as value
const nodesAtBusStop = new Map([].concat( => => [stop, new Set]))));
// ... and populate those empty Sets:
for (let node of nodes) {
for (let stop of node) {
// Build adjacency list of the graph
const adjList = new Map( => [node, new Set]));
for (let [stop, nodes] of nodesAtBusStop.entries()) {
for (let a of nodes) {
for (let b of nodes) {
if (a !== b) adjList.get(a).add(b);
const startNodes = nodesAtBusStop.get(S);
const targetNodes = nodesAtBusStop.get(T);
if (!startNodes || !targetNodes) return -1;
// BFS
let queue = [...startNodes];
let distance = 1;
let visited = new Set;
while (queue.length) {
// Create a new queue for each distance increment
let nextLevel = [];
for (let node of queue) {
if (visited.has(node)) continue;
if (targetNodes.has(node)) return distance;
queue = nextLevel;
return -1;
// I/O handling
(document.oninput = function () {
let result = "invalid JSON";
try {
let routes = JSON.parse(document.querySelector("#inputRoutes").value);
let S = +document.querySelector("#inputStart").value;
let T = +document.querySelector("#inputTarget").value;
result = numBusesToDestination(routes, S, T);
catch (e) {}
document.querySelector("#output").textContent = result;
#inputRoutes { width: 100% }
Routes in JSON format:
<textarea id="inputRoutes">[[1,2,7],[3,6,7]]</textarea><br>
Start: <input id="inputStart" value="1"><br>
Target: <input id="inputTarget" value="6"><br>
Distance: <span id="output"></span>

Verification of algorithm for variant of gas station

I am studying this problem and I recognise this as a variant of the gas station problem. As a result, I use Greedy algorithm to solve this problem. I would like to ask if anyone helps me to point out my algorithm is correct or not, thanks.
My algorithm
var x = input.distance, cost = input.cost, c = input.travelDistance, price = [Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY];
var result = [];
var lastFill = 0, tempMinIndex = 0, totalCost = 0;
for(var i=1; i<x.length; i++) {
var d = x[i] - x[lastFill];
if(d > c){ //car can not travel to this shop, has to decide which shop to refill in the previous possible shops
lastFill = tempMinIndex;
totalCost += price[tempMinIndex];
tempMinIndex = i;
//calculate price
price[i] = d/c * cost[i];
if(price[i] <= price[tempMinIndex])
tempMinIndex = i;
//add last station to the list and the total cost
if(lastFill != x.length - 1){
result.push(x.length - 1);
totalCost += price[price.length-1];
You can try out the algorithm at this link
First, regarding to your solution.
There is a bug that ruins even at the most simple inputs. When you decided that the distance became too far and you should fulfil at some point before, you don't update distance and gas station charge you more that it should. The fix is simple:
if(d > c){
//car can not travel to this shop, has to decide which shop to refill
//in the previous possible shops
lastFill = tempMinIndex;
totalCost += price[tempMinIndex];
tempMinIndex = i;
// Fix: update distance
var d = x[i] - x[lastFill];
Even with this fix, your algorithm fails on some input data, like this:
0 10 20 30
0 20 30 50
It should refill on every gasoline to minimize cost, but it simply fills on the last one.
After some research, I came up with solution. I'll try to explain it as simple as possible to make it language independent.
For every gas station G we will count cheapest way of filling. We'll do that recursively: for each gas station let's find all gas stations i from which we can reach G. For every i count cheapest filling possible and sum up with the cost of the filling at G given gasoline left. For start gas station cost is 0. More formally:
CostOfFilling(x), Capacity and Position(x) can be retrieved from input data.
So, the answer for the problem is simply BestCost(LastGasStation)
Now, solution in javascript to make things clearer.
function calculate(input)
// Array for keeping calculated values of cheapest filling at each station
best = [];
var x = input.distance;
var cost = input.cost;
var capacity = input.travelDistance;
// Array initialization
for (var i = 0; i < x.length - 1; i++)
var answer = findBest(x, cost, capacity, x.length - 1);
return answer;
// Implementation of BestCost function
var findBest = function(distances, costs, capacity, distanceIndex)
// Return value if it's already have been calculated
if (best[distanceIndex] != -1)
return best[distanceIndex];
// Find cheapest way to fill by iterating on every available gas station
var minDistanceIndex = findMinDistance(capacity, distances, distanceIndex);
var answer = findBest(distances, costs, capacity, minDistanceIndex) +
calculateCost(distances, costs, capacity, minDistanceIndex, distanceIndex);
for (var i = minDistanceIndex + 1; i < distanceIndex; i++)
var newAnswer = findBest(distances, costs, capacity, i) +
calculateCost(distances, costs, capacity, i, distanceIndex);
if (newAnswer < answer)
answer = newAnswer;
// Save best result
best[distanceIndex] = answer;
return answer;
// Implementation of MinGasStation function
function findMinDistance(capacity, distances, distanceIndex)
for (var i = 0; i < distances.length; i++)
if (distances[distanceIndex] - distances[i] <= capacity)
return i;
// Implementation of Cost function
function calculateCost(distances, costs, capacity, a, b)
var distance = distances[b] - distances[a];
return costs[b] * (distance / capacity);
Full workable html page with code is available here

Collaborative sorting algorithm based on 1 vs 1 choice

I don't know if this is a more mathematical object, but I lurked mathexchange and doesn't look algorithm oriented so I prefer to ask here.
I would like to know if the following problem, was already resolved:
let's say we have 10 objects and that we want to sort them preferences based. If the sort pertains a single person, no problem, we ask him to answer to our questions (using bubblesort or similar) and answering, after a bunch of questions, he will receive the final ranking.
Now let's say that there are 10 persons. And we want to make a global rank. It becomes difficult, and anyone can have its way to solve the problem (for example, asking for the "first favourite three" to everyone and assigning points, then make a ranking);
I would like to be more scientific and therefore more algorithmic, so, in other words, use bubble sort (whose implementation, is like a series of question 1vs1 objects and asking what's your favourite, then make a ranking) for the ten people, minimizing the questions to ask.
So we should have a way to global rank the objects, and in the meanwhile assigning to the people who will sort, major importance, and if possible, don't wait for anyoone making his ranking but on percentages and statistics basis.
Hope to have explained well my question, please if you don't feel it's for this group, let me know and transfer on another service. Thanks!
You question is the subject of Arrow's Theorem. In short, what you are trying to do is impossible in general.
If you still want to try, I suggest using directed edges in a directed graph to represent preferences; something like majority prefers A to B, include edge A->B, and no edge in case of ties. If the result is a Directed Acyclic Graph, congratulations, you can order the items with a toposort. Otherwise use Tarjan's Algorithm to identify strongly connected components, which are the trouble spots.
In general, the best way out of this conundrum in my opinion is to obtain scores rather than ranking pairs of items. Then you just average the scores.
After the unpromising results of my previous answer, I decided to get started on a practical aspect of the question: how to optimally ask the questions to establish a person's preference.
skipping unnecessary questions
If there are 10 items to order, there are 45 pairs of items which have to be compared. These 45 decisions make up a triangular matrix:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 >
2 > <
3 < > =
4 = > < =
5 > < < < >
6 < > > < > <
7 < > < = = < >
8 < < = > = < < <
9 = > > < < > > = >
In the worst case scenario, you'd have to ask a person 45 questions before you can fill out the whole matrix and know his ranking of the 10 items. However, if a person prefers item 1 to item 2, and item 2 to item 3, you can deduce that he prefers item 1 to item 3, and skip that question. In fact, in the best case scenario, just 9 questions will be enough to fill out the whole matrix.
Answering binary questions to deduce an item's place in an ordered list is very similar to filling a binary search tree; however, in a 10-item b-tree, the best-case scenario is 16 questions instead of our theoretical minimum of 9; so I decided to try and find another solution.
Below is an algorithm based on the triangular matrix. It asks the questions in random order, but after every answer it checks which other answers can be deduced, and avoids asking unnecessary questions.
In practice, the number of questions needed to fill out the 45-question matrix is on average 25.33, with 90.5% of instances in the 20-30 range, a minimum value of 12 and a maximum of 40 (tested on 100,000 samples, random question order, no "=" answers).
When the questions are asked systematically (filling the matrix from top to bottom, left to right), the distribution is quite different, with a lower average of 24.44, a strange cutoff below 19, a few samples going up to the maximum of 45, and an obvious difference between odd and even numbers.
I wasn't expecting this difference, but it has made me realise that there are opportunities for optimisation here. I'm thinking of a strategy linked to the b-tree idea, but without a fixed root. That will be my next step. (UPDATE: see below)
function PrefTable(n) {
this.table = [];
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
this.table[i] = [];
for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) {
this.table[i][j] = null;
this.addAnswer = function(x, y, pref, deduced) {
if (x < y) {
var temp = x; x = y; y = temp; pref *= -1;
if (this.table[x][y] == null) {
this.table[x][y] = pref;
if (! deduced) this.deduceAnswers();
return true;
else if (this.table[x][y] != pref) {
console.log("INCONSISTENT INPUT: " + x + ["<", "=", ">"][pref + 1] + y);
return false;
this.deduceAnswers = function() {
do {
var changed = false;
for (var i = 0; i < this.table.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) {
var p = this.table[i][j];
if (p != null) {
for (var k = 0; k < j; k++) {
var q = this.table[j][k];
if (q != null && p * q != -1) {
changed |= this.addAnswer(i, k, p == 0 ? q : p, true);
for (var k = i + 1; k < this.table.length; k++) {
var q = this.table[k][j];
if (q != null && p * q != 1) {
changed |= this.addAnswer(i, k, p == 0 ? -q : p, true);
for (var k = j + 1; k < i; k++) {
var q = this.table[i][k];
if (q != null && p * q != 1) {
changed |= this.addAnswer(j, k, p == 0 ? q : -p, true);
while (changed);
this.getQuestion = function() {
var q = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.table.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (this.table[i][j] == null) q.push({a:i, b:j});
if (q.length) return q[Math.floor(Math.random() * q.length)]
else return null;
this.getOrder = function() {
var index = [];
for (i = 0; i < this.table.length; i++) index[i] = i;
} = function(a, b) {
if (a > b) return this.table[a][b]
else return 1 - this.table[b][a];
var fruit = ["orange", "apple", "pear", "banana", "kiwifruit", "grapefruit", "peach", "cherry", "starfruit", "strawberry"];
var pref = fruit.slice();
for (i in pref) pref.push(pref.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * (pref.length - i)),1)[0]);
pref.join(" ");
function preference(a, b) {
if (pref.indexOf(a) - pref.indexOf(b) < 0) return -1
else if (pref.indexOf(a) - pref.indexOf(b) > 0) return 1
else return 0;
var t = new PrefTable(10), c = 0, q;
while (q = t.getQuestion()) {
console.log(++c + ". " + fruit[q.a] + " or " + fruit[q.b] + "?");
var answer = preference(fruit[q.a], fruit[q.b]);
console.log("\t" + [fruit[q.a], "whatever", fruit[q.b]][answer + 1]);
t.addAnswer(q.a, q.b, answer);
var index = t.getOrder();
console.log("LIST IN ORDER:");
for (var i in index) console.log(i + ". " + fruit[index[i]]);
update 1: asking the questions in the right order
If you ask the questions in order, filling up the triangular matrix from top to bottom, what you're actually doing is this: keeping a preliminary order of the items you've already asked about, introducing new items one at a time, comparing it with previous items until you know where to insert it in the preliminary order, and then moving on to the next item.
This algorithm has one obvious opportunity for optimisation: if you want to insert a new item into an ordered list, instead of comparing it to each item in turn, you compare it with the item in de middle: that tells you which half to new item goes into; then you compare it with the item in the middle of that half, and so on... This limits the maximum number of steps to log2(n)+1.
Below is a version of the code that uses this method. In practice, it offers very consistent results, and the number of questions needed is on average 22.21, less than half of the maximum 45. And all the results are in the 19 to 25 range (tested on 100,000 samples, no "=" answers).
The advantage of this optimisation becomes more pronounced as the number of items increases; for 20 items, out of a possible 190 questions, the random method gives an average of 77 (40.5%), while the optimised method gives an average of 62 (32.6%). At 50 items, that is 300/1225 (24.5%) versus 217/1225 (17.7%).
function PrefList(n) {
this.size = n;
this.items = [{item: 0, equals: []}];
this.current = {item: 1, try: 0, min: 0, max: 1};
this.addAnswer = function(x, y, pref) {
if (pref == 0) {
this.current = {item: ++this.current.item, try: 0, min: 0, max: this.items.length};
} else {
if (pref == -1) this.current.max = this.current.try
else this.current.min = this.current.try + 1;
if (this.current.min == this.current.max) {
this.items.splice(this.current.min, 0, {item: this.current.item, equals: []});
this.current = {item: ++this.current.item, try: 0, min: 0, max: this.items.length};
this.getQuestion = function() {
if (this.current.item >= this.size) return null;
this.current.try = Math.floor((this.current.min + this.current.max) / 2);
return({a: this.current.item, b: this.items[this.current.try].item});
this.getOrder = function() {
var index = [];
for (var i in this.items) {
for (var j in this.items[i].equals) {
var fruit = ["orange", "apple", "pear", "banana", "kiwifruit", "grapefruit", "peach", "cherry", "starfruit", "strawberry"];
var pref = fruit.slice();
for (i in pref) pref.push(pref.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * (pref.length - i)),1)[0]);
pref.join(" ");
function preference(a, b) {
if (pref.indexOf(a) - pref.indexOf(b) < 0) return -1
else if (pref.indexOf(a) - pref.indexOf(b) > 0) return 1
else return 0;
var t = new PrefList(10), c = 0, q;
while (q = t.getQuestion()) {
console.log(++c + ". " + fruit[q.a] + " or " + fruit[q.b] + "?");
var answer = preference(fruit[q.a], fruit[q.b]);
console.log("\t" + [fruit[q.a], "whatever", fruit[q.b]][answer + 1]);
t.addAnswer(q.a, q.b, answer);
var index = t.getOrder();
console.log("LIST IN ORDER:");
for (var i in index) console.log(i + ". " + fruit[index[i]]);
I think this is as far as you can optimise the binary question process for a single person. The next step is to figure out how to ask several people's preferences and combine them without introducing conflicting data into the matrix.
update 2: sorting based on the preferences of more than one person
While experimenting (in my previous answer) with algorithms where different people would answer each question, it was clear that the conflicting preferences would create a preference table with inconsistent data, which wasn't useful as a basis for comparison in a sorting algorithm.
The two algorithms earlier in this answer offer possibilities to deal with this problem. One option would be to fill out the preference table with votes in percentages instead of "before", "after" and "equal" as the only options. Afterwards, you could search for inconsistencies, and fix them by changing the decision with the closest vote, e.g. if apples vs. oranges was 80/20%, oranges vs. pears was 70/30%, and pears vs. apples was 60/40%, changing the preference from "pears before apples" to "apples before pears" would be the best way to resolve the inconsistency.
Another option would be to skip unnecessary questions, thereby removing the chance of inconsistencies in the preference table. This would be the easiest method, but the order in which the questions are asked would then have a greater impact on the end result.
The second algorithm inserts each item into a preliminary order by first checking whether it goes in the first or last half, then whether it goes in the first or last half of that half, and so on... steadily zooming in on the correct position in ever decreasing steps. This means the sequence of decisions used to determine the position of each item are of decreasing importance. This could be the basis of a system where more people are asked to vote for important decisions, and less people for less important decisions, thus reducing the number of questions that each person has to answer.
If the number of people is much greater than the number of items, you could use something like this: with every new item, the first question is put to half of the people, and every further question is then put to half of the remaining people. That way, everyone would have to answer at most one question per item, and for the whole list everyone would answer at most the number of questions equal to the number of items.
Again, with large groups of people, there are possibilities to use statistics. This could decide at which point a certain answer has developed a statistically significant lead, and the question can be considered as answered, without asking any more people. It could also be used to decide how close a vote has to be to be considered an "equal" answer.
update 3: ask subgroups based on importance of questions
This code version reduces the number of questions per person by asking important questions to a large subgroup of the population and less important questions to a smaller subgroup, as discussed in update 2.
e.g. When finding the position of the eighth item in a list already containing 7 items, a maximum number of 3 questions is needed to find the correct position; the population will therefor be split into 3 groups, whose relative sizes are 4:2:1.
The example orders 10 items based on the preferences of 20 people; the maximum number of questions any person is asked is 9.
function GroupPref(popSize, listSize) { // CONSTRUCTOR
if (popSize < steps(listSize)) return {};
this.population = popSize;
this.people = [];
this.groups = [this.population];
this.size = listSize;
this.items = [{item: 0, equals: []}];
this.current = {item: 1, question: 0, try: 0, min: 0, max: 1};
this.getQuestion = function() {
if (this.current.item >= this.size) return null;
if (this.current.question == 0) this.populate();
var group = this.people.splice(0, this.groups[this.current.question++]);
this.current.try = Math.floor((this.current.min + this.current.max) / 2);
return({people: group, a: this.current.item, b: this.items[this.current.try].item});
this.processAnswer = function(pref) {
if (pref == 0) {
} else {
if (pref < 0) this.current.max = this.current.try
else this.current.min = this.current.try + 1;
if (this.current.min == this.current.max) {
this.items.splice(this.current.min, 0, {item: this.current.item, equals: []});
} else return;
this.current = {item: ++this.current.item, question: 0, try: 0, min: 0, max: this.items.length};
function steps(n) {
return Math.ceil(Math.log(n) / Math.log(2));
this.populate = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.population; i++) this.people.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)), 0, i);
this.distribute = function() {
var total = this.population, groups = steps(this.current.item + 1);
this.groups.length = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < groups; i++) {
var size = Math.round(Math.pow(2, i) * total / (Math.pow(2, groups) - 1));
if (size == 0) ++size, --total;
this.getOrder = function() {
var index = [];
for (var i in this.items) {
var equal = [this.items[i].item];
for (var j in this.items[i].equals) {
var fruit = ["orange", "apple", "pear", "banana", "kiwifruit", "grapefruit", "peach", "cherry", "starfruit", "strawberry"];
var pref = [];
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
var temp = fruit.slice();
for (j in temp) temp.push(temp.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * (temp.length - j)), 1)[0]);
pref[i] = temp.join(" ");
function preference(person, a, b) {
if (pref[person].indexOf(a) - pref[person].indexOf(b) < 0) return -1
else if (pref[person].indexOf(a) - pref[person].indexOf(b) > 0) return 1
else return 0;
var t = new GroupPref(20, 10), c = 0, q;
while (q = t.getQuestion()) {
var answer = 0;
console.log(++c + ". ask " + q.people.length + " people (" + q.people + ")\n\tq: " + fruit[q.a] + " or " + fruit[q.b] + "?");
for (i in q.people) answer += preference(q.people[i], fruit[q.a], fruit[q.b]);
console.log("\ta: " + [fruit[q.a], "EQUAL", fruit[q.b]][answer != 0 ? answer / Math.abs(answer) + 1 : 1]);
var index = t.getOrder();
console.log("LIST IN ORDER:");
for (var i = 0, pos = 1; i < index.length; i++) {
var pre = pos + ". ";
for (var j = 0; j < index[i].length; j++) {
console.log(pre + fruit[index[i][j]]);
pre = " ";
pos += index[i].length;

Missing some paths in edmonds karp max flow algorithm

I'd implement Edmond Karp algorithm, but seems it's not correct and I'm not getting correct flow, consider following graph and flow from 4 to 8:
Algorithm runs as follow:
First finds 4→1→8,
Then finds 4→5→8
after that 4→1→6→8
And I think third path is wrong, because by using this path we can't use flow from 6→8 (because it used), and in fact we can't use flow from 4→5→6→8.
In fact if we choose 4→5→6→8, and then 4→1→3→7→8 and then 4→1→3→7→8 we can gain better flow(40).
I Implemented algorithm from wiki sample code. I think we can't use any valid path and in fact this greedy selection is wrong.
Am I wrong?
Code is as below (in c#, threshold is 0, and doesn't affect the algorithm):
public decimal EdmondKarps(decimal[][] capacities/*Capacity matrix*/,
List<int>[] neighbors/*Neighbour lists*/,
int s /*source*/,
int t/*sink*/,
decimal threshold,
out decimal[][] flowMatrix
/*flowMatrix (A matrix giving a legal flowMatrix with the maximum value)*/
THRESHOLD = threshold;
int n = capacities.Length;
decimal flow = 0m; // (Initial flowMatrix is zero)
flowMatrix = new decimal[n][]; //array(1..n, 1..n) (Residual capacity from u to v is capacities[u,v] - flowMatrix[u,v])
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
flowMatrix[i] = new decimal[n];
while (true)
var path = new int[n];
var pathCapacity = BreadthFirstSearch(capacities, neighbors, s, t, flowMatrix, out path);
if (pathCapacity <= threshold)
flow += pathCapacity;
//(Backtrack search, and update flowMatrix)
var v = t;
while (v != s)
var u = path[v];
flowMatrix[u][v] = flowMatrix[u][v] + pathCapacity;
flowMatrix[v][u] = flowMatrix[v][u] - pathCapacity;
v = u;
return flow;
private decimal BreadthFirstSearch(decimal[][] capacities, List<int>[] neighbors, int s, int t, decimal[][] flowMatrix, out int[] path)
var n = capacities.Length;
path = Enumerable.Range(0, n).Select(x => -1).ToArray();//array(1..n)
path[s] = -2;
var pathFlow = new decimal[n];
pathFlow[s] = Decimal.MaxValue; // INFINT
var Q = new Queue<int>(); // Q is exactly Queue :)
while (Q.Count > 0)
var u = Q.Dequeue();
for (int i = 0; i < neighbors[u].Count; i++)
var v = neighbors[u][i];
//(If there is available capacity, and v is not seen before in search)
if (capacities[u][v] - flowMatrix[u][v] > THRESHOLD && path[v] == -1)
// save path:
path[v] = u;
pathFlow[v] = Math.Min(pathFlow[u], capacities[u][v] - flowMatrix[u][v]);
if (v != t)
return pathFlow[t];
return 0;
The way to choose paths is not important.
You have to add edges of the path in reverse order with path capacity and reduce capacity of edges of the path by that value.
In fact this solution works:
while there is a path with positive capacity from source to sink{
find any path with positive capacity from source to sink, named P with capacity C.
add C to maximum_flow_value.
reduce C from capacity of edges of P.
add C to capacity of edges of reverse_P.
Finally the value of maximum-flow is sum of Cs in the loop.
If you want to see the flow in edges in the maximum-flow you made, you can retain the initial graph somewhere, the flow in edge e would be original_capacity_e - current_capacity_e.

Geo Fencing - point inside/outside polygon

I would like to determine a polygon and implement an algorithm which would check if a point is inside or outside the polygon.
Does anyone know if there is any example available of any similar algorithm?
If i remember correctly, the algorithm is to draw a horizontal line through your test point. Count how many lines of of the polygon you intersect to reach your point.
If the answer is odd, you're inside. If the answer is even, you're outside.
Edit: Yeah, what he said (Wikipedia):
C# code
bool IsPointInPolygon(List<Loc> poly, Loc point)
int i, j;
bool c = false;
for (i = 0, j = poly.Count - 1; i < poly.Count; j = i++)
if ((((poly[i].Lt <= point.Lt) && (point.Lt < poly[j].Lt))
|| ((poly[j].Lt <= point.Lt) && (point.Lt < poly[i].Lt)))
&& (point.Lg < (poly[j].Lg - poly[i].Lg) * (point.Lt - poly[i].Lt)
/ (poly[j].Lt - poly[i].Lt) + poly[i].Lg))
c = !c;
return c;
Location class
public class Loc
private double lt;
private double lg;
public double Lg
get { return lg; }
set { lg = value; }
public double Lt
get { return lt; }
set { lt = value; }
public Loc(double lt, double lg)
{ = lt;
this.lg = lg;
After searching the web and trying various implementations and porting them from C++ to C# I finally got my code straight:
public static bool PointInPolygon(LatLong p, List<LatLong> poly)
int n = poly.Count();
poly.Add(new LatLong { Lat = poly[0].Lat, Lon = poly[0].Lon });
LatLong[] v = poly.ToArray();
int wn = 0; // the winding number counter
// loop through all edges of the polygon
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
{ // edge from V[i] to V[i+1]
if (v[i].Lat <= p.Lat)
{ // start y <= P.y
if (v[i + 1].Lat > p.Lat) // an upward crossing
if (isLeft(v[i], v[i + 1], p) > 0) // P left of edge
++wn; // have a valid up intersect
{ // start y > P.y (no test needed)
if (v[i + 1].Lat <= p.Lat) // a downward crossing
if (isLeft(v[i], v[i + 1], p) < 0) // P right of edge
--wn; // have a valid down intersect
if (wn != 0)
return true;
return false;
private static int isLeft(LatLong P0, LatLong P1, LatLong P2)
double calc = ((P1.Lon - P0.Lon) * (P2.Lat - P0.Lat)
- (P2.Lon - P0.Lon) * (P1.Lat - P0.Lat));
if (calc > 0)
return 1;
else if (calc < 0)
return -1;
return 0;
The isLeft function was giving me rounding problems and I spent hours without realizing that I was doing the conversion wrong, so forgive me for the lame if block at the end of that function.
BTW, this is the original code and article:
By far the best explanation and implementation can be found at
Point In Polygon Winding Number Inclusion
There is even a C++ implementation at the end of the well explained article. This site also contains some great algorithms/solutions for other geometry based problems.
I have modified and used the C++ implementation and also created a C# implementation. You definitely want to use the Winding Number algorithm as it is more accurate than the edge crossing algorithm and it is very fast.
I think there is a simpler and more efficient solution.
Here is the code in C++. I should be simple to convert it to C#.
int pnpoly(int npol, float *xp, float *yp, float x, float y)
int i, j, c = 0;
for (i = 0, j = npol-1; i < npol; j = i++) {
if ((((yp[i] <= y) && (y < yp[j])) ||
((yp[j] <= y) && (y < yp[i]))) &&
(x < (xp[j] - xp[i]) * (y - yp[i]) / (yp[j] - yp[i]) + xp[i]))
c = !c;
return c;
The complete solution in asp.Net C#, you can see the complete detail here, you can see how to find point(lat,lon) whether its inside or Outside the Polygon using the latitude and longitudes ?
Article Reference Link
private static bool checkPointExistsInGeofencePolygon(string latlnglist, string lat, string lng)
List<Loc> objList = new List<Loc>();
// sample string should be like this strlatlng = "39.11495,-76.873259|39.114588,-76.872808|39.112921,-76.870373|";
string[] arr = latlnglist.Split('|');
for (int i = 0; i <= arr.Length - 1; i++)
string latlng = arr[i];
string[] arrlatlng = latlng.Split(',');
Loc er = new Loc(Convert.ToDouble(arrlatlng[0]), Convert.ToDouble(arrlatlng[1]));
Loc pt = new Loc(Convert.ToDouble(lat), Convert.ToDouble(lng));
if (IsPointInPolygon(objList, pt) == true)
return true;
return false;
private static bool IsPointInPolygon(List<Loc> poly, Loc point)
int i, j;
bool c = false;
for (i = 0, j = poly.Count - 1; i < poly.Count; j = i++)
if ((((poly[i].Lt <= point.Lt) && (point.Lt < poly[j].Lt)) |
((poly[j].Lt <= point.Lt) && (point.Lt < poly[i].Lt))) &&
(point.Lg < (poly[j].Lg - poly[i].Lg) * (point.Lt - poly[i].Lt) / (poly[j].Lt - poly[i].Lt) + poly[i].Lg))
c = !c;
return c;
Just a heads up (using answer as I can't comment), if you want to use point-in-polygon for geo fencing, then you need to change your algorithm to work with spherical coordinates. -180 longitude is the same as 180 longitude and point-in-polygon will break in such situation.
Relating to kobers answer I worked it out with more readable clean code and changed the longitudes that crosses the date border:
public bool IsPointInPolygon(List<PointPosition> polygon, double latitude, double longitude)
bool isInIntersection = false;
int actualPointIndex = 0;
int pointIndexBeforeActual = polygon.Count - 1;
var offset = calculateLonOffsetFromDateLine(polygon);
longitude = longitude < 0.0 ? longitude + offset : longitude;
foreach (var actualPointPosition in polygon)
var p1Lat = actualPointPosition.Latitude;
var p1Lon = actualPointPosition.Longitude;
var p0Lat = polygon[pointIndexBeforeActual].Latitude;
var p0Lon = polygon[pointIndexBeforeActual].Longitude;
if (p1Lon < 0.0) p1Lon += offset;
if (p0Lon < 0.0) p0Lon += offset;
// Jordan curve theorem - odd even rule algorithm
if (isPointLatitudeBetweenPolyLine(p0Lat, p1Lat, latitude)
&& isPointRightFromPolyLine(p0Lat, p0Lon, p1Lat, p1Lon, latitude, longitude))
isInIntersection = !isInIntersection;
pointIndexBeforeActual = actualPointIndex;
return isInIntersection;
private double calculateLonOffsetFromDateLine(List<PointPosition> polygon)
double offset = 0.0;
var maxLonPoly = polygon.Max(x => x.Longitude);
var minLonPoly = polygon.Min(x => x.Longitude);
if (Math.Abs(minLonPoly - maxLonPoly) > 180)
offset = 360.0;
return offset;
private bool isPointLatitudeBetweenPolyLine(double polyLinePoint1Lat, double polyLinePoint2Lat, double poiLat)
return polyLinePoint2Lat <= poiLat && poiLat < polyLinePoint1Lat || polyLinePoint1Lat <= poiLat && poiLat < polyLinePoint2Lat;
private bool isPointRightFromPolyLine(double polyLinePoint1Lat, double polyLinePoint1Lon, double polyLinePoint2Lat, double polyLinePoint2Lon, double poiLat, double poiLon)
// lon <(lon1-lon2)*(latp-lat2)/(lat1-lat2)+lon2
return poiLon < (polyLinePoint1Lon - polyLinePoint2Lon) * (poiLat - polyLinePoint2Lat) / (polyLinePoint1Lat - polyLinePoint2Lat) + polyLinePoint2Lon;
I add one detail to help people who live in the... south of earth!!
If you're in Brazil (that's my case), our GPS coord are all negatives.
And all these algo give wrong results.
The easiest way if to use the absolute values of the Lat and Long of all point. And in that case Jan Kobersky's algo is perfect.
Check if a point is inside a polygon or not -
Consider the polygon which has vertices a1,a2,a3,a4,a5. The following set of steps should help in ascertaining whether point P lies inside the polygon or outside.
Compute the vector area of the triangle formed by edge a1->a2 and the vectors connecting a2 to P and P to a1. Similarly, compute the vector area of the each of the possible triangles having one side as the side of the polygon and the other two connecting P to that side.
For a point to be inside a polygon, each of the triangles need to have positive area. Even if one of the triangles have a negative area then the point P stands out of the polygon.
In order to compute the area of a triangle given vectors representing its 3 edges, refer to
The problem is easier if your polygon is convex. If so, you can do a simple test for each line to see if the point is on the inside or outside of that line (extending to infinity in both directions). Otherwise, for concave polygons, draw an imaginary ray from your point out to infinity (in any direction). Count how many times it crosses a boundary line. Odd means the point is inside, even means the point is outside.
This last algorithm is trickier than it looks. You will have to be very careful about what happens when your imaginary ray exactly hits one of the polygon's vertices.
If your imaginary ray goes in the -x direction, you can choose only to count lines that include at least one point whose y coordinate is strictly less than the y coordinate of your point. This is how you get most of the weird edge cases to work correctly.
If you have a simple polygon (none of the lines cross) and you don't have holes you can also triangulate the polygon, which you are probably going to do anyway in a GIS app to draw a TIN, then test for points in each triangle. If you have a small number of edges to the polygon but a large number of points this is fast.
For an interesting point in triangle see link text
Otherwise definately use the winding rule rather than edge crossing, edge crossing has real problems with points on edges, which if your data is generated form a GPS with limited precision is very likely.
the polygon is defined as a sequential list of point pairs A, B, C .... A.
no side A-B, B-C ... crosses any other side
Determine box Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax
case 1 the test point P lies outside the box
case 2 the test point P lies inside the box:
Determine the 'diameter' D of the box {[Xmin,Ymin] - [Xmax, Ymax]} ( and add a little extra to avoid possible confusion with D being on a side)
Determine the gradients M of all sides
Find a gradient Mt most different from all gradients M
The test line runs from P at gradient Mt a distance D.
Set the count of intersections to zero
For each of the sides A-B, B-C test for the intersection of P-D with a side
from its start up to but NOT INCLUDING its end. Increment the count of intersections
if required. Note that a zero distance from P to the intersection indicates that P is ON a side
An odd count indicates P is inside the polygon
I translated c# method in Php and I added many comments to understand code.Description of PolygonHelps:
Check if a point is inside or outside of a polygon. This procedure uses gps coordinates and it works when polygon has a little geographic area.
INPUT:$poly: array of Point: polygon vertices list; [{Point}, {Point}, ...];$point: point to check; Point: {"lat" => "", "lng" => "y.yyy"}
When $c is false, the number of intersections with polygon is even, so the point is outside of polygon;When $c is true, the number of intersections with polygon is odd, so the point is inside of polygon;$n is the number of vertices in polygon;For each vertex in polygon, method calculates line through current vertex and previous vertex and check if the two lines have an intersection point.$c changes when intersection point exists.
So, method can return true if point is inside the polygon, else return false.
class PolygonHelps {
public static function isPointInPolygon(&$poly, $point){
$c = false;
$n = $j = count($poly);
for ($i = 0, $j = $n - 1; $i < $n; $j = $i++){
if ( ( ( ( $poly[$i]->lat <= $point->lat ) && ( $point->lat < $poly[$j]->lat ) )
|| ( ( $poly[$j]->lat <= $point->lat ) && ( $point->lat < $poly[$i]->lat ) ) )
&& ( $point->lng < ( $poly[$j]->lng - $poly[$i]->lng )
* ( $point->lat - $poly[$i]->lat )
/ ( $poly[$j]->lat - $poly[$i]->lat )
+ $poly[$i]->lng ) ){
$c = !$c;
return $c;
Jan's answer is great.
Here is the same code using the GeoCoordinate class instead.
using System.Device.Location;
public static bool IsPointInPolygon(List<GeoCoordinate> poly, GeoCoordinate point)
int i, j;
bool c = false;
for (i = 0, j = poly.Count - 1; i < poly.Count; j = i++)
if ((((poly[i].Latitude <= point.Latitude) && (point.Latitude < poly[j].Latitude))
|| ((poly[j].Latitude <= point.Latitude) && (point.Latitude < poly[i].Latitude)))
&& (point.Longitude < (poly[j].Longitude - poly[i].Longitude) * (point.Latitude - poly[i].Latitude)
/ (poly[j].Latitude - poly[i].Latitude) + poly[i].Longitude))
c = !c;
return c;
You can try this simple class
It is easy to deal with it
You just insert polygon coordinates into array
Ask library is desired point with lat/lng inside the polygon
$polygonBox = [
[55.761515, 37.600375],
[55.759428, 37.651156],
[55.737112, 37.649566],
[55.737649, 37.597301],
$sbPolygonEngine = new sbPolygonEngine($polygonBox);
$isCrosses = $sbPolygonEngine->isCrossesWith(55.746768, 37.625605);
// $isCrosses is boolean
(answer was returned from deleted by myself because initially it was formatted wrong)
