Compiling directories with SASSC - sass

I'm having trouble getting SASSC to compile my scss when I point it at a directory containing many scss files. If I specify just the top-level file that imports all the others, then it compiles fine, but that breaks the watch functionality of the build tool I'm using (lein-sass). This is because if I only tell it to watch the top-level file (rather than a whole directory), then it only picks up changes in the top-level file which we rarely update.
It looks like the problem is that it's not compiling things in the correct order, so dependencies are missing.
Is there something about how I should structure my scss files so that SASSC can figure out which file to compile first?
My structure is something like:
The my-app.scss file imports all the others, but they all depend upon the common.scss file in the components folder.


Integrating React-Native and TesseractOCR

I am attempting to integrate the TesseractOCRiOS package as part of the implementation of the react-native-text-detector package ( However, I am unable to compile under iOS, it fails with a 'TesseractOCR/TesseractOCR.h' file not found error.
I can see TesseractOCR in my Pods directory in Xcode but it does not follow the normal packaging convention. By this I mean, normally, I see a *.framework package within the directory but not in this case. I see the TesseractOCRiOS/TesseractOCR directory and within there, the *.h header files, *.m implementation files and lib/include directories.
I tried attempting to reference the header files through the Build Settings/Header Search Paths but that did not work. Thoughts on what you need to do in XCode to find the necessary header files?

What's the usage of Golang static library file?

I see go install <main package> will compile the dependency packages into static library files and install them into the pkg directory, but the executable doesn't need the library files when running. And I also discover that source file is necessary when compiling.
So, is there any special usage of the static files?
The compiled packages can be reused if you compile something else. This saves time on subsequent compiles. When you recompile you only need to compile the package and the things that depend on it, not its dependencies.
They also contain data used by gocode for autcompleting.

Middleman: Include a .scss file in the build, but do not compile it

When running the middleman build command, all the stylesheet files specified in the set :css_dir are compiled to .css extensions.
My question is: How can I exclude a .scss file from the compilation process (so that the content remains the same and doesn't compile to CSS), but can it be available in the build directory after middleman build?
A question was raised whether it's similar to ignoring the .scss files in Compass compilation: It's similar in nature, but unlike that process, which is more along the line of "ignore this file during the compilation", this question is specific to middleman, which is "ignore this file during the compilation, but do not ignore it during the build process".
Yoy may use the _underscore prefix to exclude files from Sass compilation. It's intended for usage with includes/partials, but will do the job. Sass won't compile those files until you #include them.
After that, simply copy the needed files to your build directory. The :after_build hook should be the right place for that:

Does Boost BCP also copy the required LIB files?

This may be a no-brainer for longtime boost users, but I’m just getting into boost.
I built the full boost distribution and BCP to extract just the parts I need to put in my VisualStudio C++ project.
What I found is when I call bcp, it copies the source tree to the destination. It doesn’t copy the required compiled lib files though (for those modules that need it).
So when I build my project and include
#include "boost/program_options.hpp"
for example, I get a linker error:
*Error 1 error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_program_options-vc100-mt-sgd-1_54.lib'*
So my question is this:
should BCP also copy over the compiled LIB files as necessary ?
is it standard procedure for users of BOOST to manually copy those complied library files themselves?
I recently started experimenting with BCP. It seems like any boost modules that require libraries will not be copied, but instead they need to be built using bjam.
For example, when you run bcp on your code it will output some 'INFO' statements like this:
INFO: tracking source dependencies of library date_time due to presence of BOOST_DATE_TIME_DECL...
INFO: tracking source dependencies of library smart_ptr due to presence of "void sp_scalar_constructor_hook...
Notice that in addition to the generated 'boost' folder containing a bunch of copied boost header files there will be a 'libs' folder along with Jam files (Jamroot, Jamfile.v2, etc).
I think you need to cd to the directories with the Jamfiles and use bjam to build the needed libraries.
Maybe this answer will help:
Building a subset of boost in windows

Temporarily including a sass file while compiling

All the sass files in my application are compiled into one big css file, but it's become rather bloated. In order to monitor where the bloat is coming from I've written a batch file to go through each individual sass file and compile it as a separate stylesheet. The problem is that each stylesheet is dependent on one in particular one - _mixins_and_vars.scss - which is only included once in my over-arching styles.scss stylesheet, and not referenced at all in the other sass files.
Is there a way I can temporarily import extra sass stylesheets while compilation is running?
Here's a suggestion: in your batch script,
insert reference to _mixins_and_vars.scss into your target file
compile that
remove reference
