Jfxtras Agenda - Better Support for Non-overlapping Appointments - jfxtras

How do I make the Jfxtras Agenda component treat the following two appointments as non-overlapping? Also, is there a way to increase the snap-to-grid granularity of the grid from 5 minutes to 30 minutes, to mimic Outlook? With the 5 minutes precision, it is very difficult to create back-to-back appointments, without making them overlap, or creating gaps between them.
Appointment 1
Start: 2pm
End: 5pm
Appointment 2
Start: 5pm
End: 9PM

I fixed the consecutive appointments rendering issue, the new snapshot should work ok. As for the rounding, I will add a CSS stylable property where this can be set later today.

I simply modified the appointment callback. To make it so that only 15 minute segments could be used to make appointments I used dateTimeRange.getStartLocalDateTime().minusMinutes(dateTimeRange.getStartLocalDateTime().getMinute()%15)
You can use this for the end time as well, and from then on you will only get appointments made with 15 min intervals. Just change the 15 to change the interval. The only potential downfall is that you could frustrate users if they shoot too low when dragging, but that could be solved as well with a simple if statement.


AnyLogic model time only from 06:00-22:00

is there a way that my model runs only for 16 hours a day instead of 24 hours?
My goal is to skip the time between 22:00 and 06:00.
I tried to change the model times properties -> nothing found to change
Another idea is that an event occurs every evening and changes the model time to the next morning, but I could not find a function to change the model time :(
You cannot simply exclude some time. You can:
fast forward through time at 10pm (but model events will still be simulated if you have them --> your responsibility to not have anything happen)
switch to your own time mode where you convert time() steps into your frame of reference (i.e. your model is in HOUR time units and after the first 22 hours, you assume implicitly that the next hour would be 6am again)
just model 16 hrs in 1 model run but re-run that several times via a (freerun) parameter-variation experiment (where each run is a new day) and you accumulate results via the experiment

Can I set a specific start_time and duration in each ice_cube rule or do all rules need to use the same settings?

The ice_cube gem, meant to handle recurring events, allows to set a start_time, as well as a duration, when creating a schedule, as follows:
schedule = IceCube::Schedule.new(start_datetime, duration: duration)
Then, we can add recurrence rules to that schedule, for instance like this:
This is great when you want to create an event of the same duration for every occurrence, such as a standup meeting that starts at 9:00am and lasts 15 minutes every day of the week.
However, what if that standup meeting needs to be 30 minutes on Tuesdays, and 15 minutes every other day of the week?
I can see how we could accomplish that with two different schedules:
schedule1 = IceCube::Schedule.new(start_time, duration: 900)
schedule1.add_recurrence_rule(IceCube::Rule.weekly(self.weekly_frequency).day(:monday, :wednesday, :thursday, :friday))
schedule2 = IceCube::Schedule.new(start_time, duration: 1800)
However, is there a way to accomplish this with just one schedule, by specifying start_time and duration at the rule level instead of at the schedule level?
If this can be achieved only with multiple schedules, is there a way to check if an event (like the standup meeting in my example) occurs based on the rules of multiple schedules?

Recurring Toasts with Windows 8.1 Store Apps build with JS

I've been trying to create notifications that happen on a weekly basis - for example, every monday at 8am.
I've tried to use a recurring toast for this - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh465417.aspx - but realized that the recurrence parameters are more designed for a snooze functionality, with a maximum delay of 60 minutes, and a maximum repeat for 3 times.
Is there a suggested workaround for this?
Is there a best practice for such a use case?
You're right that the recurrence on scheduled toasts is designed for snooze. Unfortunately, the API doesn't provide a way to show the same toast multiple times on a fixed schedule.
You'll need to manually create a ScheduledToastNotification each time you want it to be shown. In your example, you might create and schedule out a toast a week for each Monday at 8 AM.

EWS appointment time intervals

This question probably has a very easy solution!
At work we're using Exchange 2010, and a co-developer insists that the web services only bring back a range of appointment slots that are 30 minutes long.
We really need the times to be in increments of 10- or 15- minutes, but he maintains that there is no way in EWS that the increments can be shortened.
Is this true? and if not, how can the time increments be shortened?
Are you talking about using the GetUserAvailibility operation in EWS ? You can adjust the Interval using the MergedFreeBusyIntervalInMinutes property see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/aa580719(v=exchg.150).aspx . The default is 30 minutes but it can be between 6 and 1440 minutes.

Sonar - Custom Time Changes or Time Span

In many reports there is the option to limit the report to a time span. I believe they call it a differential xxx (e.g. filter, dashboard, etc...). In the drop down there are three options: all time, 30 days, or 90 days. Is this customizable? Could it show the last 7 or 14 days? Could is show custom time spans. I would like to be to report on a sprint (we are practicing Agile Scrum). The behavior of developers is rhythmic and it would make the most sense to show reports for a sprint as this is the time span that determines the rhythm.
You'll find the answers to all your questions at http://docs.codehaus.org/display/SONAR/Differential+Views#DifferentialViews-DifferentialViewsSettings
