oracle regexp_replace delete last occurrence of special character - oracle

I have a pl sql string as follows :
String := 'ctx_ddl.add_stopword(''"SHARK_IDX19_SPL"'',''can'');
create index "SCOTT"."SHARK_IDX2"
indextype is ctxsys.context
datastore "SHARK_IDX2_DST"
filter "SHARK_IDX2_FIL"
section group "SHARK_IDX2_SGP"
lexer "SHARK_IDX2_LEX"
wordlist "SHARK_IDX2_WDL"
stoplist "SHARK_IDX2_SPL"
storage "SHARK_IDX2_STO"
sync (every "SYSDATE+(1/1)" memory 67108864)
I have to get search the final occurrence of '/' and add ';' to it. Also I need to escape the quotes preset in parameters ('') to have extra quotes. I need output like
String := 'ctx_ddl.add_stopword(''"SHARK_IDX19_SPL"'',''can'');
create index "SCOTT"."SHARK_IDX2"
indextype is ctxsys.context
datastore "SHARK_IDX2_DST"
filter "SHARK_IDX2_FIL"
section group "SHARK_IDX2_SGP"
lexer "SHARK_IDX2_LEX"
wordlist "SHARK_IDX2_WDL"
stoplist "SHARK_IDX2_SPL"
storage "SHARK_IDX2_STO"
sync (every "SYSDATE+(1/1)" memory 67108864)
Any help.

There's an age-old saying: "Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems"
Unless you are confronted by a problem that truly requires regular expressions, I'd recommend working with basic string manipulation functions.
Use INSTR to find last occurence of '/', call this P1.
Result = Substr from position 1 through P1||';'||substr from P1+1 through to end-of-string
Parameters substitution:
Use INSTR to find where parameter list starts (i.e. find "parameters(" in your string) and ends (presumably the last closing parenthesis ")" in your string). Call these P2 and P3.
Result = substr from 1 through P2 || REPLACE(substr from P2+1 through P3-1,'''','''''''') || substr from P3 to end-of-string


Sybase UDF difficulty

When I try to run the following function on Sybase ASE 15.7, it just spins indefinitely. Each component of the function seems to act as expected independently. This is simply a mechanism to strip all non-numeric characters from a string. Any and all thoughts appreciated.
create function dbo.mdsudf_just_digits(#str varchar(64))
returns varchar(64)
while patindex('%[^0-9]%', #str) > 0
set #str = stuff(#str, patindex('%[^0-9]%', #str), 1, '')
return #str
-- A typical invocation would be like so:
select dbo.mdsudf_just_digits('hello123there456')
In Sybase (ASE) the empty string ('') actually translates into a single space:
select '.'+''+'.' -- period + empty string + period
. . -- we get a space between the periods
So in the current stuff(#str, ..., 1, '') you're actually replacing the first non-numeric with a single space. This 'new' space then matches the non-number test on the next pass through the loop at which point the space is replaced with ... another space. This is leading to an infinite loop of constantly replacing the first non-number character with a space.
You can get around this by using NULL as the last arg to the stuff() call, eg:
set #str = stuff(#str, patindex('%[^0-9]%', #str), 1, NULL)

Buffer gets get reduced when escaping dot with back slash

I have the below query
( categorymap.logfilename = '**hello\.log**' )
AND ( categorymap.categorytypeid = )
Index is available for column logfilename of categorymap table.
I noticed the buffer gets was more when not adding "\" before "." in where clause. Both cases, before and after adding "\", index range scan was used on logfilename column as per explain plan.
Could someone please explain what role does '.' play in here in increasing buffer gets?
If you are talking about this:
= '**hello\.log**'
(maybe it is just = 'hello\.log'; double asterisks for bold?), then: you didn't escape anything. This query will search the logfilename column for exactly such a string: hello followed by a backslash \ followed by a dot . followed by log.
You'd escape a dot in e.g. regular expression, but there's none here, so ...

Oracle PL/SQL Query With Dynamic Parameters in Where Clause

I'm trying to write a dynamic query that could have a different amount of parameters of different type. The only issue I'm having is handling if the value is a string therefore needing single quotes around it. I am using the value of a field called key_ref_ to determine what my where clause will look like. Some examples are:
At the moment I am replacing the '^' with ' and ' like this:
REPLACE( key_ref_, '^' ,' and ' );
Then I'm trying to create the dynamic query like this:
'select '||column_name_||' into column_ from '||base_table_||' where '||
key_ref_ || 'rownum = 1';
This won't work in cases where the value is not a number.
Also I only added "rownum = 1" to handle the extra 'and' at the end instead of removing the last occurence.
If the input will not have the tild symbol(~) then you can try the below code.
if the input has tild, you can replace it with some other value which should not be there in input
considering the input provided in the example..
use the below code
replace(replace(replace('LINE_NO=1^ORDER_NO=P6002277^RECEIPT_NO=1^RELEASE_NO=1^PART_NO=221091^PART_REV=R02^','^','~ and '),'=','=~'),'~',q'[']')
and the result would be
LINE_NO='1' and ORDER_NO='P6002277' and RECEIPT_NO='1' and RELEASE_NO='1' and PART_NO='221091' and PART_REV='R02' and
System will type cast the number fields so, there would not be any issue.

Oracle SQL: Using Replace function while Inserting

I have a query like this:
(RequestOrigin, RequestKey, CommentText) VALUES ('Tracker', 'OPM03865_0', '[Orange.Security.OrangePrincipal]
it's friday!')
As expected it is throwing an error of missing comma, due to this it's friday! which has a single quote.
I want to remove this single quote while inserting using Replace function.
How can this be done?
Reason for error is because of the single Quote. In order to correct it, you shall not remove the single quote instead you need to add one more i.e. you need to make it's friday to it''s friday while inserting.
If you need to replace it for sure, then try the below code :
insert into Blagh values(REPLACE('it''s friday', '''', ''),12);
I would suggest using Oracle q quote.
INSERT INTO TAB_AUTOCRCMTREQUESTS (RequestOrigin, RequestKey, CommentText)
VALUES ('Tracker', 'OPM03865_0',
q'{[Orange.Security.OrangePrincipal] em[u02650791]okok it's friday!}')
You can read about q quote here.
To shorten this article you will follow this format: q'{your string here}' where "{" represents the starting delimiter, and "}" represents the ending delimiter. Oracle automatically recognizes "paired" delimiters, such as [], {}, (), and <>. If you want to use some other character as your start delimiter and it doesn't have a "natural" partner for termination, you must use the same character for start and end delimiters.
Obviously you can't user [] delimiters because you have this in your queries. I sugest using {} delimiters.
Of course you can use double qoute in it it''s with replace. You can omit last parameter in replace because it isn't mandatory and without it it automatically will remove ' character.
Single quotes are escaped by doubling them up
INSERT INTO Blagh VALUES(REPLACE('it''s friday', '''', ''),12);
You can try this, (sorry but I don't know why q'[ ] works)
(RequestOrigin, RequestKey, CommentText) VALUES ('Tracker', 'OPM03865_0', q'[[Orange.Security.OrangePrincipal] em[u02650791]okok it's friday!]')
I just got the q'[] from this link Oracle pl-sql escape character (for a " ' ") - this question could be a possible duplicate

Oracle Pattern matching

In Oracle I want to check whether the string has "=' sign at the end. could you please let me know how to check it. If it has '=' sign at the end of string, I need to trailing that '=' sign.
for eg,
varStr VARCHAR2(20);
varStr = 'abcdef='; --needs to trailing '=' sign
I don't think you need "pattern matching" here. Just check if the last character is the =
where substr(varstr, -1, 1) = '='
substr when called with a negative position will work from the end of the string, so substr(varstr,-1,1) extracts the last character of the given string.
Use the REGEX_EXP function. I'm putting a sql command since you didn't specify on your question.:
select *
from someTable
where regexp_like( someField, '=$' );
The pattern $ means that the precedent character should be at the end of the string.
see it here on sql fiddle:!4/d8afd/3
It seems that substr is the way to go, at lease with my sample data of about 400K address lines this returns 1043 entries that end in 'r' in an average of 0.2 seconds.
select count(*) from addrline where substr(text, -1, 1) = 'r';
On the other hand, the following returns the same results but takes 1.1 seconds.
select count(*) from addrline where regexp_like(text, 'r$' );
