Meta key bindings - cloud9-ide

How to use Ctrl-Meta-Down combination for Windows Chrome (default keystroke)?
Is it possible, without config overriding?

To use this press windows key, ctrl and down arrow at the same time.


How to prevent activating Ctrl+Alt+key bindings when pressing R.Alt+key?

I have one very annoying issue with Eclipse under Windows. The key bindings for Ctrl+Alt+key are activated when I press Right Alt+ key. This made me viewing the list of key bindings and remove all bindings for Ctrl+Alt+key, which I would find usable, when they wouldn't block inputing characters.
I'm using keyboard mappings, where right conrol is a switch key for national characters. Right Alt+e = ę, Right Alt+O = ó etc. Eclipse seems not to be compatibile with such keyboard layouts.
Is there any possibility of switching off this behaviour and making Eclipse to use key bindings only with Left Alt key?
No, eclipse doesn't differentiate between which CTRL key is used to execute a keybinding. It's listening for any key pressed with a modifier (CTRL, ALT, etc) in an SWT filter.
If it's not the OS consuming the CTRL and generating the national character then the eclipse keybindings could consume it before your get your correct character.

iTerm Emacs key codes for Ctrl + <Arrow Keys>

In Emacs on Linux terms and Cygwin, Ctrl + Up/Down causes a long jump (depending on the mode) say one function block down, on iTerm however this does not work I am assuming I need to manually set key codes send?
I guess you are using iTerm 2. Go to Preferences window in iTerm, and check both "Keys" tabs. One is in the main tabs and the second is for each profile. By default, in the "Keys" tab in your profile ^↑ are ^↓ are defined there to send some backward-compatible special keys. Remove them for your profile and you're good to go!
UPDATE: This change doesn't seem to affect your current tab or window. You may need to start a new iTerm window.
Use M-{ and M-} instead.

Why is so complicated to remap Esc to CAPS LOCK in Vim?

I saw the vim wiki tips and it says that in order to remap Esc to CAPS LOCK you have to edit the following windows code:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Keyboard Layout]
"Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,01,00,3a,00,00,00,00,00
Is it possible to remap Esc to CAPS LOCK by only adding or modifying lines in the _vimrc?
I recommend that you use AutoHotkey for this.
You can do a per-application hotkey change:
This script, for example sets caps to escape in vim, and control everywhere else.
There's no vim key identifier for the capslock key, so you have to do it with a scan code.
It would be like trying to map the ctrl key or the shift key to something - those keys don't do anything by themselves, they are key modifiers, so they can't be trapped the same way.
The mapping has to be done at the OS level instead of vim, so the complication comes from the OS. For example, on my Ubuntu machine I have the following in ~/.Xmodmap:
! Esc on caps lock
remove Lock = Caps_Lock
keysym Caps_Lock = Escape
However, I don't think the REGEDIT script is so bad. It's kind of ugly, but it's only two lines!
Also you can try this: SharpKeys.
I swaped CapLock and Esc with it.
You could also use Ctrl-C to escape (Available at least in vim). Which is what I normally use. I commonly swap control and capslock, though, and have done so through registry settings in windows and keyboard conf in ubuntu.
Edit: as #mMontu kindly notes, Ctrl-C is more brutal than Esc: As stated in this appropriate question,
vim isn't going to bother checking if you just wrote part of an
abbreviation, and it isn't going to run the fancy auto commands your
plugins have set up for every time you leave insert mode
I hadn't noticed because my vimming is not so advanced yet.
Another alternative that worked well for me was to use the instructions found in
this website
Essentially: Install Microsoft's Keyboard Layout Creator, then edit its source code to allow remapping of CAPS LOCK and create your own custom layout.
Remap CAPSLOCK to ESC and CTRL on Windows
A very nice tool that I've already described in this answer gives you the possibility to remap CAPSLOCK to both
to ESC (when pressed alone) and
to CTRL (when pressed with other keys)
Just use this little piece of open source software by ililim.
You do not need Admin privileges for this and ESC and CTRL are still working as expected.
I use it to enjoy convenient CTRL + anything presses without hurting my pinky and to toggle modes in Vim that I use via ssh in MobaXterm. For installation just follow this description.

Using the ALT key on Komodo for Mac OS X

I am using the Emacs keybinding on Komodo IDE where Komodo uses the command key for "Meta" by default. So you press Command-X when you normally press Alt+X for Emacs on Linux.
I want to use the actual Alt key .. so when I tried to assign Alt+K, Komodo informs that "This key combination is not available" (see screenshot below)
Komodo Preferences Dialog screenshot
How do I use the Alt key in Komodo? Is it possible?
On the Mac the Option/Alt key is used to quickly enter non-ASCII characters.
Komodo provides a few bindings involving control keys, like Alt+Return to
edit a file's properties, but it stays away from the Alt/Option key for
the most part.
I tried binding [Go to file...] to Cmd+Alt+K. The preferences dialog
accepted it (although it said it was first bound to Cmd+¬, and later said
it was bound to Cmd+Alt+Û, both of which gave me the feeling that
the binding would fail to work. There have been Mozilla bugs dealing
with inconsistencies in keybindings on OS X, and we're seeing that here.
Komodo will also let you create keybindings using combinations of
the Command, Control, and Shift keys -- I would stick with those,
and leave the Alt key for entering non-ASCII characters.
One can workaround this behavior using ControllerMate or a similar tool:
Create a new Driver Configuration for your normal keyboard
In that configuration, swap the Option and Command keys
Disable this new configuration
Create a new ControllerMate page
Add an Application Block to that page which only triggers when Komodo IDE is running in the foreground
Add a Properties Block connected to the Application Block which enables your Driver
Thus, when Komodo IDE is running in the foreground, ControllerMate swaps
Command and Option, giving you the Meta behavior you get everywhere else in OS X.

Page down and page up in Emacs on Windows using the Windows key

I am trying to learn Emacs and trying to find best keyboard layout for me. One thing is really annoying me. I have added following lines to .emacs
(global-set-key "\C-y" 'scroll-up)
(global-set-key "\M-y" 'scroll-down)
When I hold Control and press y a few times, it will page down on every press of y.
However, when I hold the Windows key (mapped as Meta) and press y a few times it will only page up on the first press of y and all subsequent presses of y I get the ‘y’ character inserted in the buffer.
Can the page up behave like page down? I want to hold Meta and keep pressing y to scroll multiple pages up.
I am using GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2008-05-12 on LENNART-69DE564 (patched). It is Emacs with EmacsW32 patch. Is this problem with this Emacs? Problem with Meta key?
I tried original GNU Emacs (not patched) and it works OK with Alt. But my problem is not that I want to scroll without releasing any key. I release key y and press it multiple times but don't want to have to release Meta key. Same problem is described here:
Problem is not in that I have changed key mapping. It looks like it is a bug in EmacsW32 version. Here is another description of the problem:
Unreleased Meta/Win modifier
Use C-v and M-v.
Don't change C-y, M-y default bindings.
Could this be a side affect of using the Windows key as Meta? I'm thinking this because in a non-Emacs situation if you press and hold the Windows key and another key for a short cut (Win+E for Explorer, Win+R for Run dialog, etc.) the desired action only triggers once, not multiple times if you keep holding it down.
I'd try reassigning Meta to Alt and see if the problem persists. If it doesn't, then I'm not sure what other option you have, since likely it's the OS only sending the Windows key press once to the app in focus.
You should use the patched EmacsW32 version, if you want the Windows key as Meta.
From the site about the patches:
"Changes that makes it possible to use the window keyboard keys as META in Emacs. Without this patch key sequences like E will always do what they by default does in windows, ie in this case open up Windows Explorer. (This patched is not used by default, you have to turn it on.)"
