Date format not recognized while returning results - oracle

select * from table where trunc(value1)=to_date('25-AUG-15','DD-MON-YY');
This is fine
select * from table where trunc(value1)=to_date('25-AUG-15','DD-Mon-YY');
This returned as well although the valid value should be 25-Aug-15
Even this works,
select * from table where trunc(value1)=to_date('25/AUG/15','DD-MON-YY');
result is returned
And this,
select * from table where trunc(value1) = to_date('25-AUG-15', 'DD-MM-YY');
result is returned
but this works very well
select * from table where trunc(value1) = to_date('25-AUG-15','MMDDYY');
it checks for the month, which is not found and returns error(well parsed!!!)
Why is that format specifier is not performing strict check on the date value supplied?

This seems to be Oracle trying to do you a solid and make it easy to parse dates into something sensible. I can't find any documentation to support this, but not only is the format mask case insensitive, but it would appear that any sequence of non-alphanumeric characters that are not a control characters that appear in either the input string or the format mask are treated as required wildcards, such that from Oracle's perspective:
TO_DATE('17!!!SEP£££15', 'DD$$$MON***YY')
is identical to:
TO_DATE('170915', 'DDMONYY')
If the number and position of the wildcards in your input don't match those of the format mask, you'll get a exception relating to the next token it is looking for:
TO_DATE('17!!!!SEP-15', 'DD-MON-YY')
ORA-01843: not a valid month
However, it gets even more weird when you look at how the wildcards in the format mask are interpreted. It seems that between tokens, any sequence of non-alphanumeric characters is treated as a single but optional wildcard, such that:
is the same as:
and because the wildcards in the format mask are option, also has the same effect as:


Insert white space in oracle APEX currency format mask

I'm using oracle APEX 20.1 and have a report with a column that displays currency values.
Since I'm from Europe I need the currency symbol to be behind the value (unlike the typical $amount format you see often in America).
I achieved this by changing the column's format mask to 'FM999G999G999G999G990D00L'.
This works well so far, but visually I would prefer if there was a whitespace between the end of the number (D00) and the currency symbol (L). Is there a way to insert a static whitespace in this format string?
I already looked through oracle's documentation on currency format strings, but they do not seem to mention such an option to include an always-there whitespace or an arbitrary static character.
Thank you in advance.
You can't include punctuation or character literals in a number mask as you can for dates, unfortunately.
You can include a space as part of the currency symbol itself - that is a string, not a character, and can be up to 10 bytes:
to_char(<number>, 'FM999G999G999G999G990D00L', 'nls_currency='' $''')
though that then uses a fixed currency symbol, not the session value from the L format element; you can get it dynamically from the session parameters:
select 'nls_currency='' ' || value || ''''
from nls_session_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_CURRENCY'
which is a bit ugly. And you might not actually want the session's currency symbol; it might be more appropriate to always use the symbol that's relevant to that data.
And I imagine neither of those will fit in to Apex's numeric column formatting, so you would probably need to do that to_char() call explicitly in your query and have Apex just treat it as a pre-formatted string. (I have no idea how formatting works in Apex - from your description I'm assuming there is somewhere you define a format mask for a column in an interactive grid or whatever; but maybe you are already calling to_char().)
You can also change the currency symbol for the session:
alter session set nls_currency = ' €';
select to_char(123.45, 'FM999G999G999G999G990D00L') from dual;
123.45 €
which might be an option but would affect all currency fields - where the L format element is used - though maybe that's a good thing.

Oracle: Why does to_date() accept 2 digit year when I have 4 digits in format string? - and how to enforce 4 digits?

I want to check a date for correctness. (Let's not talk about the fact, that the date is stored in a varchar please ...)
Dates are stored like DDMMYYYY so for instance 24031950 is a correct date. 240319 is not.
So I do this, when the call works, it's a correct date:
select to_date('24031950','DDMMYYYY') from dual;
But unfortunately this also does not return an error:
select to_date('240319','DDMMYYYY') from dual (why?);
But it's interesting, that this one does not work:
select to_date('190324','YYYYMMDD') from dual;
So, how to enforce a check o 4 digit year with the given format mask?
Quoting the docs:
Oracle Database converts strings to dates with some flexibility. [...]
And I believe that flexibility is what you are seeing. You can turn it off with the fx modifier:
FX: Requires exact matching between the character data and the format model
select to_date('240319','fxDDMMYYYY') from dual;
Gives an ORA-01862 error.
Just an additional note to Mat's answer. fx acts like a switch in the string.
For example TO_DATE('2019-11-5','fxYYYY-MM-DD') gives an ORA-01862 error because exact matching applies for the entire string. If you need exact match only for parts of the string, then use for example
In this case YYYY-MM- has to match exactly, whereas DD applies flexible (or lazy) match.
To check whether it is in correct format without exceptions you can also use regex functions.
One possible way would to be check if the string contains 8 digits:
select REGEXP_INSTR ('24031950', '[0-9]{8}') from dual;
select REGEXP_INSTR ('240350', '[0-9]{8}') from dual;

Oracle a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected

I have problem with some thing input multiple date through prompt
my query something like
select something
to_date (bus.TDATE) not in (:didb1)
I want to input like '12-Jun-2016','11-Jun-2016'
i am doing php oracle,
My code following:
select bus.*,con.* from
BusinessPayment bus,
ConsumerPayment con
where bus.TDATE=con.TDATE
and to_date (bus.TDATE) not in (:didbv)
oci_bind_by_name($stid, ':didbv', $bscode1);
You can't use a single bind variable to represent a list of values in an in() clause. Bind variables don't contain multiple values; the value you bind is seen as a single string value. So you're effectively doing:
to_date (bus.TDATE) not in (q'['11-June-2016','10-June-2016','09-June-2016']')
If TDATE is already a date type - which it hopefully is, and the joins suggest it might be - then you should not be passing that through to_date() - you are doing an implicit conversion from date to string, then a semi-explicit conversion back to a date, both using your session's NLS_DATE_FORMAT. That is either doing unnecessary work, or losing resolution, depending on your format model and whether the dates have times. If the intention is to ignore the time part of the value then there are better ways to do that.
Anyway, since that is a date now whatever type it was before, the right had side of that filter will also be converted to a date, so you're doing:
to_date (bus.TDATE) not in (to_date(q'['11-June-2016','10-June-2016','09-June-2016']'))
... and it's that which is throwing the exception, whatever your NLS settings are. Even if you passed a single value it would error because of the embedded single quotes. You can replicate that with:
select to_date(q'['11-June-2016','10-June-2016','09-June-2016']') from dual;
which also gets ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected.
Ideally you would pass the individual date strings as elements of an array, but you can also work around this with an XML hack. You can pass a single string containing comma-delimited values to XMLTable(), and it will split it in to rows:
select * from xmltable(q'['11-June-2016','10-June-2016','09-June-2016']');
Then you can convert each of those values to a date:
select to_date(column_value, 'DD-Month-YYYY')
from xmltable(q'['11-June-2016','10-June-2016','09-June-2016']')
and use that in a subquery or a join:
select * from dual
where trunc(sysdate) not in (select to_date(column_value, 'DD-Month-YYYY')
from xmltable(q'['11-June-2016','10-June-2016','09-June-2016']'));
And that works with a string bind variable, so your code would be:
select bus.*,con.*
from BusinessPayment bus
join ConsumerPayment con
on bus.TDATE=con.TDATE
where bus.TDATE not in (select to_date(column_value, 'DD-Month-YYYY')
from xmltable(:didbv));
I've modified this to use ANSI join syntax, which isn't relevant but there's rarely a reason to use the ancient syntax you have. If TDATE does include the time you'll need to modify it a bit - truncating is simplest but might affect performance.
Or you could join:
select bus.*,con.*
from xmltable(:didbv) x
join BusinessPayment bus
on bus.TDATE >= to_date(x.column_value, 'DD-Month-YYYY')
and bus.TDATE < to_date(x.column_value, 'DD-Month-YYYY') + 1
join ConsumerPayment con
on bus.TDATE=con.TDATE
In this version TDATE can have a time, and it matches any time on the days specified in the bind variable.
It would be better to supply the dates in a format that doesn't have the month name in it, as that could give you problems when run in different sessions or locales. If you know the PHP side will always be English you could force that to be recognised:
on bus.TDATE >= to_date(x.column_value, 'DD-Month-YYYY', #NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=ENGLISH')
but if you can change the PHP format to use month numbers, and change the Oracle format model to match, that would be a bit simpler.

Oracle to_date format issue

I have an insert statement, where one of the inserted fields is date. I use to_date function to convert string to date in this way:
to_date('10-MAY-10', 'DD-MON-RR')
It works fine, but I found, that it allows also variants like:
to_date('10?MAY?10', 'DD-MON-RR')
to_date('10+MAY+10', 'DD-MON-RR')
I'm expecting an Oracle error, however it makes an insert. Could you please explain why or give a reference to relevant documentation?
Oracle will test for other formats if it fails to find a match in the string - you can see the rules for what it looks for here in the documentation.
As an aside, years have four digits. Please make sure you specify all four when you provide a date-as-a-string, where possible; it saves the database from having to guess and potentially getting it wrong. I.e. your original example should be:
to_date('10-05-2010', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
If you need to restrict the date-as-a-string to a specific format, you can use the fx format modifier, which is mentioned earlier in the same document I linked to previously.
eg. to_date('10/05/2010', 'dd-mm-yyyy') would match but to_date('10/05/2010', 'fxdd-mm-yyyy') would fail

Restrict thousand separator in TO_NUMBER (Oracle)

I'm trying to parse numbers using the following code
TO_NUMBER('1,234.56', '9999999D99')
For some reason comma is ignored and the value is parsed correctly, despite the format doesn't have it. Is there any way to restrict usage of thousand group separator?
So far I only came up with setting a bogus symbol as a separator with the hope that user will not use it
TO_NUMBER('1,234.56', '9999999D99', 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=''.ã''');
This is a very strange request - if Oracle is correctly converting the string to a number then it seems to be doing it's job correctly. However, if you really need to do this for whatever reason then simply remove the format mask.
SQL> select to_number('1,234.56') from dual;
select to_number('1,234.56') from dual
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01722: invalid number
SQL> select to_number('1234.56') from dual;
Though the SQL Language Reference doesn't mention any default values I believe that the default value for the format mask described in the OLAP DML Reference for TO_NUMBER() applies:
The default number format identifies a period (.) as the decimal marker and does not recognize any other symbol.
This, in turn, means that a comma is an invalid value for the conversion and thus the conversion will fail.
