How to enable devexpress MVC upload control on client side - model-view-controller

I have a problem when I try to enable MVC upload control. The upload control is initially disabled. I want the upload control to be enabled when the user select an option in CheckBoxList. UploadControl does not allow changing its enabled state on the client side but how to do that. Can you help me and give me some example how to do that with postback or otherwise.

Place UploadControl inside a CallbackPanel.
#Html.DevExpress().CallbackPanel(settings =>
settings.Name = "CallbackPanel";
settings.CallbackRouteValues = new { Controller = "Home", Action = "CallbackPanelPartial" };
// other settings
settings.SetContent(() =>
using (Html.BeginForm("UploadControlUpload", "Home", FormMethod.Post))
Html.DevExpress().UploadControl(s =>
s.Name = "UploadControl";
s.CallbackRouteValues = new { Controller = "Home", Action = "UploadControlUpload" };
// other settings
s.Enabled = (bool)ViewData["UPEnabled"];
We will store a variable that will indicate if the UploadControl is enabled in ViewData. So, I get its value on the CallbackPanel partial view. On our view, we will render the CallbackPanel in the following way:
#Html.Action("CallbackPanelPartial", new { CPEnabled = false })
And our controller method to process callbacks to the CallbackPanel is:
public ActionResult CallbackPanelPartial(bool CPEnabled) {
ViewData["UPEnabled"] = CPEnabled;
return PartialView("_CallbackPanelPartial");
When you check a CheckBox, send a callback to the CallbackPanel to enable the UploadControl. For this, handle the CheckBox CheckedChanged client side event.
#Html.DevExpress().CheckBox(settings =>
// other settings
settings.Properties.ClientSideEvents.CheckedChanged = "function (s, e) { CallbackPanel.PerformCallback({CPEnabled: true}); }";


How to get webHookUrl from Microsoft Teams connector

I’m building a connector for Teams and I can get my custom configuration page to load by calling the necessary functions. I have a few <span> tags in my page just to debug and I'm populating the tags with properties from my call to "getSettings()".
var teamsSettings = microsoftTeams.settings.getSettings(); //should this not return at least something?
if (teamsSettings == null) {
$(document).ready(function () {
document.getElementById('status').textContent = "Get settings
returned null!"; //i always get null
} else {
document.getElementById('entityId').textContent = teamsSettings.entityId;
document.getElementById('configName').textContent = teamsSettings.configName;
document.getElementById('contentUrl').textContent = teamsSettings.contentUrl;
document.getElementById('webhookUrl').textContent = teamsSettings.webhookUrl;
document.getElementById('appType').textContent = teamsSettings.appType;
document.getElementById('userObjectId').textContent = teamsSettings.userObjectId;
microsoftTeams.settings.registerOnSaveHandler(function (saveEvent) {
function onClick() {
So I’m wondering if the getSettings() method is even running as my label element is blank. How can I troubleshoot the JavaScript interactions while configuring my connector in Teams? Is there a better way to view settings obtained from the method?
Here is the code snippet to get the webhookUrl using getSettings().
microsoftTeams.settings.getSettings(function (settings) {
document.getElementById('webhookUrl').textContent = settings.webhookUrl;

How to get check box values on auto scroll down using ajax action link in MVC .NET ?

I am using ajax link to scroll down on the click event.
In controller:
Public ActionResult Autoscroll ()
queryresult = // db operation
return view(result)
Public ActionResult Autoscroll (string[] checkboxids)
// save selected values to db.
Return view ()
In view
#Ajax.ActionLink("Load more re", "Autoscroll " "Search", null, new AjaxOptions
{ HttpMethod = "GET",
InsertionMode = InsertionMode.InsertAfter,
UpdateTargetId = "searcharea",
But when I click on submit button only checkboxes which were loaded for last click are available in httpost, how can I program it neatly? I want to do same like email load and check box selection thing.

Which is the best way to add events handler dynamically in Backbone.View?

In my previous project , i use Backbone.js of version 1.1.2 , and the Backbone.View is defined as
var View = Backbone.View = function(options) {
this.cid = _.uniqueId('view');
options || (options = {});
_.extend(this, _.pick(options, viewOptions));
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
As i update my Backbone to the latest version(1.2.3) , now the Backbone.View is defined as
var View = Backbone.View = function(options) {
this.cid = _.uniqueId('view');
_.extend(this, _.pick(options, viewOptions));
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
The difference is the delegateEvents now is moved to the setElement method , thus i can't dynamically change the
events property of Backbone.View. But in some situation , i think dynamically change events is needed , for example,
i have a FileRowView which extends Backbone.View to represent file information , its template html string is :
<h3 class="title">File name</h3>
<p>File description </p>
The problem the title dom can be clicked and do something , but in other situation it can't be clicked , so in the events hash , i can
control this behavior in the initialize method just like :
var FileRowView = Backbone.View.extend({
'<h3 class="title">File name</h3>'+
'<p>File description </p>',
var events = {};
events['clcik .title'] = this._titleClickHandler
return events ;
// options = {
// canClickTitle:false
// ...
// ...
// }
options = _.extend({}, {
} , options);
this.options = options ;
console.log('some action');
var html = _.template(this.tmpl)();
But in the new version Backbone.View , as the delegateEvents has been added to the setElement method , how can i dynamically add event handler in the events property ?
In the version 1.2.0 the change document say:
Views now always delegate their events in setElement. You can no longer modify the events hash or your view's el property in initialize.
I don't know why ?
I'd turn the problem around a bit and use the tools you already have rather than trying to force them to work the way you think they should.
For example, you could make your template look like this:
<h3 class="title <%= is_clickable ? 'clickable' : '' %>">File name</h3>
<p>File description</p>
Then include an is_clickable flag in the data you feed the template and your events would be simple and static:
events: {
'click .clickable': '_titleClickHandler'
Or if you need more specificity:
events: {
'click .title.clickable': '_titleClickHandler'
Now you don't have to do anything weird or version dependent and you don't have to fight the framework.

Kendo Editor Templates (Grid)

I'm trying to populate a dropdownlist for use in my Kendo Grid using Editor Templates.
My StatesEditor.cshtml contains:
In my Controller I have:
public ActionResult Index()
var db = new ACoreEntities();
db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
var states = db.StateLookups;
var stateList = states.Select(state => state.ShortName);
ViewData["states"] = stateList;
return View("~/Views/System/PMarkup/Index.cshtml");
In my actual grid, when I click the 'Edit' button for the row I get a dropdownlist that contains 51 'undefined' entries.
I ended up creating a State model then in my ActionResult I changed my code to:
ViewData["states"] = new ACoreEntities()
.Select(s => new State
Id = s.StateID,
ShortName = s.ShortName
.OrderBy(s => s.ShortName);

how to load a partial view on button click in mvc3

I have a DDL, on its change I load a partial view _GetX. Right now I am using it like this
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.XId, Model.XList, "Select", new { GetUrl = Url.Action("GetX", "Route") })
I need to load this partial view on clicking a button. How do I do this?
Assuming your GetX controller action already returns the partial view:
$(function() {
$('#someButton').click(function() {
// get the DDL. It would be better to add an id to it
var ddl = $('#XId');
// get the url from the ddl
var url = ddl.attr('GetUrl');
// get the selected value of the ddl to send it to the action as well
var selectedValue = ddl.val();
// send an AJAX request to the controller action passing the currently
// selected value of the DDL and store the results into
// some content placeholder
$('#somePlaceholder').load(url, { value: selectedValue });
return false;
