SSIS Import Packages with Oracle connection failed - oracle

I have made a working SSIS project with SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2012 64 bit environment. I have made SSIS projects before but this is the first project which includes Oracle Destination. (Oracle connection)
I have installed the Oracle 64 and 32 bit drivers (ver.11g) and TNS names are configured ok on my work PC.
Overall the project works fine when I debug it on my PC in Visual Studio.
When I try to save the package file and then in (Production MS Server 2012) MS SQL Server Management Studio upload the file with "IMPORT PACKAGES" wizard I get this error: 0XC0010014 on wizards select package step.
The package failed to load due error 0xC0010014 "One or more error occured...
This occurs when CPackage::LoadFromXML fails.
Oracle drivers are installed and configured same on my PC and production server.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!


SSIS package will not run on server, but works fine on Dev machine

I am using Attunity drivers to connect to an Oracle source through SSIS in order to publish to my SQL Server (2019)
The package runs just fine on my laptop in VS2019 and publishes to SSIS catalog on my server
When I try to execute the package I get the following errors though
Our IT dep states that they have installed the same attunity drivers as I have (All 64 bit also on my laptop)
Ok I'm an idiot
The SSIS instance I have does not run on our Enterprise license but out standard license.
Attunity drivers are only available to enterprise SSIS, and everything else oracle --> SQL Server is too slow over the linked server queries I run now

How to configure SSRS report to access Oracle database on SQL Server machine where Report Server is installed?

I am sure that someone was successful to deployed SSRS report on the server where
SSRS is configured to access Oracle database.
I developed report on my machine where I have Visual Studio 2017,
ODTwithODAC122011 64-bit; 32-bit ODT withODAC122011. I connect to Oracle database and can run report.
After i deployed this report on Windows Server 2016. i got an error "An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
An attempt has been made to use a data extension 'ORACLE' that is either not registered for this report server or is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services. (rsDataExtensionNotFound".
I tried to complete the same ODAC install as on my machine.
1)Installed ODTwithODAC122011 64-bit - configured TNS name.
but with step
2) i tried to install 32-bit ODT - I received error that i need to install Visual studio to proceed with installation.
Do i really need VS on the server? What is the possible solution you can share?
thank you --Angelika--
with only the Oracla.DataAccess library should be enough, on the root of the service. Be aware the versions be the same as indicated in the project references

Oracle connections broken in SSIS after uninstalling 32bit version of oracle client

I get the following error message when I try to test my connections:
Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. The 'OraOLEDB.Oracle.1' provider is not registered on the local machine
I originally had 32 bit and 64 bit version of Oracle 12 client installed on my work machine. I uninstalled the 32bit version, because it was causing some conflicts with another application, but now after uninstalling I can no longer use my oracle connections in SSIS.
I'm using Visual Studio 2017 - I am pretty sure I installed 64bit version of SSDT, but it looks like they install under the 86x programs folder. I can still connect via TOAD, so it looks to be an issue of SSIS not pointing to the 64bit installation, I think. Can I manually set SSIS to point to the 64bit version, or do I need to reinstall 32bit?
TSN_Admin is set to the oracle12c_64 tsnname.ora file. I have also tried using the regsvr32.exe on oraoledb12.dll file, but I get an error message, even after running command prompt as admin:
The Module "OraOLEDB.dll" was loaded by the call to DllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80070005.
I can reinstall the the 32bit version, but I need to wait for my company's IT department to approve the request first. It could be days before I get a response.
Update 1 - Visual Studio 64-bit
After searching it looks like there is not Visual Studio 64-bit version:
Visual Studio 64 bit?
Initial Answer
I don't know if there is an official documentation for this, but based on my own experience you need to instal oracle client 32-bit on the developpement machine, because SQL Server Data Tools for Visual studio is a 32-bit application and it will not work will work with oracle client 64-bit.
But you can execute .dtsx package without any issue if you are working with oracle 64-bit client, you need to use the appropriate DtExec path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DtExec.exe
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DtExec.exe
While searching, i found many other links that share the same opinion:
Oracle Install for SSIS connectivity (and drivers 32 64 bit)
Oracle Client Provider for OLE DB in SSIS not working
Connecting to Oracle 11g on 64-bit (x64) machine SSIS 2012

32 bit oracle libraries working in Visual Studio but not SSMS

I have an SSIS package that I've developed in Visual Studio 2015.
The package is connected to an Oracle DB and a local SQL Server DB as input and output respectively.
I had some issues connecting the package to the Oracle client in the past due to 32 vs 64 bit compatibility issues (machine is 64 bit, Visual Studio is 32 bit).
I fixed that by installing both 32 and 64 bit oracle libraries on my machine and changing the Project property 'Run64BitRuntime' to False.
However, I've now exported the project as a .ispac file to SSMS to try schedule it. However, I'm getting the error I had with Visual Studio a while back, "Attempt to load Oracle client libraries threw BadImageFormatException. This problem will occur when running in 64 bit mode with the 32 bit oracle client components installed".
Visual Studio and SSMS are both 32 bit applications, so why is this issue popping up again? My project should be set to use 32 bit libraries by the looks of it and runs fine in VS.
Does SSMS have it's own toggle for which driver to use?
Ok I managed to solve the problem somehow. You can change the package execution settings in SSMS under advanced settings.
You can also choose what settings you want to run in a scheduled job so this allows me to run all the packages at 32-bit runtime.
Picture here showing which option

visual studio 2010 connectivity to db2 on windows server 2008 R2

I have installed the db2 drivers from the ibm enterprise connect package. I am able to connect to the db2 datasource (system dsn) when I open visual studio in an admin mode and open the integration package. But I get an sqlstate 58031 when I open visual studio in a non admin mode. What am I missing?
I have got it working now. Needed to add the user to the db2users group and also gave the user full access over the db2 directory under programData. (At least that is what I think fixed it)
