About a type specifier in NuSMV (error: invalid subrange) - static-analysis

In the last paragraph, page # 23 of user manual 2.5 (I am using 2.5.4):
"A type specifier can be given by two expressions separated by .. (<TWO
The two expressions have both to evaluate to constants integer numbers, and
contain names of defines and module formal parameters. For example, -1 - P1 ..
5 + D1, where P1 refers to a module formal parameter, and D1 refers to a
define. Both P1 and D1 have to be statically evaluable to integer constants."
I have tested many different examples to run something like it but I couldn't
finally. This is one of them:
third_party : third_party;
alice : alice(third_party.n);
MODULE third_party
p : 0..1000;
q : 0..1000;
n := p * q;
MODULE alice(n)
r : 1 .. n;
or something like this:
p : 0..1000;
q : 0..1000;
alice : alice(n);
n := p * q;
MODULE alice(n)
r : 1 .. n;
The error is "invalid subrange 1 .. n"
Can anybody help me? Can you give me examples that type specifier contain names of defines and module formal parameters and run correctly?
Indeed this code is part of fiat-shamir protocol, and I am testing a ctl on different values of n (n cannot be a constant integer), and looking for a counterexample.

The problem is that third_party.n is not statically evaluable. It depends on the values of third_party.p and third_party.q, which are both variable. Therefore, the module is not instantiated with a statically evaluable expression.
An example that may work is:
third_party : third_party;
alice : alice(third_party.n);
MODULE third_party
p : 0..1000;
q : 0..1000;
n := 10 * 10;
MODULE alice(n)
r : 1 .. n;


Sml program -> confusion on "AS syntax error"

so I have to write a small program in SML ->>
a file named ‘p0.sml’ that contains a function named epoly, which accepts as parameters a list of real values a0 through an, and a single real value x. The list contains the coefficients of a polynomial of the form a0 + a1x + a2x 2 + … + anx n, where the real x used is the x parameter passed to your function. Your implementation must accept the list of coefficients as the first parameter and the value of x as the second. Your function must return the value of the polynomial specified by the parameters passed to it.
this is what I have so far but it won't compile because of a syntax error with as. "Error: syntax error found at AS". If you have any pointers that would be greatly appreciated.
fun epoly([], x:real) = 0.0
= epoly(L:real list as h::T, x:real) = h + (x * epoly(T, x));
It looks like you have a typo. Your second = should be a |.
fun epoly([], x:real) = 0.0
| epoly(L:real list as h::T, x:real) =
h + (x * epoly(T, x));
There is, further, no need to specify types. Your SML compiler can infer the types from data presented. Along with removing unnecessary bindings, this can be reduced to:
fun epoly([], _) = 0.0
| epoly(h::T, x) =
h + (x * epoly(T, x));
From fun epoly([], _) = 0.0 we know epoly will take a tuple of a list and some type and return real.
| epoly(h::T, x) =
h + (x * epoly(T, x));
We know that x is being multiplied by a real, so x must be real. And since h is being added to a real, it must be a real, so the entire list is a real list.
Thus the type of epoly can be inferred correctly to be real list * real -> real.

Understanding different types in Fortran

I was reading a Fortran code, came across the following code, couldn't understand what it does.
m%AllOuts( BAzimuth(k) ) = m%BEMT_u(indx)%psi(k)*R2D
I know that % here works like a pipe indicator to access values in a way similar to a dictionary in Python. I have a dictionary m let's say and the first key is AllOuts, but what does anything inside parentheses mean? Is it like another dictionary?
The percent sign is not denoting a dictionary. There are no native dictionaries in Fortran.
The percent sign denotes the component of a type. For example:
! Declare a type
type :: rectangle
integer :: x, y
character(len=8) :: color
end type rectangle
! Declare a variable of this type
type(rectangle) :: my_rect
! Use the type
my_rect % x = 4
my_rect % y = 3
my_rect % color = 'red'
print *, "Area: ", my_rect % x * my_rect % y
The parentheses could either indicate the index of an array, or the arguments of a call.
So, for example:
integer, dimension(10) :: a
a(8) = 16 ! write the number 16 to the 8th element of array a
Or, as a prodedure:
print *, my_pow(2, 3)
function my_pow(a, b)
integer, intent(in) :: a, b
my_pow = a ** b
end function my_pow
In order to figure out what m is, you'd need to look at the declaration of m, which would be something like
type(sometype) :: m
class(sometype) :: m
Then you'd need to find out the type declaration, which would be something like
type :: sometype
! component declarations in here
end type
Now one of the components, BEMT_u, is almost certainly an array of a different type, which you'd also need to look up.

Using Implicit Type Class Parameters in Coq Notation

I'm trying to wrap my head around type classes in Coq (I've dabbled with it in the past, but I'm a far cry from being an experienced user). As an exercise, I am trying to write a group theory library. This is what I've come up with:
Class Group {S : Type} {op : S → S → S} := {
id : S;
inverse : S → S;
id_left {x} : (op id x) = x;
id_right {x} : (op x id) = x;
assoc {x y z} : (op (op x y) z) = (op x (op y z));
right_inv {x} : (op x (inverse x)) = id;
I am particularly fond of the implicit S and op parameters (assuming I understand them correctly).
Making some notation for inverses is easy:
Notation "- x" := (#inverse _ _ _ x)
(at level 35, right associativity) : group_scope.
Now, I would like to make x * y a shorthand for (op x y). When working with sections, this is straightforward enough:
Section Group.
Context {S} {op} { G : #Group S op }.
(* Reserved at top of file *)
Notation "x * y" := (op x y) : group_scope.
(* ... *)
End Group.
However, since this is declared within a section, the notation is inaccessible elsewhere. I would like to declare the notation globally if possible. The problem I am running into (as opposed to inverse) is that, since op is an implicit parameter to Group, it doesn't actually exist anywhere in the global scope (so I cannot refer to it by (#op _ _ _ x y)). This problem indicates to me that I am either using type classes wrong or don't understand how to integrate notation with implicit variables. Would someone be able to point me in the right direction?
Answer (25 Jan 2018)
Based on Anton Trunov's response, I was able to write the following, which works:
Reserved Notation "x * y" (at level 40, left associativity).
Class alg_group_binop (S : Type) := alg_group_op : S → S → S.
Delimit Scope group_scope with group.
Infix "*" := alg_group_op: group_scope.
Open Scope group_scope.
Class Group {S : Type} {op : alg_group_binop S} : Type := {
id : S;
inverse : S → S;
id_left {x} : id * x = x;
id_right {x} : x * id = x;
assoc {x y z} : (x * y) * z = x * (y * z);
right_inv {x} : x * (inverse x) = id;
Here is how Pierre Castéran and Matthieu Sozeau solve this problem in A Gentle Introduction to Type Classes and Relations in Coq (§3.9.2):
A solution from ibid. consists in declaring a singleton type class for representing binary operators:
Class monoid_binop (A:Type) := monoid_op : A -> A -> A.
Nota: Unlike multi-field class types, monoid_op is not a constructor, but a transparent constant such that monoid_op f can be δβ-reduced into f.
It is now possible to declare an infix notation:
Delimit Scope M_scope with M.
Infix "*" := monoid_op: M_scope.
Open Scope M_scope.
We can now give a new definition of Monoid, using the type monoid_binop A instead of A → A → A, and the infix notation x * y instead of monoid_op x y :
Class Monoid (A:Type) (dot : monoid_binop A) (one : A) : Type := {
dot_assoc : forall x y z:A, x*(y*z) = x*y*z;
one_left : forall x, one * x = x;
one_right : forall x, x * one = x
There's probably a good reason why Pierre Castéran and Matthiu Sozeau deal with it that way.
But wouldn't
Definition group_op {S op} {G : #Group S op} := op.
Infix "*" := group_op.
also work here? (I only tried on two very basic test cases.)
This would spare you changing definition of Group.

Implications as functions in Coq?

I read that implications are functions. But I have a hard time trying to understand the example given in the above mentioned page:
The proof term for an implication P → Q is a function that takes
evidence for P as input and produces evidence for Q as its output.
Lemma silly_implication : (1 + 1) = 2 → 0 × 3 = 0. Proof. intros H.
reflexivity. Qed.
We can see that the proof term for the above lemma is indeed a
Print silly_implication. (* ===> silly_implication = fun _ : 1 + 1 = 2
=> eq_refl
: 1 + 1 = 2 -> 0 * 3 = 0 *)
Indeed, it's a function. But its type does not look right to me. From my reading, the proof term for P -> Q should be a function with an evidence for Q as output. Then, the output of (1+1) = 2 -> 0*3 = 0 should be an evidence for 0*3 = 0, alone, right?
But the Coq print out above shows that the function image is eq_refl : 1 + 1 = 2 -> 0 * 3 = 0, instead of eq_refl: 0 * 3 = 0. I don't understand why the hypothesis 1 + 1 = 2 should appear in the output. Can anyone help explain what is going on here?
Your understanding is correct until:
But the Coq print out above shows that the function image is ...
I think you misunderstand the Print command. Print shows you the term associated with a definition, along with the type of the definition. It does not show the image/output of a function.
For example, the following prints the definition and type of the value x:
Definition x := 5.
Print x.
> x = 5
> : nat
Similarly, the following prints the definition and type of the function f:
Definition f := fun n => n + 2.
Print f.
> f = fun n : nat => n + 2
> : nat -> nat
If you want to see the function's codomain, you have to apply the function to a value, like so:
Definition fx := f x.
Print fx.
> fx = f x
> : nat
If you want to see the image/output of a function Print won't help you. What you need is Compute. Compute takes a term (e.g. a function application) and reduces it as far as possible:
Compute (f x).
> = 7
> : nat

How the shorthand of declaration & initialization are evaluated in go lang?

The shorthand for declaration and initialization in go is
var a, b, c = 1 , 2, 3
Equivalent to following way of declaration and initialization (as per specs)
var a int
var b int
var c int
But I am not getting the answer for the problem found in following code:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var a int = 0
var b int = 1
fmt.Println("init a ",a)
fmt.Println("init b ",b)
a, b = b, a+b
fmt.Println("printing a after `a, b = b, a+b`",a)
fmt.Println("printing b after `a, b = b, a+b`",b)
Output should be:
printing a after 'a, b = b, a+b' 1
printing b after 'a, b = b, a+b' 2
Since the value of b is evaluated with a + b i.e 1+1 = 2. But its giving 1.
Here is the playground links of both the working code where you can observe the difference.
a,b = b, a+b
a=b, b=a+b
I know I am missing something to understand, basically how the shorthand expression are evaluated especially when the same variable is involved in the expression.
But where is the proper documentation to refer. Could anyone help on this?
See here
The assignment proceeds in two phases. First, the operands of index
expressions and pointer indirections (including implicit pointer
indirections in selectors) on the left and the expressions on the
right are all evaluated in the usual order. Second, the assignments
are carried out in left-to-right order.
Based on that a+b (0+1) is evaluated first. Then it's assigned. Thus you get the result of a = 1 and b = 1
