Updating a model with a unique column in laravel 5 - laravel-5

I've tried following this question, which seems like what I want, but have had no luck.
I have a Page model which has an incrementing id, a title, a slug (unique), and an html column. I want to be able to change the title, slug, and html fields. I've tried adding the rule:
'slug' => 'required|unique:pages,slug,{$this->slug}',
for my PATCH request, but when I submit my form (with the same slug), I get an error that it's already taken. If I change the slug, the title and html changes, but the slug does not.
Ideally I'd rather have the slug be generated automatically and update in the background, but I've not been able to get that to work out either.
How can I allow for a changing unique field when updating a model, or generate it automatically?

You need to provide the unique rule with three arguments to add an exception.
The Name of the Table that contains the exception (pages)
The Column Name of the exception (slug)
Primary Key of the row that contains the exception. (id)
In your case the primary key is the id field not the slug field.
'slug' => 'required|unique:pages,slug,' . $this->id


Change id column name in users table for laravel auth ui

the dafault code for the id column for the users table is like such:
But I changed in to:
Now i got error saying that 'id' column is not found in a file that doesnt run the query for users table at all. I dont know where i'm wrong.
Or is the id column is unchangeable after all since it is package?
$user->id() default checks for primary key column 'id'.
So you can rename your primary key in your model like this :
protected $primaryKey = 'user_id';
id() is a is an alias of the bigIncrements method. so you can write it like
Please just go to your Model and add below line of code, it'll solve your problem.
it's because laravel by default searches for id and it doesn't find it because you've changed it, if you want to let the Laravel know that your primary key is not id but 'user_id' you should add it in your model that Laravel should get it from there.
protected $primaryKey = 'user_id';
that is it.

Laravel Backpack Create/Update action that customize the foreign field

I want the "Unit" field that saved to my model is not the default field (id), but instead customized field (e.g.: I want to save the Unit field with name from the foreign table, not the id)
How to do that? currently why CrudController is like this
If there’s a 1-to-1 relationship (hasOne) defined in your model, you should be able to do that by giving the field the name “unit.name”.

Backpack Laravel select2_from_ajax field returns results, but I can't select any

I'm implementing a 'select2_from_ajax' field using Backpack for Laravel.
I've implemented this in other places and it works correctly. But for some reason when implementing it this time it will not let me select any of the options and doesn't show the highlight when mousing over the options. It lists out the options correctly, I just can't select any of them.
The only thing I can think of is that the relationship it's trying to reference doesn't have a primary 'id' field in the database, but I'm not sure why that would affect this.
I have implemented both the index and show routes.
The issue was that the relationship field's primary key was not 'id' it was setup with a different column name.
I reworked the data structure so the foreign key referenced was pointing to a column labeled 'id'.

Laravel 4 - how to use a unique validation rule / unique columns with soft deletes?

Assume, you are trying to create a new user, with a User model ( using soft deletes ) having a unique rule for it's email address, but there exists a trashed user within the database.
When trying to validate the new user's data, you will get a validation error, because of the existing email.
I made some kind of extra validation within my Controllers, but wouldn't it be nice to have it all within the Model?
Would you suggest creating a custom validation rule?
As I haven't found a clean solution now, I am interessted in how others solved this problem.
You can validate passing extra conditions:
This sounds like an issue with your business logic rather than a technical problem.
The purpose of a soft delete is to allow for the possibility that the soft-deleted record may be restored in the future. However, if your application needs uniqueness of email (which is completely normal), you wouldn't want to both create a new user with that email address and be able to restore the old one as this would contravene the uniqueness requirement.
So if there is a soft deleted record with the email address for which you are adding as a new record, you should consider instead restoring the original record and applying the new information to it as an update, rather than trying to circumvent the uniqueness check to create a new record.
This is the best approach
'email' => 'required|email|unique:users,email,NULL,id,deleted_at,NULL',
It give you this query
select count(*) as aggregate from `users` where `email` = ? and `deleted_at` is null
Laravel offers "Additional Where Clauses".
My url validation rule (from the update model method) looks like this:
$rules['url'] = 'required|unique:pages,url,'.$page->id.',id,deleted_at,NULL';
This means that the url must be unique, must ignore the current page and ignore the pages where deleted_at id not NULL.
Hope this helps.
Your Eloquent model should have the $softDeletes property set. If so, then when you perform a WHERE check, like User::where('username', 'jimbob'), Eloquent will automatically add in the query WHERE deleted_at IS NULL... which excludes soft deleted items.
In laravel 6.2+ you can use
'email' => ['required', Rule::unique('users')->whereNull('deleted_at')]

creating a form field populated by a relationship in Laravel 4

I am trying to build a form for a Happening. The Happening references a Places table by place_id.
e.g. happening "OktoberFest" has a place_id 123 which corresponds in table Places to München
These are the relationships declared in the models:
For model Place:
public function happenings()
return $this->hasMany('Happening');
For model Happening:
public function place()
return $this->belongsTo('Place');
model Happening has a place_id field linking it to Place.
I am also using {{Form::model($happening, array('route' => array('happenings.update', $happening->id)...}} as form opening
Problem 1: how to create a {{Form::text('......')}} that will be properly prefilled with München when editing the happening Oktoberfest ?
Problem 2: I was trying to get that field to work as an ajax autosuggest (i.e. starting to pull suggestions from the Places table as soon as 3 characters have been entered). I have checked a few implementations but they don't seem to mix correctly with Problem 1
To try and solve Problem 1, I have tried the solution here
Laravel 4 Form builder Custom Fields Macro
but I was unable to make it work.
Long question, it's my very first on stack overflow, please be patient :)
If a Happening is linked to Place via the column 'place_id' you have to supply an id to save in your model/table.
There are a couple of ways that I can think of:
make a list of availble Places in a radio of select, the name will be 'place_id', the value the id of the Place en something like title for the value.
instead of displaying radio's or a select a textfield with autocomplete is a great solution if you got a lot of places. I won't go into detail how to implement it but the general idea is to autocomplete the typed in placename and on selection of that place to put the id of that place in a hidden field named 'placed_id'
After saving the form save your model with the posted place_id
(and check that id if it's valid and existing, never trust user input )
