MongoDB small collection Query very slow - performance

I have a 33MB collection with around 33k items in it. This has been working perfectly for the past month and the queries were responsive and no slow queries. The collection have all the required indexes, and normally the response is almost instant(1-2ms)
Today I spotted that there was a major query queue and the requests were just not getting processed. The Oplog was filling up and just not clearing. After some searching I found the post below which suggest compacting and databaseRepair. I ran the repair and it fixed the problem. Ridiculously slow mongoDB query on small collection in simple but big database
My question is what could have gone wrong with the collection and how did databaseRepair fix the problem? Is there a way for me to ensure this does not happen again?

There are many things that could be an issue here, but ultimately if a repair/compact solved things for you it suggests storage related issues. Here are a few suggestions to follow up on:
Disk performance: Ensure that your disks are performing properly and that you do not have bad sectors. If part of your disk is damaged it could have spiked access times and you may run into this again. You may want to test your RAM modules as well.
Fragmentation: Without knowing your write profile it's hard to say, but your collections and indexes could have fragmented all over your storage system. Running repair will have rebuilt them and brought them back into a more contiguous form, allowing your disk access times to be much faster, especially if you're using mechanical disks and are going to disk for a lot of data.
If this was the issue then you may want to adjust your paddingFactor to reduce the frequency of this in the future, especially if your updates are growing the size of your documents over time. (Assuming you're using MMAPv1 storage).
Page faults: I'm assuming you may have brought the system down to do the repair, which may have reset your memory/working set. You might want to monitor for hard page faults that indicate that your queries are being bottlenecked by IO rather than being served by your in-memory working set. If this is consistently the case, your application behavior may change unexpectedly as data gets pushed in and out of memory, and you may need to add more RAM.


Strategy for "user data" in couchbase

I know that a big part of the performance from Couchbase comes from serving in-memory documents and for many of my data types that seems like an entirely reasonable aspiration but considering how user-data scales and is used I'm wondering if it's reasonable to plan for only a small percentage of the user documents to be in memory all of the time. I'm thinking maybe only 10-15% at any given time. Is this a reasonable assumption considering:
At any given time period there will be a only a fractional number of users will be using the system.
In this case, users only access there own data (or predominantly so)
Recently entered data is exponentially more likely to be viewed than historical user documents
Some additional context:
Let's assume there's a user base of a 1 million customers, that 20% rarely if ever access the site, 40% access it once a week, and 40% access it every day.
At any given moment, only 5-10% of the user population would be logged in
When a user logs in they are like to re-query for certain documents in a single session (although the client does do some object caching to minimise this)
For any user, the most recent records are very active, the very old records very inactive
In summary, I would say of a majority of user-triggered transactional documents are queried quite infrequently but there are a core set -- records produced in the last 24-48 hours and relevant to the currently "logged in" group -- that would have significant benefits to being in-memory.
Two sub-questions are:
Is there a way to indicate a timestamp on a per-document basis to indicate it's need to be kept in memory?
How does couchbase overcome the growing list of document id's in-memory. It is my understanding that all ID's must always be in memory? isn't this too memory intensive for some apps?
First,one of the major benefits to CB is the fact that it is spread across multiple nodes. This also means your queries are spread across multiple nodes and you have a performance gain as a result (I know several other similar nosql spread across nodes - so maybe not relevant for your comparison?).
Next, I believe this question is a little bit too broad as I believe the answer will really depend on your usage. Does a given user only query his data one time, at random? If so, then according to you there will only be an in-memory benefit 10-15% of the time. If instead, once a user is on the site, they might query their data multiple times, there is a definite performance benefit.
Regardless, Couchbase has pretty fast disk-access performance, particularly on SSDs, so it probably doesn't make much difference either way, but again without specifics there is no way to be sure. If it's a relatively small document size, and if it involves a user waiting for one of them to load, then the user certainly will not notice a difference whether the document is loaded from RAM or disk.
Here is an interesting article on benchmarks for CB against similar nosql platforms.
After reading your additional context, I think your scenario lines up pretty much exactly how Couchbase was designed to operate. From an eviction standpoint, CB keeps the newest and most-frequently accessed items in RAM. As RAM fills up with new and/or old items, oldest and least-frequently accessed are "evicted" to disk. This link from the Couchbase Manual explains more about how this works.
I think you are on the right track with Couchbase - in any regard, it's flexibility with scaling will easily allow you to tune the database to your application. I really don't think you can go wrong here.
Regarding your two questions:
Not in Couchbase 2.2
You should use relatively small document IDs. While it is true they are stored in RAM, if your document ids are small, your deployment is not "right-sized" if you are using a significant percentage of the available cluster RAM to store keys. This link talks about keys and gives details relevant to key size (e.g. 250-byte limit on size, metadata, etc.).
Basically what you are making a decision point on is sizing the Couchbase cluster for bucket RAM, and allowing a reduced residency ratio (% of document values in RAM), and using Cache Misses to pull from disk.
However, there are caveats in this scenario as well. You will basically also have relatively constant "cache eviction" where "not recently used" values are being removed from RAM cache as you pull cache missed documents from disk into RAM. This is because you will always be floating at the high water mark for the Bucket RAM quota. If you also simultaneously have a high write velocity (new/updated data) they will also need to be persisted. These two processes can compete for Disk I/O if the write velocity exceeds your capacity to evict/retrieve, and your SDK client will receive a Temporary OOM error if you actually cannot evict fast enough to open up RAM for new writes. As you scale horizontally, this becomes less likely as you have more Disk I/O capacity spread across more machines all simultaneously doing this process.
If when you say "queried" you mean querying indexes (i.e. Views), this is a separate data structure on disk that you would be querying and of course getting results back is not subject to eviction/NRU, but if you follow the View Query with a multi-get the above still applies. (Don't emit entire documents into your Index!)

Serving millions of routes with good performance

I'm doing some research for a new project, for which the constraints and specifications have yet to be set. One thing that is wanted is a large number of paths, directly under the root domain. This could ramp up to millions of paths. The paths don't have a common structure or unique parts, so I have to look for exact matches.
Now I know it's more efficient to break up those paths, which would also help in the path lookup. However I'm researching the possibility here, so bear with me.
I'm evaluating methods to accomplish this, while maintaining excellent performance. I thought of the following methods:
Storing the paths in an SQL database and doing a lookup on every request. This seems like the worst option and will definitely not be used.
Storing the paths in a key-value store like Redis. This would be a lot better, and perform quite well I think (have to benchmark it though).
Doing string/regex matching - like many frameworks do out of the box - for this amount of possible matches is nuts and thus not really an option. But I could see how doing some sort of algorithm where you compare letter-by-letter, in combination with some smart optimizations, could work.
But maybe there are tools/methods I don't know about that are far more suited for this type of problem. I could use any tips on how to accomplish this though.
Oh and in case anyone is wondering, no this isn't homework.
I've tested the Redis approach. Based on two sets of keywords, I got 150 million paths. I've added each of them using the set command, with the value being a serialized string of id's I can use to identify the actual keywords in the request. (SET 'keyword1-keyword2' '<serialized_string>')
A quick test in a local VM with a data set of one million records returned promising results: benchmarking 1000 requests took 2ms on average. And this was on my laptop, which runs tons of other stuff.
Next I did a complete test on a VPS with 4 cores and 8GB of RAM, with the complete set of 150 million records. This yielded a database of 3.1G in file size, and around 9GB in memory. Since the database could not be loaded in memory entirely, Redis started swapping, which caused terrible results: around 100ms on average.
Obviously this will not work and scale nice. Either each web server needs to have a enormous amount of RAM for this, or we'll have to use a dedicated Redis-routing server. I've read an article from the engineers at Instagram, who came up with a trick to decrease the database size dramatically, but I haven't tried this yet. Either way, this does not seem the right way to do this. Back to the drawing board.
Storing the paths in an SQL database and doing a lookup on every request. This seems like the worst option and will definitely not be used.
You're probably underestimating what a database can do. Can I invite you to reconsider your position there?
For Postgres (or MySQL w/ InnoDB), a million entries is a notch above tiny. Store the whole path in a field, add an index on it, vacuum, analyze. Don't do nutty joins until you've identified the ID of your key object, and you'll be fine in terms of lookup speeds. Say a few ms when running your query from psql.
Your real issue will be the bottleneck related to disk IO if you get material amounts of traffic. The operating motto here is: the less, the better. Besides the basics such as installing APC on your php server, using Passenger if you're using Ruby, etc:
Make sure the server has plenty of RAM to fit that index.
Cache a reference to the object related to each path in memcached.
If you can categorize all routes in a dozen or so regex, they might help by allowing the use of smaller, more targeted indexes that are easier to keep in memory. If not, just stick to storing the (possibly trailing-slashed) entire path and move on.
Worry about misses. If you've a non-canonical URL that redirects to a canonical one, store the redirect in memcached without any expiration date and begone with it.
Did I mention lots of RAM and memcached?
Oh, and don't overrate that ORM you're using, either. Chances are it's taking more time to build your query than your data store is taking to parse, retrieve and return the results.
RAM... Memcached...
To be very honest, Reddis isn't so different from a SQL + memcached option, except when it comes to memory management (as you found out), sharding, replication, and syntax. And familiarity, of course.
Your key decision point (besides excluding iterating over more than a few regex) ought to be how your data is structured. If it's highly structured with critical needs for atomicity, SQL + memcached ought to be your preferred option. If you've custom fields all over and obese EAV tables, then playing with Reddis or CouchDB or another NoSQL store ought to be on your radar.
In either case, it'll help to have lots of RAM to keep those indexes in memory, and a memcached cluster in front of the whole thing will never hurt if you need to scale.
Redis is your best bet I think. SQL would be slow and regular expressions from my experience are always painfully slow in queries.
I would do the following steps to test Redis:
Fire up a Redis instance either with a local VM or in the cloud on something like EC2.
Download a dictionary or two and pump this data into Redis. For example something from here: Make sure you normalize the data. For example, always lower case the strings and remove white space at the start/end of the string, etc.
I would ignore the hash. I don't see the reason you need to hash the URL? It would be impossible to read later if you wanted to debug things and it doesn't seem to "buy" you anything. I went to, and entered ryan and got ea3cd978650417470535f3a4725b6b5042a6ab59 as the hash. The original text would be much smaller to put in RAM which will help Redis. Obviously for longer paths, the hash would be better, but your examples were very small. =)
Write a tool to read from Redis and see how well it performs.
Keep in mind that Redis needs to keep the entire data set in RAM, so plan accordingly.
I would suggest using some kind of key-value store (i.e. a hashing store), possibly along with hashing the key so it is shorter (something like SHA-1 would be OK IMHO).

[Lucene]What is the overhead in IndexReader/Searcher

Most of the documentation of Lucene advises to keep a single instance of the indexReader and reuse it because of the overhead of opening a new Reader.
However i find it hard to see what this overhead is based and what influences it.
related to this is how much overhead does having an open IndexReader actualy cause?
The context for this question is:
We currently run a clustered tomcat stack where we do fulltext from the ServletContainer.
These searches are done on a separate Lucene indexes for each client because each client only seeks in his own data. Each of these indexes contains ranging from a few thousand to (currently) about 100.000 documents.
Because of the clustered tomcat nodes, any client can connect on any tomcat node.
Therefore keeping the IndexReader open would actually mean keep a few thousand indexReaders open on each tomcat node. This seems like a bad idea, however constantly reopening doesn't seem like a very good idea either.
While its possible for me to somewhat change the way we deploy Lucene if its not needed i'd rather not.
Usually the field cache is the slowest piece of Lucene to warm up, although other things like filters and segment pointers contribute. The specific amount kept in cache will depend on your usage, especially with stuff like how much data is stored (as opposed to just indexed).
You can use whatever memory usage investigation tool is appropriate for your environment to see how much Lucene itself takes up for your application, but keep in mind that "warm up cost" also refers to the various caches that the OS and file system keep open which will probably not appear in top or whatever you use.
You are right that having thousands of indexes is not a common practice. The standard advice is to have them share an index and use filters to ensure that the appropriate results are returned.
Since you are interested in performance, you should keep in mind that having thousands of indices on the server will result in thousands of files strewn all across the disk, which will lead to tons of seek time that wouldn't happen if you just had one big index. Depending on your requirements, this may or may not be an issue.
As a side note: it sounds like you may be using a networked file system, which is a big performance hit for Lucene.

Is there a reason why SSIS significantly slows down after a few minutes?

I'm running a fairly substantial SSIS package against SQL 2008 - and I'm getting the same results both in my dev environment (Win7-x64 + SQL-x64-Developer) and the production environment (Server 2008 x64 + SQL Std x64).
The symptom is that initial data loading screams at between 50K - 500K records per second, but after a few minutes the speed drops off dramatically and eventually crawls embarrasingly slowly. The database is in Simple recovery model, the target tables are empty, and all of the prerequisites for minimally logged bulk inserts are being met. The data flow is a simple load from a RAW input file to a schema-matched table (i.e. no complex transforms of data, no sorting, no lookups, no SCDs, etc.)
The problem has the following qualities and resiliences:
Problem persists no matter what the target table is.
RAM usage is lowish (45%) - there's plenty of spare RAM available for SSIS buffers or SQL Server to use.
Perfmon shows buffers are not spooling, disk response times are normal, disk availability is high.
CPU usage is low (hovers around 25% shared between sqlserver.exe and DtsDebugHost.exe)
Disk activity primarily on TempDB.mdf, but I/O is very low (< 600 Kb/s)
OLE DB destination and SQL Server Destination both exhibit this problem.
To sum it up, I expect either disk, CPU or RAM to be exhausted before the package slows down, but instead its as if the SSIS package is taking an afternoon nap. SQL server remains responsive to other queries, and I can't find any performance counters or logged events that betray the cause of the problem.
I'll gratefully reward any reasonable answers / suggestions.
We finally found a solution... the problem lay in the fact that my client was using VMWare ESX, and despite the VM reporting plenty of free CPU and RAM, the VMWare gurus has to pre-allocate (i.e. gaurantee) the CPU for the SSIS guest VM before it really started to fly. Without this, SSIS would be running but VMWare would scale back the resources - an odd quirk because other processes and software kept the VM happily awake. Not sure why SSIS was different, but as I said, the VMWare gurus fixed this problem by reserving RAM and CPU.
I have some other feedback by way of a checklist of things to do for great performance in SSIS:
Ensure SQL login has BULK DATA permission, else data load will be very slow. Also check that the target database uses the Simple or Bulk Logged recovery model.
Avoid sort and merge components on large data - once they start swapping to disk the performance gutters.
Source sorted input data (according to the target table's primary key), and disable non-clustered indexes on target table, set MaximumInsertCommitSize to 0 on the destination component. This bypasses TempDB and log altogether.
If you cannot meet requirements for 3, then simply set MaximumInsertCommitSize to the same size as the data flow's DefaultMaxBufferRows property.
The best way to diagnose performance issues with SSIS Data Flows is with decomposition.
Step 1 - measure your current package performance. You need a baseline.
Step 2 - Backup your package, then edit it. Remove the Destination and replace it with a Row Count (or other end-of-flow-friendly transform). Run the package again to measure performance. Now you know the performance penalty incurred by your Destination.
Step 3 - Edit the package again, removing the next transform "up" from the bottom in the data flow. Run and measure. Now you know the performance penalty of that transform.
Step 4...n - Rinse and repeat.
You probably won't have to climb all the way up your flow to get an idea as to what your limiting factor is. When you do find it, then you can ask a more targeted performance question, like "the X transform/destination in my data flow is slow, here's how it's configured, this is my data volume and hardware, what options do I have?" At the very least, you'll know exactly where your problem is, which stops a lot of wild goose chases.
Are you issuing any COMMITs? I've seen this kind of thing slow down when the working set gets too large (a relative measure, to be sure). A periodic COMMIT should keep that from happening.
First thoughts:
Are the database files growing (without instant file initialization for MDFs)?
Is the upload batched/transactioned? AKA, is it one big transaction?)

Performance Optimization For Highly Interactive Websites

I recently completed development of a mid-traficked(?) website (peak 60k hits/hour), however, the site only needs to be updated once a minute - and achieving the required performance can be summed up by a single word: "caching".
For a site like SO where the data feeding the site changes all the time, I would imagine a different approach is required.
Page cache times presumably need to be short or non-existent, and updates need to be propogated across all the webservers very rapidly to keep all users up to date.
My guess is that you'd need a distributed cache to control the serving of data and pages that is updated on the order of a few seconds, with perhaps a distributed cache above the database to mediate writes?
Can those more experienced that I outline some of the key architectural/design principles they employ to ensure highly interactive websites like SO are performant?
The vast majority of sites have many more reads than writes. It's not uncommon to have thousands or even millions of reads to every write.
Therefore, any scaling solution depends on separating the scaling of the reads from the scaling of the writes. Typically scaling reads is really cheap and easy, scaling the writes is complicated and costly.
The most straightforward way to scale reads is to cache entire pages at a time and expire them after a certain number of seconds. If you look at the popular web-site, Slashdot. you can see that this is the way they scale their site. Unfortunately, this caching strategy can result in counter-intuitive behaviour for the end user.
I'm assuming from your question that you don't want this primitive sort of caching. Like you mention, you'll need to update the cache in place.
This is not as scary as it sounds. The key thing to realise is that from the server's point of view. Stackoverflow does not update all the time. It updates fairly rarely. Maybe once or twice per second. To a computer a second is nearly an eternity.
Moreover, updates tend to occur to items in the cache that do not depend on each other. Consider Stack Overflow as example. I imagine that each question page is cached separately. Most questions probably have an update per minute on average for the first fifteen minutes and then probably once an hour after that.
Thus, in most applications you barely need to scale your writes. They're so few and far between that you can have one server doing the writes; Updating the cache in place is actually a perfectly viable solution. Unless you have extremely high traffic, you're going to get very few concurrent updates to the same cached item at the same time.
So how do you set this up? My preferred solution is to cache each page individually to disk and then have many web-heads delivering these static pages from some mutually accessible space.
When a write needs to be done it is done from exactly one server and this updates that particular cached html page. Each server owns it's own subset of the cache so there isn't a single point of failure. The update process is carefully crafted so that a transaction ensures that no two requests are not writing to the file at exactly the same time.
I've found this design has met all the scaling requirements we have so far required. But it will depend on the nature of the site and the nature of the load as to whether this is the right thing to do for your project.
You might be interested in this article which describes how wikimedia's servers are structured. Very enlightening!
The article links to this pdf - be sure not to miss it.
