How to install ConvenienceKit Framework via Podfile Swift - xcode

I've tried multiple methods and Xcode versions to install this method and use it but every time when i use import ConvenienceKit it always fails by saying "No such module ConvenienceKit"
it can be installed by using use_frameworks! in the Podfile and pod 'ConvenienceKit'. Everything installs fine, just doesn't work.
What am i missing ?

To use pods use have to work in a 'workspace' with the the pod that you are using. If you are using a workspace and it is sill not working you can try the following:
Check to see if there is a update for CocoaPods
Check to see if there is a update for Xcode
Uninstall Xcode and re install it.
Hope this works.


framework not found GoogleMapsCore Error

I'm using cocoapods in my project and I have googlemaps(2.5.0) and googleplaces(2.5.0) in my podfile(which I've installed with 'pod install').
However, I'm getting this error when I try to build:
ld: framework not found GoogleMapsCore
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
I've changed 'Build Active Architecture Only' to NO in my Build Settings. I'm also in my project.xcworkspace NOT my project.xcodeproj file. I've even tried changing my valid architectures but none of this is working.
It might be helpful to note that, inside my workspace Project Navigator, for some reason I have my project.xcodeproj file in red. project.xcodeproj is usually never there let alone red.
Finally a solution:
pod deintegrate
pod install
I had to reclone my Git project(because I had tried too many solutions to backtrack through new warnings and errors) then I just did the above commands in terminal.
Though #Sam King's solution worked for me, I considered it as a hard fix without knowing the actual issue.
The issue for my case was, I had accidentally deleted the GoogleMapsCore framework(Might be from 'Manage System Storage').
So, I just checked out an older version of my app and the issue got fixed.
For those using Ionic Framework,
Remove googlemap plugin and install again. It worked for me.
Had the same problem after deleting GoogleMapsCore by mistake. and here's what worked for me:
From my project podfile , commented out the pods related to google maps, in my case
//rn_maps_path = '../node_modules/react-native-maps'
// pod 'react-native-google-maps', :path => rn_maps_path
// pod 'GoogleMaps'
// pod 'Google-Maps-iOS-Utils'
cd ios && pod install , to remove the pods i commented out
then i uncommented the pods i have commented earlier in step 1
cd ios && pod install to install the pods again
ran a clean build on xcode and it worked.
Remove googlemap related plugin and install again. It worked for me.
Please dont do deintegrate pod, if you do all libraries get install as new, that some how some libraries would not support your platform.
The better solution is to install the google places along with the GoogleMaps pod it will definitely work
Try this
pod 'GoogleMaps'
pod 'GooglePlaces'
if it doesn't work then open the terminal and do this below steps for your project
pod deintegrate
pod install
pod 'GoogleMaps'
pod 'GooglePlaces'

Cocoa pod v0.39.0 not working with Xcode 8

My current project using cocoa pods of version 0.39.1, and my current pod version in my system is 1.1.1, so when i try to install the cocoa pods in my project path, it gave me warning saying
[!] Invalid Podfile file: [!] Unsupported options {:exclusive=>true} for target Xxx Xxx XxxxTests..
so i have uninstalled pod v1.1.1 and installed 0.39.1. Now when i run install command i get another warning
[!] The master repo requires CocoaPods 1.0.0 - (currently using 0.39.0) Update Cocoapods, or checkout the appropriate tag in the repo.
i'm aware that Xcode 8: Only works with CocoaPods 1.1.0
Should i update my project pod file to latest pod version or should i work with lower version of xcode so it supports v0.39.0
I recently completed a project where I had to migrate a dozen or so (private) Cocoapods from 0.39 up to 1.1.X.
It's actually not that hard, once you get the hang of it (and, at least in my case, the Podfile I put together for 1.1.X continued to work the occasional times I had to drop back down to Pods 0.39)
As you've discovered, you do need to remove ":exclusive => true" and "link_with" (which gets replaced with abstract_target). More information can be found in this Pods migration guide. Here is another "mini" example.
And other people have asked related questions here before. My recommendation is to go up to Xcode 8, otherwise you'll won't be able to do pod update and keep up to date with the latest changes in the Pods you're trying to leverage in your code.

I'm stuck with CocoaPods

I'm seriously stuck with CocoaPods. Please help!
Can someone please tell me where i'm going wrong? I'm doing an online Objective-C course. I've been stuck on CocoaPods for far too long. I completed the CocoaPods course and seem to have installed everything correctly.
I have followed these steps in line with this tutorial:
1) I created a podfile within the PhotoBombers Xcode project.
2) Within Xcode I clicked on the podfile, then entered: pod 'SimpleAuth/Instagram'
3) I then searched for the Terminal using Spotlight. Within the terminal I then entered 'pod' and pressed enter (as shown in the tutorial), however the following code appeared and looked nothing like the code in the tutorial:
CocoaPods, the Cocoa library package manager.
cache Manipulate the CocoaPods cache
init Generate a Podfile for the current directory.
install Install project dependencies to Podfile.lock versions
ipc Inter-process communication
lib Develop pods
list List pods
outdated Show outdated project dependencies
plugins Show available CocoaPods plugins
repo Manage spec-repositories
search Search for pods.
setup Setup the CocoaPods environment
spec Manage pod specs
trunk Interact with the CocoaPods API (e.g. publishing new specs)
try Try a Pod!
update Update outdated project dependencies and create new
--silent Show nothing
--version Show the version of the tool
--verbose Show more debugging information
--no-ansi Show output without ANSI codes
--help Show help banner of specified command

Why pod library still can be used after i delete it from Podfile?

I added this into my Podfile:
pod 'RDVTabBarController'
Then I ran pod install. Then I added import RDVTabBarController on my view controller and all works well.
I removed pod 'RDVTabBarController from the Podfile, then ran pod install again. Why can I still use it on my ViewController? Is RDVTabBarController still installed as a reference on my computer?
If you run pod update it should remove it from your project. I would also run a Clean from within Xcode to ensure that all build stages are started over from scratch.

Using CocoaPods with Swift

I'm new to Cocoapods and am trying to use a pod named DateTools in my OS X app Swift project.
I installed Cocoapods, created the podfile, added pod 'DateTools' to it, ran pod install and everything seemed to work fine. (I'm a Ruby dev so I think I got this part right).
As asked by Cocoapods, I now opened my project using the new .xcworkspace file created. I correctly see two projects in Xcode: mine and Pods.
I added a sample model file to my project, let's call it SampleModel but in the code, when I do this:
let date = NSDate()
var year = date.year
I get the error: 'NSDate' does not have a member named 'year'. According to DateTools README, this should work.
As I'm new to both Xcode and Cocoapods, I can't figure out what is the likely error: DateTools not working with Swift or did I fail to import something, somewhere?
You need to import module into your source file
import DateTools
Also, by default is CocoaPods building static libraries - to use those you would need to configure bridging header. Easier way is to make it build dynamic framework by specifying so in Podfile (and run pod install):
pod 'DateTools'
