EOPL/Racket/Scheme Random Number List between two numbers - scheme

This the task:
Write a function (random-number-list n lim) which returns a list of n random integers in the range 0 through lim-1
This is my Code: (I am using #lang EOPL in DrRacket)
(define (random-number-list n lim)
(letrec ((maker
(lambda (n lim result)
(let loop ((g lim) (result '()))
(if (= g 0)
(loop (- lim 1) (cons (random lim) result)))))))
(maker n lim '())))
This should be what it produce:
(random-number-list 10 20) => (1 11 4 18 3 12 17 17 8 4)
When I run the code I receive an error dealing with "(random lim)." Something to with random. Would anyone know the reason? Also, am I on the correct track?

The main problem with your code is in this line:
(loop (- lim 1) (cons (random lim) result))
You're decrementing lim but testing against g, which remains unchanged, leading to an infinite loop. Also, g was incorrectly initialized in this line:
((g lim) (result '()))
This should fix the problems:
(define (random-number-list n lim)
(letrec ((maker
(lambda (n lim result)
(let loop ((g n) (result '()))
(if (= g 0)
(loop (- g 1) (cons (random lim) result)))))))
(maker n lim '())))
Given that you're using Racket, know that a simpler solution is possible:
(define (random-number-list n lim)
(build-list n (lambda (x) (random lim))))
Either way, it works as expected:
(random-number-list 10 20)
=> '(13 7 5 9 3 12 7 8 0 4)

The main reason you get an error is that the langiage #!eopl doesn have a procedure named random. If you se the eported symbols of eopl it simply doesn't exist. It does exist in #!racket though.
As Oscar pointed out there were some logical errors that leads to infinite loops. An honest mistake, but I also notice you use g instead of n in your inner loop. It's very common to use the original name instead of the chosen local variable so a common way to not do that mistake is to shadow the original variable.
There is also only need for one local procedure. Here are my corrections with either keeping the named let or the letrec:
;; with letrec
(define (random-number-list n lim)
(letrec ((maker
(lambda (n result)
(if (zero? n)
(maker (- n 1)
(cons (random lim) result))))))
(maker n '())))
;; with named let
(define (random-number-list2 n lim)
(let maker ((n n) (result '()))
(if (zero? n)
(maker (- n 1)
(cons (random lim) result)))))
I left lim out since it never changes and i used the same name maker to illustrate it's exactly the same that happens in these two, only the syntax are different. Many implementations actually rewrites the named let to something very similar to the letrec version.

An alternative:
(define (random-number-list n lim)
(build-list n (λ (x) (random lim)))
Here build-list builds a list of n elements.
Each element is the result of calling (λ (x) (random lim))
which ignores x and returns a random number between 0 and lim-1.


How to decrement a value in Scheme?

I have a procedure that can find the n smallest primes larger than from
(define (primes_range from to n)
(for ([i (in-range from to)])
(if (> n 0)
(cond ((prime? i) (display i)
(- n 1)))
I add a parameter n to the procedure primes_range and decrement it during the execution only if a prime was found.
But n not changed. How to fix that?
The idiomatic Scheme way to write this function is to use recursion:
(define (primes-range from to n)
(cond ((>= from to) '())
((<= n 0) '())
((prime? from) (cons from (primes-range (+ from 1) to (- n 1))))
(else (primes-range (+ from 1) to n))))
You can easily spell this out in English:
Base cases:
A prime range where the from is equal or greater to to is empty.
A prime range where n is 0 or less is empty.
Recursive cases:
If from is a prime, then the prime range is from, prepended to the result of calling primes-range starting from (+ from 1) and with (- n 1) elements.
Otherwise, the result is calling primes-range starting from (+ from 1) (still with n elements).

Do two things in Racket "for loop"

I'm running a for loop in racket, for each object in my list, I want to execute two things: if the item satisfies the condition, (1) append it to my new list and (2) then print the list. But I'm not sure how to do this in Racket.
This is my divisor function: in the if statement, I check if the number in the range can divide N. If so, I append the item into my new list L. After all the loops are done, I print L. But for some unknown reason, the function returns L still as an empty list, so I would like to see what the for loop does in each loop. But obviously racket doesn't seem to take two actions in one "for loop". So How should I do this?
(define (divisor N)
(define L '())
(for ([i (in-range 1 N)])
(if (equal? (modulo N i) 0)
(append L (list i))
write L)
Thanks a lot in advance!
Note: This answer builds on the answer from #uselpa, which I upvoted.
The for forms have an optional #:when clause. Using for/fold:
#lang racket
(define (divisors N)
(reverse (for/fold ([xs '()])
([n (in-range 1 N)]
#:when (zero? (modulo N n)))
(displayln n)
(cons n xs))))
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (divisors 100)
'(1 2 4 5 10 20 25 50))
I realize your core question was about how to display each intermediate list. However, if you didn't need to do that, it would be even simpler to use for/list:
(define (divisors N)
(for/list ([n (in-range 1 N)]
#:when (zero? (modulo N n)))
In other words a traditional Scheme (filter __ (map __)) or filter-map can also be expressed in Racket as for/list using a #:when clause.
There are many ways to express this. I think what all our answers have in common is that you probably want to avoid using for and set! to build the result list. Doing so isn't idiomatic Scheme or Racket.
It's possible to create the list as you intend, as long as you set! the value returned by append (remember: append does not modify the list in-place, it creates a new list that must be stored somewhere) and actually call write at the end:
(define (divisor N)
(define L '())
(for ([i (in-range 1 N)]) ; generate a stream in the range 1..N
(when (zero? (modulo N i)) ; use `when` if there's no `else` part, and `zero?`
; instead of `(equal? x 0)`
(set! L (append L (list i))) ; `set!` for updating the result
(write L) ; call `write` like this
(newline)))) ; insert new line
… But that's not the idiomatic way to do things in Scheme in general and Racket in particular:
We avoid mutation operations like set! as much as possible
It's a bad idea to write inside a loop, you'll get a lot of text printed in the console
It's not recommended to append elements at the end of a list, that'll take quadratic time. We prefer to use cons to add new elements at the head of a list, and if necessary reverse the list at the end
With all of the above considerations in place, this is how we'd implement a more idiomatic solution in Racket - using stream-filter, without printing and without using for loops:
(define (divisor N)
(stream->list ; convert stream into a list
(stream-filter ; filter values
(lambda (i) (zero? (modulo N i))) ; that meet a given condition
(in-range 1 N)))) ; generate a stream in the range 1..N
Yet another option (similar to #uselpa's answer), this time using for/fold for iteration and for accumulating the value - again, without printing:
(define (divisor N)
(reverse ; reverse the result at the end
(for/fold ([acc '()]) ; `for/fold` to traverse input and build output in `acc`
([i (in-range 1 N)]) ; a stream in the range 1..N
(if (zero? (modulo N i)) ; if the condition holds
(cons i acc) ; add element at the head of accumulator
acc)))) ; otherwise leave accumulator alone
Anyway, if printing all the steps in-between is necessary, this is one way to do it - but less efficient than the previous versions:
(define (divisor N)
(for/fold ([acc '()])
([i (in-range 1 N)])
(if (zero? (modulo N i))
(let ([ans (cons i acc)])
; inefficient, but prints results in ascending order
; also, `(displayln x)` is shorter than `(write x) (newline)`
(displayln (reverse ans))
#sepp2k has answered your question why your result is always null.
In Racket, a more idiomatic way would be to use for/fold:
(define (divisor N)
(for/fold ((res null)) ((i (in-range 1 N)))
(if (zero? (modulo N i))
(let ((newres (append res (list i))))
(displayln newres)
> (divisor 100)
(1 2)
(1 2 4)
(1 2 4 5)
(1 2 4 5 10)
(1 2 4 5 10 20)
(1 2 4 5 10 20 25)
(1 2 4 5 10 20 25 50)
'(1 2 4 5 10 20 25 50)
Since append is not really performant, you usually use cons instead, and end up with a list you need to reverse:
(define (divisor N)
(for/fold ((res null)) ((i (in-range 1 N)))
(if (zero? (modulo N i))
(let ((newres (cons i res)))
(displayln newres)
> (divisor 100)
(2 1)
(4 2 1)
(5 4 2 1)
(10 5 4 2 1)
(20 10 5 4 2 1)
(25 20 10 5 4 2 1)
(50 25 20 10 5 4 2 1)
'(1 2 4 5 10 20 25 50)
To do multiple things in a for-loop in Racket, you just write them after each other. So to display L after each iteration, you'd do this:
(define (divisor N)
(define L '())
(for ([i (in-range 1 N)])
(if (equal? (modulo N i) 0)
(append L (list i))
(write L))
Note that you need parentheses to call a function, so it's (write L) - not write L. I also replaced your write L outside of the for-loop with just L because you (presumably) want to return L from the function at the end - not print it (and since you didn't have parentheses around it, that's what it was doing anyway).
What this will show you is that the value of L is () all the time. The reason for that is that you never change L. What append does is to return a new list - it does not affect the value of any its arguments. So using it without using its return value does not do anything useful.
If you wanted to make your for-loop work, you'd need to use set! to actually change the value of L. However it would be much more idiomatic to avoid mutation and instead solve this using filter or recursion.
'Named let', a general method, can be used here:
(define (divisors N)
(let loop ((n 1) ; start with 1
(ol '())) ; initial outlist is empty;
(if (< n N)
(if(= 0 (modulo N n))
(loop (add1 n) (cons n ol)) ; add n to list
(loop (add1 n) ol) ; next loop without adding n
(reverse ol))))
Reverse before output since items have been added to the head of list (with cons).

Why does this Miller-Rabin Procedure in Scheme works when the code seems to be wrong?

I am working through SICP. In exercise 1.28 about the Miller-Rabin test. I had this code, that I know is wrong because it does not follow the instrcuccions of the exercise.
(define (fast-prime? n times)
(define (even? x)
(= (remainder x 2) 0))
(define (miller-rabin-test n)
(try-it (+ 1 (random (- n 1)))))
(define (try-it a)
(= (expmod a (- n 1) n) 1))
(define (expmod base exp m)
(cond ((= exp 0) 1)
((even? exp)
(if (and (not (= exp (- m 1))) (= (remainder (square exp) m) 1))
(remainder (square (expmod base (/ exp 2) m)) m)))
(remainder (* base (expmod base (- exp 1) m)) m))))
(cond ((= times 0) true)
((miller-rabin-test n) (fast-prime? n (- times 1)))
(else false)))
In it I test if the square of the exponent is congruent to 1 mod n. Which according
to what I have read, and other correct implementations I have seen is wrong. I should test
the entire number as in:
(trivial-test (expmod base (/ exp 2) m) m))
The thing is that I have tested this, with many prime numbers and large Carmicheal numbers,
and it seems to give the correct answer, though a bit slower. I don't understand why this
seems to work.
Your version of the function "works" only because you are lucky. Try this experiment: evaluate (fast-prime? 561 3) a hundred times. Depending on the random witnesses that your function chooses, sometimes it will return true and sometimes it will return false. When I did that I got 12 true and 88 false, but you may get different results, depending on your random number generator.
> (let loop ((k 0) (t 0) (f 0))
(if (= k 100) (values t f)
(if (fast-prime? 561 3)
(loop (+ k 1) (+ t 1) f)
(loop (+ k 1) t (+ f 1)))))
I don't have SICP in front of me -- my copy is at home -- but I can tell you the right way to perform a Miller-Rabin primality test.
Your expmod function is incorrect; there is no reason to square the exponent. Here is a proper function to perform modular exponentiation:
(define (expm b e m) ; modular exponentiation
(let loop ((b b) (e e) (x 1))
(if (zero? e) x
(loop (modulo (* b b) m) (quotient e 2)
(if (odd? e) (modulo (* b x) m) x)))))
Then Gary Miller's strong pseudoprime test, which is a strong version of your try-it test for which there is a witness a that proves the compositeness of every composite n, looks like this:
(define (strong-pseudoprime? n a) ; strong pseudoprime base a
(let loop ((r 0) (s (- n 1)))
(if (even? s) (loop (+ r 1) (/ s 2))
(if (= (expm a s n) 1) #t
(let loop ((r r) (s s))
(cond ((zero? r) #f)
((= (expm a s n) (- n 1)) #t)
(else (loop (- r 1) (* s 2)))))))))
Assuming the Extended Riemann Hypothesis, testing every a from 2 to n-1 will prove (an actual, deterministic proof, not just a probabilistic estimate of primality) the primality of a prime n, or identify at least one a that is a witness to the compositeness of a composite n. Michael Rabin proved that if n is composite, at least three-quarters of the a from 2 to n-1 are witnesses to that compositeness, so testing k random bases demonstrates, but does not prove, the primality of a prime n to a probability of 4−k. Thus, this implementation of the Miller-Rabin primality test:
(define (prime? n k)
(let loop ((k k))
(cond ((zero? k) #t)
((not (strong-pseudoprime? n (random (+ 2 (- n 3))))) #f)
(else (loop (- k 1))))))
That always works properly:
> (let loop ((k 0) (t 0) (f 0))
(if (= k 100) (values t f)
(if (prime? 561 3)
(loop (+ k 1) (+ t 1) f)
(loop (+ k 1) t (+ f 1)))))
I know your purpose is to study SICP rather than to program primality tests, but if you're interested in programming with prime numbers, I modestly recommend this essay at my blog, which discusses the Miller-Rabin test, among other topics. You should also know there are better (faster, less likely to report erroneous result) primality tests available than randomized Miller-Rabin.
It seems to me, you still got correct answer, because in each iteration of expmod you check conditions for previous iteration. You could try to debug exp value using display function inside expmod. Really, your code is not very different from this one.

Scheme prime numbers

this is possibly much of an elementary question, but I'm having trouble with a procedure I have to write in Scheme. The procedure should return all the prime numbers less or equal to N (N is from input).
(define (isPrimeHelper x k)
(if (= x k) #t
(if (= (remainder x k) 0) #f
(isPrimeHelper x (+ k 1)))))
(define ( isPrime x )
(( = x 1 ) #t)
(( = x 2 ) #t)
( else (isPrimeHelper x 2 ) )))
(define (printPrimesUpTo n)
(define result '())
(define (helper x)
(if (= x (+ 1 n)) result
(if (isPrime x) (cons x result) ))
( helper (+ x 1)))
( helper 1 ))
My check for prime works, however the function printPrimesUpTo seem to loop forever. Basically the idea is to check whether a number is prime and put it in a result list.
Thanks :)
You have several things wrong, and your code is very non-idiomatic. First, the number 1 is not prime; in fact, is it neither prime nor composite. Second, the result variable isn't doing what you think it is. Third, your use of if is incorrect everywhere it appears; if is an expression, not a statement as in some other programming languages. And, as a matter of style, closing parentheses are stacked at the end of the line, and don't occupy a line of their own. You need to talk with your professor or teaching assistant to clear up some basic misconceptions about Scheme.
The best algorithm to find the primes less than n is the Sieve of Eratosthenes, invented about twenty-two centuries ago by a Greek mathematician who invented the leap day and a system of latitude and longitude, accurately measured the circumference of the Earth and the distance from Earth to Sun, and was chief librarian of Ptolemy's library at Alexandria. Here is a simple version of his algorithm:
(define (primes n)
(let ((bits (make-vector (+ n 1) #t)))
(let loop ((p 2) (ps '()))
(cond ((< n p) (reverse ps))
((vector-ref bits p)
(do ((i (+ p p) (+ i p))) ((< n i))
(vector-set! bits i #f))
(loop (+ p 1) (cons p ps)))
(else (loop (+ p 1) ps))))))
Called as (primes 50), that returns the list (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47). It is much faster than testing numbers for primality by trial division, as you are attempting to do. If you must, here is a proper primality checker:
(define (prime? n)
(let loop ((d 2))
(cond ((< n (* d d)) #t)
((zero? (modulo n d)) #f)
(else (loop (+ d 1))))))
Improvements are possible for both algorithms. If you are interested, I modestly recommend this essay on my blog.
First, it is good style to express nested structure by indentation, so it is visually apparent; and also to put each of if's clauses, the consequent and the alternative, on its own line:
(define (isPrimeHelper x k)
(if (= x k)
#t ; consequent
(if (= (remainder x k) 0) ; alternative
;; ^^ indentation
#f ; consequent
(isPrimeHelper x (+ k 1))))) ; alternative
(define (printPrimesUpTo n)
(define result '())
(define (helper x)
(if (= x (+ 1 n))
result ; consequent
(if (isPrime x) ; alternative
(cons x result) )) ; no alternative!
;; ^^ indentation
( helper (+ x 1)))
( helper 1 ))
Now it is plainly seen that the last thing that your helper function does is to call itself with an incremented x value, always. There's no stopping conditions, i.e. this is an infinite loop.
Another thing is, calling (cons x result) does not alter result's value in any way. For that, you need to set it, like so: (set! result (cons x result)). You also need to put this expression in a begin group, as it is evaluated not for its value, but for its side-effect:
(define (helper x)
(if (= x (+ 1 n))
(if (isPrime x)
(set! result (cons x result)) ) ; no alternative!
(helper (+ x 1)) )))
Usually, the explicit use of set! is considered bad style. One standard way to express loops is as tail-recursive code using named let, usually with the canonical name "loop" (but it can be any name whatever):
(define (primesUpTo n)
(let loop ((x n)
(result '()))
((<= x 1) result) ; return the result
((isPrime x)
(loop (- x 1) (cons x result))) ; alter the result being built
(else (loop (- x 1) result))))) ; go on with the same result
which, in presence of tail-call optimization, is actually equivalent to the previous version.
The (if) expression in your (helper) function is not the tail expression of the function, and so is not returned, but control will always continue to (helper (+ x 1)) and recurse.
The more efficient prime?(from Sedgewick's "Algorithms"):
(define (prime? n)
(define (F n i) "helper"
(cond ((< n (* i i)) #t)
((zero? (remainder n i)) #f)
(F n (+ i 1)))))
"primality test"
(cond ((< n 2) #f)
(F n 2))))
You can do this much more nicely. I reformated your code:
(define (prime? x)
(define (prime-helper x k)
(cond ((= x k) #t)
((= (remainder x k) 0) #f)
(prime-helper x (+ k 1)))))
(cond ((= x 1) #f)
((= x 2) #t)
(prime-helper x 2))))
(define (primes-up-to n)
(define (helper x)
(cond ((= x 0) '())
((prime? x)
(cons x (helper (- x 1))))
(helper (- x 1)))))
(helper n)))
scheme#(guile-user)> (primes-up-to 20)
$1 = (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19)
Please don’t write Scheme like C or Java – and have a look at these style rules for languages of the lisp-family for the sake of readability: Do not use camel-case, do not put parentheses on own lines, mark predicates with ?, take care of correct indentation, do not put additional whitespace within parentheses.

build-list (error - expects a procedure) Racket/Scheme

Trying to make a function that produces a n by n board
(new-board 2)
is supposed to produce
(list (make-posn 0 0) (make-posn 0 1) (make-posn 1 0) (make-posn 1 1))
The current rendition of my code is as follows:
(define (new-board y)
(build-list y (lambda (x) (build-list x (make-posn y x))))
I was pretty certain that it would work, but given my current knowledge and experience in Racket, I couldn't find the error.
I typed in:
> (new-board 3)
and got the error:
build-list: expects a procedure (arity 1); given (make-posn 3 0)
Am I committing a heinous crime by invoking build list inside of a build-list?
Please let me know. Thanks!
About this procedure:
(define (new-board y)
(build-list y (lambda (x) (build-list x
(make-posn y x))))) ;error!
Let's see what build-list receives as parameters. The first parameter is y, a number and the second parameter is a procedure, but you're passing the result of evaluating make-posn, which is not a procedure, it's a value. And that's the reason for the error you're getting.
EDIT 1 :
Now I understand what you intended. I can think of a solution, but it's a bit more elaborated than what you had in mind:
(define (new-board n)
(map (lambda (x)
(map (lambda (y)
(make-posn x y))
(build-list n identity)))
(build-list n identity))))
(define (flatten lst)
(if (not (list? lst))
(list lst)
(apply append (map flatten lst))))
Here's how it works:
build-list is just being used for generating numbers from 0 to n-1, and I'm passing identity as the procedure, because no further processing is required for each number
For each number in the list, we also want to generate another list, again from 0 to n-1 because all the coordinates in the board are required. For example if n is 3 the coordinates are '((0 0) (0 1) (0 2) (1 0) (1 1) (1 2) (2 0) (2 1) (2 2))
I'm using a map inside a map for building the nested lists, a technique borrowed from here (see: "nested mappings")
Finally, I had to flatten the generated lists, and that's what flatten does (otherwise, we'd have ended with a list of lists of lists)
EDIT 2 :
Come to think of it, I found an even simpler way, closer to what you had in mind. Notice that the flatten procedure is unavoidable:
(define (new-board n)
(build-list n
(lambda (x)
(build-list n
(lambda (y)
(make-posn x y)))))))
Now, when you type this:
(new-board 2)
The result is as expected:
(#(struct:posn 0 0) #(struct:posn 0 1) #(struct:posn 1 0) #(struct:posn 1 1))
If you look up the signature (contract) of build-list1, you see that it is
build-list : Nat (Nat -> X) -> (listof X)
So it takes a (natural) number, and then a function that expects a natural number and gives back an element of the type (X) that you want included in the list. So in your case, what specific type do you want X to be for each call you're making to build-list (it can be different in each case). In the case of the inner build-list, it looks like you're trying to make a list of posns. However, (make-posn y x) immediately makes a single posn and is not a function as build-list expects. So just as you provide a function (lambda (x) ...) to the outer build-list, you should also provide a function (lambda (...) ...) to the inner function.
Choosing the name x for the parameter of the first lambda might be a little confusing. What I might do is change the name of the new-board function's parameter to N, in that it seems like you want to create a board of N rows (and columns). And the purpose of the first build-list is to create each of those rows (or columns, depending how you want to think of it). So if you had:
(define (new-board N)
(build-list N (lambda (x) ...)))
And then you use it like:
(new-board 5)
it will reduce/simplify/evaluate as follows:
==> (build-list 5 (lambda (x) ...))
==> (list ( (lambda (x) (build-list ... x ...)) 0 )
( (lambda (x) (build-list ... x ...)) 1 )
( (lambda (x) (build-list ... x ...)) 2 )
( (lambda (x) (build-list ... x ...)) 3 )
( (lambda (x) (build-list ... x ...)) 4 )
==> (list (build-list ... 0 ...)
(build-list ... 1 ...)
(build-list ... 2 ...)
(build-list ... 3 ...)
(build-list ... 4 ...))
So, there's nothing wrong with nesting build-list. See if you can figure out now how to have the inner build-list work on producing a list of posns once the current row is fixed to a particular x value.
By the way, if you're allowed to use full Racket, there's a nice way to express the computation with for loops:
(define (new-board n)
(for*/list ([i n]
[j n])
(make-posn i j)))
Another way to get the same result but with a different approach is to use an arithmetic trick with quotient and remainder.
(define (new-board n)
(build-list (* n n)
(lambda (k)
(make-posn (quotient k n)
(remainder k n)))))
