ASP.NET Identity + WebForms for the cloud-based application? - webforms

Summary: My task is to decide how the user authentication should be implemented for the cloud-based project that should be evolved from the older WebForms application. I am at the beginning of the decision process, but I have to decide soon; so, I will appreciate your experience.
Why WebForms? The application is based on the older WebForms code, this way it should start from the WebForms code. The problem is that the application should be ready rather quickly, so the code must be reused as much as possible. Also, we do not have developers that have working knowledge with MVC. Some trade-offs are necessary. However, the log-in process will be new, and it can be implemented using the MVC approach.
What is new: The older code was built to run on the intranet web server, the users signed-in using simple login names. Security things were not that complex. The application uses the pre-ASP.NET Identity -- really old, and that part of the application should be replaced. There will be more groups of users that should work in the separate workspace (think of companies).
New acount -- authentication: The user should use valid e-mail address to ask for registration. For the new user, the e-mail should be validated as existing, and then it should be approved by the administrator dedicated for the group.
Authorization: A user will be allowed to work only with some data. Think in terms of using a single database where the user of one group should be allowed to access only the part dedicated to the group. However, there may be power users that may have more rights.
Should I focus on using ASP.NET Identity? If yes, (not being dependent on the older versions) should I start with ASP.NET Identity 3 that is currently in 3.0.0-beta7 (see, or should I stick with version 2?

ASP.NET Identity is Microsoft's main thrust for identity and membership and their newest identity library. If you are concerned about continued support then this is the library for you.
The ASP.NET Identity library supports your need for claims based authorization (in your case using roles/groups) and recording email addresses confirmation. This is available out of the box.
I would not recommend using ASP.NET Identity 3 however, as this is designed with ASP.NET vNext in mind, not something you want to do with your legacy system.
Stick with ASP.NET Identity v2.x


From windows authentication to token based authentication, keeping .net framework 4.6 and active directory in use

My enterprise application is developed in .net framework 4.5 and is using windows authentication. In which case, as we all understand, it is the underlying AD(active directory) that authenticates the user.
I have to replace windows authentication with token based authentication, keeping the .net framework 4.6 and AD(active directory). I guess oAuth is a possible solution, could you please share some thoughts on other possible solutions and as how could I get started.
It was common some years ago for apps to be developed for a corporate intranet, in which case Windows Authentication was a good solution. When token based authentication came along the benefits typically were:
Extend reach so that apps could be used over the internet
Support cross domain scenarios, eg APIs in a different domain
Support multiple authentication methods / policies depending on user location and device type
Write less security code and make new security features available to multiple apps
An OAuth migration is a major architectural change and needs to be managed in terms of costs and benefits, though once done your apps will be quite cutting edge. Here is how Windows Authentication typically works in an OAuth 2.0 / Open Id Connect world, which requires a more complex setup:
Your UI redirects to a Cloud Authorization Server (AS), such as Azure Access Control
The AS redirects to an identity provider - such as an on premise version of ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services) - that is configured to use Windows authentication
When in the corporate intranet the user is automatically signed in and ADFS posts tokens to the AS
The AS posts different tokens to your UI
Your UI calls the API with the AS token and the API validates it
If you decide that the effort is worthwhile then there are 2 parts to the job. Note that your application code will only ever interact with the AS and doesn't need to know or care about the authentication method:
Infrastructure migration
Updating the code in your UIs and APIs
If it helps, my blog and code samples are designed to help people deal with some of the challenges of OAuth tech. Maybe have a look at my first tutorial to get set up.

How to decide which authentication to use in multitenant environment?

I am designing one Multi tenant based CRM system, Where tenant will be identified by sub domain. But I am a bit confuse about the authentication system, which one to use. STS using some third party tool like thinktecture Or simple membership provided by Microsoft framework.
Identity Server 3 (Thinktecture) will be your best bet.
Simple Membership is a fair bit out of date... See Brock Allen's article Think twice about using MembershipProvider (and SimpleMembership) for a good argument against Simple Membership.

How do I use old membership system of ASP.NET 2 instead of ASP.NET Identity in ASP.NET 4.5?

I am working on a web application and I need to use a legacy membership system. Can you help me to know how should I have that database and how to implement that membership system in my web application that uses .Net 4.5?
let me explain it, you know nowadays we are using ASP.NET Identity but if you remember in past we were using ASP.NET Membership in .Net 2, can you remember old membership and authentication system? now i want to use that system instead of ASP.NET Identity. with old tables and structure.
Here is the history -
Membership Provider
Universal Providers
Simple Membership
ASP.NET Identity (Current version is 2)
ASP.NET Universal Providers is the last version of old ASP.Net Membership Provider. It uses Entity Framework Code First under the hood.
If you really have to use ASP.Net 2.0 Membership Provider, you need to use aspnet_regsql.exe to generate schema and store procedures. It is pain in the neck.
Here is the step-by-step instruction at 4guysfromrolla - Examining ASP.NET's Membership, Roles, and Profile

ASP.Net or Node.js in the following situation

Good morning,
I am going to write a web service and I am not sure which framework would suit the situation best. I understand what Node and .Net are good at.
The client will call the services at the following stages:
App loads up - user logins in via Facebook API.
User can create an "entity". This entity will be stored in a database (SQL for .Net/ Azure table for Node) and also posted to a Facebook application (timeline stuff). User can make changes to this at any time.
User can browse Facebook Friends (Facebook API again).
Changes to the entity will be pushed to all users who have "joined" the same entity (SignalR .net/ Node).
That is the skeleton of the web services, there may be more Facebook calls or CRUD operations. Which Framework will handle this best?
Many thanks.
Aside from the mentioned WebAPI, also consider the excellent ServiceStack for building a webservice.
Any well-written code regardless of the framework will be able to handle it.
If you are a .NET developer I personally think type safety of C# is important so I would not go down the Azure node.js way since it will also force me to use Azure.
I would personally use ASP.NET Web API.
As long as you build your application on a solid framework, you'll be on the bright side (assuming you know how to set-up such an application in a secure and proper manner). For .NET i'd use the Web API and for node.js i'd stick with something like express/connect.
Just keep in mind that node.js and the frameworks based on it are still subject to heavy changes, whereas ASP.NET is production-safe since years.
As a bottom line, i don't think you're able to say "X is better than Y because of Z" in this scenario. It's a matter of personal preferences, infrastructure and your technical skills.

How do you get the SID of the current web user in Legacy ASP?

I have an assembly that is exposed to com that provides access to a security library in .net to legacy vb code so we can add in our new security model without completely rewriting all of our legacy applications into .net.
A few methods in one of these classes exposed to COM expect an Sid of the current user (we're on a domain if that makes a difference). I have two different situations: the first situation is when the user is running desktop/console application and I need to get the Sid of the current identity running the application, and the second situation is when the user is connecting to an asp web application and I need to get the Sid of the user that is viewing the page. How is this done?
I don't have much experience with legacy asp/vb, so I wasn't sure how to do this.
With classic ASP, I not sure that you would be able to get it directly, however you can get the domain\username from the Request object:
Then you can look at Active Directory to get the SID value from ObjectSID.
