Real life scenarios for Transaction propagations - spring

There are various transaction propagations like
REQUIRED - This is the case for DML operation.
SUPPORTS - This is the case for querying database.
What are some real life scenarios for these transaction propagations? Why these are perfect fit into that situation?

There are various usages and there is no simple answer but I'll try to be the most explainatory
MANDATORY (expecting transaction): Typically used when you expect that any "higher-context" layer started the transaction and you only want to continue in it. For example if you want one transaction for whole operation from HTTP request to response. Then you start transaction on JAX-RS resource level and lower layers (services) require transaction to run within (otherwise exception is thrown).
REQUIRES_NEW (always create new transaction): This creates a new transaction and suspends the current one if any exists. From above example, this is the level you set on your JAX-RS resource for example. Or generally if your flow somehow changes and you want to split your logic into multiple transactions (so your code have mutliple logic operations that should be separated).
REQUIRED (continue in transaction or create if needed): Some kind of mix between MANDATORY and REQUIRES_NEW. In MANDATORY you expect that the transaction exists, for this level you hope that it exists and if not, you create it. Typically used in DAO-like services (from my experience), but it really depends on logic of your app.
SUPPORTS (caller decides whether to not/run in transaction): Used if want to use the same context as caller (higher context), if your caller was running in transaction, then you run in too. If it didn't, you are also non-transactional. May also be used in DAO-like services if you want higher context to decide.
NESTED (sub-transaction): I must admit I didn't use this one in real code but generally you create a real sub-transaction that works as some kind of checkpoint. So it runs in the context of "parent" transaction but if it fails it returns to that checkpoint (start of nested transaction). This may be useful when you require this kind of logic in your application, for example if you want to insert large number of items to the database, commiting valid ones and keeping track of invalid ones (so you can catch exception when nested transaction fails but can still commit the whole transaction for valid ones)
NEVER (expecting there is no transaction): This is the case when you want to be sure that no transaction exists at all. If some code that runs in transaction reaches this code, exception is thrown. So typically this is for cases completely opposite to MANDARTORY. E.g. when you know that no transaction should be affected by this code - very likely because the transaction should not exist.
NOT_SUPPORTED (continue non-transactionally): This is weaker than NEVER, you want the code to be run non-transactionally. If somehow you enter this code from context where transaction is, you suspend this transaction and continue non-transactionally.
From my experience, you very often want one business action to be atomic. Thus you want only one transaction per request/... For example simple REST call via HTTP that does some DB operations all in one HTTP-like transaction. So my typical usage is REQUIRES_NEW on the top level (JAX-RS Resource) and MANDATORY on all lower level services that are injected to this resource (or even lower).
This may be useful for you. It describes how code behave with given propagation (caller->method)
MANDATORY: NONE->Exception, T1->T1
NEVER: NONE->NONE, T1->Exception


Saga Compensating Transaction

Currently working on initial phase of Microservice Architecture for product. It is evident that for many operation it required to have distributed transaction or say there are couple of operation required across different microservice in-order to complete one business process.
For this purpose I found that Saga is useful. Now for ideal case or where everything goes correct then it works fine but when something is not correct or some activity failed at that moment we may have to rollback those operation. For this there is something called "Compensating" transaction or operation required. Now It is completely possible when operation performed specially for successful operation, it may possible that other transaction also performed on that service so db might be in different state then when actually operation performed.
What will be the solution for this ? One solution I think is that somehow state needs to preserve so it can revisit but like for stock may be change to some other transaction so I feel that compensating transaction would be a problem.

When to session.commit() in a NiFi Processor

I am implementing a NiFi processor and have couple of clarifications to make with respect to best practices:
session.getProvenanceReporter().modify(...) - Should we emit the event immediately after every session.transfer()
session.commit() - Documentation says, after performing operations on flowfiles, either commit or rollback can be invoked.
Developer guide:
Question is, what do I lose by not invoking these methods explicitly?
1) Yes typically the provenance event is emitted after transferring the flow file.
2) It depends if you are extending AbstractProcessor, or AbstractSessionFactoryProcessor. AbstractProcessor will call commit or rollback for you so you don't need to, AbstractSessionFactoryProcessor requires you to call them appropriately.
If you are extending AbstractSessionFactoryProcessor and never call commit, eventually that session will get garbage collected and rollback will be called, and all the operations performed by that session will be rolled back.
There is also an annotation #SupportsBatching which can be placed on a processor. When this annotation is present, the UI shows a slider on the processor's scheduling tab that indicates how many milliseconds worth of framework operations like commit() can be batched together behind the scenes for increased throughput. If latency is more important then leaving the slides at 0 milliseconds is appropriate, but the key here is that the user gets to decide this when building the flow and configuring the processor.

Validate object existence before deletion or update in Spring/Hibernate

I'm using Spring/Hibernate combination for my project, with standard CRUD operations.
I wonder, is it reasonable to validate object existence before its deletion or update? If it is, where is the most appropriate place to do - service or dao layer?
Sorry, I didn't make the point at first when I asked this question. The only motive for existence checking is to throw friendly exception to client of service (no DAO specific).
Problem is that I 'have to do' existence checking because my service method below is transactional, and besides that, I'm using HibernateTemplate and DaoSupport helper classes for session manipulation in DAO objects.
According to mentioned, Hibernate exception (in case of deleting non-existing instance for example) is thrown at commit time, which is out of my reach, because (I suppose) commit is executed by PlatformTransactionManager in proxy object, and I have no opportunity to handle that exception in my service method and re-throw some friendly exception to the client.
But even if I keep my strategy to check existence before deletion, bad stuff is that I have problems with NonUniqueObjectException in the case that instance exist, because I re-attach (in delete-time) already loaded instance (in read-time due existence checking).
For example:
//Existence checking in this example is not so important
public void delete(Employee emp){
throw new SomeAppSpecificException();
//Existence checking in this example is maybe 'more logical'
public void save(Assignment a){
throw new FriendlyForeignKeyConstraintException();
throw new EmployeeNotFoundExc();
//...some more integrity checking and similar...;
The point is that I just want to throw friendly exception with appropriate message in the case of mentioned situations (integrity violations and similar).
In Hibernate terms, both update and delete operations (and corresponding methods on Session) deal with persisted entities. Their existence is, therefore, implied and verifying it again in your code is kind of pointless - Hibernate will do that on its own and throw an exception if that's not the case. You can then catch and handle (or rethrow) that exception.
On a side note (based on your sample code), it's not necessary to explicitly read the instance you're going to delete. Session provides load() method that will return proxy instance suitable for passing to delete() method without actually hitting the database. It assumes that instance associated with given PK exists and will fail (throw an exception) later if that's not the case.
Edit (based on question clarification):
When you say you want to throw "friendly" exception to the client, the definitions of "friendly" and "client" become important. In most real-life scenarios your transaction would span across more than a simple atomic "save()" or "delete()" method on one of your services.
If the client is local and you don't need separate transactions within a single client interaction (typical scenario - web app running in the same VM with service layer), it's usually a good idea to initiate / commit transaction there (see Open Session In View, for example). You can then catch and properly handle (including wrapping / re-throwing, if needed) exceptions during commit. Other scenarios are more complicated, but ultimately the exception will be propagated to your "top level" client; it's just that unwrapping it may prove to be complicated if you need to present the "root" cause to the client in a "friendly" way.
The bottom line, though, is that it's up to you. If you'd rather fail fast with your own exception (at the expense of writing some boilerplate code), there's nothing really wrong with that.

What's a good way to handle "async" commits?

I have a WCF service that uses ODP.NET to read data from an Oracle database. The service also writes to the database, but indirectly, as all updates and inserts are achieved through an older layer of business logic that I access via COM+, which I wrap in a TransactionScope. The older layer connects to Oracle via ODBC, not ODP.NET.
The problem I have is that because Oracle uses a two-phase-commit, and because the older business layer is using ODBC and not ODP.NET, the transaction sometimes returns on the TransactionScope.Commit() before the data is actually available for reads from the service layer.
I see a similar post about a Java user having trouble like this as well on Stack Overflow.
A representative from Oracle posted that there isn't much I can do about this problem:
This maybe due to the way OLETx
ITransaction::Commit() method behaves.
After phase 1 of the 2PC (i.e. the
prepare phase) if all is successful,
commit can return even if the resource
managers haven't actually committed.
After all the successful "prepare" is
a guarantee that the resource managers
cannot arbitrarily abort after this
point. Thus even though a resource
manager couldn't commit because it
didn't receive a "commit" notification
from the MSDTC (due to say a
communication failure), the
component's commit request returns
successfully. If you select rows from
the table(s) immediately you may
sometimes see the actual commit occur
in the database after you have already
executed your select. Your select will
not therefore see the new rows due to
consistent read semantics. There is
nothing we can do about this in Oracle
as the "commit success after
successful phase 1" optimization is
part of the MSDTC's implementation.
So, my question is this:
How should I go about dealing with the possible delay ("asyc" via the title) problem of figuring out when the second part of the 2PC actually occurs, so I can be sure that data I inserted (indirectly) is actually available to be selected after the Commit() call returns?
How do big systems deal with the fact that the data might not be ready for reading immediately?
I assume that the whole transaction has prepared and a commit outcome decided by the TransactionManager, therefore eventually (barring heuristic damage) the Resource Managers will receive their commit message and complete. However, there are no guarantees as to how long that might take - could be days, no timeouts apply, having voted "commit" in the Prepare the Resource Manager must wait to hear the collective outcome.
Under these conditions, the simplest approach is to take "an understood, we're thinking" approach. Your request has been understood, but you actually don't know the outcome, and that's what you tell the user. Yes, in all sane circumstances the request will complete, but under some conditions operators could actually choose to intervene in the transaction manually (and maybe cause heuristic damage in doing so.)
To go one step further, you could start a new transaction and perform some queries to see if the data is there. Now, if you are populating a result screen you will naturally be doing such as query. The question would be what to do if the expected results are not there. So again, tell the user "your recent request is being processed, hit refresh to see if it's complete". Or retry automatically (I don't much like auto retry - prefer to educate the user that it's effectively an asynch operation.)

EJB 3 Transaction attribute for read only method

I have a method that returns lot of data, should I use #TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED) for this method. The method perform a JPA query an loads the full content of a table (about 1000 rows).
The client to this method - is that already in a transaction? When you use NotSupported the caller transaction will be suspended. If not I would say, just put Never as the transaction type. Never is better since callers know they are not supposed to call this method from inside a transaction. A more straight forward contract.
We always use Never for methods that do more processing so that developers are aware right off the bat not to call if they are involved in a transaction already. Hope it helps.
I would care to disagree as it seldom happens that user is not in a transaction in almost all the systems. The best approach is to use NOT SUPPORTED so that the transaction is suspended if the caller is in any transaction already. NEVER is troublesome unless you have a series of calls which are all in NO TRANSACTION scope. In short, NOT SUPPORTED is the type one should use.
As far as I know (at least this is the case with Hibernate), you cannot use JPA outside of a transaction as the entity manager's lifecycle is linked to the transaction's lifecycle. So the actual method that does the query must be transactional.
However, you can set it to TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW; this would suspend any existing transaction, start a new one, and stop it when the method returns. That means all your entities would be detached by the time they reach the caller, which is what it sounds like you're trying to achieve.
In more complex systems, it pays to completely separate your data layer from your business layer and create a new set of object. Your method will then call the JPA query, then use the entities returned to populate objects from your business layer, and return those. That way the caller can never get their hands on the actual JPA entities and you are free to do in your data layer what you want, since now it's just an implementation detail. (Heck, you could change the database call to a remote API call and your caller wouldn't have to know.)
