Ace editor blurring the text - ace-editor

I'd like to use the Ace Editor to display program code as part of a tutorial, like Twilio does.
How can I tell Ace to highlight some text and blur the rest? See below.

add a css class for applying blur filter, and add blur class to lines from afterRender event
editor.renderer.on("afterRender", function(e, renderer) {
var textLayer = renderer.$textLayer;
var config = textLayer.config;
var session = textLayer.session;
var first = config.firstRow;
var last = config.lastRow;
var lineElements = textLayer.element.childNodes;
var lineElementsIdx = 0;
var row = first;
var foldLine = session.getNextFoldLine(row);
var foldStart = foldLine ? foldLine.start.row : Infinity;
var useGroups = textLayer.$useLineGroups();
while (true) {
if (row > foldStart) {
row = foldLine.end.row + 1;
foldLine = textLayer.session.getNextFoldLine(row, foldLine);
foldStart = foldLine ? foldLine.start.row : Infinity;
if (row > last)
var lineElement = lineElements[lineElementsIdx++];
if (lineElement) {
if (row < 2 || row > 7 && row < 23 || row > 25)
.ace_line.blur {
-webkit-filter: blur(0.1em);
-moz-filter: blur(0.1em);
-ms-filter: blur(0.1em);
-o-filter: blur(0.1em);
filter: blur(0.1em);
<script src=""></script>
html, body, #editor { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0 }
<pre id="editor"></pre>
<div id="return"></div>
var editor = ace.edit("editor");


html2canvas is not highlighting the highlighted circles
in this link, if i select any circle, and then save that state, in the exported image, the highlighted circle is not showing, this is showing the whole svg. Probably html2canvas can't use any css.
To save i used this way:
var xmlString = "";
var urlParam = "";
function save_state() {
var filters = [];
for (var i = 0; i < dc.chartRegistry.list().length; i++) {
var chart = dc.chartRegistry.list()[i];
for (var j = 0; j < chart.filters().length; j++) {
filters.push({ChartID: chart.chartID(), Filter: chart.filters()[j]});
urlParam = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(filters));
var svgElements = $("#svgContainer").find('svg');
//replace all svgs with a temp canvas
svgElements.each(function () {
var canvas, xml;
canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.className = "screenShotTempCanvas";
//convert SVG into a XML string
xml = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(this);
// Removing the name space as IE throws an error
xml = xml.replace(/xmlns=\"http:\/\/www\.w3\.org\/2000\/svg\"/, '');
//draw the SVG onto a canvas
canvg(canvas, xml);
//hide the SVG element
// this.className s(= "tempHide";
$(this).attr("class", "tempHide");
$.ajaxSetup({async: false});
html2canvas($('#svgContainer'), {
onrendered: function (canvas) {
var imgString = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
allowTaint: true
var postdata = {'state': urlParam, 'image': imgString}
var url = '<?php echo site_url("crime/save_crime_state")?>';
$.post(url, postdata, function (data) {
if (data.status == "success") {
var myImage = $('<img/>');
myImage.attr('class', "groupMediaPhoto");
myImage.attr('src', data.filepath);
myImage.bind('click', function(){
// $(".sidecontainer").append(str);
}, "json");
$.ajaxSetup({async: true});
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Add a class to "selected" column headers in SlickGrid

When a cell is selected in SlickGrid, how can I apply a class to it's column header?
If you look at Excel or Google docs, both apply an effect to the header cell to give a visual indication of which cell is selected. I want to add this effect to SlickGrid, but I am not sure how.
The headerCssClass column option will apply styling to the cells but that would require the headers to be rendered again to apply the changes.
So the primary events of concern are onActiveCellChanged and if applicable onColumnsReordered. I've chosen instead to subscribe to onHeaderRowCellRendered as that will also be called after a column reorder.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css"/>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
.selected_header {
background: #b8f8A8;
<div id="myGrid" style="width:500px;height:100px;"></div>
var grid;
var data = [];
var columns = [
{id: "server", name: "Server", field: "server", width: 180}
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
id: "id" + i,
name: "Id" + i,
field: i
var options = {
editable: false,
showHeaderRow: true,
headerRowHeight: 30,
enableCellNavigation: true
$(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
var d = (data[i] = {});
d.server = "Server " + i;
for (var j = 0; j < columns.length; j++) {
d[j] = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
grid = new Slick.Grid("#myGrid", data, columns, options);
grid.onActiveCellChanged.subscribe(function(e, args){
var headerColumns = $('.slick-header-columns').children();
for(i = 0; i< headerColumns.length; ++i){
$(headerColumns[i])[i == args.cell ? "addClass" : "removeClass" ]('selected_header')
grid.onHeaderRowCellRendered.subscribe(function(e, args){
if(grid.getActiveCell() ){
var columnIndex = grid.getActiveCell().cell
var headers = $('.slick-header-columns').children()
if(headers.length < columnIndex){return;}

How to avoid image flicker in IE using timer

I have the following code which causes smooth playback in Chrome. but in IE10 it causes a flicker. Are there workarounds at all?
<a href="#" title="Play Motion Clip from Beginning">
<img alt="Play Motion" src="../Images/play_green_controls.png" style="border-style: none; width: 32px; height: 32px; background-color: #000000; cursor: pointer;"
id="btnPlay" />
<div id="divImage" >
hello andy
<script type="text/javascript">
var cache = [];
var cacheImage = document.createElement('img');
var interval = 100;
var _total = 0;
$("#btnPlay").click(function () {
type: "POST",
url: "Default3.aspx/GetClips",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (msg) {
cache = [];
_total = 0;
$.each(msg.d, function () {
var cacheImage = document.createElement('img');
cacheImage.src = this['Text'];
cache[_total] = cacheImage;
setInterval('swapImages()', interval);
error: function (msg) {
var div = document.getElementById('divImage');
var _index = 0;
function swapImages() {
if (_index < _total) {
if (_index > 0) {
div.removeChild(cache[_index - 1]);
else {
interval = 0;
if (_index == _total)
div.removeChild(cache[_index - 1]);
_index = 0;
Code Behind:
public static ArrayList GetClips()
ArrayList _arr = new ArrayList();
int _max = 250; //seems to be safe
string[] _files = Directory.GetFiles(#"C:\Cloud\Catalogues\000EC902F17F\2\2013\10\6\10\f1fe61da-4684-48ed-a503-4a5586ece9c8","*.jpg"); //731
for (int _index = 0; _index < _files.Length; _index++)
string _file = _files[_index];
string[] _bits = _file.Split('\\');
string _url = "Portal/Catalogues/000EC902F17F/2/2013/10/6/10/f1fe61da-4684-48ed-a503-4a5586ece9c8/" + _bits[10];
ListItem _item = new ListItem();
_item.Text = _url;
if (_index == _max - 1)
return _arr;

JavaScript- calling functions from within functions

I am making an HTML5 canvas based game using JavaScript. The game is just a simple one, where a number of images are displayed on the canvas, along with a number of description boxes. The user is required to drag and drop each image to its corresponding description box.
Currently, I have the canvas displaying the images and description boxes. These are displayed straight away, as soon as the page loads, however, I want to add a 'start button' which the user will be required to click before the images and description boxes etc are displayed and they start playing the game.
The code for my page currently looks like this:
body {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
border: 1px solid #9C9898;
<div id="container"></div>
<script src="kinetic.js"></script>
<script src="drawdescriptionboxes.js"></script>
<script src="drawLevelOneElements.js"></script>
<script src="startGameDrawGameElementsDrawStartButton.js"></script>
/*Add the game elements' global variables */
var currentLevel = 1;
var totalLevels = 3;
var currentScore = 0;
var currentScorePositionX = 950;
var currentScorePositionY = 10;
/*Add code to draw images to random locations here */
//var imageX = Math.floor(Math.random()*950);
//var imageY = Math.floor(Math.random()*450);
var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({
container: "container",
width: 1000,
height: 500
var imagesLayer = new Kinetic.Layer();
var canvas = imagesLayer.getCanvas();
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
console.log("Foo ");
/*Load the images from the HTML into the JavaScript */
function loadImages(sources, callback){
var imagesDir = "";
var images = {};
var loadedImages = 0;
var numImages = 0;
//console.log("length " + sources.length);
for (var src in sources){
//console.log("Num Images " + numImages);
var index=0;
console.log("length " + sources.length);
for (index=0;index < numImages ;index++){
images[index] = new Image();
images[index].src = sources[index];
console.log("Adding " + sources[index]);
console.log("sources array length = " + sources.length);
stage.add(imagesLayer); // should only be added once!!
/*Function to check whether the item being dragged is near its description box */
function isNearDescriptionBox(itemImage, descriptionBox){
var ii = itemImage;
var db = descriptionBox;
if(ii.attrs.x > db.x - 20 && ii.attrs.x < db.x + 20 && ii.attrs.y > db.y - 20 && ii.attrs.y < db.y +20){
return true;
return false;
/* This function draws the game elements */
function drawGameElements(){
/* Draw a line for the 'score bar'. */
context.moveTo(0, 25);
context.lineTo(1000, 25);
/* Draw current level/ total levels on the left, and current score on the right. */
context.font = "11pt Calibri"; /* Text font & size */
context.strokeStyle = "black"; /* Font colour */
context.strokeText(currentLevel + "/" + totalLevels, 10, 15);
context.strokeText(currentScore, 750, 15);
function initStage(images){
var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({
container: "container",
width: 1000,
height: 500
var descriptionLayer = new Kinetic.Layer();
//var imagesLayer = new Kinetic.Layer();
var allImages = [];
var currentScore = 0;
var descriptionBoxes = {
assetsDescriptionBox: {
x: 70,
y: 400
liabilitiesDescriptionBox: {
x: 300,
y: 400
incomeDescriptionBox: {
x: 530,
y: 400
expenditureDescriptionBox: {
x: 760,
y: 400
/*Code to detect whether image has been dragged to correct description box */
for (var key in sources){
/*Anonymous function to induce scope */
var privateKey = key;
var imageSource = sources[key];
/*Check if image has been dragged to the correct box, and add it to that box's
array and remove from canvas if it has */
canvasImage.on("dragend", function(){
var descriptionBox = descriptionBoxes[privateKey];
if(!canvasImage.inRightPlace && isNearDescriptionBox(itemImage, descriptionBox)){
/*Will need to add a line in here to add the image to the box's array */
function drawImage(imageObj) {
//var layer = new Kinetic.Layer();
//var imageX = Math.floor(Math.random()*950);
//var imageY = Math.floor(Math.random()*450);
/*Got the code from generating random coordinates from:*/
function randomPosition(from, to){
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(to-from+1)+from);
var canvasImage = new Kinetic.Image({
image: imageObj,
width: 50,
height: 50,
// puts the image in teh middle of the canvas
x: randomPosition(0, 950), //imageX, //stage.getWidth() / 2 - 50 / 2,
y: randomPosition(30, 350), //imageY, //stage.getHeight() / 2 - 50 / 2,
draggable: true
// add cursor styling
canvasImage.on('mouseover', function() { = 'pointer';
canvasImage.on('mouseout', function() { = 'default';
/*This code loads the images to the canvas when the browser window loads */
window.onload = function(){
var sources = [];
sources[0] = document.getElementById("building").src,
sources[1] = document.getElementById("chair").src,
sources[2] = document.getElementById("drink").src,
sources[3] = document.getElementById("food").src,
sources[4] = document.getElementById("fridge").src,
sources[5] = document.getElementById("land").src,
sources[6] = document.getElementById("money").src,
sources[7] = document.getElementById("oven").src,
sources[8] = document.getElementById("table").src,
sources[9] = document.getElementById("van").src,
sources[10] = document.getElementById("burger").src,
sources[11] = document.getElementById("chips").src,
sources[12] = document.getElementById("drink").src,
sources[13] = document.getElementById("franchiseFee").src,
sources[14] = document.getElementById("wages").src,
sources[15] = document.getElementById("admin").src,
sources[16] = document.getElementById("cleaners").src,
sources[17] = document.getElementById("electricity").src,
sources[18] = document.getElementById("insurance").src,
sources[19] = document.getElementById("manager").src,
sources[20] = document.getElementById("rates").src,
sources[21] = document.getElementById("training").src,
sources[22] = document.getElementById("water").src,
sources[23] = document.getElementById("burger").src,
sources[24] = document.getElementById("chips").src,
sources[25] = document.getElementById("drink").src,
sources[26] = document.getElementById("creditors").src,
sources[27] = document.getElementById("electricity").src,
sources[28] = document.getElementById("food").src,
sources[29] = document.getElementById("hirePurchase").src,
sources[30] = document.getElementById("loan").src,
sources[31] = document.getElementById("overdraft").src,
sources[32] = document.getElementById("payeTax").src,
sources[33] = document.getElementById("tax").src;
loadImages(sources, drawImage);
I also have a hidden section in the <body></body> of the page, where I've loaded all of the images to be used into the HTML first, before manipulating them using the JS.
Currently, when I view the page in a browser, all of the images from the sources array are displayed on the canvas in random locations, along with the description boxes, score bar, and start button.
However, what I want to happen, is that when the page initially loads, only the start button is displayed on the canvas, and then when the user clicks this, everything else is displayed.
Presumably, to do this, I would want to delete/ comment out the calls to all of the functions except drawStartButton() at the end of the windows.onload = function(){...} function, and then have calls to the other function in an onmousedown event attached to the start button?
However, for some reason, when I comment out the call to loadImages(sources, drawImage); at the end of this function, and then view my page in the browser again, the canvas is no longer displayed on the page. I would have expected the canvas to still be there, just without the images displayed on it. Does anyone have any idea why this isn't happening, and how I can put it right?
The code for my loadImages(sources, drawImage); function is:
function loadImages(sources, callback){
var imagesDir = "";
var images = {};
var loadedImages = 0;
var numImages = 0;
//console.log("length " + sources.length);
for (var src in sources){
//console.log("Num Images " + numImages);
var index=0;
console.log("length " + sources.length);
for (index=0;index < numImages ;index++){
images[index] = new Image();
images[index].src = sources[index];
console.log("Adding " + sources[index]);
console.log("sources array length = " + sources.length);
stage.add(imagesLayer); // should only be added once!!
I can't see why removing a call to this function would stop the canvas from being displayed on the page... any ideas?
The last line of the function,
stage.add(imagesLayer); // should only be added once!!
adds the layer to the stage. While the stage is a container (div, for example),
the layer is the actual canvas.
If you don't call loadImages(), the layer never gets added to the DOM, because that line never runs.

Determine whether user clicking scrollbar or content (onclick for native scroll bar)

I'm trying to create custom events in JQuery that are supposed to detect when a scrollbar is clicked1.
I know there's lots of text, but all my questions are boldfaced and there's a JSFiddle example you can work on straight away.
Because I haven't found any built in functionality for this,
I had to create a hasScroll function, checking if the element has a scrollbar,
$.fn.hasScroll = function(axis){
var overflow = this.css("overflow"),
if(typeof axis == "undefined" || axis == "y") overflowAxis = this.css("overflow-y");
else overflowAxis = this.css("overflow-x");
var bShouldScroll = this.get(0).scrollHeight > this.innerHeight();
var bAllowedScroll = (overflow == "auto" || overflow == "visible") ||
(overflowAxis == "auto" || overflowAxis == "visible");
var bOverrideScroll = overflow == "scroll" || overflowAxis == "scroll";
return (bShouldScroll && bAllowedScroll) || bOverrideScroll;
and an inScrollRange function, checking if the click performed was within the scroll range.
var scrollSize = 18;
function inScrollRange(event){
var x = event.pageX,
y = event.pageY,
e = $(,
hasY = e.hasScroll(),
hasX = e.hasScroll("x"),
rX = null,
rY = null,
bInX = false,
bInY = false
rY = new RECT(); = e.offset().top;
rY.right = e.offset().left + e.width();
rY.bottom = +e.height();
rY.left = rY.right - scrollSize;
//if(hasX) rY.bottom -= scrollSize;
bInY = inRect(rY, x, y);
rX = new RECT();
rX.bottom = e.offset().top + e.height();
rX.left = e.offset().left; = rX.bottom - scrollSize;
rX.right = rX.left + e.width();
//if(hasY) rX.right -= scrollSize;
bInX = inRect(rX, x, y);
return bInX || bInY;
Are all scrollbar sizes uniform? E.g in Firefox and IE it's 18px.
Assuming there are no customized scrollbars, is there any extra padding or sizes in some browsers?
These functions all perform as intended (from what I can discern).
Making custom events was a bit trickier, but I got it to work somewhat. The only problem is that if the element clicked has a mousedown/up event attached to it, that will be triggered as well.
I can't seem to stop the other events from triggering while simultaneously triggering, what I call, the mousedownScroll/mouseupScroll events.
$.fn.mousedownScroll = function(fn, data){
if(typeof fn == "undefined" && typeof data == "undefined"){
$(this).on("mousedownScroll", data, fn);
$.fn.mouseupScroll = function(fn, data){
if(typeof fn == "undefined" && typeof data == "undefined"){
$(this).on("mouseupScroll", data, fn);
$(document).on("mousedown", function(e){
$(document).on("mouseup", function(e){
console.log("Clicked content."); //Fired when clicking scroller as well
console.log("Clicked scroller.");
How do I stop the other "click" events from triggering?
While I'm asking, please feel free to optimize the code as much as possible.
Here's a JSFiddle to mess around with.
The reason I'm making this is because of a bigger plugin I'm developing. It's got a custom context menu that is showing up when I right click one of the scrollers. I don't want that. So I thought I should make an event that checks for scroll clicks (mouseup/downs) and then prevent the context menu from being displayed. In order to do that though, I need the scroll click to come before the normal click, and also, if possible, stop the normal clicks from firing.
I'm just thinking out loud here but maybe there's a way to get all the functions that are bound to the element and then switch the order in which they were added? I know that functions are executed in the order they were added (1st added 1st called), so, if I could tap into that process, perhaps the whole "registering" of the event to JQuery could just be inserted before the click events.
1 can only use mousedown/mouseup because click doesn't trigger when clicking on a scrollbar. If this is false, please provide a working example/code
A shortest scrollbar click detection I could come up with, tested on IE, Firefox, Chrome.
var clickedOnScrollbar = function(mouseX){
if( $(window).outerWidth() <= mouseX ){
return true;
if( clickedOnScrollbar(e.clientX) ){
alert("clicked on scrollbar");
Working example:
Use following solution to detect if user clicked mouse over element's scrollbar. Didn't test how it works with window's scrollbar. I guess Pete's solution works better with window scrolls.
window.addEventListener("mousedown", onMouseDown);
function onMouseDown(e) {
if (e.offsetX > || e.offsetY >
// mouse down over scroll element
You may probably use this hack.
You could try hijacking the mousedown and mouseup events and avoiding them when click on a scrollbar with your custom powered function.
$.fn.mousedown = function(data, fn) {
if ( fn == null ) {
fn = data;
data = null;
var o = fn;
fn = function(e){
if(!inScrollRange(e)) {
return o.apply(this, arguments);
if ( arguments.length > 0 ) {
return this.bind( "mousedown", data, fn );
return this.trigger( "mousedown" );
And the inverse for mousedownScroll and mouseupScroll events.
$.fn.mousedownScroll = function(data, fn) {
if ( fn == null ) {
fn = data;
data = null;
var o = fn;
fn = function(e){
if(inScrollRange(e)) {
e.type = "mousedownscroll";
return o.apply(this, arguments);
if ( arguments.length > 0 ) {
return this.bind( "mousedown", data, fn );
return this.trigger( "mousedown" );
By the way, I think the scrollbar width is an OS setting.
Ensure that the content of your scollarea completely [over]fills the parent div.
Then, you can differentiate between clicks on your content and clicks on your container.
<div class='test container'><div class='test content'></div></div>
<div id="results">please click</div>
#results {
position: absolute;
top: 110px;
left: 10px;
.test {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: green;
.container {
overflow: scroll;
.content {
background-color: red;
function log( _l ) {
$("#results").html( _l );
$('.content').on( 'mousedown', function( e ) {
log( "content-click" );
$('.container').on( 'mousedown', function( e ) {
var pageX = e.pageX;
var pageY = e.pageY;
log( "scrollbar-click" );
I had the same problem in a previous project, and i recommend this solution. It's not very clean but it works and i doubt we can do much better with html. Here are the two steps of my solution:
1. Measure the width of the scrollbar on your Desktop environment.
In order to achieve this, at application startup, you perform the following things:
Add the following element to the body:
<div style='width: 50px; height: 50px; overflow: scroll'><div style='height: 1px;'/></div>
Measure the with of the inner div of the previously added element with jQUery's .width(), and store the width of the scrollbar somewhere (the width of the scollbar is 50 - inner div's with)
Remove the extra element used to measure scrollbar (now that you have the result, remove the element that you added to the body).
All these steps should not be visible by the user and you have the width of the scrollbar on your OS
For example, you can use this snippet:
var measureScrollBarWidth = function() {
var scrollBarMeasure = $('<div />');
overflow: 'scroll',
visibility: 'hidden',
position: 'absolute'
var scrollBarMeasureContent = $('<div />').height(1);
var insideWidth = scrollBarMeasureContent.width();
var outsideWitdh = scrollBarMeasure.width();
return outsideWitdh - insideWidth;
2. Check if a click is on the scrollbar.
Now that you have the width of the scrollbar, you can with the coordinates of the event compute the coordinates of the event relative to the scrollbar's location rectangle and perfom awesome things...
If you want to filter the clicks, you can return false in the handler to prevent their propagation.
There are many answers here that involve event.clientX, element.clientHeight, etc. They are all wrong. Do not use them.
As has been discussed above, there are platforms where the overflow: scroll scrollbars appear as overlays, or you may have forced it with overflow: overlay.
Macs may switch scrollbars between persistent and overlay by plugging or unplugging a mouse. This shoots down the "measure on startup" technique.
Vertical scrollbars appear on the left side with right to left reading order. This breaks comparing client width unless you have a bunch of special logic for right to left reading order that I bet will break because you're probably not testing RTL consistently.
You need to look at If necessary, use an inner element that occupies all of the client area of the scroll element, and see if is that element or a descendant of it.
It should be pointed out that on Mac OSX 10.7+, there are not persistant scroll bars. Scroll bars appear when you scroll, and disappear when your done. They are also much smaller then 18px (they are 7px).
I'll submit my own answer and accept Alexander's answer, because it made it work perfectly, and upvote Samuel's answer, because it correctly calculates the scrollbar width, which is what I needed as well.
That being said, I decided to make two independent events instead of trying to overwrite/override JQuery's mousedown event.
This gave me the flexibility I needed without messing with JQuery's own events, and was quite easy to do.
Below are the two implementations using Alexanders, and my own.
Both work as I originally intended them to, but the former is probably the best.
Here's a JSFiddle that implements Alexander's answer + Samuel's answer.
$.fn.hasScroll = function(axis){
var overflow = this.css("overflow"),
if(typeof axis == "undefined" || axis == "y") overflowAxis = this.css("overflow-y");
else overflowAxis = this.css("overflow-x");
var bShouldScroll = this.get(0).scrollHeight > this.innerHeight();
var bAllowedScroll = (overflow == "auto" || overflow == "visible") ||
(overflowAxis == "auto" || overflowAxis == "visible");
var bOverrideScroll = overflow == "scroll" || overflowAxis == "scroll";
return (bShouldScroll && bAllowedScroll) || bOverrideScroll;
$.fn.mousedown = function(data, fn) {
if ( fn == null ) {
fn = data;
data = null;
var o = fn;
fn = function(e){
if(!inScrollRange(e)) {
return o.apply(this, arguments);
if ( arguments.length > 0 ) {
return this.bind( "mousedown", data, fn );
return this.trigger( "mousedown" );
$.fn.mouseup = function(data, fn) {
if ( fn == null ) {
fn = data;
data = null;
var o = fn;
fn = function(e){
if(!inScrollRange(e)) {
return o.apply(this, arguments);
if ( arguments.length > 0 ) {
return this.bind( "mouseup", data, fn );
return this.trigger( "mouseup" );
$.fn.mousedownScroll = function(data, fn) {
if ( fn == null ) {
fn = data;
data = null;
var o = fn;
fn = function(e){
if(inScrollRange(e)) {
e.type = "mousedownscroll";
return o.apply(this, arguments);
if ( arguments.length > 0 ) {
return this.bind( "mousedown", data, fn );
return this.trigger( "mousedown" );
$.fn.mouseupScroll = function(data, fn) {
if ( fn == null ) {
fn = data;
data = null;
var o = fn;
fn = function(e){
if(inScrollRange(e)) {
e.type = "mouseupscroll";
return o.apply(this, arguments);
if ( arguments.length > 0 ) {
return this.bind( "mouseup", data, fn );
return this.trigger( "mouseup" );
var RECT = function(){ = 0;
this.left = 0;
this.bottom = 0;
this.right = 0;
function inRect(rect, x, y){
return (y >= && y <= rect.bottom) &&
(x >= rect.left && x <= rect.right)
var scrollSize = measureScrollWidth();
function inScrollRange(event){
var x = event.pageX,
y = event.pageY,
e = $(,
hasY = e.hasScroll(),
hasX = e.hasScroll("x"),
rX = null,
rY = null,
bInX = false,
bInY = false
rY = new RECT(); = e.offset().top;
rY.right = e.offset().left + e.width();
rY.bottom = +e.height();
rY.left = rY.right - scrollSize;
//if(hasX) rY.bottom -= scrollSize;
bInY = inRect(rY, x, y);
rX = new RECT();
rX.bottom = e.offset().top + e.height();
rX.left = e.offset().left; = rX.bottom - scrollSize;
rX.right = rX.left + e.width();
//if(hasY) rX.right -= scrollSize;
bInX = inRect(rX, x, y);
return bInX || bInY;
$(document).on("mousedown", function(e){
//Determine if has scrollbar(s)
$(document).on("mouseup", function(e){
function measureScrollWidth() {
var scrollBarMeasure = $('<div />');
overflow: 'scroll',
visibility: 'hidden',
position: 'absolute'
var scrollBarMeasureContent = $('<div />').height(1);
var insideWidth = scrollBarMeasureContent.width();
var outsideWitdh = scrollBarMeasure.width();
return outsideWitdh - insideWidth;
Here's a JSFiddle of what I decided to do instead.
$.fn.hasScroll = function(axis){
var overflow = this.css("overflow"),
if(typeof axis == "undefined" || axis == "y") overflowAxis = this.css("overflow-y");
else overflowAxis = this.css("overflow-x");
bShouldScroll = this.get(0).scrollHeight > this.innerHeight();
bAllowedScroll = (overflow == "auto" || overflow == "visible") ||
(overflowAxis == "auto" || overflowAxis == "visible");
bOverrideScroll = overflow == "scroll" || overflowAxis == "scroll";
return (bShouldScroll && bAllowedScroll) || bOverrideScroll;
$.fn.mousedownScroll = function(fn, data){
var ev_mds = function(e){
if(inScrollRange(e)), e);
$(this).on("mousedown", ev_mds);
return ev_mds;
$.fn.mouseupScroll = function(fn, data){
var ev_mus = function(e){
if(inScrollRange(e)), e);
$(this).on("mouseup", ev_mus);
return ev_mus;
$.fn.mousedownContent = function(fn, data){
var ev_mdc = function(e){
if(!inScrollRange(e)), e);
$(this).on("mousedown", ev_mdc);
return ev_mdc;
$.fn.mouseupContent = function(fn, data){
var ev_muc = function(e){
if(!inScrollRange(e)), e);
$(this).on("mouseup", ev_muc);
return ev_muc;
var RECT = function(){ = 0;
this.left = 0;
this.bottom = 0;
this.right = 0;
function inRect(rect, x, y){
return (y >= && y <= rect.bottom) &&
(x >= rect.left && x <= rect.right)
var scrollSize = measureScrollWidth();
function inScrollRange(event){
var x = event.pageX,
y = event.pageY,
e = $(,
hasY = e.hasScroll(),
hasX = e.hasScroll("x"),
rX = null,
rY = null,
bInX = false,
bInY = false
rY = new RECT(); = e.offset().top;
rY.right = e.offset().left + e.width();
rY.bottom = +e.height();
rY.left = rY.right - scrollSize;
//if(hasX) rY.bottom -= scrollSize;
bInY = inRect(rY, x, y);
rX = new RECT();
rX.bottom = e.offset().top + e.height();
rX.left = e.offset().left; = rX.bottom - scrollSize;
rX.right = rX.left + e.width();
//if(hasY) rX.right -= scrollSize;
bInX = inRect(rX, x, y);
return bInX || bInY;
function measureScrollWidth() {
var scrollBarMeasure = $('<div />');
overflow: 'scroll',
visibility: 'hidden',
position: 'absolute'
var scrollBarMeasureContent = $('<div />').height(1);
var insideWidth = scrollBarMeasureContent.width();
var outsideWitdh = scrollBarMeasure.width();
return outsideWitdh - insideWidth;
The only solution that works for me (only tested against IE11):
bScrollbarClicked = e.clientX > document.documentElement.clientWidth || e.clientY > document.documentElement.clientHeight;
I needed to detect scrollbar on mousedown but not on window but on div,
and I've had element that fill the content, that I was using to detect size without scrollbar:
.element {
position: relative;
.element .fill-node {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: -100%;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 1px 0 0;
border: none;
opacity: 0;
pointer-events: none;
box-sizing: border-box;
the code for detect was similar to #DariuszSikorski answer but including offset and using the node that was inside scrollable:
function scrollbar_event(e, node) {
var left = node.offset().left;
return node.outerWidth() <= e.clientX - left;
var node = self.find('.fill-node');
self.on('mousedown', function(e) {
if (!scrollbar_event(e, node)) {
// click on content
Tested and working in chrome and firefox in ubuntu 21.10.
const isScrollClick =
e.offsetX > || e.offsetY >;
clickOnScrollbar = event.clientX > || event.clientY >;
tested on Chrome / Mac OS
