Gradle + PlayFramework: Cannot resolve sources dependency - gradle

I'm using the new Play Framework support in Gradle 2.7.
Ironically, Play 2.3.x explicitly depends on org.scala-sbt:io:0.13.8.
Gradle is able to resolve the JAR (not the sources, just the classes) from typesafe's repository if I add
model {
components {
play {
platform play: "2.3.7", scala: "2.10", java: "1.7"
repositories {
maven {
name "typesafe-maven-release"
url ""
ivy {
name "typesafe-ivy-release"
url ""
layout "ivy"
dependencies {
play group: "org.scala-sbt", name: "io", version: "0.13.8", classifier: "jar", configuration: "compile"
however it seems that it cannot resolve the io-sources.jar. I get this:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':runPlayBinary'.
Could not find io-sources.jar (org.scala-sbt:io:0.13.8).
Searched in the following locations:
I actually don't care about these sources, I just want to avoid this runtime exception when running gradlew runPlay
Execution exception
[RuntimeException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sbt/Path$]
Any advice? I can't seem to figure out how to exclude or resolve the sources dependency.

I ran into the same RuntimeException (NoClassDefFound sbt/Path$) with Play 2.4 and Gradle 2.7. In my case the root problem was to not define all repositories correctly (didn't include typesafe-ivy -> sbt-io was not resolved -> thought i need to state sbt-io-dependency -> wrong sbt-io led to mentioned Exception...).
I would advise you to add jcenter() as repository, remove the explicit dependency on sbt and state the play version in your build.gradle. As an example my working
plugins {
id 'play'
dependencies {
repositories {
maven {
name "typesafe-maven-release"
url ""
ivy {
name "typesafe-ivy-release"
url ""
layout "ivy"
play ''
[...other dependencies - but not "org.scala-sbt"!]
model {
components {
play {
platform play: '2.4.3', scala: '2.11'
injectedRoutesGenerator = true
In your case the last part should be:
model {
components {
play {
platform play: '2.3.7', scala: '2.10'

A kind Gradle dev answered my question on the Gradle forums
TL;DR - Gradle/Play bug specific to 2.3.7 that can be resolved by using
repositories {
ivy {
url ""
layout "pattern", {
ivy "[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/ivys/ivy.xml"
artifact "[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/jars/[artifact].[ext]"
In my case, upgrading to Play 2.3.9 fixed my problem.


How to include transiant depedency of springboot inside fabric mod

I want to use spring boot inside fabric mod. And it works while I'm runing my minecraft server with gradlew.bat runServer command. But when I'm using gradlew.bat build and put the production jar inside a real server I got no class deff found error. Like that :
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not execute entrypoint stage 'server' due to errors, provided by 'litopia_services'!
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/boot/SpringApplication
at ~[litopia-services-1.0.0.jar:?]
And it's seems leagite cause inside the jar that gradle build there is'nt spring boot transiant depencency.
So to prevent this issue I have to use api insted of include or implement include but none of that have work actually my build.gradle looks like that :
plugins {
id 'fabric-loom' version '0.11-SNAPSHOT'
id 'org.springframework.boot' version '2.5.14'
id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.0.15.RELEASE'
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
archivesBaseName = project.archives_base_name
version = project.mod_version
group = project.maven_group
repositories {
// Add repositories to retrieve artifacts from in here.
// You should only use this when depending on other mods because
// Loom adds the essential maven repositories to download Minecraft and libraries from automatically.
// See
// for more information about repositories.
maven { url '' }
maven { url '' }
maven { url '' }
maven { url '' }
maven { url '' }
configurations {
all {
// We need to use fabric implementation of log4j
exclude group: 'org.springframework.boot', module: 'spring-boot-starter-logging'
dependencies {
// To change the versions see the file
minecraft "com.mojang:minecraft:${project.minecraft_version}"
mappings "net.fabricmc:yarn:${project.yarn_mappings}:v2"
modImplementation "net.fabricmc:fabric-loader:${project.loader_version}"
// Fabric API. This is technically optional, but you probably want it anyway.
modImplementation "net.fabricmc.fabric-api:fabric-api:${project.fabric_version}"
// Spring boot dependencies
springBom enforcedPlatform('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-dependencies:2.5.14')
api include('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter')
implementation include('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-dependencies:2.5.14')
implementation include('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web')
implementation include('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-websocket')
// OpenAPI swagger
implementation include('org.springdoc:springdoc-openapi-ui:1.6.13')
// Spring discord api
implementation include('com.discord4j:discord4j-core:3.2.3')
processResources { "version", project.version
filesMatching("fabric.mod.json") {
expand "version": project.version
tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach {
it.options.release = 17
java {
// Loom will automatically attach sourcesJar to a RemapSourcesJar task and to the "build" task
// if it is present.
// If you remove this line, sources will not be generated.
jar {
from("LICENSE") {
rename { "${it}_${project.archivesBaseName}"}

How can get both rev and revConstraint for dynamic dependency in published ivy.xml of Gradle build

I have a question about Ivy publishing in Gradle.
From Ivy, I expect that if I publish an artifact with for example this dependency:
<dependency org="org.apache.ant" name="ant" rev="1+"/>
My published ivy.xml gets both the fixed and the dynamic version:
<dependency org="org.apache.ant" name="ant" rev="1.9.6" revConstraint="1+"/>
I want that also in Gradle. I have Gradle 2.10.
Here is my Gradle project:
apply plugin: "java"
group = 'org.wibble'
version = "1.2.3"
repositories {
dependencies {
compile group: 'org.apache.ant', name: 'ant', version: '1+' // resolves to version 1.9.6 at the time of writing
uploadArchives.repositories {
ivy { name "testrepo"; url "$buildDir/testrepo" }
If I run gradle uploadArchives the resulting ivy.xml just has this:
<dependency org="org.apache.ant" name="ant" rev="1+" conf="compile->default"/>
In the source code of Gradle I do see that there is a facility for writing both rev and revConstraint:
if (!dep.getDynamicConstraintDependencyRevisionId().equals(dependencyRevisionId)) {
writer.attribute("revConstraint", dep.getDynamicConstraintDependencyRevisionId().getRevision());
With debugging I also see that this code is hit, but, in my case both getDynamicConstraintDependencyRevisionId and dependencyRevisionId give '1+' at this point, and the 1.9.6 version is forgotten at this point.
What can I do to get the dependency version recorded in the published ivy.xml, just like in Ivy?
Not sure if this is of any help anymore. But I had to address a similar issue recently, and came up with the following approach. Hope it can help some one else looking for a solution. I derived to this answer based on clues from RaGe's Pom solution and gradle forum solution.
The reason I had to implement this was, the ivy being published by gradle had rev, but not revConstraint attribute. But rev always said "latest.release" which is what is used for our internal libraries. So I had to manually put the rev to actual revision and the revConstraint to latest.release.
publishing {
publications {
ivyJava(IvyPublication) {
artifact(sourceJar) {
type "source"
conf "sources"
classifier "sources"
artifact(javadocJar) {
type "javadoc"
conf "javadoc"
classifier "javadoc"
descriptor {
withXml {
if (project.configurations.findByName("runtime") != null) {
Map resolvedVersionMap = [:]
Configuration runtimeConfiguration = project.configurations.getByName('runtime')
ResolutionResult resolution = runtimeConfiguration.incoming.resolutionResult
resolution.getAllComponents().each { ResolvedComponentResult versionResult ->
resolvedVersionMap.put("${}:" +
":${}", versionResult.moduleVersion.version)
asNode().dependencies.dependency.each { dep ->
if ("latest.release".equalsIgnoreCase(dep.#rev) || "latest.integration".equalsIgnoreCase(dep.#rev)
|| "latest.snapshot".equalsIgnoreCase(dep.#rev)) {
dep.#revConstraint = dep.#rev
dep.#rev = resolvedVersionMap.get("${dep.#org}:" +
dep.#changing = "true"

Fetch dependencies from specific URL

How can I fetch dependencies from a specific URL, i.e. I would like do something like this:
dependencies {
compile ''
compile ''
is this even possible or do I have to download the jars in a separate task and add them using
compile files('....')
Basically this is the way to go:
apply plugin: 'java'
repositories {
ivy {
url ''
layout "pattern", {
artifact "[artifact].[ext]"
dependencies {
rserve name: 'RserveEngine'
rserve name: 'REngine'
task fetchRserve(type: Copy) {
from configurations.rserve
into "$buildDir/rserve"
You can experiment with ivy layout to introduce modules, versions, extensions. Here the docs can be found.

How to exclude dependencies in the POM file generated by the Gradle

I'm using the "maven" plugin to upload the artifacts created by Gradle build to Maven central repository. I'm using a task similar to the following one:
uploadArchives {
repositories {
mavenDeployer {
beforeDeployment { MavenDeployment deployment -> signing.signPom(deployment) }
pom.project {
name 'Example Application'
packaging 'jar'
url ''
scm {
connection 'scm:svn:'
url ''
licenses {
license {
name 'The Apache License, Version 2.0'
url ''
However the POM file created by this task does not report correctly the dependencies that have been excluded in my Gradle build file. For example:
dependencies {
compile('org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.java7:') { exclude module: 'commons-logging' }
compile('com.upplication:s3fs:0.2.8') { exclude module: 'commons-logging' }
How to have excluded dependencies managed correctly in the resulting POM file?
You can simply override the dependencies of the pom by filtering out the unwanted dependencies, e.g. to exclude junit you can add the following lines to the mavenDeployer configuration:
pom.whenConfigured {
p -> p.dependencies = p.dependencies.findAll {
dep -> dep.artifactId != "junit"
The problem was that in the exclude definition was not specified the group but only the module.
Adding the both of them the exclusions are added correctly in the POM file. For example:
compile('org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.java7:') {
exclude group: 'commons-logging', module: 'commons-logging'
compile('com.upplication:s3fs:0.2.8') {
exclude group: 'commons-logging', module: 'commons-logging'
Using 'exclude' on a Gradle dependency is normally the correct answer, but I still needed to remove some of my "runtimeOnly" dependencies from the POM that led me to this StackOverflow page. My testing using Gradle 4.7 seems to show that using "compileOnly" leaves the dependency out of the pom entirely, but "runtimeOnly" adds a "runtime" dependency in the pom, which in my case, is not what I wanted. I couldn't figure out a "standard" Gradle way of leaving runtime dependencies out of the POM.
The pom.whenConfigured method shown in another answer works for legacy "maven" plugin publishing, but doesn't work for the newer "maven-publish" plugin. My experimentation led to this for "maven-publish":
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
pom.withXml {
asNode().dependencies.dependency.each { dep ->
if(dep.artifactId.last().value().last() in ["log4j", "slf4j-log4j12"]) {
assert dep.parent().remove(dep)

custom gradle plugin causes: Cannot configure the 'publishing' extension

I have a custom gradle plugin in which custom task types and gradle configurations are added. When I apply this plugin before maven-publish it works perfectly fine. But when I add it after apply plugin: 'maven-publish', it fails with error message :
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file '/scratch/skgupta/git_storage/emdi/integtest/build.gradle' line: 38
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'integtest'.
> Cannot configure the 'publishing' extension after it has been accessed.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Total time: 7.6 secs
Here is the build.gradle file.
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url = "${artifactory_contextUrl}/repo"
dependencies {
classpath group: 'com.mycomp.proj', name: 'MyCustomPlugin', version: "${pluginVersion}", transitive: true
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
apply plugin: 'MyCustomPlugin' // WHen this line is moved above maven-publish, build works fine.
// add jar name and version
group = 'com.mycom.proj.test'
version = '1.0.3'
dependencies {
compile group: 'eaas.platform', name: 'registry-lookup-client', version: '0.1'
compile group: 'eaas.platform', name: 'registry-client', version: '0.1'
compile configurations.lrgConfig // This configuration is added by MyCustomPlugin
compile configurations.webdriver // This configuration is added by MyCustomPlugin
repositories {
maven {
url = "${artifactory_contextUrl}/repo"
publishing {
publications {
myPublicationName(MavenPublication) {
artifactId 'lrgemaas_small_deploy_3n'
artifact jar.archivePath
repositories {
maven {
url = "${artifactory_contextUrl}/${artifactory_repoName}"
credentials {
username = "${artifactory_user}"
password = "${artifactory_password}"
// workflow for build
defaultTasks 'clean','build','publish'
PS: I tried doing nothing in the custom plugin (i.e., simply return from apply method), but it still gives same error.
Simply replacing:
publishing {
publications {
with following:
publishing.publications {
worked for me!
Gradle is brittle regarding the order of the plugins. There is a discussion about this exact issue at
"Cool, so this is what happens.
DefaultPublishingExtension which is backing the 'publishing {}' block is a DeferredConfigurable. It's a mechanism that allows to register a configuration block to be executed when an extension is accessed. Unfortunately sometimes it causes unexpected behaviour if you access this kind of extension unawares. This is exactly the case when for example you try to get all the properties of a project (as the release plugin does here:"
FYI, I use a dynamic version and found that I had to define version prior to apply of my plugins. Probably because java or maven-publish sets the publication details upon application.
I upgraded gradle version from 2.1 to 2.12 and it solved this problem, fwiw.
