I took a look on the Clirr Plugin (http://docs.sonarqube.org/display/PLUG/Clirr+Plugin). However, according to
Any alternatives to Clirr (binary and source compatibility with older releases)? , clirr is rather dated.
Are any of the alternatives compatible to clirr?
Sorry, there's no SonarQube plugin for a tool that's less dated than Clirr.
With Sonarqube no longer supporting Developer Cockpit I am in search of a recommended plugin to replace it with. Is there any other commercial or non commercial plugins that are intended to replace this?
I have not found any documentation or suggestions this far.
As far as I know, there's currently no replacement plugin.
From SonarSource perspective, it is planned to develop this set of developer-oriented features as part of SonarQube roadmap: https://www.sonarqube.org/roadmap/
is there any plugins available for analyzing Ruby code inn sonarqube. I have downloaded Ruby plugin for sonarqube which has just very few rules like six. is there any other plugins for analyzing Ruby in sonarqube.
I've been looking for the same thing for a while now. It doesn't seem like there's any good support right now outside of ruby-sonar-plugin. SonarQube is a great tool and is awesome for managers to look into and it's a shame that the repo hasn't been updated for 2 years (at the time I'm writing this).
I know this isn't an answer, but it should provide more visibility on the question, at least.
I want to use Spark-Java 2.0 with Jetty 9.2. The trick here is that the Maven repository for Spark has dependency on jetty 9.0. The reason is that we already have working code using 9.2. When we bind/load the Spark jar at runtime there are class load errors.
The question is what issues may arise for Spark if I do a build to use jetty 9.2?
They other question could be, can I use excludes some how to load Jetty 9.2 over the 'requested' 9.0 classes? Is that possible, or will it cause me more bother?
Let me know if you think of other considerations. Also let me know where to find release notes for Jetty if you can? I looked for Jetty release notes here: Jetty Documentation hub; it is a little disappointing because they simply link to updated manuals. I look for Release Notes to show me what's different and changed between versions -- A new manual won't help unless I have a way to do 'diff' on the two manuals.
My thinking is that a jump between 9.0 to 9.2 should be a valid increment. My thanks in advance for your insights.
I've used the C plugin for Sonar for while.
But the plugin library list has recently been updated and seems to indicated the C plugin has been merged with the commercial c++ plugin?
Does that mean that the C plugin is no longer free of charge?
Is the C plugin still active, in terms of developing features and support?
The C plugin is still available for download and usage.
But it will no longer be supported and will no longer evolve.
The default C/C++/Objective-C plugin for SonarQube is commercial right now. You have to pay to use it. The Sonar Community C /C++ plugin is good. It has many functionalities. Its called sonar-cxx. You can find it Here- https://github.com/wenns/sonar-cxx/wiki/Installation
You can download it from here - https://github.com/wenns/sonar-cxx/releases/tag/cxx-0.9.1
Any ideas when cobertura will support java 7?
Found http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3295711&group_id=130558&atid=720018
We preferred cobertura over emma and other code coverage tools and looks like we have to redo all those again, now that none of them support java 7 yet.
Cobertura 2.0.3 supports Java 7, the cobertura-maven-plugin version 2.6 which uses this version has been just released
I was able to get it to work by adding the following argument:
I got it from here.
I think the answer is: it won't. There is discussion on the mailing list that the project is not being maintained, and there are Java 7 bugs that have been open for a year. On the bright side, JaCoCo functionality is comparable and is being actively maintained.
Further to Jagger's comment, it looks like this is now being actively worked on for the next release - see:
with the comment "Fix java 7 stack map issue".
Old thread, but my answer may be useful: Cobertura does support the latest Java versions and is actively maintained. eCobertura (the Eclipse plug-in for Cobertura) hasn't been maintained since 2010, but Cobertura itself is still maintained.
eCobertura will not run with Java 7 or higher, but Cobertura will.
If you are looking for coverage reports (suc h as the ones that eCobertura used to provide), just run the Cobertura maven plugin with mvn cobertura:cobertura and check the HTML report under target/site/cobertura/index.html