Not able to set fuzziness as auto in MultiMatch Query - elasticsearch

I am trying to use a multimatch query by instantiating an object of the following type:
MultiMatchQuery query = new MultiMatchQuery()
Query = searchString,
Fuzziness = 6, //TODO Need to set AUTO Here
Fields = new PropertyPathMarker[] { "title", "hTexts.htext", "tnText" }
As seen above, I am setting fuzziness to 6, but I need to set it to auto. How do I do it?

Not yet possible, but pretty soon in version 2.0.0:


How can i construct a NEST query with optional parameters?

I'm using the NEST .NET client (6.3.1), and trying to compose a search query that is based on a number of (optional) parameters.
Here's what i've got so far:
var searchResponse = await _client.SearchAsync<Listing>(s => s
.Query(qq =>
var filters = new List<QueryContainer>();
if (filter.CategoryType.HasValue)
filters.Add(qq.Term(p => p.CategoryType, filter.CategoryType.Value));
if (filter.StatusType.HasValue)
filters.Add(qq.Term(p => p.StatusType, filter.StatusType.Value));
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.Suburb))
filters.Add(qq.Term(p => p.Suburb, filter.Suburb));
return ?????; // what do i do her?
filter is an object with a bunch of nullable properties. So, whatever has a value i want to add as a match query.
So, to achieve that i'm trying to build up a list of QueryContainer's (not sure that's the right way), but struggling to figure out how to return that as a list of AND predicates.
Any ideas?
Ended up doing it by using the object initialisez method, instead of the Fluent DSL"
var searchRequest = new SearchRequest<Listing>
Query = queries
queries is a List<QueryContainer>, which i just build up, like this:
queries.Add(new MatchQuery
Field = "CategoryType",
Query = filter.CategoryType
I feel like there's a better way, and i don't like how i have to hardcode the 'Field' to a string... but it works. Hopefully someone shows me a better way!

Spring MongoDB query with or operator and text search

How can i build this MongoDB query with Spring Criteria?
$or: [
{ "$text" : { "$search" : "570-11024" } },
{"productDetails.code": "572-R110"}
It combines a fulltext index search with normal Where criteria with an orOperator.
Query's orOperator(Criteria... criteria) method takes only Criteria and no TextCriteria and also no CriteriaDefinition interface.
Yeah you are right, in spring data mongo you could do this,
final TextCriteria textCriteria = TextCriteria.forDefaultLanguage().matchingAny("570-11024");
final DBObject tc = textCriteria.getCriteriaObject();
final Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("productDetails.code").is("572-R110");
final DBObject co = criteria.getCriteriaObject();
BasicDBList or = new BasicDBList();
DBObject qq = new BasicDBObject("$or", or);
// Use MongoTemplate to execute command
Yes, you currently cannot use the Query's orOperator method to combine Criteria and TextCriteria. A workaround involves converting both the Criteria and TextCriteria objects to its Document representations, adding it to a BasicDbList and then converting back to a "$or" Criteria object.
TextCriteria textCriteria = TextCriteria.forDefaultLanguage().matchingAny("570-11024");
Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("productDetails.code").is("572-R110");
BasicDBList bsonList = new BasicDBList();
Query query = new Query();
query.addCriteria(new Criteria("$or").is(bsonList));
mongoTemplate.find(query, YourEntity.class);
PS: Someone has raised this issue in the spring-data-mongodb repo with a proposed fix by
changing the parameter types of orOperator from Criteria to CriteriaDefinition.

Setting Fuzziness to Auto for MatchQuery

I'm using the fuzziness option for my MatchQuery, however I want to set the Fuzziness value to auto. Is there any way to do this?
Also, for the completion suggester you can set it to be unicode aware, is there any way to do this for my MatchQuery?
This is how I create the request:
var request = new SearchRequest<object>
Types = types,
Size = 5,
Query = new QueryContainer(new MatchQuery
Field = new PropertyPathMarker { Name = "ProductName.autocomplete" },
Query = q,
Fuzziness = 2.0
Fields = new[]
new PropertyPathMarker{Name = "ProductName"}
return _client.Search<object>(request);
Sadly at the moment you cant everywhere, we have a specialised interface that can represent all fuzziness states but not all places taking a fuzziness parameter use it.
We received a pull request for this that we merged into our 2.0 branch since its a breaking change:
We have no ETA on a 2.0 release as of yet though.

Filtered Query in Elasticsearch Java API

I am little bit confused while creating Filtered query in Elasticsearch Java API.
SearchRequestBuilder class has setPostFilter method, javadoc of this method clearly says that filter will be applied after Query is executed.
However, there is no setFilter method Or some other method which will allow to apply filter before
query is executed. How do I create filtered Query(which basically applies filter before query is executed) here? Am I missing something?
FilteredQueryBuilder builder =
It will build the filtered query...To filteredQuery, first argument is query and second arguments is Filter.
Update: Filtered query is depreciated in elasticsearch 2.0+.refer
Hope it helps..!
QueryBuilders.filteredQuery is deprecated in API v. 2.0.0 and later.
Instead, filters and queries have "equal rights". FilterBuilders no longer exists and all filters are built using QueryBuilders.
To implement the query with filter only (in this case, geo filter), you would now do:
QueryBuilder query = QueryBuilders.geoDistanceQuery("location")
.point(center.getLatitude(), center.getLongitude())
.distance(radius, DistanceUnit.METERS);
// and then...
SearchResponse resp = client.prepareSearch(index).setQuery(query);
If you want to query by two terms, you would need to use boolQuery with must:
QueryBuilder query = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
.must(QueryBuilders.termQuery("user", "ben"))
.must(QueryBuilders.termQuery("rank", "mega"));
// and then...
SearchResponse resp = client.prepareSearch(index).setQuery(query);
In case you just want to execute filter without query, you can do like this:
FilteredQueryBuilder builder = QueryBuilders.filteredQuery(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery(),
Ref: Filtering without a query
It seems that by wrapping the query (a BoolQueryBuilder object) by giving it as an argument to boolQuery().filter(..) and then setting that in the setQuery() as you suggested- then this can be achieved. The "score" key in the response is always 0 (though documents are found)
Be careful here! If the score is 0, the score has been calculated. That means the query is still in query context and not in filter context. In filter context the score is set to 1.0 (without calculation) source
To create a query in filter context without calculation of the score (score = 1.0) do the following (Maybe there is still a better way?):
QueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilders.constantScoreQuery(QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("name", "blub)));
This returns the same results like:
GET /indexName/typeName/_search
"filter": {
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{ "match": {
"name": "blub"
Since FilteredQueryBuilder is deprecated in the recent versions, one can use the QueryBuilders.boolQuery() instead, with a must clause for the query and a filter clause for the filter.
import static org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders.*;
QueryBuilder builder = boolQuery().must(termQuery("test", "test")).filter( boolQuery().must(termQuery("test", "test")));

Is there a way to get results of solr grouping using Solr Net

I want to try new solr collapsing/grouping included in solr 3.3, i have tried queries on solr Admin page and that works absolutely right but when I try to query in my c# code using solr net that does not seem to work as expected. Here is how I am setting the param values
options.ExtraParams = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
new KeyValuePair<string,string>("group","true"),
new KeyValuePair<string,string>("group.field","AuthorID"),
Yes, you can use Grouping (formerly known as Field Collapsing) with SolrNet, it was introduced in the SolrNet 0.4.0 alpha1 release. Here are the release notes on the author's blog about this support being added in. So you will need to grab that version (or later) from Google Code(binaries) or GitHub(source). Also here is an example of using grouping from the unit tests in the source - Grouping Tests
public void FieldGrouping()
var solr = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ISolrBasicOperations<Product>>();
var results = solr.Query(SolrQuery.All, new QueryOptions
Grouping = new GroupingParameters()
Fields = new [] { "manu_exact" },
Format = GroupingFormat.Grouped,
Limit = 1,
Console.WriteLine("Group.Count {0}", results.Grouping.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(1, results.Grouping.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(true, results.Grouping.ContainsKey("manu_exact"));
